Wales Labour Party Rules
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Version 8 October 2016
Discussion Draft - Proposed Wales Labour 2017 rule book
The discussion document that follows offers a first draft of what is intended to be a comprehensive set of party rules governing the working of the party in Wales. It is driven by two imperatives a) the incomplete and sparse nature of the current Welsh Labour rule book and b) the decision of the 2016 Labour Conference to grant the party in Wales greater freedoms.
It is predicated on two principles.
First, the National Rule book will continue to apply in Wales unless amendments or additions to that rule book are implicit in what follows for the Welsh set of rules.
Second, sections 1- 11 below are intended for early wider discussion within a “constitutional convention” that is convened by Welsh Labour Grassroots and which is open to any party unit (and individual party member). That convention will seek agreement on a more polished version. Once agreed, discussions would be held with WEC with a view to party units putting an approved version before 2017 Welsh Conference PRIOR to any negotiations with the NEC being conducted on the basis that Welsh Conference should decide what rules it wishes to have first, and then seek NEC approval to them.
Any rule changes agreed will become Welsh additions to existing UK rules covering areas of party activity either NOT covered by the national rule book at all, or as an alteration to national rules to suit devolved Welsh politics. The chapters of the national rule book as amended by the rules set out below are: Chapter 7 and 8 where arrangements are proposed re the election of the leader of Wales Labour and for the selection of AMs; Chapter 9 where appeals mechanisms are set out; Chapter 11 in respect of arrangements for Young Labour in Wales
Clearly, the proposed changes seek to achieve much more than a clarification of obscure or conflicting guidance. They seek in large measure to: a) address weaknesses in the governance of the party that many feel have afflicted Wales Labour since devolution. b) build upon the need to strengthen party democracy that has been made evident since the recent UK leadership contests and to address gaps in party rules that have persisted since 1999 -for example clear rules that govern the election of the party leader in Wales and the selection of candidates for the National Assembly. c) reserve to the party in Wales primacy in matters such as party organisation, policy formation and tactical election strategy for all elections taking place in Wales.
In the pages that follow below, red text indicates major additions to the extant Welsh rules whilst ***** indicates deletions from those rules. There are also other minor changes to wording.
There are a few sections that remain to be completed in respect of the selection process for MEPs.
Welsh Labour : Rules and Standing Orders; other General Rules and Provisions
The objectives of Welsh Labour shall be as follows:
1.1. To liaise with the National Executive Committee to promote and build a community based political, organisational and campaigning profile of the party amongst the electorate in Wales and to develop a Welsh dimension to national policy and campaigns.
1.2. To work with all units of the party to secure the return of Labour representatives to Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, the European Parliament, local government bodies, and all other directly elected posts that exist or might be created.
1.3. To ensure that effective political and electoral organisations operate within each Constituency, Local Authority area and Assembly Electoral Regions and that every party member has regular opportunities to participate in a functioning party branch / ward within easy reach of his/her home.
1.4. To co-operate with the National Executive Committee, the General Council of the Trades Union Congress, the Co-operative Union Ltd. and affiliated organisations in joint political and other action in harmony with the Constitution and Rules of the Labour Party.
1.5. To co-operate with the Welsh Group of Labour Members of Parliament and Members of the European Parliament, the National Assembly Labour Party, the Wales TUC, affiliated Trade Unions and socialist bodies within Wales, and the Welsh Group of Co-operative Parties.
1.6. To establish and maintain a policy making process in Wales, including the publication of policy documents and a timetable of consultations that will lead to the WEC agreeing the content of the manifesto for the Assembly elections. WEC will formally sign off the manifesto no later than 8 weeks from the date of the Assembly elections.
1.7. To liaise with Labour Groups throughout Wales and to provide such machinery as is deemed necessary for the co-ordination of local government policy in Wales. 2 1.8. To co-ordinate and promote Women's and Young Labour activities within Wales.
1.9. To provide a full-time and skilled organising service within Wales that is accessible, curteous, and responsive to the needs of CLP, branch and LCF officers and to members.
2. Affiliations to Wales Labour
2.1. Affiliated Organisations to Welsh Labour shall consist of:
CLPs affiliated to the party nationally. Welsh/regional or district bodies of those trade unions affiliated to the party nationally. Welsh/regional organisations of those socialist societies affiliated to the party nationally. Co-operative Societies affiliated to the party nationally. The Welsh organisation of the Co-operative Party. Women's organisations recognised by the party. County Labour Parties, or such other local government committees such as the LCFs whose structure has been approved by the WEC and are established in local authorities that have wards in at least two constituencies. The Labour Group of the Welsh Committee of the Local Government Association
2.2. As a condition of membership, every affiliated organisation must accept the programme, principles and policy of the Labour Party and agree to conform to the Constitution and Rules of the Labour Party and the Rules of the Welsh Labour.
