OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda s1

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OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda s1

2016-17 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes February 10, 2017 Board member names in BLUE were in attendance. Board member names with STRIKETHROUGH were not in attendance. Notes from meeting are in RED.


Haynam, Emily Meek, Laura Reshad, Mary Henry, Erica Morrow, Andrea Short, Carrie Kannenwischer, Susan Phillips, Faith Urban, Lauren McCluskey, Carolyn Reisinger, Amanda Weaver, Melanie

Committee Chairperson Adams, Kirby Gruber, Ann Marie McDougal, James Black, Stacey Jackson, Leigh McGinley, Will Braswell, Tamika Jenerette, Kim McMillen, Cody Brown, John Johnson, Angela Moore, Matt Call, Kristy Johnson, Betsy Perri, Mary Lynn Cannon, Mary Johnston, Jeff Shepard, Nancy Carlo, Greg Jones, Michael Toomey, Jennifer Clark, Debra Keller, MorraLee Ulses, Randy Eder, Ashley Lamp, Renee Welty, Amy Gardner, Kristy Lauffer, Scott Wenzel, Claudia Glass, Erin Mattison, Emily Willard, Cheryl Goller, Stephanie

I. Welcome Faith Phillips A. Establish Quorum • Meeting called to order at 10:03am by Faith Phillips • Introduced Lauren Urban as new NE rep B. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes from January 13, 2017/Secretary’s Report Erica Henry • Faith asked for motion to approve 1/13/2017 minutes; 1st = Carrie Short, 2nd = Emily Mattison; minutes approved

III. Treasurer’s Report Carolyn McCluskey A. Budgets vs. Actuals • Account interest is $5494.57 instead of what is on sheet; accidently made a double entry • Still over budget with 2 quarters to go B. Balance Sheet 1 2 IV. Unfinished Business A. Friendly reminder to read P&P, make any recommendations and start documenting your work for your final board report • Let Faith know if there is anything that needs to be corrected/changed • Faith asked that committee chairs start putting their end-of-year report together now so that they will have a comprehensive report to submit when reports are due in May

B. MAFSAA LAC update Betsy Johnson/Emily Haynam • Betsy Johnson: Took a tour of hotel last week; renovations are still in progress; will have to make another visit -Working closely with program to make sure they are doing stuff in line with them • Betsy: Had 55 session proposals submitted; MASFAA Conference Planning Committee have to decide on 35 • Betsy: New hotel management group is on top of things, as they have been willing to answer questions and show us everything we want to see -There is no concern about them getting us what we need -Hotel may be a little tight in terms of space, but we will make it work • Emily: Management seemed to give us a lot of personal attention; feel like we have an open line of communication with them. • MorraLee: Asked if MASFAA usually has to reject proposals; -Betsy indicated that it is something that has to be done every year, so that is not an anomaly for this year • Cheryl Willard: Asked if we are the only group in hotel for majority of conference -Betsy: There are other events there on Friday and Saturday, but the MASFAA Conference will be the only big event after Saturday

C. AG’s Student Debt Advisory Committee Update Faith Phillips • Committee last met at the end of January • There were originally 2 committees that were later merged into 1; Faith sits on Consumer Education Committee - Complaints from students about the AG’s collection process and fees associated led to advisory committee being created • Consumer Education Committee has focused on how to make sure students understand that the aid they accepted is a loan, and that it needs to be repaid • Anticipating that February will be committee’s last meeting, with final recommendations sent to the Attorney General’s office by March • Committee’s recommendations are centered on Attorney General’s office and schools being timelier in reporting outstanding debt -Want to have schools follow NACUBO best practices -Recommendation will also ask for a review of fees • There are state legislators on the committee, so they will be helpful as the committee tries to get legislation passed on their recommendations 3 • Other initiatives being discussed as part of the committee’s work: -K-12 initiative to help students understand loan responsibility -Looking at requiring students to complete 1 day workshop on financial literacy in order to graduate high school -Talking to students/families about dangers of loan debt -AG wants to have OASFAA presence more in high schools; AG wants to make sure high schools are more aware of resources available to them through organizations like OASFAA -AG wants to see how financial aid offices can be present in college freshman seminar classes to talk to students about financial literacy -Institutions should be encouraged to use an acknowledgement statement or financial responsibility agreement that students would have to sign prior to taking out loans -Ohio legislators needs to work with high schools (grades 9-12) to come up with more robust content for financial literacy curriculum taught in high schools • Nancy Shephard: What happens once recs are turned over to AG? -Faith: AG is adamant about making something come from this, but some things may happen quicker than others; some recommendations may require legislation changes, so there is some doubt regarding how realistic the chance of those things happening are • Jeff Johnston: Are they thinking about their (AG) staff going directly into high schools again, or more of collaborating with us to make that happen? -Faith—They will look toward us to be the school presence. • Randy Ulses: How is this different than a high school night we already do? As an organization and a profession, we need to differentiate between a high school night and a financial literacy night. -Recommended that it might be helpful to do a FAFSA/financial aid night in October and then financial literacy events in November-January • Faith: Parents are more likely to talk to children about their sex lives than they are finances • Betsy Johnson: If the AG’s office and high schools are going to look heavily to us to do these events, OASFAA needs to have a defined process on how those requests should be submitted (i.e. expectations regarding advanced notice for requests). -Faith: Suggested we touch base with high school counselors prior to them leaving in spring to get events scheduled as early in advance as possible - Jeff: Outreach Committee did send an email to high school counselors (about 900 counselors on distribution list) last spring, but it didn’t seem to help; will do again this year (probably multiple emails) and hope it helps • Susan Kannenwischer: There was a state mandate 6-7 years ago requiring financial literacy programming in high schools, but it was unfunded so schools didn’t implement anything • Susan: Could we offer additional resources at Guidance Counselor Workshops?

