NHS Tayside Eating Disorders Service is based in Dundee, and provides outpatient clinics in Dundee, Angus, and Perth and Kinross. The service offers specialist assessment and treatment to adults suffering from severe and/or enduring eating disorders, having access to psychological, nursing, psychiatric and dietetic interventions. The service also seeks to support the work of colleagues managing eating disorders at the Primary Care and Community Mental Health Team levels within NHS Tayside, through training events, consultation and advice. NHS Tayside Eating Disorders Service forms part of the North of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders and has access to inpatient beds at the Eden Unit, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen.

Current Clinical Staff . 0.6 wte Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Lead Clinician – Dr Paula Collin . 1.3 wte Clinical Psychologists – Dr Suzanne Deas (Perth and Kinross), Dr Diane Forrest (Dundee) and Ms Louise Hobbs (Angus) . 1.0 wte Specialist Nurse – Mr Brian Grieve . 0.8 wte Specialist Dietitian – Ms Kareen Taylor . 0.5 wte Consultant Psychiatrist – Dr Lesley Dolan . 0.4 wte Trainee Clinical Psychologist – Ms Vivien Smith . 0.1 wte Lead Mental Health Dietitian – Ms Elizabeth Stewart

Service Developments 2010/11 . Management responsibility for the service has transferred from Angus to Dundee Community Health Partnership in the past year, and the service base has shifted from Constitution House to 4 Dudhope Terrace, Dundee . Since August 2010, the service has been fully staffed for the first time, although the staffing profiles for Clinical Psychology and Dietetics have been altered slightly . Referrals to the service have increased significantly over the past year, prompting the introduction of group interventions such as that for Bulimia Nervosa. Referrals from the service to inpatient care providers have also increased (there have been nine admissions – seven to the Eden Unit – between April 2010 and March 2011) . The service has seen the full implementation of the MiDIS (clinical), SSTS (rostering) and TOPAS (administrative) electronic systems in the past year

Service Challenges and Innovations 2010/11 . Administrative support to the service has been compromised by an extended period of staff absence spanning December 2010 to date . Work continues around ensuring adequate access to videoconferencing materials and clinical records systems, in order to facilitate liaison across the North of Scotland in respect of the Managed Clinical Network and Eden Unit eating disorders inpatient service . Staff have developed a service resource pack covering all aspects of the management of eating disorders and for use by all Tayside healthcare staff. A range of patient and carer information leaflets have also been produced in collaboration with members of the North of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders . Service staff have worked with University of Dundee Student Health Service staff to establish a support group for eating disorders sufferers in Tayside . Mr Brian Grieve was awarded a grant to undertake the Edinburgh training course in Interpersonal Psychotherapy in April 2010, while Ms Vivien Smith won a bursary to attend the London Eating Disorders Conference in March 2011

Teaching Teaching on the management of eating disorders is provided by the service on an ongoing basis, to both professional and non-professional groups, locally and nationally, e.g., - . North of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders, presentation on complex cases – Ms Louise Hobbs . Angus Adult Psychological Therapies Service, presentation on motivational interviewing – Ms Louise Hobbs . University of Dundee medical undergraduate teaching – Dr Lesley Dolan . University of Stirling Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology teaching – Dr Paula Collin

Training Provided There is currently 1.0 wte (five-year, flexible) Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Ms Vivien Smith, attached to the service. In addition, short-term placements have been provided for student doctors and nurses over the past year. Training Undertaken . Cognitive Remediation Therapy Training Course (London, December 2010) – Dr Paula Collin . Interpersonal Psychotherapy Training Course (Edinburgh, April 2010) – Mr Brian Grieve . Eating Disorders Education and Training Scotland Supervisors’ Training Course – Dr Paula Collin, Dr Suzanne Deas, Mr Brian Grieve and Dr Lesley Dolan . NHS Education Scotland Generic Supervisors’ Training Course – Ms Louise Hobbs . Grampian Eating Disorders Conference (November 2010) – Ms Louise Hobbs, Mr Brian Grieve, Ms Kareen Taylor, Dr Lesley Dolan and Ms Vivien Smith (poster presentation) . London Eating Disorders Conference (March 2011) – Dr Paula Collin, Dr Lesley Dolan and Ms Vivien Smith (poster presentation)

Research Activities Psychology staff attached to the service continue to undertake eating disorder research in partnership with the Priory Hospital in Glasgow and, more recently, with the inpatient and outpatient eating disorders services based in Aberdeen. Research papers accepted for publication/published 2010/11: . The Effectiveness of, and Predictors of Response to, Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (Collin, Power, Karatzias, Grierson and Yellowlees) – Published, European Eating Disorders Review . A Mediational Model of Self-esteem and Social Problem Solving in Anorexia Nervosa (Paterson, Power, Collin, Grierson, Yellowlees and Park) – Published, European Eating Disorders Review . General Psychopathology in Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Psychosocial Factors (Karatzias, Chouliara, Power, Collin, Yellowlees and Grierson) – Published, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy . The Relationship Between Disordered Eating, Perceived Parenting and Perfectionistic Schemas (Deas, Power, Collin, Yellowlees and Grierson) – Published, Cognitive Therapy and Research

Committees/Professional Groups . Scottish Eating Disorders Interest Group – Dr Paula Collin, Dr Suzanne Deas (committee member), Ms Louise Hobbs, Mr Brian Grieve, Ms Kareen Taylor and Dr Lesley Dolan . Eating Disorders Education and Training Scotland Committee – Dr Paula Collin, Dr Suzanne Deas and Dr Lesley Dolan . Scottish Eating Disorders Section of the Royal College of Psychiatrists – Dr Lesley Dolan . Scottish Dietitians’ Eating Disorders Clinical Forum – Ms Kareen Taylor and Ms Elizabeth Stewart . North of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders Steering Group – Dr Paula Collin, Mr Brian Grieve and Dr Lesley Dolan Month Number of Number of Referrals Re-referrals April 2010 9 0 May 2010 10 2 June 2010 11 0 July 2010 14 1 August 2010 12 2 September 2010 5 0 October 2010 7 0 November 2010 6 1 December 2010 4 1 January 2011 6 0 February 2011 9 3 March 2011 8 (Total = 101) 0 (Total = 10)