1.1 AIM To determine which type of car is fastest around a V8 Supercar track.

1.2 HYPOTHESIS Propose a hypothesis that addresses this aim. In the hypothesis, · clearly identify the types of car being compared · predict which type of car is expected to be faster · briefly justify the prediction, referring to ideas explored in the Introduction

This hypothesis may need to be refined as more information becomes available



Using this aim of the investigation, identify the independent variable (i.e. the variable that will be changed) and the dependent variable (i.e. the variable to be measured).

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

List any other variables that could affect the speed of a car. These are the control variables. These should be controlled (i.e. kept the same), if possible.

Control variables:

In the list above, identify any variables that cannot be controlled by circling them. Design a procedure to measure the time taken for a car to do one lap around the V8 Supercar track. This lap time will need to be measured for at least 3 cars of each type. Write the method in the space below.

List any equipment required.

Discuss any safety risks associated with this experiment with your teacher.



Calculate the mean lap time for the first type of car. (show your working here)

Calculate the median lap time for the first type of car. (show your working here)

Discuss which of these values is better as an average to represent these lap times. Record this value as the average lap time. (show your working here)

Repeat this process for each type of car. (show your working here)

Calculate the range of the lap times for each type of car. Hint: the range is the difference between the fastest lap time and the slowest lap time. (show your working here) 3.2 DATA TRANSFORMATION

The average speed of a V8 Supercar is measured by dividing the distance travelled by the time taken to travel that distance. The equation is average speed = distance ÷ speed

Choose appropriate pronumerals to represent these quantities and rewrite this equation using these pronumerals.

Quantity Pronumeral average speed



(Write your equation here)

Conduct research to determine the distance in kilometres a V8 Supercar will travel by completing one lap of the circuit.

d = km

Convert this lap distance from kilometres to metres. (Show your working.)

d = km = m

Substitute the lap distance and the mean lap time of each type of car into the equation you developed earlier to calculate the average speed of this car. State your answers in metres per second (m/s). Show your working below. (show your working here) Convert these speeds into kilometres per hour (km/h). Hint: convert the distance back into km and convert the lap time into hours. Show your working below. (show your working here)

3.3 PRESENTATION OF RESULTS Construct a graph showing the average speeds of each type of car. Consider which type of graph would best illustrate the difference between these average speeds.


Compare the average speeds of each of the types of car.

Compare these findings to the hypothesis.

Explain how these findings can be explained in terms of the forces acting on each type of car

SECTION FOUR: EVALUATION 4.2 EVALUATION Discuss the consistency of the lap time results for each car. Identify any anomalies or outliers.

Propose at least one practical improvement or extension to the method. In each case, identify the problem or limitation in the method that the improvement would address.


5.1 STATEMENT OF CONCLUSION Discuss whether the evidence collected suggests that one type of car is faster than another.

Restate the average speed of each type of car.

Compare these findings to the hypothesis.

5.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS List the names of any people who have helped in planning or conducting this investigation.

5.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY Acknowledge any secondary sources used by constructing a bibliography.