4 • Faith: Suggested that schools could consolidate and hold 1 event together; would especially be helpful for those outlying, smaller schools • Claudia: Recommends that OASFAA (possibly Outreach Committee) create content that can either be incorporated into high school financial aid/literacy events that we do, or that we can pass along to guidance counselors and have them present it themselves -James: As a lender we have tried to go into some of the major, urban schools in Columbus and have found that some schools are territorial and many don’t know what OASFAA is/does; if we have a defined presentation on financial literacy, they might be more willing to let us come in and present -Claudia: If we can even promote this at our regular schools as more of a community presentation, it might help to change people’s way of thinking and make them receptive to idea -Cody: Have talked as a committee (Outreach) about recording a financial aid night presentation, and having that available for schools to use in the event that we can’t find them a presenter -Jeff: Outreach Committee does have a sample presentation and will present/train on it at spring OASFAA conference; will go up on OASFAA website after conference • Cheryl Willard: Is the AG’s office still training “student stars” on financial literacy? -The idea behind the initiative was that high school students would be trained in financial literacy and then go back to their schools and be a resource for other students (peer-to-peer training) -Jeff confirmed that site is still active

D. MASFAA Road to Relevance Task Force Update Faith Phillips • MASFAA President Thomas Ratliff has put together this task force to address “Road to Relevance” book • Faith is a member of the Finance and Membership subcommittee • The committee has specifically discussed the following: -What membership fees go toward -When to do membership renewal -Tax preparer’s recommendation that MASFAA should consider moving renewal to calendar year -Why people should become MASFAA members (conference and Leadership Symposium are 2 of the biggest reasons to join); need to make sure people know what other resources are available to make the argument for why they should join more compelling -Diversifying investments -Communication and what value it brings to membership

E. ODHE Advisory Committee for Ohio Learning Standards Faith Phillips • Faith represents OASFAA on this committee 5 • Every year, different standards that are taught in K-12 are up for a standards review, and financial literacy is up for review this year • According to current state mandate, all teachers have to do is mention financial literacy in their social studies class and then they can check off that students have received financial literacy training • The advisory committee has worked through a bunch of recommendation received from parents, teachers, and students and determined which recommendations are valid/viable • General feeling of group and in industry is that financial literacy is almost as important now as math and other key subjects • Committee is charged with sending their recommendations to a working group, who will then sent final recommendations to ODHE for state consideration • Overall the overarching theme is that students are prepared from a financial literacy standpoint because schools are not conducting sufficient training, and parents don’t feel like it is their responsibility to talk about financial literacy- related topics with their students • MorraLee Keller: Louisiana recently passed a law requiring students to complete a FAFSA in order to graduate high school -Doesn’t feel like financial literacy training should be OASFAA’s responsibility; that responsibility should fall to ODHE instead

V. New Business A. Email from Deb Divers re: retirement from BG Firelands • Deb Divers retired at the end of January 2017, after having worked at BGSU- Firelands for 23 years • Per Claudia Wenzel’s request, Betsy Johnson will pass along an address for Deb to OASFAA members

B. Gift for Jeff Baker • Jeff will be retiring from ED this summer • Angela Johnson texted Faith to see if we will send a gift to Jeff for his retirement • Multiple people mentioned they didn’t think we are allowed to send him a gift, so we agreed to send a card to him (from OASFAA) instead.

C. Associate member vote/run for office Task Force discussion Faith Phillips • Referred meeting attendees to view proposal sent to them in meeting packet regarding allowing associate members to vote and/or run for elected offices in OASFAA • Greg Carlo: Indicated that KASFAA does allow associate members to vote, chair committees, and hold elected offices (information was listed incorrectly in chart included in packet) • Emily Haynam confirmed that Missouri allows associate members to vote • Faith Phillips: This conversation has come up many times over the years, so she just wants it to be discussed and a decision made once and for all

