Dogs Victoria Submission for Changes to the Ankc Rules for Tracking
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June 2017
Part 1
The changes described in the first part of this document are editorial in nature and are not intended to constitute changes to the substance of the rules. The primary motivation for these proposed changes is to improve the ANKC Rule Book for Tracking.
NB In the case of some very minor alterations, underlining is used to help identify the suggested change. Such underlining is only to identify changes and should not be included in the Rule Book.
Tracking Dog (T.D.) Change to: Tracking Dog (TD)
Tracking Dog Excellent (T.D.X.) Change to: Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX)
Rationale: acronyms and related abbreviations are conventionally written without full stops eg. BHP, NAB, USA, KPMG. Dog owners and any others who are unsure about how to abbreviate a particular title may turn to the Rule Book as an authoritative source so it is desirable that the Rule Book show the abbreviations in the same form as they should appear in Certified Pedigrees.
Also, ANKC Regulations Part 6 The Register and Registration (Amended October 2016) includes Section 7 Title endorsements including Title Endorsements on Registration Certificates. These regulations are consistent with the changes outlined above in that Reg. 7.1 states:
“Dogs awarded O.C. – “OCH” will appear before the dog’s name.”
Interestingly, Reg. 7.2 is: “Dogs awarded T.Ch. – the title will appear before the dog’s name”. Accordingly, it is suggested that T.Ch. should continue to be used as the abbreviation for Tracking Champion but, consistent with the official use of OCH, abbreviations such as TD and TDX should appear without any full stops.
DOGS VICTORIA SUBMISSION FOR CHANGES TO THE ANKC RULES FOR TRACKING - June 2017 Page 1 2018 NOTC MTG – ATTACHMENT 6e p. 5 TITLES Repeat the above changes where T.D. and T.D.X. appear in this section (4 each) p. 5 TITLES (F) No further qualifying Certificates can be awarded once these titles have been gained.
Change to: No further Qualifying Certificates can be awarded once this title has been gained.
Rationale: the previous sentence only refers to the T.Ch. title so should be singular not plural. p. 6 JUDGES Change T.D. and T.D.X. to TD and TDX respectively as on p. 3.
Also, note that new abbreviations for Tracking Champion are introduced on this page, namely T Ch and T.CH compared to the previous T.Ch. As discussed above, T.Ch. should be used consistently throughout the Rule Book. p. 6 JUDGES (F) ….within 7days of the Trial.
Change to: …within 7 days of the Trial. ie insert space after “7”
Rationale: Correction of typo. p. 7 TRACKLAYER (C) second paragraph …take the Handler and Dog…
Change to: …take the Handler and dog…
Rationale: to be consistent with the rest of the Rule Book where dog is used throughout, (except in this case and where the same sentence is used in the current descriptions of Tests 7 and 8). p. 10 CHANGE OF DIRECTION
Rationale: For a person walking a track the shallowest allowable turn involves a change in direction of 30 degrees. To refer to this as 150 degrees is counter intuitive and inconsistent with established practice in surveying and navigation.
Note: if the approach used to describe angles is changed as suggested here, it will be necessary to revise Diagrams 1 to 4 and to revise the descriptions of changes of direction in the details of each of the tests on pp. 11 to 13.
Suggest inserting the heading “ACUTE TURNS” or “ACUTE CHANGES OF DIRECTION” above Diagrams 3 and 4 to distinguish them from Diagrams 1 and 2. p. 11 GRADINGS C A dog that does not indicate an article on any test will receive a downgrading in their result.
Change to: A dog that does not indicate an article on any test will receive a downgrading in its result.
Rationale: “their” is appropriate when referring to a possession of a person, but not of an animal.
Test 1 – Known Person Last sentence: The Tracklayer or final article must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to: The Tracklayer or Finish Article of the known person must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.
Rationale: to be consistent with the wording used for Test 2 where the requirement is the same but the article is referred to differently. p. 11 TRACKING DOG (TD)
Test 2 – Known Person Last sentence current version: …for a dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to: for the dog to obtain a Pass.
Note: The same change is also needed in the descriptions of Tests 3, 4, 7 and 8.
