Principles of Law Final Exam 2016/17
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Principles of Law Final Exam 2016/17
1. _____ Which level of proof is based on no factual information?
A. Mere hunch
B. Probable cause
C.Reasonable suspicion
D.Beyond a reasonable doubt
2. _____ Which level of proof allows officers to stop, frisk, or question a person?
A. Beyond a reasonable doubt
B. Probable cause
C. Mere hunch
D. Reasonable suspicion
3. _____ Which level of proof would suggest to officers that a reasonable officer or person would believe that a person is involved in criminal activity under the same circumstances?
A. Probable cause
B. Reasonable suspicion
C. Beyond a reasonable doubt
D. Mere hunch 4. _____ Which level of proof contains facts or evidence that a crime has been, will be or is being committed?
A. Mere hunch
B. Beyond a reasonable doubt
C. Probable cause
D. Reasonable suspicion
5. _____ Which level of proof allows an officer to arrest or search?
A. Beyond a reasonable doubt
B. Mere hunch
C. Probable cause
D. Reasonable suspicion
6. _____ What level of proof is required in a criminal trial?
A. Clear and convincing evidence
B. Preponderance
C. Probable cause
D. Beyond a reasonable doubt
7. _____ A suspect may exhibit behavior that is consistent with committing a crime, such as attempting to destroy evidence, evasive answers, or resisting officers. These behaviors are considered to be
A. Evidence that a crime has occurred
B. Probable cause
C. Reasonable suspicion D. Probable cause building blocks
8. _____ Actual, corporeal, and forcible detention defines what type of custody?
A. Restraint
B. Constructive custody
C. Arrest
D. Confinement
9. _____ General authority exercised over others within certain limits is which of the following?
A. Arrest
B. Constructive custody
C. Restraint
D. Custody
10._____ Which Supreme Court case says that restriction of a person’s liberty may occur whether through physical force or the person’s submission to authority?
A. Tennesse v. Garner
B. Coolidge v. New Hampshire
C. Terry v. Ohio
D. Medford v. State
Answer choices for 11-20 (Matching):
A. Human Trafficking
B. Electronic crimes C. Hate Crimes
D. Hot Pursuit
E. Use of force with special populations
11. _____ United States v. Salerno
12. _____ Marsall v. City of Portland
13. _____ United States v. Kyo Hwa Adler
14. _____ Champion v. Outlook Nashville, Inc.
15. _____ Southern District of New York v. Melissa G. King
16. _____ Scott v. Harris
17. _____ United States v. Do Hyup Bae
18. _____ The pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law by law enforcement
19. _____ A criminal action against an individual or a group which is motivated by hatred of race, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, ethnicity, or national origin; can be an act of intimidation, threats, property damage, assault, and even murder
20. _____ A form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others
21. _____ Two levels of courts that have the same authority to try the same type of cases
A. Probate court
B. Concurrent jurisdiction
C. Trial de novo
D. Court of record 22. _____ When a defendant is granted a completely new trial, it is called what?
A. Trial de novo
B. Concurrent jurisdiction
C. Probate
D. Court of record
23. _____ Proving a deceased person’s will is valid, identifying and inventorying his or her property, having that property appraised, paying his or her debts and taxes, and distributing his or her remaining property as the will directs are all cases that would be heard in which court?
A. Juvenile court
B. Family court
C. Probate court
D. Criminal court
24. _____ The two lowest level courts
A. Court of Appeals/District Court
B. District Court/Constitutional County Court
C. County Court at Law/Municipal Court
D. Municipal Court/Justice of the Peace
25. _____ Which court has jurisdiction over civil cases involving dangerous dogs?
A. Municipal Court
B. County Court at Law C. Justice of the Peace
D. District Court
26. _____ Which court is responsible for death inquiries for inmates that die in custody?
A. Municipal
B. Constitutional County Court
C. Justice of the Peace
D. County Court at Law
27. _____ Which of the following is not a state level court?
A. District Court
B. Probate Court
C. Court of Appeals
D. Texas Supreme Court
28. _____ Which court was created by the constitution to serve all 254 counties in Texas?