6 -Spoke to 3 past presidents to get their feedback on proposal; 2 gave history behind OASFAA’s current policy and indicated today’s industry is very different than what it was back then •Ashley Eder: Admitted she is biased toward lenders, but she does not really see a con to allowing this; feels like if we have someone that we don’t think would represent association well, we as an association would hopefully not vote them in • Amanda Reisinger: We have many associate members that have poured so much time and years into OASFAA, so it isn’t fair that we don’t let them vote and run for office. • Cheryl Willard: Board works as a team; decisions that are made and vision that is shared, is directed by the President; have checks and balances in place that safely allow for partnership between regular and associate members in planning; would like to see associate members have an opportunity to vote and run for some of the offices. • Faith: We as an organization have done a good job of protecting ourselves against misappropriation or people not representing OASFAA like they should, so that would help in a situation like this. -Industry restrictions on sponsors has lightened up since they were implemented after 2008 -MASFAA and NASFAA are celebrating their sponsors now -Honesty, integrity, and trust have to be involved • Betsy Johnson: President-Elect is on an island by themselves when creating a ballot, and that especially is an issue when someone is nominated for a role that the President-elect is not comfortable having them serve in. -Faith Phillips: Need to have a committee that makes decisions regarding who is on the ballot, not just 1 person. -MorraLee Keller: If we choose to vote this through as an association, we need to have some asterisks that address all concerns in order to protect ourselves and our interests (suggested including new policy with asterisks in our P&P manual) -James McDougal: Pointed out that asterisks that MorraLee talked about should be applicable for all members • People that serve now are passionate about serving students; • Noted that he has participated in OASFAA for 30 years as a member and feels like the time is right to allow associate members to vote, at the very least. • Susan Kannenwischer: The next generation does not have the same loyalty that we have, so we can’t make the decision with the current people that are involved in mind. -Rising time constraints are becoming more and more of an issue, so it would be easier for 1 business to take over association leadership. -Should also consider making the policy different for different roles, as she would not recommend allowing someone to run for a position such as VP-Training if they have never worked in a financial aid office. • Randy Ulses: Noted that associate members are sometimes pressured to act a certain way because of their Board of Directors. 7 -Associate members aren’t just the people we are used to seeing around the table now, so we have to be mindful of different roles they work in when making decision -Will it be looked differently if associate member pays a lot of money toward conference and would that benefit them or allow them to win an office they might not otherwise win? -Fears that we as an association might try to push responsibilities to associate members when it is something we all should do. • Erica Henry: Asked that, as we consider this proposal, we be cognizant of and differentiate between which of our pros/cons applies to all members and not just associate members. • Jeff Johnston: Suggested there can be different criteria for different offices to make sure that only people qualified for each office are able to run for that office. • Ashley Eder: Agrees with Jeff’s suggestion; suggests maybe we look at other types of membership for consultants, counselors, etc. • Claudia Wenzel: It is time for change, but we need to be careful in it; want to make sure we all have the best interest of the association in mind. • Greg Carlo: Mixing past with present can be dangerous because times have changed; anyone regardless of membership type can be a positive or negative influence on association; for every bad experience brought up, there can be 20 good experiences that can be talked about. • Emily Haynam: Expressed a desire to be part of an association that is run by college aid professionals (and noted that might be more appealing to newer members). -Agrees we have a responsibility to protect ourselves against improprieties -Feels like we might be able to compromise and maybe allow associate members to vote but not hold office (like MASFAA), or maybe make it so that only 1 associate member can be in an elected position at 1 time. • Kirby Adams: The decision on this proposal does not have to be all or nothing; can come to a compromise to foster change and new ideas without disregarding role of associate members -Whatever we send out to members regarding this proposal will need to be as detailed as possible so that it makes more sense especially to newer members; we have to make sure people understand why this is such a big deal. • Faith Phillips: This discussion/proposal will be outlined and sent to members at least 30 days before the spring conference (according to bylaws); want people to vote after they are educated about the background of the policy. • James McDougal: Pointed out examples of how associate members’ expertise might be able to be utilized to better the efforts of the organization (i.e. financial planning, banking, and investment experience would be most helpful to OASFAA’s finances); would allow association to better utilize resources available • Betsy Johnson: Suggested OASFAA take baby steps and only vote (for now) on allowing associate members to vote and not run for office

8 -As we are all in these roles, we need to look at how we can help organization and then offer our assistance, not wait to be asked for assistance. • Faith Phillips: Discussion of the proposal will be reintroduced at the March exec meeting. -Asked that we all continue thinking about the proposal and invited exec members to email their thoughts to her if they are not comfortable talking about them out loud.

VI. Committee’s Recommended Items (for discussion by Executive Committee) A. Federal Training Situation Susan Kannenwischer • Zach Goodwin is our federal trainer now • Prior to speaking at IN state conference a couple of weeks ago, Zach was told (right before presenting) that he had to get Federal Update approved prior to presenting it. • Another federal trainer in MI a week later was told he wasn’t allowed to present update at all • Conference calls have also been cancelled within minutes of taking place • Andrea Morrow: Confirmed she has already gotten information from Zach regarding session titles, summaries, etc. so she is hopeful it will not be an issue for spring OASFAA conference; Zach has submitted information as recently as 2/7/17; Andrea will reach out to Zach to make sure everything is still on for his sessions at the spring conference • Ashley Eder volunteered to reach out to a NASFAA trainer to see if issues noted above is something they have experienced as well. • Susan will see if she can get more information on what is going on when she is in DC in a couple of weeks.

