North Attleboro Board of Selectmen

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North Attleboro Board of Selectmen



July 24, 2014 at 6:00 PM

Town Hall Lower Level Conference Room

======At 6:00 PM, Chairman Marchitto opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present.

John Rhyno left the meeting at 6:00 PM

6:00 P.M. Public Hearing – Class I License – Patriot Subaru of North Attleboro, Inc. located at 551 South Washington Street

Chairman Marchitto opened the hearing.

Vice-Chairman Williamson read the public notice

Chairman Marchitto asked if there is anyone present to speak for or against the application.

Adam Arens gave a presentation. Michael Clemy spoke in support. Julie Boyce questioned ownership and responsibility on spill control and made a comment that the bushes along the church were small.

Chairman Marchitto asked if any of the Board members have any questions.

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to issue a class I License to Patriot Subaru of North Attleboro, Inc., located at 551 South Washington Street. Hours of operation will be Sunday through Saturday from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM. Said License to be in effect through Dec. 31, 2014 and is subject to the applicant obtaining an occupancy permit. The motion was seconded by Anne Lonzo. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 0.

Chairman Marchitto entertained a motion and vote to close the hearing.

At 6:08 PM John Rhyno re-entered the meeting. 6:10 P.M. Meeting with Police Chief – DARE Program

Police Chief Reilly gave a presentation on ending the DARE Program and challenges of budget cuts and staffing.

6:20 P.M. DOES ANYONE WISH TO ADDRESS THE BOARD? Limit of ten minutes for each speaker

John Dromsky asked that legal opinions should be distributed to parties associated with warrant articles.

Julie Boyce questioned why the dirt being brought into the LeStage Property has not been tested. The Town Administrator will follow-up with the Park & Recreation Director.

Julie Boyce presented pictures of what she claims is fun-off from the fill being deposited at the LeStage Property.

6:30 P.M. Chief Joubert – request for lateral transfer to fill one vacancy

Fire Chief Joubert gave a presentation on a requested lateral transfer to fill one vacancy.

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to authorize the lateral transfer of Firefighter/Paramedic Todd DeCosta from the Mansfield Fire Department to the North Attleborough Fire Department. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

I. MINUTES 1. Vote to approve the minutes of July 10, 2014

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to approve the minutes of July 10, 2014. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 0 to 1 with Chairman Marchitto abstaining.

II. PERMITS AND LICENSES 1. Permit for an outdoor Event – Emerald Square Mall – Festival Fete – Community Arts Festival – July 26, 2014 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to issue a permit for an Outdoor Event to the Emerald Square Mall for the Festival Fete – Community Arts Festival to be held on July 26, 2014 from the hours of 10:00 AM through 5:00 PM. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

2. Permit for Use of Town Highways – Runaways Runaround – 5K Road Race – Aug. 3, 2014 – 9AM – Fundraiser for CVNA Hospice Program

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to issue a permit for the Use of Town Highways for the Runaways Runaround – 5K Road Race to be held on Aug. 3, 2014 at 9:00 AM. Organized as a fundraiser for CVNA Hospice Program. The route is as follows: South Washington, at the Town Hall south to Sutherland, westerly to Metcalf, westerly to Westside, northerly to Arnold, easterly to High, easterly to Broadway, southerly to Eddy, easterly to South Washington, northerly to Town Hall and to waive the fee. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

III. NEW BUSINESS 1. Vote to accept donations to Miscellaneous Animals Donations Account - $717.00

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to accept donations to the Miscellaneous Animals Donations Account totaling $717. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

2. Vote to accept donations to Animal Shelter Maintenance Donations - $100.00

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to accept a donation to the Animal Shelter Maintenance Donations Account for $100. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

3. Award Police Contract for Dry Cleaning FY15 – New England Dry Cleaners - $19,680

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to award the contract for the cleaning of police uniforms, for FY2015, to New England Dry Cleaners for the amount of $19,680. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0. 4. Award Police Contract for Car Washing Cruisers FY15 – Economy Car Wash - $10,800

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to award the contract for washing police cruisers, for FY2015, to Economy Car Wash for $10,800. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

5. Award Police Contract for Vehicle Maintenance FY15 – Mastertech Auto Sales - $13,000

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to award the contract for police vehicle maintenance, for FY2015, to Mastertech Auto for a rate of $55.00 per hour and an estimated yearly cost of $13,000. The motion was seconded by Patrick Reynolds. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 0 to 1 with John Rhyno abstaining.

6. Appointment of Special Police Officers – Active - for terms to end May 31, 2015: Kyle Trowbridge, David Cullen

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to appoint Kyle Trowbridge and David Cullen as Special Police Officers – Active for terms to end May 31, 2015. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

7. Elevator Maintenance Contract – re-vote

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to re-vote the contract for Elevator Maintenance for the Town Hall, Library and Police Facility with BBE Corporation/Buckley Engineering with Annual Maintenance of $360.00 per elevator and $150.00 per hour for service and repair. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

8. Request to write off $2,911.40 in Ambulance Fees as uncollectable.

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to authorize the write-off of $2,911.40 in Ambulance Fees as uncollectible. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0. 9. Request to grant $93.10 for an Ambulance Fee Hardship Abatement

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to authorize the issuance of an Ambulance Fee Hardship Abatement for $93.10. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

10. Award contract for Ambulance Quality Assurance Program to Girard Associates for the amount of $19,400.

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to award the contract for the Ambulance Quality Assurance Program, for FY2015, to Girard Associates for the amount of $19,400. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.


V. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 1. Policy for Departments, Boards, Commission and Committees Seeking legal Opinion

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to adopt the Policy, as presented by the Town Administrator, for Departments, Boards, Commissions and Committees seeking legal opinion with additional explanation The motion was seconded by Anne Lonzo. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

2. DPW – Declaration of Misc. Scrap Metal and Meters as scrap

Vice-Chairman Williamson made a motion to declare Misc. Scrap Metal and 256 assorted meters as scrap to be disposed of in accordance with MGL Chap. 30B and Town By- Laws. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0.

3. Do any of the Board members have anything they would like the Town Administrator to follow-up on?


Patrick Reynolds  Wanted to make everyone aware of an upcoming fund raiser at the Preservation Framer

John Rhyno

 Reported that Mr. Vescuzi was very appreciative of the response to the problem he brought forth to the BOS.

Anne Lonzo

 Nothing to report

Mark Williamson

 Asked to have the discussion of the Special Act Charter moved to Sept. 4th.

Joan Marchitto

 Made mention of the Education Fund Report from the Treasurer/Collector.  Reminded people of the North Attleboro Family Fund Day at Fisher College


At 7:20 PM, Chairman Marchitto made a motion to go into Executive Session for discussion on the Police Chief’s contract and not to return to Open Session. The motion was seconded by John Rhyno Roll Call Vote: Patrick Reynolds Yes John Rhyno Yes Anne Lonzo Yes Mark Williamson Yes Joan Marchitto Yes

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