3. Finance
3.1. All moneys received by or on behalf of Wales Labour shall be dealt with as determined by the Welsh Executive Committee.
3.2. Wales Labour will be able to raise directly any funds for political purposes – whether enduring or fixed term. Any Wales –based staff employed directly or indirectly through the use of such funds shall, via the Chair, be accountable to the WEC .
3.3. There shall be elected in accordance with the Standing Orders at each Annual Conference two delegates to act as Auditors of the accounts submitted to the Annual Conference following that at which they were elected. Each affiliated organisation may nominate ONE of its delegates to Welsh Labour Conference to act as Auditor. These positions, which are not subject to gender balance, shall be elected by the Annual Conference as a whole.
4. Annual Conference 3 4.1. Delegates
Welsh Labour Annual Conference shall be constituted as follows:
4.1.1 Delegates appointed by each affiliated Trade Union, Socialist Society or Co-operative organisation to the number of ONE delegate for each 1,000 members or part thereof, on whom affiliation fees have been paid for the year preceding the Annual Conference. Affiliated organisations shall have women delegates in proportion to their women's membership.
4.1.2. Delegates appointed by Constituency Labour Parties to the number of TWO delegates for the first 1,000 individual members or part thereof, on whom affiliation fees have been paid for the year preceding the Annual Conference. A quota of 50 per cent women shall apply. Each CLP may appoint an additional Youth Delegate under the age of 27 providing that no CLP shall appoint a male Youth Delegate unless one of its other delegates is a woman.
4.1.3. Delegates appointed by such other local government committees such as LCFs whose structure has been approved by the WEC and are established in local authorities that have a number of wards in at least two constituencies; not exceeding TWO from each affiliated party. A quota of 50 per cent women shall apply.
4.1.4. Delegates appointed by Women's Forum’s, not exceeding one for each parliamentary constituency.
4.1.5. Two delegates appointed by the Labour Group of the Welsh Committee of the Local Government Association.
4.1.6. Ex-Officio members as set out below.
Members of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party. Members of the Welsh Labour Executive Committee, Standing Orders Committee and of the Wales Labour Party Women's Committee. Members of the Parliamentary Labour Party representing constituencies within Wales. Labour Members of the European Parliament representing constituencies within Wales. Prospective Parliamentary Labour Candidates, Prospective National Assembly for Wales Candidates, Prospective Labour Candidates for the European Parliament for constituencies within Wales, whose candidatures have been endorsed by the National Executive Committee. Labour members of the House of Lords whose membership is in Wales. Full-time Agents working for the Wales Labour Party. Members of the National Assembly Labour Party. Welsh members of the National Policy Forum. Welsh representatives on the Young Labour National Committee. Members of the Welsh Joint Policy Committee and Welsh Policy Commissions.
4 Labour Ward councillors in local authorities in Wales.
4.7. Ex-Officio members of the Annual Conference shall have no voting power, unless they are also appointed as delegates.
4.8. An affiliated organisation may appoint a delegate in addition to its standard entitlement if one of its duly appointed delegates is a member of the WEC, a member of the Standing Orders Committee, or a Welsh Representative on the National Policy Forum due for re-election that year provided that no party unit shall appoint such an additional delegate unless one of its delegates is a woman.
4.9. Only accredited delegates shall be entitled to attend the Annual Conference on presentation of their credentials.
4.2. Qualification of Delegates
4.2.1. Every delegate must be an individual member of the Labour Party as defined in the Constitution of the Labour Party.
4.2.2. Delegates must be bona fide members resident within Wales (or paid permanent officials) of the organisation appointing them, except in the case of Members of the Parliamentary Labour Party, Members of the National Assembly Labour Party, or endorsed Parliamentary or National Assembly for Wales Labour Candidates who may be appointed to represent Constituency Labour Parties responsible for their candidature.
4.2.3. No person shall act as a delegate for more than one organisation.
4.2.4. Members of Parliament not members of the Parliamentary Labour Party are ineligible as delegates. Assembly Members not members of the National Assembly Labour Party are ineligible as delegates.
4.2.5. Persons acting as candidates or supporting candidates in opposition to endorsed Labour candidates are also ineligible to act as delegates.
