Course Syllabus s20

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Course Syllabus s20


Email: [email protected] Office: EC1-141

Required Text: The following text is required and must be purchased by each student for successful completion of the course:

 Landmarks in Humanities by Gloria Fiero, Fourth Edition (Valencia custom edition, ISBN 978-1-260-02761-9)

Additional Required Materials: The instructor will post additional reading materials, worksheets, homework assignments, writing topics, and study guides to Blackboard. All students are responsible for retrieving those materials and printing them out on their own.

Course Description: This course is a basic introduction to humanities that focuses on central concepts, historical developments, and the fundamental nature of philosophy, architecture, music, religion, and art. Concepts from these disciplines will be integrated with contemporary American culture. There is no prerequisite for this course.


Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of this course. Students are allowed the equivalent of five (5) absences during the semester. Upon the 5th absence, the student will be notified that a further absence will result in their withdrawal from the course. On the 6th absence, the student will automatically be withdrawn from the course by the instructor. A student will be marked absent if their signature does not appear on the sign-in sheet for that day. It is the attendance records of the instructor, not the recollections of the student, which will be consulted for proof of attendance/absences.

Exceptions will only be made for events and conditions that are protected by State and Federal laws (such as, but not limited to, Pregnancy and Jury Summons). Students will be directed to visit the Dean of Students if they believe an exception should be granted in their case.

1 Student Responsibility after Absence

Exams and assignments MUST be turned in ON TIME, unless an earlier make-up date is requested and approved prior to the scheduled due date.

Always check the course schedule when you miss class so that you are prepared when you return. You will be expected to submit any homework assignment that is due on that day, and/or take a scheduled quiz or exam with the rest of the class, even if you are not prepared for it. Be sure to check your Atlas email and Blackboard for any announcements the instructor may have sent out regarding changes to the course schedule. No exceptions will be made for you because you were absent and did not receive the information.

Weekly Reading Assignments

You are expected to have completed all reading assignments BEFORE the start of class. The exams and written assignments will also center on these readings. As a part of your grade, you will be assigned discussion questions to answer on Blackboard for these assigned readings.

Blackboard Assignments:

As a part of your grade, you will be assigned TEN discussion questions to answer on Blackboard for the assigned readings. You are also required to reply to TWO of your classmates’ posts for each of the assignments before the due date.

Class Exams

The FOUR class exams will be comprised of short answer questions. Notes, books, computers, cellphones, or any other study aids will not be allowed during the exam. Test questions will come from both the readings and the in-class discussions. Failure to follow test-taking guidelines or an unexcused absence on test day will result in an automatic 0 score for the exam.


Randomly throughout the semester quizzes will be given in the first 5 minutes of the class. Each quiz will have three questions based on the reading material assigned. Full credit will be given for answering two or more of the questions correctly. No credit will be given to students that show up late or fail to answer at least two questions correctly.

2 Classroom Behavior

This is a discussion-based class. Often, you will be presented with points of view that may conflict with your own. Academic debate is highly encouraged, but rude and offensive behavior toward any member of the classroom will not be tolerated.

Grading Scale A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 0-59%

Quizzes (10) - 20% Blackboard Assignments - 40% Exams (4) - 40%

** This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor at any time

Weekly Schedule:

Week 1: Class introduction / Begin Chapter 2

Week 2: NO CLASS MONDAY / Chapter 2

Week 3: Chapter 3

Week 4: Chapter 3 / Test #1

Week 5: Chapter 6

Week 6: Chapter 7

Week 7: Test #2

Week 8: Chapter 8

Week 9: Chapter 10

Week 10: Spring Break

Week 11: Chapter 11

Week 12: Test #3 (Withdrawal Deadline 3/30) 3 Week 13: Chapter 12

Week 14: Chapter 12

Week 15: Chapter 13 / Chapter 14

Week 16: Test #4 (4/26 at 1pm)

** This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor at any time


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