Backyard Horses Teaching Plan

Book #1: Horse Dreams

Book #2: Cowboy Colt

Book #3: Chasing Dream

Book #4: Night Mare

By Dandi Daley Mackall

Reading Comprehension Questions

General Questions:

1. What do you think is the main point or theme of Horse Dreams? (Possible answer: Sometimes our dreams come true in different ways than we expect)

2. What do you think is the main point or theme of Cowboy Colt? (Possible answer: True friends stick by each other no matter what.)

3. What do you think is the main point or theme of Chasing Dream? (Possible answer: Family sticks together especially in time of need; God loves us unconditionally.)

4. What do you think is the main point or them of Night Mare? (Even when things seem dark and horrible, we should do our best and keep the faith)

5. Who’s the main character in the series? How do you know? (Ellie)

6. Who’s telling the stories? In what point of view? (Ellie, first-person point of view)

7. Plot is often defined as a character trying to get what he or she wants. What does Ellie want in each book? How does she try to get it? What obstacles get in the way?

8. If you could meet Ellie, what would you ask her? (Answers will vary.)

9. Who is your favorite character? Why? (See art activity.)

10. Which of the four books in the series is your favorite? Why?


(Note: Activities are listed by subject area and by increasing difficulty level.)

Alphabetizing Put the names of these characters from Backyard Horses in alphabetical order.

1. Ellie

2. Colt

3. Larissa

4. Ethan

5. Mary Louise

6. Lenny

7. Bev

8. Munch

9. Ashley

10. Dream

Compound Words

A compound word is one word that is made up of two other words. In the list below, circle the words from Backyard Horses that are compound words. Next to each compound word, write the two words that make up the compound word. daydreaming racehorse classroom saddle gallop ponytail friends

Rhyming Words

Ellie’s father needs help with his next jingle! List five words that rhyme with ad. Now, from the list below, pick out the five words that rhyme with Dream. team scream mean seem gallop lean steam stream stable


Ellie’s mom is known for her funny sayings. What do you think she means when she says the following phrases? Can you make up a phrase that means the same thing?

“I’m as tired as a two-pound hen with a three-pound egg.” (She’s very tired; she feels like a hen that is carrying a baby hen that is bigger than its mother. Sample phrase: I’m as tired as an eight- pound dog carrying a ten-pound puppy.)

“That woman has more energy in her little finger than two people combined.”

“Mary Louise is as nervous as a turkey at Thanksgiving.”


Have students create character cards for their favorite character in Horse Dreams. They should draw a picture of the character on the front of the card; on the back side, they should list things about their character such as favorite hobbies, favorite people, life goals. (While students can make up the character’s favorites, they should have examples from the book to support their choices.)

Sign Language Using the sign language alphabet at the back of the book, ask students to practice signing the alphabet and their first names. Then sign different names and have the class guess which student’s name you are signing.