4.3. Standing Orders of Annual Conference
4.3.1. The Welsh Executive Committee shall **** convene all Welsh Labour Conferences. The meeting shall be convened in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Rules and these Standing Orders. Conference must be called at least annually to direct the general governance of the party and its policies. A special Conference must also be called urgently after Assembly elections where the party is considering joining or forming a governing coalition of parties in the Welsh Assembly in order to agree whether to form such a coalition and on what terms. Welsh Labour Special Conferences may also be summoned at the insistence of the Welsh Labour Executive or National Executive Committee, or by the requisition of 40% of affiliated organisations (e.g. if 200 bodies are affiliated, any 40 bodies calling for a conference is sufficient).
5 4.3.2.When a Welsh Labour Conference is called at short notice, the secretaries of affiliated organisations shall, on receiving the summons, instantly take steps to secure representation of their organisation in accordance with the Rules and these Standing Orders.
4.3.3. A delegation fee on each delegate shall be payable by affiliated organisations sending delegates to Welsh Labour Conference. Ex-officio members of the conference in attendance shall pay the same fee. Such fees must be paid to the General Secretary before credentials are issued. The amount of the delegation fee shall be fixed by the WEC and notified to all affiliated organisations. For the annual session of the Welsh Labour Conference this shall be fixed by 31 December of the preceding year. For special conferences, the WEC shall determine any fee which shall be notified in the notices served on members and affiliated bodies.
4.3.4. The timetable for the receipt of names and addresses of delegates appointed by affiliated organisations shall be determined by the WEC and submitted to the affiliated organisations with the notice convening the conference. In the case of a special conference called under Welsh Labour Rules and Standing Orders, the WEC shall also determine a date by which such names and addresses shall be submitted. For the purposes of a Special Conference or Recall Conference, party units and affiliated organisations may reappoint their current delegations.
4.4. Conference Agenda
4.4.1. The WEC shall present to any Conference such reports and draft reports determined by the rolling programme agreed by the Welsh Policy Forum. This will include final documents, options, alternatives or minority reports of the WPF. All such documentation shall be circulated to all CLPs and affiliated organisations by a date to be determined by the WEC which must be no less than 10 days before the first day of conference.
4.4.2. The WEC shall present to Conference i) the report of the WPF, including a summary of its work during the previous year, ii) the work of the policy commissions and proposed programme for the forthcoming year iii) the work of the Programme Development Board in the previous year and its forthcoming work. All reports are to be circulated to all CLPs and affiliated organisations 3 months before annual Conference or one week before any special conference.
4.4.3. Affiliated organisations may submit one motion on a topic which is either not substantively addressed in the reports to Conference of either the WPF or WEC or which has arisen since the publication of those reports providing that all motions shall deal with either (i) matters within the competence of the National Assembly for Wales or
6 (ii) internal organisation and other administrative affairs of the Party in Wales. (iii) matters at parliamentary or European level where affiliated bodies wish Conference to offer advice or guidance to Labour members of Parliament on issues that (SOC / Conference) or (30 affiliated bodies) judge as having a significant Welsh dimension.
4.4.4. The SOC shall determine whether the motions meet these criteria and submit all issues received to a priorities ballot at the start of Conference. Motions must be in writing, on one subject only, or be in the form of a constitutional amendment and must be received by the General Secretary at the offices of the party by the closing date determined by the WEC.
4.4.5.CLPs and affiliated organisations may submit resolutions to the WEC on campaigning and organisational issues and the WPF and its policy commissions on policy issues throughout the year. The WEC and WPF shall consider such motions and report on action taken in their annual report to Conference. In the case of motions relating to policy issues outwith the remit of WPF, these shall be forwarded to the NPF.
4.4.6. CLPs and affiliated organisations may submit one contemporary issue for consideration by the Welsh Policy Forum. Within the respective sections (affiliated organisations and party units), these shall be subject to a priority ballot of conference. One contemporary issue from each section shall be forwarded to the WPF for detailed consideration and a report shall be made to the following Welsh Labour Annual Conference.
4.4.7. Nominations for the Standing Orders Committee, Auditors and National Policy Forum Representatives shall be sent in writing on the form provided to the General Secretary by the closing date agreed by the WEC for inclusion in the final agenda.
4.4.8. Constitutional amendments, motions on contemporary issues and nominations shall be accepted only from those affiliated organisations whose affiliation fees for the previous year have been paid by the 31st December.
4.4.9. Conference will consider policy reports and draft reports as part of the rolling programme; the WPF report; the WEC annual report; WEC statements and development strategy; constitutional amendments and motions on contemporary issues submitted and accepted. It shall not consider any business unless recommended by the WEC or the SOC. At any special session of Conference, the business of conference shall be restricted to the purpose for which the conference has been called.
4.4.10. When Conference has by resolution or acceptance of a WEC or WPF report made a declaration of general policy or principle, no resolution concerning such policy or principle shall appear on the agenda of the annual conference immediately following the conference at which such
7 declaration was made, except such resolutions as the WEC consider as being of immediate importance.