B. 2017/2018 Budget Needs Susan Kannenwischer • Asked committee chairs with budgets to provide a budget request for the upcoming year -Also asked that they be sure to include a breakdown of their costs (as much as possible) so that the Finance Committee can make sure the charges are being appropriated to the correct budget line item • Emily Haynam: Noted that in order for regional reps to put together a proposal, they need to confirm if the responsibilities of the regional rep position will change; asked if request should just take current responsibilities into consideration or look at potential changes in responsibilities -Susan: Suggested regional rep think of what else they can do to support the organization knowing we are going down to 1 conference per year, and then submit budget proposal based on ideas for new initiatives that come from their brainstorming. -Mary Reshad: Suggested that there be a larger discussion regarding potential new regional rep initiatives, because we want to make sure we aren’t scheduling too much training at one time 9 -Emily: There is a general concern among the regional reps that costs are becoming more of a concern due to the rising cost of campus catering and more places charging for use of space/parking/etc. • Also a concern that newer professionals that are regional reps don’t have enough contacts to be able to find presenters for regional meetings

C. Outreach to past members not renewed for 2017 Debra Clark • Outreach Committee has sent out 2 emails enticing people to renew their OASFAA membership for 2017, but we still have 345 that have not done so. • Committee is asking for suggestions for how to reach these people • Susan Kannenwischer: MASFAA is sending out notices to past members highlighting the benefits of a MASFAA membership, so she suggests we do that as well. -Susan also got a list from Tamika Braswell of current financial aid directors in Ohio, so she plans to send an email to them encouraging their staff to become OASFAA members (or renew if they have been a member in the past) and being supportive of OASFAA. -Emily Haynam: Feels associate and assistant directors should be targeted as well, as they would be the ones to put pressure on the director to be able to join/get involved. • Kirby Adams: Suggested we find an alternative to emails, as those have not been effective in terms of these efforts in the past. • Betsy Johnson: Suggests we review the list of 345 people that have yet to renew to see if we can use our connections to contact those people for feedback and/or encourage them to join. • Debra Clark and Randy Ulses pointed out that going to 1 conference is likely hurting membership numbers, as that is when people usually renew; agrees that targeting emails to directors might help • Ashley Eder: Feels too many people do not understand the benefits of an OASFAA membership + people won’t participate in OASFAA-related events and/or renew their membership unless their school pays for it. -Asks if we have considered institutional membership -Susan: OASFAA conducted a survey last year to look into doing institutional membership structure but opted to not go that route for a variety of reasons. -Amanda Reisinger: Maybe we could offer an incentive for more members (i.e. If an institution has 10 people join, they get 2 free memberships, etc.)

D. Policy Day Ashley Eder/Kim Jenerette • In order for it to be most effective, we collectively need to work to develop stronger and broader relationships with our legislature.

10 -Expressed that weed to make sure they know who we are as an organization, what our goals are, and that we are here as a partner and not just a critic. -The committee does not want to develop a policy day and have it fall flat; want to give the idea enough time to build momentum and get people excited. • Ashley asked membership to reach out to her and Kim if you have an existing relationship with someone in the state legislature. -Susan Kannenwischer: If we are looking for people with relationships, we might need to look to our institution’s vice-presidents/higher-ups to see what relationships already exist. • Emily Mattison: Suggested we partner with state Bursar professional association to see how they can help with this event and what they want to see come out of it. • Ashley: They would like to make the event free for OASFAA members, but charge a fee for non-members. • MorraLee Keller: Questioned if there is a middle step prior to having a Policy Day; -Ashley agreed that some of the stepping stones she has talked about will help; • Indicated that we should be able to use stepping stones to get a better idea of chance event would be successful; if we decide at that point that event won’t be successful, we can reallocate budget dollars to other areas where they might be better served • Ashley: Asked if we want committee to wait another year to do Policy Day or proceed with current plan • Emily Haynam: Suggested that OASFAA has a policy paper detailing our stances and make sure they line up with NASFAA’s; would make sure we are all on the same page and unified • Betsy Johnson: We need to have a clear vision on what our goal is as an organization for an event like this, and make sure the event lines up with those goals and our mission as an association.

E. Pending Bills/Legislation Ashley Eder/Kim Jenerette • Gov. Kasich’s sent out some drafted language (http://budget.ohio.gov/collegecareers.aspx) for the proposed budget—some noteworthy items for discussion include: • Freezing Tuition and Fees to continue to make college more affordable -Proposal to freeze tuition, general fees, and special fees for 2 years • Cutting Textbook Costs for Students— -Specifically limiting schools to being able to charge only $300 in text books—the rest would be supplemented by the institution. • Encouraging students who don’t complete to finish their degree—

11 -Development of Finish your future scholarship program— targeting students who incurred debt and dropped out of school within a year of graduating. • Addressing Student Debt -Look into income-sharing agreements • Supporting Low Income community college students to ensure degree completion -Ohio will invest in pilot programs in community colleges to provide low income students comprehensive support services. Modeled after City University of New York program—which doubled graduation rates for the low income population of students. • Awarding degree and certificates based on competency instead of just classroom time -Expanding partnership with Western Governors University from just community colleges to public colleges and universities. Western Governors University (non-profit online institution) awards college credit and degrees based on student’s demonstrated competencies not just time in classroom. • Offering Bachelor’s degrees at community colleges where there is a local demand not being met -Where this is a need and Ohio’s universities in that area do not offer specialized degree programs • Strengthening pathways to a low-cost degree -Seek to create more “3+1” pathways between Ohio’s two and four year institutions • Helping universities control their costs -Number of suggestions provided by business experts on the Affordability and Efficiency in Higher Education Task Force— including shared services, analyzing staff overhead expenses, monetizing assets, examining space utilization, reassessing low enrollment courses and explorer new revenue streams. • Maximizing savings at Co-Located campuses -As part of their annual affordability and efficiency report, the 7 co-located campuses will include best practices to drive down costs to ensure they are maximizing efficiencies • Better preparing students with expanded STEM programs and new STEAM education • Adding arts to the range of studies to widen career fields. Governor will add a STEAM designation for all grade levels, offering additional opportunities for Ohio’s students to be exposed to these fields. F. Outreach to HS/Access Group Counselors Jeff Johnston/Cody McMillen/Mary Cannon • Group of counselors has a lot of turnover; the Outreach Committee has not gotten a lot of timely help from OACAC