Rationale: it is the dog being tested that is relevant, not any other dog so it should be referred to as the dog. p. 12 TRACKING DOG EXCELLENT (TDX)
Test 5 – Unknown Person
First sentence: This will be similar to Test. 4 except that…
Change to: This will be similar to Test 4 except that…
Second sentence The Cross Track/s should be…
Change to: The Cross Tracks should be…
Rationale: correction of typos
After the existing description of the test, insert the sentence:
The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.
Rationale: Correction of an apparent oversight: the descriptions of all other Tests conclude with this sentence but it is not included in the description of Test 5 p. 13 TRACKING CHAMPION TEST
Rationale: The corresponding headings on pp. 11-12 do not contain the word “TEST”. p. 13 Test 7 – Unknown person and Test 8 – Unknown person
Change to: Test 7 – Unknown Person and Test 8 – Unknown Person
Rationale: to be consistent with the headings for Tests 1 to 6. p. 13 Test 7 and Test 8, third paragraph: Three articles….to obtain a Pass
Change to: Three articles….to obtain a Pass.
Rationale: Full stop required at end of sentence. p. 13 Test 7, fifth paragraph ….take the Handler and Dog to…
Change to: ….take the Handler and dog to… p. 14 Second paragraph, ….take the Handler and Dog to…
Change to: ….take the Handler and dog to…
Rationale: to be consistent with the rest of the Rule Book where dog is used throughout, (except in these cases and where the same sentence is used in (C) second paragraph on page 7).
Part 2
Point (A) currently reads:
All Tracking tests must be conducted with the dog in a suitable harness and a lead of a minimum length to ten (10) metres. The lead must be connected to the harness.
Change to read:
All Tracking tests must be conducted with the dog in a suitable harness and a lead of a minimum length to ten (10) metres. The lead must be connected to the harness and should be held by the Handler while the dog is tracking. Dropping the lead temporarily is acceptable, provided that the dog remains under control.
It is implicit in the Rules that the lead should be held by the Handler but there may be times when the lead is dropped for short periods. For example, a Handler may drop the lead in order to praise their dog for finding an article. Also, if the lead becomes jammed in an object or wrapped around a tree it may be necessary to drop the lead momentarily so that it can be grasped at a different point in order to free it. Hence it is desirable to make the requirement explicit, while allowing for the possibility that the lead may be dropped for short periods without penalty.
Point (D) currently reads:
The dog must be worked at the length of leash suitable to the terrain.
Change to read:
The dog must be worked at a length of lead suitable to the terrain.
The wording “the length…..” implies that there is some unique length of lead that is most suitable for any given terrain. Of course, this is not so and individuals will inevitably differ in their opinions about what length of lead is most suitable. Hence “a length…” is better wording. Also, this is the only place where the term “leash” appears in the current Rule Book instead of the more usual terminology “lead”.
Point (N) currently reads:
The minimum time lapse between the Tracks being used a second time on the same ground must be twelve hours, except in the event of an aborted Track where a Track may be used after a minimum time of six (6) hours.
Change to read:
The minimum time lapse between the Tracks being used a second time on the same ground must be four hours after the Track has initially been used and finalised, except in the case of Test One where the Track may not be used again on the same day.
Better use of land. Experience with TSD has shown that dogs can successfully follow the most recent scent when tracks are re-laid three hours after being used. Given that a Test 1 track is much shorter than other tracks, any site that is suitable for trials should be sufficiently large that there is no need to use Test 1 tracks more than once per day.
Points (T) currently reads:
The Cross Track must not cross the Track within thirty (30) metres of a turn. The Cross Track must be at approximately 90 degrees to the Track for a distance of approximately thirty (30) metres but not less than twenty (20) metres either side of the Track and the walking in and walking out routes of the Cross Track should be approximately thirty (30) metres but not less than twenty (20) metres from the Track.
Change to read:
Delete the entire section.
Removal of all cross tracks from Tests five (5) to eight (8). The question is what they achieve.