4.5. Standing Orders Committee
4.5.1.There shall be elected in accordance with the Standing Orders at each Annual Conference a Standing Orders Committee consisting of six members (of whom at least three shall be women) to act as such for the Annual Conference following that at which they are elected and for any Special Conferences called during the intervening period. The Executive Committee shall appoint three of its members to act as observers.
4.5.2. Each affiliated organisation may nominate ONE of its delegates for a seat on the Standing Orders Committee which shall be elected by the Annual Conference as a whole.
4.6. Voting at Welsh Labour Annual and Special Conference
4.6.1.Voting at Party Conference on resolutions and reports shall be by show of hands of voting delegates only except as required by Conference or by the chair of Conference, by card.
4.6.2. When a card vote is called, voting shall be in two sections as follows:
4.6.3. Affiliated organisations (other than CLPs, County Labour Parties, and Women's organisations) shall have one vote for each 1,000 members or part thereof on whom affiliation fees have been paid for the year preceding the Conference. The votes in this section shall be counted and calculated as a percentage of the votes cast in this section. They shall then be weighted as provided in clause II.C (below)
4.6.4. Constituency Labour Parties shall have two votes for the first 1,000 members, and one vote for every subsequent 1,000 members or part thereof on whom affiliation fees have been paid for the year preceding the Conference. County Labour Parties / LCFs, and Women's organisations shall have one vote each. The votes in this section shall be counted and calculated as a percentage of the votes cast in this section. They shall then be weighted as provided below.
the balance of voting between the two sections shall be 50 per cent to the affiliated organisations excluding party units (as in 'a' above), 50 per cent to the party units (as 'b' above).
the weighted votes from each section shall be aggregated and the results reported to Conference as a percentage.
4.6.5. Voting for the election of the Executive Committee, Welsh Representatives on the National Policy Forum, Standing Orders Committee and Auditors shall be by ballot vote.
8 4.6.6. Where voting is by sections, the stated provisions for the votes for each organisation apply. The result for each candidate shall be declared as a percentage of the maximum number of votes obtainable on the basis of the ballot papers submitted regardless of any organisation's decision to vote for less candidates than there are places available.
4.6.7. Where voting is by the whole of Conference, the stated provisions shall apply, except that the percentage of votes cast for each candidate in each section (as defined in the stated provisions) shall be calculated as a percentage of the maximum number of votes obtainable on the basis of the ballot papers submitted regardless of any organisation's decision to vote for less candidates than there are places available.
5. Welsh Executive Committee
5.1. Membership – elected and ex officio
5.1.1. Elected membership There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of members elected for a two year term of office by the Annual Conference (or otherwise as may be set out in the Standing Orders/Procedural Rules with regard to regional Constituency Labour Party sections) on a sectional basis as follows, under such conditions as may be set out in the Rules for the time being in force:
8 seats to affiliated Trade Unions in South Wales of which at least 4 must be held by women 2 seats to affiliated Trade Unions in North Wales of which at least 1 must be held by a woman 2 seats to Constituency Labour Parties in the North Wales National Assembly for Wales Regional List area of which at least one must be held by a woman 2 seats to Constituency Labour Parties in the Mid and West Wales National Assembly for Wales Regional List of which at least one must be held by a woman 2 seats to Constituency Labour Parties in the South Wales Central National Assembly for Wales Regional List area of which at least one must be held by a woman 2 seats to Constituency Labour Parties in the South Wales East National Assembly for Wales Regional List area of which at least one must be held by a woman 2 seats to Constituency Labour Parties in the South Wales West National Assembly for Wales Regional List area of which at least one must be held by a woman 1 seat to Welsh Young Labour which shall be held by a person of the opposite gender to the previous term’s holder and shall be elected by Welsh Young Labour Conference. 2 seats to the Co-operative Party and Socialist Societies of which at least 1 must be held by a woman
9 2 seats to the National Assembly Labour Party of which at least 1 must be held by a woman 2 seats to Labour Group Leaders, elected at a meeting of Leaders convened by Welsh Labour, of which at least 1 must be held by a woman 2 seats to the Welsh Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party of which at least 1 must be held by a woman 1 seat to a woman representing elected to represent Welsh Labour’s Women’s Committee. 1 seat to a representative elected to represent the Welsh Labour BME committee. 1 seat to the Welsh Group of the European Parliamentary Labour Party which shall, unless the group consists wholly of one gender, be held by a person of the opposite gender to the previous term’s holder
5.1.2. Ex officio The following four post holders shall be ex officio members of WEC The Leader of the National Assembly Labour Party The Secretary of State for Wales when the party is in government or the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales when the party is in opposition The Leader of the Labour Group on the Welsh Local Government Association The Chair of the Welsh Policy Forum
5.2. Executive Officers
The elected officers shall be the chair, senior vice-chair, junior vice chair and treasurer, at least two of whom shall be a woman. The term of office for the Chair, Senior Vice Chair, and Junior Vice Chair shall be one year with the senior vice chair automatically succeeding the chair, and the junior vice chair automatically succeeding the senior vice chair. Thus after two years from the acceptance of this rule, WEC will normally elect only the junior vice chair unless the Chair or senior vice chair resign part way through their three year tem of office. They shall be elected by and from the members of the WEC at the first meeting following the Annual Conference of Welsh Labour.