A. Statutory County Court at Law
B. District Court
C. Constitutional County Court
D. Texas Supreme Court
29. _____ In which court does the judge serve as the head of the county government?
A. County Court at Law
B. District Court
C. Justice of the Peace D. Constitutional County Court
30._____ Which county court was created to alleviate the judicial role from the Constitutional
County Court?
A. County Court at Law
B. District Court
C. Justice of the Peace
D. Municipal Court
31-40 Matching (Answer choices are below 40)
31) _____ "Scarlet Letter" punishments
32) _____ Incarceration
33) _____ Weekend sentencing
34) _____ Shock probation
35) _____ Work release
36) _____ Fines
37) _____ Asset forfeiture
38) _____ Probation
39) _____ Diversion
40) _____ Community Service
a. Seizure of personal assets, used in or obtained from illegal activity, by the government
b. Highly regimented program styled after the military to instill discipline and hold youths accountable c. A period of probation along with a period of incarceration
d. Offenders report to jail during nonwork hours
e. Monetary amount paid to the court in lieu of confinement
f. Offender is monitored by electronic means and may not leave their house except for certain reasons
g. Charges are dropped after the person completes a condition such as a treatment program
h. Money paid to victim for damages and suffering
i. Punishment through shaming, such as child molesters having to place signs in their yards stating such. j. Period of confinement to either jail or prison
k. Serves sentence in the community; offenders must abide by special guidelines
l. Required work for the government or a non-profit agency without pay
m. Offenders report to jail only during weekends or other designated times
41. Jails house what type(s) of offenders? a. Misdemeanor b. Felony c. Both d. Neither
42. Prisons house what type(s) of offenders? a. Misdemeanors b. Both c. Felonies d. Neither 43. Johnny commits Possession of Prohibited Weapon, which is a Class A offense.
He can be sentenced with what penalty? a. 2 years/$4,000 fine b. 180 days/$500 fine c. 2 years/$2,000 fine d. 180 days/$2,000 fine
44. Rachel receives a ticket for speeding. Can Rachel be arrested? a. Yes b. No
45. Jason is serving a State Jail sentence for theft of livestock ($1,500-$5,000). What is the punishment range that Jason can be sentenced to? a. 2-10 years b. 1 year c. 180 days-2 years d. None, Jason can receive probation
46. What is the punishment for a Class C ticket? a. $500 fine/30 days in jail b. $500 fine only c. $2,000 fine/180 days jail d. None of the above 47. Gerard has a baggie of less than 2 oz of marijuana in his pocket. He is charged with a Class B offense for possession. What might his punishment be? a. 2 years/$4,000 fine b. 2 years/$2,000 fine c. 180 days/$4,000 fine d. 180 days/$2,000 fine
48. What is the punishment for a 1st degree felony? a. 2-10 years/$10K fine b. 2-20 years/#10K fine c. 2-99 years/$10K fine d. Death
49. What is the punishment for a 2nd degree Felony? a. 2-10 years/$10K fine b. 2-20 years/$10K fine c. 2-99 years/$10K fine d. Death
50. What is the punishment for a 3rd degree felony? a. 2-10 years/$10K fine b. 2-20 years/$10K fine c. 2-99 years/$10K fine d. Death
51. Which of the following is not a first responder?
A. Security system
B. Police
C. Fire
D. EMS (Emergency Medical Service)
52. A first responder might have to provide emergency medical services, respond to death investigations, or block traffic.
A. True
B. False
53. Which of the following comes before an individual can appear in court on criminal charges?
A. The individual must be convicted of the charges
B. The individual is sentenced to prison
C. The individual must be issued a class C ticket or arrested on misdemeanor/felony charges
D. The individual is sentenced to probation
54. The court’s role is to dispose of criminal charges. A person cannot have contact with the court without first being contacted by______?
