Social Science Course Syllabus

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Social Science Course Syllabus

Social Science Course Syllabus ANTH 102: CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3 credits, Fall 2011

Instructor: Ronald James Phone: (208) 735-8162 (Home) Email: [email protected]

Cultural Anthropology 102 Course Description This course is a cross-cultural examination of the wide variety of ways of life which humans have created around the world and an analysis of the similarities and differences which exist among them. Primary topics include origins of human culture, subsistence and adaptations, economic and political systems, sex and marriage, family, kinship, religion and the supernatural, the arts and cultural change

Course Methodology This course will provide an introduction to the field of cultural anthropology which attempts to observe, understand, and interpret the diversity of the human species. This will be a useful course for you as it will provide an understanding of people from other lands that you will surely encounter throughout your future travels, studies, and employment. The primary textbook is divided into five sections subdivided into 17 chapters. Each week, the instructor will provide a review of important chapter concepts. While reading the assigned chapters, students will learn new terms introduced in the readings because a basic understanding of the vocabulary unique to cultural anthropology is critical to successful completion of the course. The instructor will encourage frequent in-class discussions. As a result, some variance in the course schedule provided below may occur. Videos and other audio-visual aids will be used when appropriate.

Classroom Rules Visitors: Lecture topics will not be adjusted for guests and some topics may be unsuitable for children. Videos: Ethnographic videos will be presented and some contain occasional nudity, violence, and other images that be unsuitable for young visitors. Texting and Cell phones: Please turn off cell phones and keep them off while class is in- session. Personal Music Devices: Not allowed. Recording lectures: No permission required to record lectures. Behavior: Students are expected to follow all rules of classroom and campus behavior as described in the current CSI Catalog.

Required Textbook Haviland, William A.; et al. 2008, Cultural Anthropology, Twelfth Ed., Harcourt, Brace College Publishers. GRADING Final grades are derived from total points earned from attendance, quizzes, final test, and report project. Points will be assigned as follows: Quizzes (3 @ 50 = 150 pts.), Final Exam (200 pts.), Class Report (100 pts.), Attendance (100 pts), TOTAL 550 pts.

Attendance (100 points) 10 points will be deducted for each absence whether excused or unexcused. Also, leaving class early or arriving late will result in proportionate point deductions. Attendance is required for this course and roll will be taken regularly. If your attendance falls below 60%, or if you miss more than 5 consecutive classes, the Records and Admissions office will be notified and you may be dropped from this course. In the event that absences are required for legitimate reason(s), promptly contact the instructor. In accordance with CSI policies, school-sanctioned absences will not count against you.

Quizzes (150 points) Four 50 point quizzes will be assigned. Quizzes may vary in format including a mixture of matching, multiple choice, and essay questions. The lowest of the four quiz scores will be dropped

Final Exam (200 points) A comprehensive final exam worth 200 points will be given during finals week. This exam is designed to assess your knowledge of basic anthropological themes and issues.

Report Project (200 points) Investigate a topic or subject that is of interest to you. A final written report project will provide you with a closer look at : a) a specific culture or society or b) a view of how cultural anthropologists conduct fieldwork and report results of their research.

Your written report will be graded using the following scale: Completeness: is the topic adequately summarized? Structure: is there an introduction, supporting documentation, references, and conclusion? Analysis: how does this relates to what you learned in this course? Quality of Information: Information and sources clearly relate to topic and includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Papers should be five to six pages in length including a title page but not counting illustrations or the works cited page. Sources must be cited in-text and listed on a separate Works Cited page. Use either MLA or APA format. Papers must be typed, size 12 font and double- spaced. Please bind with a staple (do not use paper clips or plastic covers).

Resources for Readings and Final Papers An excellent assortment of related readings and sources for final papers are available for student use at the CSI library. Additional readings are available at the Eccles Library in the Herrett Center, though the Eccles sources can only be used at the Herrett Center.

CSI Meyerhoeffer Library Hours The Meyerhoeffer Library is open during the school year Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 9 pm, Friday 7:30 am - 6 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays 1 pm - 5 pm . Eccles Library Hours The Eccles Library is located in the Herrett Center which is open during the school year from 9:30 am - 9 pm, Tue, Fri, and Sat; and 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Wed and Thur. Students wishing to use the Eccles Library can check in at the reception desk without appointment during those hours.

Honesty Policy Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are violations of the honesty policy found in the CSI General Catalog. Violators will receive a zero for the work in question.

On-line course evaluation statement: Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!

Disabilities: Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6250 (voice) or 208.734.9929 (TTY), or e-mail [email protected] .