The secretary shall be the General Secretary of Welsh Labour appointed by the NEC on the advice of the WEC after a proper selection process undertaken in Wales.
5.3. Election of the Welsh Labour Executive Committee
For the purposes of nomination and election the Executive Committee shall be divided into sections as set out in the Welsh Labour rules and standing orders.
5.3.1. Election of Affiliated Organisation Representatives affiliated organisation (those organisations excluding CLPs, Women’s Forums and County Parties) may make ONE nomination from amongst its appointed delegates for its appropriate section of the Executive Committee with the exception of the sections for Constituency Labour Parties, Welsh Young Labour, the Welsh Group of the Parliamentary
10 Labour Party, the National Assembly Labour Party, the Labour Group of the Welsh Local Government Association and the Members of the European Parliament representing Wales. Nominees for election must be bona fide members of the organisation submitting their nomination, bona fide members of the Labour Party and delegates from their nominating organisation to Welsh Labour Annual Conference. Each affiliated organisation may make a nomination for each 50,000 members or part thereof that it affiliates to Welsh Labour, within its appropriate section.
5.3.2. Election of Constituency Labour Party Representatives In the regional Constituency Labour Parties sections, candidates for any region must secure nomination by at least one Constituency Labour Party within that region, including their own Constituency Labour Party’s nomination. Each Constituency Labour Party may nominate one man and one woman candidate for the relevant regional Constituency Labour Parties’ section. Election of Constituency Labour Party representatives shall be by a one member, one vote ballot within each of the five electoral regions. At least one of the representatives elected shall be a woman. Nominees for the regional Constituency Labour Parties sections shall be bona fide members of a Constituency Labour Party within the relevant region. The election shall be conducted by one member, one vote within each region. The elections shall be conducted under Procedural Guidelines and a Code of Conduct agreed by the Standing Orders Committee. The Standing Orders Committee shall determine the timetable for election and shall supervise the procedure. The results shall be declared at Annual Conference.
5.3.3. Election of Welsh Young Labour Representative The Welsh Young Labour shall be elected by a ballot of all delegates to the Welsh Young Labour Conference. Elections shall be held every two years. At least every two years the post must be held by a woman. Each CLP may nominate any of its delegates to Welsh Young Labour Conference to stand for election as the Welsh Young Labour representative on the WEC.
5.3.4 Other representatives on the Welsh Executive Committee
11 One representative of : the Welsh Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party; Labour Group on the Welsh Local Government Association; the Welsh Group of the European Parliamentary Labour Party; and the National Assembly Labour Party shall be appointed by the relevant group.
5.3.4. Occasional vacancies on the Welsh Executive Committee Any vacancy which occurs among members of the Executive Committee between regular elections shall be filled by the Executive Committee co-opting the highest unsuccessful candidate in the section concerned as shown in the results of the last election declared to Annual Conference, subject to the gender requirements of the position. In the case of a vacancy occurring in the first year of the Executive Committee’s term of office and more than 12 weeks before Annual Conference, in sections other than the regional Constituency Labour Party sections, the co-opted member shall serve until Annual Conference at which an election shall be held to elect a member to serve for one year.
5.4. Agendas, minutes and quorum
5.4.1. The agenda and papers for any regular meeting of WEC, (including minutes of the previous WEC) shall be with members of WEC no later than 10 days before the date of the meeting. No meeting shall proceed if this requirement is not met. The agenda and papers for any specially convened WEC shall be with members no later than 5 days before the date of the meeting.
5.4.2. The agenda for the WEC meeting papers will be added to membersnet 10 days prior to the meeting. The minutes of WEC meetings will be added to membersnet no later than 16 days following each meeting and made accessible to all members.
5.4.3. The quorum for meetings of WEC shall be 16 of which 5 must be from trade unions, 6 from CLPs and 5 from among Welsh Young Labour / Co-operative and socialist bodies /National Assembly for Wales/ Labour Group/ PLP/ and Labour Women delegates.