The rule was created to ‘test’ a dog’s ability to maintain contact with the original track, if the dog took the Cross Track to a far distance point – this resulted in failure. The rule was also created when dog tracking was not as popular as it is now in the 2000’s and many people are now preparing their
DOGS VICTORIA SUBMISSION FOR CHANGES TO THE ANKC RULES FOR TRACKING - June 2017 Page 5 2018 NOTC MTG – ATTACHMENT 6e dogs for tracking on all forms of public domains, such as parks /football ovals and other open spaces where unintentional cross tracks are consistently performed by ‘innocent’ members of the public and their dog/s. Members living in country locations do not have such large numbers of ‘innocent’ public members as metropolitan members have, however they have regularly indicated that their cross tracks are performed by wild animals – either running/jumping or crawling over their original tracks, and that wild animal cross tracks are more distracting than human and domestic dog cross tracks.
Cross Tracks are achieving nothing for our sport and are a waste of our valuable time.
The following shows the removal of the Cross Tracks from Tests 5 to Test 8 plus the increasing of difficulty via additional changes of direction and time delays at the various Tests.
Tracking / Test Five (5) – Unknown Person.
Currently reads:
This will be similar to Test 4 except that the Track must be crossed twice by Cross Tracks and one or two unknown persons may lay these. The Cross Track/s should be laid approximately 30 minutes after the original Tracklayer has passed. A minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to read:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,000 metres. The Track will have a minimum of 5 (Five) changes of direction of between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2). Three articles must be placed on the Track. The minimum time lapse for the commencement of this Track must be 60 minutes and the maximum 120 minutes, from the time the Track is laid. A minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for a dog to obtain a Pass.
Increasing the number of changes of direction (C.O.D.) to five (5). This extra C.O.D. creates another obstacle for the dog / team; ensures there is a clear difference between Tests Four (4) and Five (5) and is appropriate ‘compensation’ for the removal of the ‘Cross Track’
Tracking / Test Six (6) – Unknown Person.
Currently reads:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres.
The Track will have a minimum of 5 changes of directions: one of these must be between 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4) the other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2). The first change of direction will be in accordance with diagrams 1 or 2. Three articles must be placed on the Track. The Track shall be crossed twice by Cross Tracks and one or two unknown persons may lay these. The Cross Tracks must be laid approximately 30 minutes after the original Tracklayer has passed. The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 60 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the Track was laid. A minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to read:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres. The Track will have a minimum of Six (6) changes of directions: one of these must be between 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4) the other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2). The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 60 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the Track was laid. The first change of direction will be in accordance with diagrams 1 or 2. Three articles must be placed on the Track. A minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for the dog to obtain a Pass.
As per rationale for Test Five (5) above. There is clear difference between Tests Five (5) and Six (6) due by the increase in C.O.D. and one (1) acute C.O.D.
Tracking / Test Seven (7) – Unknown Person
Currently reads:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres. The Track will have a minimum of six changes of direction; two of these will be between approximately 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4), all other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2), the first change of direction to be no less than one hundred (100) metres from the start. Three articles must be placed on the Track; a minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass The start must be a minimum of thirty (30) metres from roads, fences, rivers or other permanent barriers. There will be a small marking flag where the Tracklayer will start from to enable them to line up with the next flag on the Track. The Tracklayer will take this marker flag with them. The starting line flags will remain. A minimum of thirty (30) metres before the starting line, the Tracklayer will place one of his scented articles in a clean sealable bag. He may place this bag in a clean, unscented, individual air-tight container supplied by the Judge or their nominee. The Judge will, when the track has aged sufficiently, take the Handler and Dog to approximately thirty (30) metres from the starting line
DOGS VICTORIA SUBMISSION FOR CHANGES TO THE ANKC RULES FOR TRACKING - June 2017 Page 7 2018 NOTC MTG – ATTACHMENT 6e open the container, if used, and the scented article is removed by the Handler, who is then free to start tracking. There will be two Cross Tracks that may be laid by one or two unknown persons. Cross tracks will be laid according to the Judge’s direction. The Cross Tracks must be laid approximately 30 minutes after the original Tracklayer has passed The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 90 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the original Tracklayer crosses the starting line. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for a dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to read:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres. The Track will have a minimum of seven changes of direction; two of these will be between approximately 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4), all other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2), the first change of direction to be no less than one hundred (100) metres from the start. Three articles must be placed on the Track; a minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass The start must be a minimum of thirty (30) metres from roads, fences, rivers or other permanent barriers. There will be a small marking flag where the Tracklayer will start from to enable them to line up with the next flag on the Track. The Tracklayer will take this marker flag with them. The starting line flags will remain. A minimum of thirty (30) metres before the starting line, the Tracklayer will place one of his scented articles in a clean sealable bag. He may place this bag in a clean, unscented, individual air-tight container supplied by the Judge or his nominee. The Judge will, when the track has aged sufficiently, take the Handler and Dog to approximately thirty (30) metres from the starting line open the container, if used, and the scented article is removed by the Handler, who is then free to start tracking. The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 60 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the original Tracklayer crosses the starting line. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for a dog to obtain a Pass.