12 • Committee emailed principals and superintendents this year about PPY; about 85% of schools had an email address in the state database; fear that those 15% that don’t are the ones that need the most help • Greg Carlo: There is a state professional association made up of high school counselors + an association for high school principals; suggested that we try working with that group • Amanda Reisinger: Indicated she was able to get a list of local high school counselors in her area from her local OCAN group.

Reports 1. Regional Representatives a) Northeast Lauren Urban o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Sent email to region to follow up on rep transition, provide contact information, and request meeting topic ideas. o Narrowed down date for spring meeting-still working to finalize date based on availability of room and presenters. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o N/A o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

13 b) Northwest Melanie Weaver o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Phone call with other regional reps to discuss spring meetings and ideas for topics/presenters o Secure one presenter for the regional meeting o Set regional meeting for Thursday, March 30 at Ohio Northern o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Secure two more presenters for the spring meeting o Send a save the date to the NW region for the meeting and solicit any last minute topic requests o Finalize food, agenda, etc. for the meeting o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

c) Southeast Emily Haynam o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Sent email to my region encouraging them to participate in conference planning o Scheduled a call with the other regional representatives and the VP of training on January 31st to discuss topics for our spring regional meetings o Have confirmed the date of April 21st for my spring SE regional meeting to be held at Ohio State . Chipotle is donating the food buffet-style for 45 people  I will need to recruit help that day to pick it up . Free campus parking will be allotted for 30- 35 spots; will have some other free spots that are a bit further walk, or folks can pay to park. I will encourage carpooling. . Confirmed that we will be a doing a discussion/tour of our one-stop shop called BuckeyeLink, as well as touring our financial aid offices o Submitted a proposal for professional development to give a presentation at the MASFAA annual conference in Dayton. I’ve also been recruiting others to do the same both in and out of the state of Ohio. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Hoping to get our Interim VP of Enrollment Services and/or our Exec. Director of FA to welcome folks at SE regional meeting

14 o May send out a survey to our region on what topics they will want most for the spring meeting o Will be attending the spring conference planning meeting on January 27th o Need to begin to prepare to teach the packaging credential at the spring conference o Working on a financial suggestion for the board for regional meeting budgets o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

15 d) Southwest Mary Reshad o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o The regional representatives and Carrie Short had a conference call on 1/31/17 to discuss spring regional meeting dates, topic ideas, etc. o Reached out to a 2 schools in Cincinnati to see if the SW Spring Regional meeting could be hosted there. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Finalize the Spring SW Regional Meeting date (end of March or April), location (Cincinnati area), catering, and session topics/presenters o Once a date is determined: . Send a “Save the Date” email to SW region . Post training to OASFAA Calendar o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

2. President-Elect Susan Kannenwischer o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o I received a list of all Financial Aid Directors names from Tamika Braswell and will survey those individuals about conference timing. This survey will ask a preferred time to hold our one annual conference but will also inquire about the anticipated number of people they would hope to send from their office. This will start to give us some ideas of how large our one annual conference might be going forward; I will also explain our plan to offer additional training opportunities throughout the state to supplement the annual conference.

o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o I attended a portion of the MASFAA business meeting on Thursday, Feb. 2; items of interest that came from that meeting include: . MASFAA is addressing decreasing membership and ways to encourage people to join . RMASFAA gives each vendor 40 seconds (strictly timed) during a lunch to introduce themselves; they make it a bit more personal in the hopes that attendees will be more likely to stop by the booths and chat.

16 . Significant changes are occurring with the federal presenters; we should discuss to make sure we are aware of the current tone . MASFAA does its own audit of their financial records; they have the delegates-at- large review a sampling of all financial transactions to ensure that the bookkeeping is on track . The MASFAA conference planning committee got 55 session ideas; they are putting the program together now . We discussed pre-conference ideas at length . Indiana, W. Virginia and Missouri do not charge for NASFAA credentialing . Minnesota went to one conference per year but their members are still hungry for more training so they do a 1-day drive-in workshop each fall and get 300+ people to attend in addition to their one conference in May . We talked about the new MASFAA website that is in the works; progress has been slow and there have been challenges o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o Federal training situation that occurred recently at two state conferences.

a) Associate Member Relations John Brown/Jenn Toomey o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o We have sent out a survey to our associate members addressing issues related to our meeting at conference along with planning financially for one conference. . We have received a few responses so far and hope to receive more soon. o We did email notes from meeting at fall conference to associate members. o We have reached out to associate members about conference interest session proposals and will notify them of proposals that were accepted. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Working on associate member discussion for voting and running for elected positions.