5.4.4. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once a quarter. Special meetings may be convened by the Chair and Secretary or at the request of not less than TEN members of the Executive Committee.
5.5. Manifesto for the Assembly elections
5.5.1. WEC will establish both a timetable and process for developing - through a fully democratic process that encourages the fullest involvement of party members and affiliated bodies - an agreed manifesto on which Assembly elections will be fought. The final draft of the manifesto will be agreed at a special meeting of the WEC usually early in March, eight weeks prior to the election. Section 6 outlines the role of the policy forum in this process.
12 5.6. Party Development Board (PDB)
5.6.1. A Party Development Board (PDB) shall be established, drawn from the members of the Welsh Executive Committee. It has the following tasks: a) It is empowered to commission reports to aid the development of the Party in Wales. b) It shall ensure the effective implementation of Welsh Executive Committee and Welsh Labour Conference decisions. c) It shall oversee the creation of an effective campaign strategy for Welsh Assembly elections and this shall be a standing task. d) It shall prepare, for final decision by the June WEC in the year that is two years out from the Assembly elections, a clear election plan for selecting candidates to fight Assembly elections that delivers the bender balance and other requirements set out in section 8.
5.6.2.Membership of the PDB shall be the officers of the WEC (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and General Secretary), Leader of the Labour Group in the National Assembly for Wales, Secretary of State for Wales (or Shadow Secretary of State when in opposition) and eight members of the Welsh Executive Committee, with four each representing affiliated organisations and party units. These shall be elected by their respective representatives on the Welsh Executive Committee.
5.6.3. The agenda and papers for any meeting of the Party Development Board (including minutes of the previous meeting) shall be with all members no late than 10 days before the date of the meeting. No meeting shall proceed if this requirement is not met.
5.6.4. The agenda for the Party Development Board will be added to membersnet 10 days prior to the meeting. The minutes of meetings will be added to membersnet no later than 16 days following each meeting and made accessible to all members.
5.6.5. The quorum for the Party Development Board shall be 7, of whom 4 must be from affiliates and party units.”
5.7. Appeals Panel
5.7.1. There shall be an appeals panel of the WEC from which members shall be drawn to: a)Hear and determine appeals in accordance with the Standing Orders of the National Assembly Labour Party, where the decision of the WEC panel shall be final. b) Hear and determine appeals against the withdrawal of the group whip pursuant to clause 10 of the rules for Labour groups, where the decision of the WEC panel shall be final. c) Hear and determine appeals against refusal of endorsement of nomination to Local Government panels pursuant to the rules for
13 selection of local government candidates, where the decision of the WEC shall be final. d) Hear appeals and investigate and make recommendations on such other matters that may from time to time be referred to it by the NEC to assist the NEC and its officers to come to a final determination in such matters. e) The full appeals panel shall be gender balanced and total 10 people and, for each appeal, three people shall be drawn from the 10. Each appeal panel shall have at least one woman.
6. Welsh Labour Policy Forum
6.1. The WEC shall establish and oversee a standing Welsh Labour Policy Forum, Policy Commissions and a Welsh Joint Policy Committee to produce a rolling programme relating to matters within the competence of the National Assembly for Wales for submission to the Annual Welsh Labour Conference.
6.2. The Welsh Labour Policy Forum shall consist of:
2 representatives, of whom at least one shall be a woman, appointed by each Welsh CLP.
2 representatives, of whom at least one shall be a woman, appointed by each affiliated Welsh/Regional or district body of a Trade Union.
2 representatives from the Welsh Young Labour Committee
2 representatives, of whom at least 1 shall be a woman, appointed by the Labour Group of the Welsh Local Government Association.
2 representatives of whom at least one shall be a woman appointed by the Co-operative Party.
1 representative appointed by each affiliated Socialist Society (providing that this position shall be held by a person of the opposite gender to the previous term’s holder).
6 representatives (of whom at least 3 shall be women) appointed by the WEC.
4 representatives to be elected by Welsh Labour Conference (two by affiliated organisations, two by party units), which shall be subject to gender balance within each section.
2 representatives, of whom at least 1 shall be a woman, appointed by the Welsh Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party.
1 representative appointed by the Welsh Group of the European Parliamentary Labour Party (providing that, unless the Group consists
14 wholly of one gender, this position shall be held by a person of the opposite gender to the previous term’s holder).
The Secretary of State for Wales, or Shadow Secretary of State for Wales in opposition, ex-officio.
The Leader of the National Assembly Labour Party ex-officio.
2 representatives, of whom at least 1 shall be a woman, appointed by the National Assembly Labour Party.
National Policy Forum members representing the Wales Labour Party and CLPs in Wales ex-officio.
