SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC) Syllabus-LET 1

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SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC) Syllabus-LET 1


22 August 2017

JROTC SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC) Syllabus-LET 1

1. Course Description. Woodland High School (WHS) Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC) is a congressionally mandated and funded course designed for high school students. The program’s mission is to: “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” It is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self- esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. 2. Course Objectives. The main objective of the WHS AJROTC program helps to prepare students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation. Upon successful completion of the course cadets will know and be able to:

a. Maximize potential for success through learning and self-management. b. Incorporate principles of mental and physical wellness into behaviors and decisions. c. Build effective relationships with peers, co-workers, and the community. d. Apply physical and political geography to building global awareness. e. Relate events in U.S. History to choices and responsibilities Americans have today. f. Build the capacity for life-long learning. g. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual and written techniques. h. Take responsibility for one’s actions and choices. i. Treat oneself and others with respect. j. Apply critical thinking abilities. 3. Course Prerequisites. Completion of Leadership Education and Training (LET) 1 before enrollment in LET 2; completion of LET 2 before enrollment in LET 3; completion of LET 3 before enrollment in LET 4, etc. 4. Course Content. The LET 1 is the first year for a cadet. This cadet can be a freshman sophomore, junior or senior and their curriculum covers the following units: Foundations of JROTC, Leadership Skills and Foundations for Success. The curriculum also includes a number of additional activities unique to the AJROTC cadets such as the Drill, Color Guard, Raider, and Rifle teams. There is also the opportunity to attend a one week summer camp which stresses adventure, leadership skills, and drill and ceremony training. JROTC SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Course (AJROTC) Syllabus

5. Enrollment Requirements. To be eligible for enrollment and continuance as a member of the AJROTC unit, each cadet/student must meet the following requirements a. Education. Full-time student. b. Academic standing. The student must maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement and standing as required by AJROTC and the school. c. Conduct and character. Cadets must maintain an acceptable standard of conduct. d. Physical Ability. The student must be able to participate in the physical education program in the school. e. JROTC Uniform. The student must agree to wear the Army JROTC uniform one school day per week.

6. Disenrollment. At the discretion of the SAI, and with the approval of the school’s administration, a Cadet will be considered for disenrollment when the following occurs:

a. Withdraw from school. b. Fail to keep an acceptable standard of academics, conduct, appearance, or attendance. c. Lying, cheating, or stealing. d. Use or possession of illegal drugs or substances. e. Frequent incidents of a discreditable nature with civil or school authorities or other similar acts. f. Frequent absences or persistent tardiness from class or drill. g. Accumulation of a large number of demerits or other documented measurements

7. Materials/Equipment/Resources a. Parental Forms. All cadets must have a signed parental release and statement of health on file to remain in and participate in AJROTC. There are no exceptions to this policy. These forms will be handed out in class to bring home and cadets will return the signed release within the first two weeks of school or they will not allowed to participate in WHS AJROTC which may result in failure. All cadets must bring a pen/pencil/paper to class daily. (Binders will be provided by the cadre staff) All cadets will be required to have a serviceable pair of running or good walking shoes. (PT uniforms will be provided by AJROTC department) b. Uniform. All cadets will be issued a complete U.S. Army cadet uniform. It is the cadet’s responsibility to maintain all uniform items in good condition, including dry cleaning if necessary or as needed. If items of the uniform are lost or damaged a debt card will be submitted to the administrative office of the school and it becomes the cadet’s responsibility to replace the item(s) by paying for them. If the cadet is disenrolled from the program or leaves school, all uniform items must be cleaned and returned to the AJROTC Department. Any missing items will be paid for or the cadet will not receive final grades and/or transcripts from the school.


2 SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Course (AJROTC) Syllabus

8. Evaluation and Grading. Cadets are constantly being evaluated whether in AJROTC class or not. In addition to school policies on grooming and behavior, there are additional policies that are unique to the AJROTC program.

a. Tests/Quizzes/Exams-Cadets will be given a test or quiz during or after each unit on instruction.

b. Uniform-Cadets are required to wear the uniform each week on Tuesday-ALL DAY!!!. Cadets can make up excused misses (instructor approved or attendance office verified) at 85%. All make-ups must be made up on the day immediately following the missed uniform day or a zero will be given for that uniform day. Cadets who are consistently absent on uniform day (2 in quarter) will be required to make-up the missed days or be given a zero for the days missed. *The possible score for each uniform day is 100 points. This grade is evaluated on all uniform days. The evaluated items are listed below with a possible score of 20 pts. each:

 Uniform clean and pressed  Haircut/Shave/Hair UP  Shined brass  Shoes cleaned  Uniform items properly placed

c. Physical Training (PT)-Physical fitness training is mandatory and scheduled every Wednesday and Friday. Students are required to wear the issued PT uniform on Wednesday and appropriate PT attire on Friday. The cadets will be required to complete the Cadet Challenge test twice a year. Failing to participate (wearing plain clothes and being involved in activities) will cause a loss of points for each occurrence. NOTE: Some Fridays may be combination of drill and ceremonies and PT.

d. Assignments–Classwork or homework assigned may be turned in and graded for completion or accuracy.

e. Participation-In addition to class participate a cadet must participate in: (1) at least four community or competition activities during the school year; (2) the school's flag detail (raising or lowering flag at the beginning or end of the school day); 3) Color guard detail or 4) Drill team in order to receive the full participation points for the quarter.

f. Merits/Demerits-Good conduct is expected of all Cadets at all times. This grade is determined by Cadet's conduct in AJROTC class, other classes, and in public. Additionally, proper courtesy to teachers, administrators, and senior ranking cadets, staying alert in classes, following instructions, and tactfulness are critical factors in determining this grade. Cadets exhibiting exceptional conduct will be awarded merits, which will be added to the final grade. Cadets exhibiting poor conduct will be penalized with demerits, which may affect their final grade. JROTC

3 SUBJECT: Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Course (AJROTC) Syllabus

8. Evaluation and Grading (cont.) g. Grading percentages below are the same for LET 1. These weights were determined by the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) in accordance with the standards set by Cadet Command. Cadets in the LET 1 classes will be given one elective credit for JROTC 1 for the first semester and one elective credit for Drill the second semester; eventhough cadets will follow the grading weights below for each semester. Class participation includes all class written assignments and physical training (PT) participation. Uniform percentages includes weekly PT uniform requirement, i.e. cadet must dress in PT attire.* Failure to wear the issued uniform once week will result in a reduce grade.

JROTC LET 1 Test 20% Uniform 25% Class 30% Participation Quizzes 15% Homework 10% Merits/Demeri +/-up to 5pts ts

JROTC DRILL-LET 1 Test 20% Quizzes 15% Homework 10% Participation 30% Uniform 25% Merits/Demeri +/- up to 5pts ts

9. Instructor contact information: LTC (Retired) Wanda J Robinson (Senior Army Instructor), work# (843) 563-5956 ext.522, email; wrobinson@dd4, SFC (Retired) Kevin D Simpson (Army Instructor), desk#843-563-5956 ext. 520, email: [email protected].

WJ Robinson KD Simpson Wanda J Robinson Kevin D. Simpson LTC, USA (Retired) SFC, USA (Retired) Senior Army Instructor Army Instructor

4 Parent Signature______


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