Philadelphia Area Girls Soccer

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Philadelphia Area Girls Soccer

PHILADELPHIA AREA GIRLS SOCCER 18 February 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

President Jim Pomilo called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm at the PAGS office 458 King Rd., Malvern, PA 19355. In attendance were: President Jim Pomilo; Vice- President Kevin Rooney; Secretary Julie Sheehy; Treasurer Tom Gotthold; Counsel Greg Gifford; and League Administrator Tom Corey.

1. Review of the Minutes of the 12/8/09 Board Meeting (Jim Pomilo): No minutes were submitted for review.

2. Financial Report (Tom Gotthold): No financial reports were submitted for review.

3. Old Business:

a. Champions League (Jim Pomilo): Games between the top 4 teams in the top divisions at U11 and U12 in PAGS and JAGS will be invited to participate in the first PAGS/JAGS Champions League. The event will be held on 2-3 April 2010 at Rider University. PAGS/JAGS will pay the cost of field rental and the teams will pay the referee fees. The event is designed to honor Charlotte Moran’s life’s work. Tom Corey will contact the applicable PAGS teams. b. Marple Sports Arena Rental (Kevin Rooney): Despite repeated requests, PAGS has not received an invoice from Marple Newtown SA. It appears the MNSA is overcharging us by 1 hour per week and $15 per hour. MSA has been able to resell some of the time and MNSA has used some of the time. We will not act until an invoice is received from MNSA. c. Spring Season (Tom Corey): Currently 113 teams have applied. We will use the club scheduling system for the spring season. Referees will be assigned by our current POD assignors. We will allow scheduling flexibility for teams with state cup conflicts and for field unavailability due to weather. The short season should be able to be played as scheduled on 3/27-28/10. Kevin Rooney moved, seconded by Julie Sheehy, that we allow 3 guest players at U9 and U10, and 5 guest players at U11-U19 for the Spring Season. Motion passed unanimously. d. Motions From 10/26/09 Delegate Meeting (Jim Pomilo): Jim Pomilo discussed the motions that received their initial reading at the 10/26/09 Delegate Meeting. These motions (see attached) will receive a second reading and will be voted on at the AGM on 3/15/10. e. PAGS Credit Card: Jim Pomilo made a motion, seconded by Julie Sheehy, that we get a new credit card for use by the President and League Administrator. After discussion the motion passed 3-2 (Pomilo, Gotthold, Sheehy for; Rooney, Gifford against). f. Payment From The Far Post (Jim Pomilo): Jim Pomilo indicated that we finally received the payment from The Far Post for lost revenue from the EDP Program when TFP failed to open their facility for our program in April 2009. g. Agreement With The Philadelphia Independence: Jim Pomilo indicated that announce of an agreement between the Independence, EPYSA, and PAGS will be made soon. h. PAGS Charlotte Moran Fund (Tom Corey): Tom Corey indicated that the PAGS Charlotte Moran Fund is available for contributions. We will set up an application and selection criteria to evaluate requests for contributions to 501(c)(3) from the fund.

2. New Business: a. FY2011 Budget: The Board worked on a draft of a FY2011 budget. Tom Corey will prepare and send to the Board for review. b. Payment To League Referee Coordinator: Kevin Rooney moved, seconded by Greg Gifford, that the League Referee Coordinator payment be increased from $1000 to $5000. Motion passed unanimously. c. 2010-2011 Key Dates and Fees: Tom Corey reviewed the key dates and schedule of fees for 2010-2011 (see attached). d. PAGS AGM: The PAGS AGM will be held Monday, 3/15/10, at 7:30 pm at USTC. e. Outreach to St. Maarten: Kevin Rooney reported that he has been contacted by a representative of te FA in St. Maarten about presenting a clinic and providing some used equipment to youth players on the island. Kevin moved, seconded by Jim Pomilo, that PAGS provide used equipment to St. Maarten. Motion passed unanimously. Kevin Rooney will provide Jim Pomilo with the list of equipment that is needed. f. PAGS/YSC Tournaments: Kevin Rooney reported that PAGS and YSC will jointly sponsor two tournaments for the U9-U12 age groups. These small-sided tournaments will be used to identify players for the Union Juniors Program. g. Access to EPYSA Database: Tom Corey reported that EPYSA, at PAGS’ request, will authorize Youth Leagues to provide EPYSA member leagues with the ability to download their league data into Excel. h. Slate of Officers: PAGS will propose the following slate of officers for election at the AGM: President – Kevin Rooney; VP – Jim Pomilo; Secretary – Julie Sheehy; Member/Counsel – Greg Gifford. In addition, Kim Wilson will be asked to run for the position of Treasurer. i. By-Law Change: Tom Gotthold moved, seconded by Greg Gifford, that the PAGS By-Laws be changed to read that all Board Members be elected at-large. Board positions would then be determined at an annual Board reorganization meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Greg Gifford will draft a by-law change that will receive it’s first reading at the PAGS AGM. j. Reserve Funds: Tom Gotthold moved, seconded by Kevin Rooney, that PAGS keep 10% of annual operating expenses in reserve at the end of each year. Motion passed unanimously. Kevin Rooney moved, seconded by Greg Gifford, that any excess over the 10% amount be moved to the PAGS Charlotte Moran Fund. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Next Meeting: TBD

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