A. EMS B. Fire
C. Police
D. Security systems
55. The Court system is the gateway for which of the other branches in the criminal justice system?
A. Police
B. Fire
D. Corrections
56. Which of the following is not a sentencing option from a guilty verdict in the court?
A. Probation
B. Jail
C. Not Guilty
D. Prison
57. The purpose of a security system is to monitor private property.
A. True
B. False
58. Which of the following is not a form of a security system?
A. Armed personnel
B. Unarmed personnel C. Equipment for monitoring
D. Police officer
59. First responders are interconnected with each other to serve and protect the public.
A. True
B. False
60. The role of the police includes all but which of the following duties?
A. Babysitting
B. Sentencing offenders
C. Enforcing criminal and traffic laws
D. Processing crime scenes
61. Which of the following are true about the private security industry? a. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts employment of private security personnel will grow in the next 10 years b. Many diverse opportunities exist within private security c. Becoming a private security professional requires meeting widely accepted, formal requirements d. Only a and b
62. Careers in private security a. Could include being an investigator but not a loss prevention specialist b. Include security technicians, protective specialists, surveillance officers, and patrol officers c. Are hard to find because the market is saturated d. None of the above
63. Private security in the U.S. a. Was nonexistent when the nation first started b. Grew out of unsuccessful attempts to create police forces c. Has been around from the beginning of the nation, and was the only means of protection for many years d. None of the above
64. Private security agencies a. Have moved beyond simply protecting property to maintaining order and investigating crimes b. Employ more people than law enforcement agencies c. Both a and b d. None of the above
65. While the actual amount of crime prevented by private security is not known a. We do know the amount of money saved by private security b. It is believed to be immense c. Both a and b d. None of the above
66. Private security is a key element in protecting our homeland from terrorism because a. The private sector owns 85 percent of the nation’s infrastructure b. Only nongovernment employees know who the terrorists really are c. The government is not concerned with protecting the U.S. from terrorism d. None of the above
67. Obstacles to public-private partnerships include a. Lack of trust in both directions b. Competition c. Different levels of training d. All of the above
68. To protect the U.S. effectively, law enforcement and private security must a. Work collaboratively because neither possesses the necessary resources to do the job alone b. Draw their lines of division clearly so that neither steps on the other’s toes c. Look the other direction when criminals break the law d. None of the above
69. Private and public policing forces share a common goal of protecting the public a. And they celebrate that fact by collaborating in most arenas b. But public policing forces do most of the security work because they have more manpower c. However, the two industries have not cooperated to a great extent d. None of the above
70. Employment of private security personnel is expected to grow because of a. Heightened security concerns b. Growing need to protect confidential information and property c. Proliferation of Internet crime d. All of the above
Answers for 71-74 Matching : a) College b) Math c) Measurements d) Science
71. What is the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions; and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations?
72. What is knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method?
73. What institution do many agencies in the criminal justice system require a person to go to that requires a person to graduate from high school and take tests that cover math and science skills?
74. David is a State Trooper stationed at a weigh station. At this station he also confirms that all of the lights of tractor trailers are at the proper length. What type of math does he use? Answers for 75-78 Matching: a) Internet Security b) Accident Investigation c) Patrol d) Measurements
75. In what area do prime numbers, factoring, algorithms, and the like play a big role?
76. Statistics can be used in what type of situation?
77. Geometry can be used in what type of situation?
78. Susan is a detective. She is sketching a crime scene involving a dead body. She wants to accurately show on the diagram where the body is located. What type of math will she be using to determine this?
Answers for 79-82 Matching: a) Patterns and Comparisons b) Uniqueness c) Algebra d) Probability
79. In criminal profiling, what function of math is applicable?
80. What is recognized as a single solution in math?
81. Vanessa is a crime scene investigator who lifted fingerprints on a window at a crime scene. She will return to the police station to see if they match any fingerprints the police department has on file. What type of math will she use to find a positive identification of the fingerprints?
82. Trooper Smith is investigating a traffic accident. He measures the skid marks to help determine who is at fault. What type of math will he use to determine this?
Answers for 83-86 Matching: a) Accident Investigation b) Doppler Effect c) Breathalyzer d) Measurements or Conversions
83. What scientific device is used to determine the blood alcohol content in a person’s blood?
84. What does the Law of Conservation of Momentum apply to?
85. What scientific principle applies to police radar guns?
86. Jim is a patrol officer who finds a large amount of marijuana. What type of math will he use to determine the exact punishment of the suspect who possessed this marijuana?