Loddon Parish Council

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Loddon Parish Council

LODDON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of Loddon Parish Council held in The Library Annexe on Thursday 14 April 2016 at 7:00pm

Present: Councillors Ray Lumley, Sarah Colman, Margaret Wallace, Sophie Garrett, June Strickland, Anne Boles, John Coupe and Gary Knights, plus one vacancy Also present were Christine Smith (clerk), Karen Read (finance officer) and County Councillor Stone Four members of the public also attended.

243. Welcome – Chairman Ray Lumley welcomed those present.

244. Recording of Meeting – it was CONFIRMED that no-one present wished to record the meeting

245. Apologies – were received and accepted from Cllrs Paul Clemence, John Bussens and District Councillor Colin Gould

246. Resignation of Finance Officer – it was NOTED that the Responsible Finance Officer Karen Read had resigned her position with the council and that the Personnel Committee were dealing with the resulting vacancy. The parish council wished its grateful thanks to Karen for her hard work to be recorded.

247. Co-option of Councillor to Fill Casual Vacancy After considering those who had come forward to fill the vacancy on the council, Michael Roe was duly appointed due to his previous experience as a councillor. Cllr Roe signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.

248. Declarations of Interest – none

A change in the agenda order was AGREED

249. Police Report – PC David Reeve tabled a report and noted the retirement of PCSO Kevin Nightingale; the council extended its thanks to Kevin for his work in the parish. A new PCSO would be appointed to fill the vacancy. Disturbances on Church Plain in the late evening were discussed and PC Reeve asked for members of the public to note details of any offending vehicles

250. District and County Councillors’ Reports – District Councillor Colin Gould’s report was tabled and NOTED in his absence. County Councillor Stone’s report which had been circulated was NOTED. He added that the cycle path between Loddon and Hales should now be clear of debris and that a new timetable for the 86 bus route would be coming out in September. Parish councillor Gary Knights requested a progress report on the holding of a meeting between all parishes affected by traffic delays on the A146, as previously agreed. Cllr

LPC 0f0041ab0039f2572ed943cc1374e89b.doc 40 Stone reported that there was ‘not much enthusiasm from officers to arrange a meeting’ plus the proposed George Lane and Hales roundabouts, and speed limit changes at Burgh Apton would have some impact and this should be monitored. Parish Councillor Sophie Garrett requested information on the changes in volume of traffic using the A146, which Cllr Stone said he would endeavor to obtain.

251. Previous Minutes – the minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 10 March 2016 were circulated, APPROVED and signed

252. Planning Decisions – the following decisions were NOTED: a) 2016/035 - Mr & Mrs J King, 6 Garden Court, Loddon - Two storey extension to rear of dwelling – APPROVED with conditions, delegated b) BA/2016/0015/FUL – Public toilets, Staithe Car Park, Bridge Street, Loddon – creation of disabled WC and separate pay to use shower room. Installation of 2 additional external doors to side elevations, installation of 2 Velux sun tubes to rear roof slope. Update to building signage – APPROVED c) 2016/0473 - Mr & Mrs John Green, 4 Farthing Close, Loddon - Alterations and rear extensions – APPROVED d) 2016/0574 - Mr Richard Kittle, Bush Farm, Stubbs Green, Loddon Norfolk - New grain store – Agricultural: Prior Approval not Required, delegated

253. Planning Applications – the following applications were considered: a) 2016/0549 – Mr M Pointer, Land south of 15 Norton Road, Loddon – reserved matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning approval 2014/2257 for one dwelling - APPROVE b) 2016/0601 – Mr Steven Lee, 36 Kittens Lane, Loddon – proposed move of oil tank from back to front garden – APPROVE subject to tank being set into slope of garden to avoid loss of amenity to neighbour c) 2016/0595 – Mrs Joanna Hogarth, 44 Kittens Lane, Loddon – new detached garage – APPROVE d) 2016/0629 – Mr & Mrs M Kittle, Old Farm House, Bush Farm, Stubbs Green, Loddon – replacement of existing windows and doors to match existing - APPROVE The above applications required a response before the meeting; the clerk was delegated authority to respond with the council’s views after consultation e) 2016/0601` - Mr Stephen Lee, 36 Kittens Lane, Loddon proposed move of oil tank from back to front garden (amended plans for application ‘b’ above) – having considered additional information the council agreed to recommend REFUSAL due to loss of amenity to neighbouring property. f) 2016/0741 – Mr & Mrs Pickering, 32a Norton Road, Loddon – proposed workshop and garage – APPROVE The following application was received after publication of the agenda: the clerk was delegated authority to reply with the council’s views after consultation

LPC 0f0041ab0039f2572ed943cc1374e89b.doc 41 g) 2016/0778 – Ms Rosalind Moore, 2 Leman Close, Loddon – proposed single storey side extension – APPROVE subject to no objection from neighbours