17 o We are working on research of attendees for previous conferences along with # attended to help with financial planning for 1 conference. o Awaiting response from Paula so we can update the OASFAA website for spring conference and meet timeline guidelines. o Will work on plans for raffle or scavenger hunt to encourage conversations between exhibitors and attendees. o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o Associate members’ ability to run for elected position and be a voting member on Exec Committee

b) Communications Claudia Wenzel/Mary Lynn Perri o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Email sent out to the membership requesting campus photos and a call for committee volunteers o Made initial payment to ATAC to begin the work on the redesign website o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Will review initial draft and edit as necessary o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None • Have only received a few institutional pictures for the new website • Still recruiting volunteers for the Communications Committee; specifically need people to help with social media

c) Finance Susan Kannenwischer o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o The finance Committee met on January 26 to review our current budget status, needs for the rest of the year and planning for future changes o The committee reviewed a new fiduciary responsibility statement which will be modified slightly and presented to the Executive Committee for final approval o When check requests or debit card reconciliation forms are submitted, if the budget item listed on the form does not match a line item on the budget, the Treasurer will return the form to the person requesting payment to ensure that it is charged to the correct budget o The committee worked through several budget categories that are not currently working well for us; we

18 will try to do a better job of naming the line items so it is clear what charges should be assigned to each budget category o We discussed at length the implication of going down to one conference per year and how this would impact our fiscal cycle: . The goal is to switch membership and fiscal years to (perhaps) October 1 – Sep. 30, depending on timing of the fall conference . We will continue to strategize the easiest way to make this a smooth transition . I will talk to other state reps at the MASFAA meeting and at the NASFAA Leadership Symposium later this month to see if others have made this transition and can offer advice o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Carolyn McCluskey will work to get Carrie Short an OASFAA debit card as she is regularly purchasing supplies for NASFAA training sessions o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o It is now time for each committee to be discussing budget needs for 17-18. I would like each committee to make a budget request as part of next month’s report and indicate how these funds are expected to be spent.

d) Membership Debra Clark Memberships for 2017 (opened on December 13, 2016) Current members: 286 (as of February 2, 2017) • 13 New • 273 Renewal o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Processed membership payments. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Send payment reminders o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o Suggestions for reaching out to members not renewed (2 emails already sent). • 2017 membership increased from 286 to 355 in the last week.

e) New Member/Recruitment Kirby Adams/Renee Lamp Nothing to report

19 f) Nominations Susan Kannenwischer o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o I sent a list-serv message along with the nominations form asking for volunteers to run in the open positions o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Nominations are to be submitted by 2/10 so I will send another reminder out 2/8 to make sure we have a full slate; if we have open positions for which no one is running, I will gather a committee to come up with a strategy to secure potential volunteers. Once a full slate is compiled, I will work to get bios from each person so we can create a ballot on the OASFAA website. o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None • We do not have any SW regional rep nominees yet, and only have 1 name for SE regional rep position -Asked that we send suggestions for both positions to Susan ASAP. -Faith noted that we should contact the person first before nominating them.

3. Past-President Amanda Reisinger

a) Association Governance and Planning Betsy Johnson/Cheryl Willard o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Participated in OASFAA Finance Committee meeting to discuss association’s financial / long range plans on January 26, 2017. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Continue to engage in strategic discussions with Finance Committee and OASFAA leaders. o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

b) Regulatory-Federal and State Ashley Eder/Kim Jenerette o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Meeting to review Policy Day on 1/20 . Attendees: Ashley, Kim, John

20 . Action Items: Request Sheraton information and create budget proposal to send to Amanda, Susan, and Faith by first week of February. . Goal: Build relationships over the next year with legislators to have a significant government presence at Policy day. Without the commitment of attendance from legislatures, will not move forward with event. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Further develop relationships with Ohio Legislatures to become an active voice on behalf of all Ohio’s institutions.

21 o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o Policy Day o Pending Bills/Legislation . Gov. Kasich’s sent out some drafted language (http://budget.ohio.gov/collegecareers.aspx) for the proposed budget—some noteworthy items for discussion include:  Freezing Tuition and Fees to continue to make college more affordable o Proposal to freeze tuition, general fees, and special fees for 2 years  Cutting Textbook Costs for Students — o Specifically limiting schools to being able to charge only $300 in text books—the rest would be supplemented by the institution.  Encouraging students who don’t complete to finish their degree— o Development of Finish your future scholarship program— targeting students who incurred debt and dropped out of school within a year of graduating.  Addressing Student Debt o Look into income-sharing agreements  Supporting Low Income community college students to ensure degree completion o Ohio will invest in pilot programs in community colleges to provide low income students comprehensive support services. Modeled after City University of New York program—which doubled graduation rates for the low income population of students.  Awarding degree and certificates based on competency instead of just classroom time o Expanding partnership with Western Governors University from

22 just community colleges to public colleges and universities. Western Governors University (non-profit online institution) awards college credit and degrees based on student’s demonstrated competencies not just time in classroom.  Offering Bachelor’s degrees at community colleges where there is a local demand not being met o Where this is a need and Ohio’s universities in that area do not offer specialized degree programs.

