From: Bergeon, David T
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From: Bergeon, David T Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:44 PM Subject: Certification Recognition Guide
Memo To: Managers/Supervisors UIHC HR Representatives
If you do not have SEIU covered staff members within your area of responsibility, you may disregard this e-mail.
Appendix F of the 2009 – 2011 SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement provides that bargaining unit staff members are eligible for “$500 annually, prorated for part time, paid in a single installment on August 1 of each year for recognition of staff obtaining and maintaining a position-related certification in an approved nationally recognized certification which is not a condition of employment for the occupied classification.” (See complete contract provision below.)
Staff members are responsible for applying for this payment between February 1 and March 25 (the contract provides for a March 15 deadline, but we are extending it because the notice to employees is tardy). They must have an appropriate certification by the end of the application period. New staff members are eligible for this compensation if they are appointed by March 25, 2010 and otherwise qualify.
Eligible staff must complete an application form and submit it to their manager along with verification of the certification.
Managers should: 1) Review the contract provision to assure complete understanding of eligibility. 2) Review the certification list (on The Point) to assure that the applying staff member is in a position and a unit that supports the certification identified; 3) Review the application and verification information; 4) Sign the application form if appropriate; 5) Submit it to the departmental HR representative for workflow completion; and 6) Notify the staff member that application has been submitted.
HR Representatives should: 1) Complete Workflow form “Special Compensation Payment” (no prior approval required) - SEIU Certification Recognition: For staff paid on UIHC accounts, use MFK 170 70 7875 00000 00000000 5997 000 00000 31 0000; For other staff, use an appropriate departmental MFK. 2) Assign payment to be made on August 1.
The list of position-related certifications approved for this recognition, as well as the application form, can be found on The Point under the “Everyday Tools and Resources” and listed as “Certification Recognition/Tertiary Health Care Bargaining Staff.” An email notification to SEIU bargaining unit staff will be sent shortly. If you have any questions, please contact your departmental HR representative or UI Health Care Human Resources.
From Appendix F of the 2009 – 2011 SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement: Certification Recognition for Tertiary Health Care Bargaining Unit Staff The Employer will provide compensation in an amount of $500 annually, prorated for part time, paid in a single installment on August 1 of each year for recognition of staff obtaining and maintaining a position-related certification in an approved nationally recognized certification which is not a condition of employment for the occupied classification. This differential is not a component of base salary and is not used as a basis for future pay. a) Payment is contingent on the staff member actively being assigned and working in a budgeted line position that provides patient care/services in the related area of the certification. b) UIHC HHR Department shall provide notification to SEIU, and shall make known to employees in the bargaining unit of the approved certification(s) by February 1 st of each calendar year. Employees may bring certifications forward for consideration. c) Application for Certification Differential It shall be the employee’s responsibility to submit an application for recognition and payment of a new or renewal of a certification differential: . Final approval of a certification for payment or an application submitted by an employee to receive the noted differential, either as a new application, renewal of an existing payment, or in the event of transfer or acceptance of a new position, is reserved as a right of management. . Certification Applications: Applications for payment of the certification differential for both new and renewal certifications shall only be accepted between February 1 and the March 15 of each calendar year for payment in the next fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
David Bergeon, JD, MBA UI Health Care HR 272 CMAB University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 (319) 353-5783