CSI E-mail E-mail is the primary source of written communication with all CSI students. Students automatically get a CSI e-mail account when they register for courses. Messages from instructors and various offices such as Admission and Records, Advising, Financial Aid, Scholarships, etc. will be sent to the students’ CSI accounts (NOT their personal e-mail accounts). It is the students’ responsibility to check their CSI e-mail accounts regularly. Failing to do so will result in missing important messages and deadlines. Students can check their CSI e-mail online at Student e-mail addresses have the following format: [email protected]. At the beginning of each semester free training sessions will be offered to students who need help using their CSI e-mail accounts.

Dropping a course

A student may drop a course or all courses prior to the end of late registration (first Friday of the term) without it being recorded on the student’s official transcript. A student initiated drop after the late registration period is considered a withdrawal, and results in the grade of W. Students may drop courses online until the end of the late registration period. In order to withdraw from one or more courses following late registration, a completed registration form is required. Instructions on the form indicate when a signature of instructor and/or Financial Aid advisor is required. The completed form may be submitted to Admissions & Records or any off-campus center. Students may withdraw from courses which are less than a full semester in length until 75% of the course meetings have elapsed. No course may be withdrawn from after 75% of the course has elapsed.

CSI Mission Statement The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college, provides quality educational, social, cultural, economic, and workforce development opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the communities it serves. CSI prepares students to lead enriched, productive and responsible lives in a global society.

CSI General Education Goals 1) Help you develop as a discerning individual. 2) Teach you to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 3) Increase your awareness of the balance between individual needs and demands of our society. 4) Encourage you to be a life-long learner. 5) Encourage your creativity.

CSI SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Social Science Department is to provide educational, social, and cultural opportunities which encourage enriched, productive and responsible lives primarily by instructing students to understand, interpret, and apply Social Science discipline coursework. CSI Social Science Department Goals 1) Learn important facts, concepts, and theories of Social Science. 2) Acquire new techniques and methods used to gain new knowledge. 3) Learn to distinguish between fact and opinion. 4) Use evaluation, analysis, and synthesis to interpret and solve problems. 5) Use social sciences to make better-informed decisions.

CSI ANTHROPOLOGY PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT The Anthropology Program will provide students with a basic introduction to the sub-disciplines of anthropology, familiarize students with major theories and contributors, and prepare students for transfer to upper division anthropology programs elsewhere. CSI Anthropology Program Goals 1) Provide you with a survey of the history of anthropology and its major contributors. 2) Provide you with an overview of the sub-disciplines of anthropology, its current trends, and specialized terminology used by anthropologists. 3) Instill in you an awareness of worldwide cultural diversity to help you appreciate the commonality of mankind. 4) Introduce you to the methodology used by anthropologists. 5) Reinforce your reading, writing, and speaking skills to help prepare you for transfer to a four- year college

Course Outcomes Aligned with General Education criteria (GE) Social Science Goals (SS) and Anthropology Program Objectives(POLS):

GE SS ANTH Students Will.... 1) Know how cultural anthropology 1 developed and be able to identify major contributors. 2) Be able to distinguish the various 4 1 2 sub-disciplines of anthropology, identify its current trends, and understand specialized terminology used in cultural anthropology.

3) Be aware of the worldwide 1, 2, 3, 5 3 cultural diversity of humankind and identify features in common to all humankind.

4) Know the basic methodologies 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4 used by cultural anthropologists.

5) Enhance their reading, writing, 1, 4 2, 5 and speaking skills to help transfer to a four-year college

Assessment Method: Alignment of course outcomes with course assessment methods.

Short Essay Class Comprehensive Attendance Review Answer Questions Assignments Essay Bonus Groups Questions

1      2      3     

Outcome In class Take- Classroom Attendance Final writing home essaydiscussions exam exercises exams 1 X x 2 x x

3 x X x 4 x X X x 5 x X X X x

Fall 2011 Course Calendar

WEEK DATES CHAPTER TOPICS 1 Aug 24/25 1 The Essence of Anthropology

2 Aug 31/Sept 1 2 Characteristics of Culture

3 Sept 7/8 3 Ethnographic Research, Methods and Theories/ Quiz 1, Chapters 1- 3 4 Sept 14/15 4 Human Origins

5 Sept 21/22 5 Language and Communication

6 Sept 28/29 6 Social Identity

7 Oct 5/6 7 Patterns of Subsistence

8 Oct 12/13 8 Economic Systems Quiz 2, Chapters 4-8

9 Oct 19/20 9 Sex, Marriage and Family

10 Oct 26/27 10 Kinship and Descent

11 Nov 2/3 11 Grouping by Sex, Age, Common Interest, and Class Quiz 3, Chapters 9- 11

12 Nov 9/10/ 12 Political Organization

13 Nov 17/18 13 Religion and the Supernatural


14 Nov 30/Dec 1 14 The Arts Quiz 4, Chapters 12-14

15 Dec 7/8 15 & 16 Cultural Change/Global Challenges and the Role of Anthropology REPORTS DUE/Final test handed out

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