6.3. The term of office for members of the WPF (excepting ex-officio members) shall normally be two years. The WEC shall determine the dates by which organisations shall be invited to appoint their representatives, by which notice of appointment must be received by the General Secretary and on which newly appointed WPF members shall assume office.
6.4. A Chair and a Vice-Chair of the Welsh Labour Policy Forum and Welsh Joint Policy Committee shall be elected by all voting members of the Welsh Labour Policy Forum. Both shall be ordinary delegates to the Welsh Policy Forum. Ex-officio members shall not be entitled to either stand for election or to vote in the election. The term of office shall be co-terminus with that for members of the Welsh Labour Policy Forum, as determined by the WEC.
6.5. WPF representatives shall be subject to the same requirements as those set out in ‘Qualification of Delegates’.
6.6. Representatives of affiliated organisations may serve only if their appointing organisation has paid its affiliation fee for the previous year.
6.7. Election of Welsh Representatives to the National Policy Forum
Subject to the guidelines for election issued from time to time by the National Executive Committee, each affiliated organisation may nominate one of its delegates to Welsh Labour Annual Conference (or in the case of retiring NPF members, one of its members) for the Welsh seats on the National Policy Forum, which shall be elected by Conference as a whole. At least one of the two representatives elected shall be a woman.
7. Election of Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party in Wales
7.1. Elections for Leader EITHER version A
15 7.1.1. The election of the leader of the Labour Party in Wales shall be by a ballot of all individual full members of the party in Wales who have been full members for six months prior to the date when a vacancy arises.
7.1.2. Candidates for Leader can only be nominated by the parliamentary party in Westminster and the Assembly Labour Group. Either group, if nominating, must nominate at least one man and one woman from their number. Each nominee must have at least 5 sponsors from within the respective groups. Only sitting MPs or AMs may be nominated.
7.1.3. If more than 2 people are nominated by either the PLP and/or the Assembly Group then either
(the WEC will conduct an eliminating ballot so as to deliver one man and one woman MP and one man and one woman AM and then the four remaining candidates – two from the PLP and 2 from the Assembly – will proceed to a ballot of all members ) OR
(the candidates so nominated will proceed to a ballot of the full membership using the alternative vote system)
OR version B 7.1.1. The election of the leader of the Labour Party in Wales shall be by a ballot of all individual full members of the party in Wales who have been full members for six months prior to the date when a vacancy arises.
7.1.2. Candidates for Leader can only be nominated by the Assembly Labour Group, which must nominate at least three candidates of which at least one shall be a woman. Each nominee must have at least 4 sponsors from within the group. Only sitting AMs may be nominated. In the event that only two nominations are made by the Assembly Group, WEC will consult with AMs and it will add a third name to those nominated.
7.1.3. The candidates so nominated will proceed to a ballot of the full membership in Wales using the alternative vote system.
7.2. Vacancy for Leader of the party in Wales A vacancy for Leader of the party will arise in one of three circumstances: a) on the resignation of the post holder b) on a resolution of the Labour Group in the Welsh Assembly by simple majority that “the Leader shall relinquish his/her post” c) on a resolution that “ the Leader shall relinquish his / her post” carried by 60% of voting delegates attending a properly constituted annual conference - or special Welsh Conference called for this purpose.
7.3. Election of Deputy leader 7.3.1. The election of a deputy leader for the Labour Party in Wales shall be by a ballot of all individual full members of the party in
16 Wales who have been members for 6 months prior to the date of the election. 7.3.2. Any member holding elected office as an MEP, MP, AM or local councillor is eligible to stand. 7.3.3. Candidates for Deputy Leader need 15 nominations in any combination) from among: CLPs in Wales; MEPs, MPs, AMs, or Labour Groups in Welsh Local Government.
8 Selection procedure for members of the Welsh Assembly
8.1. Panel 8.1.1. WEC shall maintain a standing panel of candidates wishing to be considered for either constituency or regional assembly seats. Applications to be considered for the panel will be addressed to the panel secretary who shall be an officer nominated by WEC. No member can be considered for selection if they are not on the approved panel.
8.1.2. Application shall be by a standard application form to be agreed by the PDB that will be returned to a named party official who will, for this purpose, act for the Junior Vice Chair who will be deemed the panel secretary.
8.1.3. WEC shall establish an interviewing panel comprising up to 20 party members that are representative of the party in Wales by gender, experience and geography and who offer to serve for a term of three years. Of these, 5 shall be members of WEC who have no interest in standing for the Assembly. Anyone serving on the panel is ineligible to seek selection for the panel being constructed.