254. Planning Correspondence – the following items were considered: a) Norfolk County Council – notification that planning applications will be consulted on electronically, with hard copies available at a charge - NOTED b) Response from South Norfolk Council to the parish council’s correspondence regarding difficulties in using the paperless planning consultation system – it was AGREED that the clerk would make a formal complaint to South Norfolk Council each time an application could not be read when printed on A4 paper or viewed on a computer screen c) Lucy Edge – confirmation that the planning application for wind turbines at Gillingham had been unanimously refused by South Norfolk Council - NOTED

The meeting was adjourned for public participation at 8.10pm and reconvened at 8.17pm

255. Chair’s Report – the chairman reported that South Norfolk Council has issued an invitation to attend a celebration of the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 21 April at Long Stratton

256. Finance Report – the finance officer had circulated a report of financial transactions; this was APPROVED and signed.

257. Grant Application from Scarecrow Festival - £100 grant (payable to the LDBA) was AGREED

258. Grant Application from MAGPAS – no grant AGREED

259. Grant Application from East Anglian Children’s Hospices - £100 grant AGREED

260. Grant application from the Jubilee Hall Management Committee - £725 grant for the year ended 31 March 2016 was AGREED

261. Jubilee Hall Management Committee Representative – It was AGREED that Parish Councillor Anne Boles would be the parish council’s representative

262. First Group Buses – a report had been received from Chris Limbach of First Group Buses requesting that the parish council consider the possibility of a new stop being installed near farthing Green. It was AGREED that the council would respond stating that it would prefer to see the stop at Beech Close remain as there were concerns regarding delivery lorries serving businesses in the Farthing Green area blocking the road.

LPC 0f0041ab0039f2572ed943cc1374e89b.doc 42 263. Universal Service Obligation Consultation – the council considered the questions posed in the consultation document regarding a minimum level of Broadband provision everywhere and agreed to respond stating that there should be a minimum specified speed in primary legislation, with a regular review system in place, and that the Government should have a continued role.

264. South Norfolk Council Draft Community Assets Strategy – after discussion it was AGREED that the council should respond stating that South Norfolk Council should detail what assets it operates in the parish and that the parish council has no budget for running South Norfolk Council owned assets: the parish council does not support any changes in the current asset management scheme.

265. Parking Issues – a discussion took place on parking on the pavement outside the kebab Shop and Chinese Takeaway on the junction of Bridge Street and George Lane. The council felt that the current situation with vehicles of customers to the takeaway premises, plus delivery lorries regularly parking on the pavement, was dangerous and it was AGREED that the Enforcement Officer would be asked to attend the area and that social media should be used to highlight the dangers such inconsiderate parking causes.

266. Village of the Year Sign – a proposal had been received from local resident Mr Peter Whitaker to permit him to arrange and finance the refurbishment of the ‘Village of the Year’ sign on Church Plain. After discussion, it was AGREED that permission be given and that the parish council would fund a new post, to replace the existing one which was showing signs of severe rot, up to the value of £170. The council also expressed its thanks to Mr Whittaker for his instigation and financial support of the project.

267. Old Town Hall – the clerk reported that, although there had been some unforeseen holdups, the sale was still progressing and completion should take place soon.

268. Public Toilets – a meeting between Loddon parish council representatives, South Norfolk Council and District Councillor Gould was arranged to discuss the future of the Church Plain toilets; the work on the refurbishment of the Staithe toilets was due to commence in the next few weeks.

269. Councillors’ Reports – Cllr Anne Boles reported that she was now a Trustee at the Jubilee Hall and added that Davy Place had organized a celebration for the Queen’s 90th birthday including the planting of a commemorative tree. Cllr Margaret Wallace stated that she had attended a Doctors’ Surgery meeting where discussions took place on the timescale for the delivery of the proposed roundabout at the George Lane junction with the A146. It was confirmed by District Councillor Gould and County Councillor Stone that the roundabout would be constructed at the beginning of work on the development site. Cllr Sophie Garrett said that the ‘Stay a Little Longer in Loddon and Chedgrave’ leaflet had gone to print and 5,000 copies would shortly be distributed. She also reported that BACT was considering tendering for additional contracts and that the AGM of the Business Association would be held on 9 May.

LPC 0f0041ab0039f2572ed943cc1374e89b.doc 43 Cllr John Coupe stated that the previously reported tree overhanging the footpath behind the church had now been removed.

270. Correspondence – a list as circulated was NOTED.

Pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s2, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, press and public were excluded

271. Freedom of Loddon - A recipient was AGREED from those nominated. Arrangements would be made for presentation.

272. Next Meeting – it was confirmed that the next scheduled meeting would take place on Thursday 12 May 2016 at 7pm

The formal meeting ended at 9:45pm



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