23  Strengthening pathways to a low- cost degree o Seek to create more “3+1” pathways between Ohio’s two and four year institutions  Helping universities control their costs o Number of suggestions provided by business experts on the Affordability and Efficiency in Higher Education Task Force—including shared services, analyzing staff overhead expenses, monetizing assets, examining space utilization, reassessing low enrollment courses and explorer new revenue streams.  Maximizing savings at Co-Located campuses o As part of their annual affordability and efficiency report, the 7 co-located campuses will include best practices to drive down costs to ensure they are maximizing efficiencies  Better preparing students with expanded STEM programs and new STEAM education o Adding arts to the range of studies to widen career fields. Governor will add a STEAM designation for all grade levels, offering additional opportunities for Ohio’s students to be exposed to these fields.

4. VP-Conferences Andrea Morrow

a) Conference Planning Andrea Morrow o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Held 2017 Spring Conference Planning meeting on 1/27/17

24 o Secured Karen McCarthy for NASFAA federal update; Zachary Goodwin for the Department of Education Federal Update; and Thomas Ratliff for MASFAA update o Trying to secure Dr. Strayhorn as opening general session speaker. o Contract signed with Hilton Columbus Polaris o Conference registration will open on March 10, 2017 o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Interest Session information is due February 24, 2017 o Scholarship application deadline is April 14, 2017 o Hotel and Conference registration deadline is April 14, 2017 o Beginning April 15, 2017 a $50 late fee will be assessed to conference registrations o Spring conference is scheduled for May 8-10, 2017 at Hilton Columbus Polaris o Will determine if we will host entertainment or charity event o Securing opening general session speaker o Program will be online and not printed, will only print “At a Glance” o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None • Interest session information is due March 3rd (wrong date listed in report) • Has speakers for spring conference confirmed

b) Conference Registration Matt Moore Nothing to report

c) Conference Entertainment Stacey Black/Greg Carlo/Michael Jones No report submitted

d) Conference Program Ann Marie Gruber No report submitted

e) Conference Site Stephanie Goller/Scott Lauffer Nothing to report

25 f) Chenelle Leadership Kristy Gardner/Kristy Call o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o It was decided we will have 4 sessions at the spring conference so we are currently working on securing presenters for those. o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o N/A o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

g) Professional Development Randy Ulses o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Co-chair left vacant with move to West Virginia school o Determined 3 PD sessions for spring conference with VP Conferences o Got info on MASFAA President attending spring conference and willingness to do PD session on Road to Relevance o Worked on session with MASFAA PD Chair on session ideas. o Emily Hayman willing to provide session on implicit biases we all carry o Worked with Emily Hayman on an OSU presenter on active shooter/office safety presentation o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Need to finalize conference sessions and descriptions o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

5. VP-Training Carrie Short a.i.a) College Goal Sunday/Early FAFSA MorraLee Keller No report submitted

26 a.i.b) NASFAA Training Carrie Short o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Conducted Campus-Based Programs NASFAA Credential Workshop on 1/20/17 @ UA – 5 registered attendees (2 no shows) o Rescheduled April and May workshop dates. April is now 4/28 (14th is Good Friday), May is now 5/19 (5th was too close to new Spring conference dates) o 3/24 Workshop confirmed – SAP w/Amanda Reisinger @ Franklin U o Direct Loans workshop presenter found – Mary Cannon @ Franklin U. Date and time TBD o Call w/Erica Henry re: logistics for Feb 8th workshop @ UC o Sent email to Emily Haynam (MASFAA Prof Dev Committee) to discuss opportunities for OASFAA/MASFAA partnership w/NASFAA workshops o Participated in Regional Reps conference call o Attended Finance Committee Mtg o Confirmed Angela Johnson as NASFAA Training (free) presenter @ Spring Conference (thank you to Emily Mattison & Mary Cannon for also volunteering) o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Need to determine date for Direct Loan workshop o Need to determine workshop topic for April, May, June, and July workshop o Need to confirm July workshop (topic probably Verification) – date considered – July 14th o Email to membership w/updated Spring Training Dates as dates have been confirmed by training committees o Need to confirm R2T4 workshop offering in SE – coordinating with Amanda Reisinger o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None • 16 attendees at UC workshop • MASFAA partnership for verification credential workshop is not going to happen • DL workshop will be on 4/28 • COA workshop is a week from today; only have 11 attendees so far • May workshop will be verification • Would like to offer PJ workshop at a central location in June or July • Carolyn McCluskey: Noted that the fiscal year closes on June 30th, so anything in July will be part of the new (17/18) budget.

27 a.i.c) Need Analysis Leigh Jackson/Will McGinley o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Determined basic timeframe for delivering regional sessions . We will have three sessions (North, South, & Central) in April o Determined topics to cover . Standard NA presentation will be supplemented with a session on Cost of Attendance o Drafted COA session