8.1.4. Interviews will be conducted by no less than three members of the panel who will recommend candidates for the panel – if necessary by a majority vote. Interviews will comprise both standard questions to all candidates and a practical written exercise. The interviewing process shall follow the guidance set out in the national rule book as per for assessing panellists for local government elections.
8.1.5. Appeals against any decision of the panel not to place an applicant on the panel will be made to the WEC within 14 days of being advised of refusal, and the decision of a properly constituted appeal panel will be final. The appeals panel will consist of five members of the full panel. Each appeal team will be drawn from across Wales (but with no connections with the applicant’s locality / nominating body) and who were not involved in the original interview decision.
8.1.6. The panel secretary will cease taking applicants on 31st December of the year preceding the Assembly elections unless the number of panellists is less than 60 in total or comprises less than 35 women. Additions to the panel will resume on the 1st June after the Assembly elections.
8.2. Gender balance
17 8.2.1. The Party’s selection processes will be designed to ensure that the number of women selected to fight for seats in the Welsh Assembly from the Labour Party will i) be at least half of the constituency seats (at least 20) and ii) will take the first place for the “top up” seats in three regions where the voting system is likely to deliver a Labour seat. There shall be a gender balance between MPs and AMs such that, by 2020 the party will be represented in each held constituency by either a male MP and a female AM, or female MP and a male AM. It will also field either female and male candidates for parliamentary seats with the opposite mix for Assembly seats where either seat is not held.
To achieve these aims the following steps will be taken:
a) Any directly elected Assembly seat vacated by a woman will automatically be reserved as an All Women Short List for two elections beginning with the election in 2020. Any AWS vacated by a woman after an 8 year stint will revert to an open short list.
b) In any directly elected Assembly seat where the sitting member stands down for whatever reason after the 31st December of the year preceding election year for the Assembly (i.e. within 6 months of the Assembly election), that seat will automatically be an all women short list.
c) The PDB will set out in January of the year preceding the Assembly elections a final selection plan, having consulted upon it over the preceding 6 months with the wider Party (CLPs and LCFs). The PDB will take into account likely retirements and the impact of rule 8.2.b above. The final plan will thus identify for all directly elected seats those to be reserved for AWS and those that will be open short lists so that 20 of the 40 directly elected seats will be AWS.
8.3. Timetable for selections
8.3.1. The aim will be to have all candidates for directly elected seats selected by April of the year preceding the election year.
8.3.2. To achieve this the following steps will be taken
a) Between May – June of the second year of the (four year) Assembly term, affirmative ballots will be held in all seats where existing AMs have confirmed they wish to be considered again for their present seat.
b) Between January – February of the third year of the Assembly term all AWS directly elected seats will be selected.
c) Between March and April of the third year of the Assembly term the remaining directly elected seats will be selected
18 8.3.3. By May (one year away from the election) candidates for the regional list seats will be selected as follows. Those eligible for consideration to stand as regional candidates will be panellists who have not been selected for directly elected seats. WEC will invite all panellists wishing to be considered to state which regional list they wish to seek a place upon. The list for each region will then be compiled and sent to party members in that region. The number of candidates needed will be decided by the preference vote method with the candidate with the lowest vote dropping out and his/ her second preferences being redistributed.
9. Selection process for choosing Welsh MEPs To be completed
10. Amending Standing Orders
10.1. Welsh Labour Rules and Standing Orders or any part thereof may be amended, rescinded, altered or additions made thereto by resolution carried on a card vote at a Welsh Annual or specially called Conference, subject to the approval of the National Executive Committee.
The general provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders of the Labour Party shall apply to Welsh Labour unless varied by Welsh Party rules.
11. Employment of officials, performance management and setting of work priorities
11.1. To recognise the almost annual electoral cycle in Wales, the WEC and paid staff will devote considerable time to planning Parliamentary, Assembly, Local government and European elections, the fund raising needed to support these campaigns, and the ability of the party to undertake campaigning activity.
11.2. On behalf of the WEC, the Chair, Senior Vice and Junior Vice will meet formally each quarter with the General Secretary to update the objectives of the officer team and to review the team’s prospective work plans. There will be a formal appraisal process in place that is designed to a) ensure Welsh priorities are properly reflected in the allocations of work between the officer team b) enable the Chair to advise the (UK) General Secretary of the performance of the General Secretary (Wales). c) identify any action that is necessary to ensure intended outcomes are met. The Chair will report the outcome of these review to WEC.
11.3. The General Secretary will advise WEC on the key data it should receive in order to understand the health of the party in Wales. Such data should include : the total number of individual and affiliated 19 members, the age profile of the membership, the financial standing of each CLP, the number of inactive branches (defined as branches that do not meet and /or have no officers).
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