As per rationale for Test Six (6) above. There are clear difference between Tests Six (6) and Seven (7) due by the increase in C.O.D. and two (2) acute C.O.D. Reducing the minimum time lapse to coincide with the Test Six (6) is to compensate for the increase in the number of turns but also to allow a clear difference between Test Seven (7) and Test Eight (8).
Tracking / Test Eight (8) – Unknown Person
Currently reads:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres. The Track will have a minimum of six changes of direction; two of these will be between approximately 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4), all other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2), the first change of direction to be no less than one hundred (100) metres from the start.
Three articles must be placed on the Track; a minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass. The start must be a minimum of thirty (30) metres from roads, fences, rivers or other permanent barriers. There will be a small marking flag where the Tracklayer will start from to enable them to line up with the next flag on the Track. The Tracklayer will take this marker flag with them. The starting line flags will remain. A minimum of thirty (30) metres before the starting line, the Tracklayer will place one of his scented articles in a clean sealable bag. He may place this bag in a clean, unscented, individual air-tight container supplied by the Judge or his nominee. The Judge will, when the track has aged sufficiently, take the Handler and Dog to approximately thirty (30) metres from the starting line open the container, if used, and the scented article is removed by the Handler, who is then free to start tracking. There will be two Cross Tracks that may be laid by one or two unknown persons. Cross tracks will be laid according to the Judge’s direction. The Cross Tracks must be laid approximately 30 minutes after the original Tracklayer has passed. The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 90 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the original Tracklayer crosses the starting line. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for a dog to obtain a Pass.
Change to read:
The dog is required to track an unknown person for approximately 1,200 metres. The Track will have a minimum of eight changes of direction; two of these will be between approximately 45 degrees and 90 degrees (refer diagrams 3 and 4), all other changes of directions will be between approximately 90 degrees and 150 degrees (refer diagrams 1 and 2), the first change of direction to be no less than one hundred (100) metres from the start. Three articles must be placed on the Track; a minimum of two articles must be indicated by the dog to obtain a Pass. The start must be a minimum of thirty (30) metres from roads, fences, rivers or other permanent barriers. There will be a small marking flag where the Tracklayer will start from to enable them to line up with the next flag on the Track. The Tracklayer will take this marker flag with them. The starting line flags will remain. A minimum of thirty (30) metres before the starting line, the Tracklayer will place one of his scented articles in a clean sealable bag. They may place this bag in a clean, unscented, individual air-tight container supplied by the Judge or his nominee. The Judge will, when the track has aged sufficiently, take the Handler and Dog to approximately thirty (30) metres from the starting line open the container, if used, and the scented article is removed by the Handler, who is then free to start tracking. The minimum time lapse for the commencement of the Track must be 90 minutes and the maximum 180 minutes, from the time the original Tracklayer crosses the starting line. The Tracklayer or Finish Article must be found at the end of the Track for a dog to obtain a Pass.
There are clear differences between Tests Seven (7) and Eight (8) due to the change in time lapse and the removal of the ‘Cross Track’ as described in paragraphs four (4) to nine (9) and the increase in C.O.D.
Lynn Klecka Victoria Delegate & Deputy Chair ANKC National Obedience, Tracking and Endurance Committee