28 o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o Revise COA presentation on conference call o Plan exact dates & locations for sessions o Push notification to OASFAA listserv to register o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None

a.i.d) Outreach Jeff Johnston/Cody McMillen/Mary Cannon o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o The Outreach Committee has finished all of our primary activities for the 2016-17 school year. We finished most of these activities earlier this year due to the newly compressed schedule of training with FAFSA PPY. We realize that we did not submit a report at the conclusion of our fall activities so we’ll summarize here. o Outreach had 19 members in all this year and we definitely kept busy! o Most recently, we held our now annual “FA 201” in which we offer training on paying for college now that the FAFSA has been filed, award letters are in hand, and gaps are known. 46 counselors registered to attend. John Brown and Jeff Johnston presented. o We completed our High School Counselor Workshops in October 2016. They were highly successful with over 700 counselors registered and good feedback from those in attendance. The new timeframe for the workshops also was well-received by the counselors who appreciated having information pertaining to the 2017-18 FAFSA closer to when it went live on Oct. 1. The entire committee did a phenomenal job in assisting with the creation of the workshop presentation. o The “FA 101” webinar was a success in late September with 69 registrants. Mary Cannon and Jeff Johnston presented. o High School requests for Paying for College/FAFSA presentations have slowed down for the most part. It is difficult to report how many requests we had because we could not fill quite a few of them. We will once again look to Exec to help us increase the number of volunteers we have for the fall. A few spring presentations have been requested with a focus on Junior students/parents. The emerging consensus timeline among counselors seems to be: . Spring: General overview of paying for college/FAFSA for Juniors

29 . Early FALL: Paying for College/More focused on FAFSA specific process for Seniors . Late FALL and beyond: FAFSA Workshops with actual assistance in filling out FAFSA o We have updated the OASFAA Counselors’ resources section of the Counselors’ resources page of the OASFAA Web Site. We took a fresh look at this resource page in light of FAFSAhelpOH (and the depth of resources being linked to there) to make sure we were coordinated and not duplicitous. This will be an ongoing project (to make sure our page does not overlap with theirs and to make sure counselors get the information they need).

30 o Describe your committee future goals/plans: o We have established a training calendar that we plan to move forward with: . Articulations presentations for OACAC in September . FA 101 webinar in late September for newer counselors . Counselor Workshops in early October . FA 201 webinar in early January o Additionally, we provide paying for college workshops through our email request throughout the year (spring for Juniors, early Fall for Seniors with focus on FAFSA). o We are finished with our major activities for 2016-17. We will start our next cycle in late May/Early June with our kickoff meeting, hoping to get a jump on creation of our training for September and October given how hectic and compressed it was this year. o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: o Something we will be discussing at our first meeting that we welcome input on: . In the past, we were able to get word out about our training easily through the OACAC and OCAN ListServ. That was not the case this year. How do we reach High School and Access Group counselors moving forward? Is the OCAN ListServ as all-encompassing as it used to be? We have our email database, but that does not reach new counselors.

a.i.e) Support Professional Erin Glass/Nancy Shepard o Actions accomplished since last board meeting: o Erin & Nancy have met via phone conferences weekly. o Survey responses were received and reviewed and plans made to have presentations on Student Eligibility/C Codes, Student Retention and Advancing Your Financial Aid Career. We will also have a “panel of experts” to provide feedback and answer questions that attendees may have. Erin & Nancy will have a set of questions prepared to generate participation. o Presenters have been contacted and have graciously accepted. o We are contacting local food establishments for breakfast, lunch and coffee pricing. o Describe your committee future goals/plans:

31 o We will be sending out an invitation to attend w/RSVP and option to send in questions for the panel of experts Feb. 6, with a reminder on Feb. 15. Deadline to respond is Feb. 20. o We will be finalizing the agenda and order of presentations in the next few weeks. o We will finalize food vendor & place order. o Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: None • 8 people scheduled to attend Support Professional Workshop so far; asked that exec members encourage participation from their department.

32 f) Diversity James McDougal/Angela Johnson Nothing to report


A.a.a) OH Dept. of Higher Education Tamika Braswell Nothing to report • Budget process is underway. Currently in the ‘As Introduced’ stage.

OCOG • Two potential changes to OCOG: -Language that allows OCOG to be used for housing for students receiving federal VA benefits. This would enable veterans to receive full federal benefits. -New public institution – Western Governor’s University. It’s an established university that is 100% competency based. They wouldn’t be subsided eligible but could receive our state grants and scholarships.

COF • An updated guidance memo was sent out this week that included changes to how refunds will be processed, new secure file transfer site, and a reminder that If a scholar drops out of their program mid-year, the institution will not be able to re-allocate those funds to another student. • Award notifications for the next MOU period beginning for 17-18 will be communicated in the next few days.


• One potential change is the requirement to use Federal benefits before ONG. Further guidance on this would be sent out by the Adjunct General’s office if passed.

Potential New Programs: 1) Finish for Your Future Scholarship • $6M total over next two years.

• For students that have student debt and are within 30 semester credit hrs of getting their degree but have dropped out.

33 • RFP process for schools to apply (pub and private, not profit)

• $3500 per student and requires a 1 to 1 to 1 match (state, inst, student)

• One time source of money so will be a pilot to see the demand.

2) Emergency Assistance Program

• $1.3M total over next two years.

• For students currently enrolled who need emergency funding ex. (medical, rent, car repairs) as determined by institution

• RFP process for schools to apply (pub and private, not profit)

• $250/per term per academic year and requires a 1 to 1 match with state and inst

FAFSA Filers • To date, 317 districts have signed data sharing agreements for the FAFSA completion initiative. This was 231 in November.

• As of 2/6/17, there have been 244,330 2017-2018 FAFSA’s filed since 10/1/16

• Compared to 47,417 2016-2017 FAFSA’s filed in January 2016

VIII. Adjournment A. Other announcements/discussion for the good of the order B. Adjournment • Motion to adjourn=Carrie Short, 2nd=Susan Kannenwischer, motion approved; meeting adjourned at 1:32pm


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