OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
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2014-15 OASFAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Conference Call January 16th, 2015
* Katelyn Brodman * Amanda Haire * Ed Recker * Adam Dillulio * Jayme Jarrett * Amanda Reisinger * Stephanie Goller * Angela Johnson Erika Robison * Randy Green * Andrea Morrow * Lauren Urban
Committee Chairperson * Michele Barry * Betsy Johnson * Stacey Black * Jeff Johnston * Kim Nash-Yore * Tamika Braswell * Michael Jones * Mary Lynn Perri * John Brown * MorraLee Keller * Venus Puliafico * Greg Carlo * Val Kepner * Amanda Reisinger * Trueshonda Carmicle * Scott Lehman * Sam Selvage * Bev Dalheim * Carolyn McCluskey * Rachel Sewell Matt Dalheim * Donna McCullough * Carrie Short * Kristy Gardner * James McDougal * Ericka Walker-Smith * Ann Marie Gruber * Cody McMillen * Anne Watson * Linda Hayes * Lea Mederer * Amy Welty * Jayme Jarrett * Matt Moore * Christy West * Kim Jenerette * Andrea Morrow * Cheryl Willard
I. Welcome Angela Johnson
II. Approval of Minutes/Secretary’s Report Stephanie Goller - Motion to approve December Minutes - Jayme first, Amanda Reisinger seconded
III. Treasurer’s Report Adam DiIlulio/Ed Recker- Tres Elect - Reconciled to this point - Setting up online bank statements with E-Merchant - Fall conference brought in less than was anticipated; Spring conference budget will not be adjusted at this time - Fall conference final attendance number- 249, sponsorship- 18 vendors - The sit-down dinner was very expensive and hard to project - There is not a signed contract yet for next Fall conference 1 Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report- Andrea first, Jayme seconded
IV. Old Business HB 484 – Betsy Johnson - Has not officially attended any meetings yet - No dramatic changes, with the possibility of some effects on Proprietary schools - Tamika discussed OCOG award amounts for regional campuses and community colleges - Next step needs approval from Governor’s Office (after State budget is approved- June) Debit Card – Ed Recker - Challenges- Consistency with Chase and who Ed is able to work with (current vacancy for our region) - We can choose who to issue cards to, dispute charges, impose limits, etc. - Trying to determine who can authorize and sign off on issued cards Online Credit Card – Adam DiIluio - Phase two- making payments online - Getting access to online statements for reconciliation purposes SW Rep – Angela Johnson - Trustee vote for SW Regional Representative - Call for motion to vote- All Trustees voted (except Ed who had left the call), and have approved the request for Erica Henry OAG Feedback – Angela Johnson - Jeff Johnston discussed Outreach and OAG - OAG changed their presentation due to our recommendations and suggestions - MorraLee voiced that it seems important that we somehow partner with OAG to make sure that correct information is conveyed to the community - Angela will reach out to them formally suggesting a partnership
V. New Business Proclamation – Financial Aid Month - Venus and Kim worked with Angela to send a formal letter to the Governor requesting February to once again be proclaimed Financial Aid Awareness Month Diversity Committee Description - Betsy had a question regarding the statement “Assesses the diverse needs of our students”; how will this be accomplished? Needs to be clarified
VI. Reports 1. Regional Representatives 2 a) Northeast Lauren Urban Summary of activities: - Spoke with individuals about possibly running for NE representative for 2015-16
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Spring meeting will be held March 6th, 2015 at John Carroll - Will send out save the date email in mid-January with request for any topics. Two topics/speakers have been tentatively selected.
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: N/A
b) Northwest Katelyn Brodman Summary of activities: - No activities completed since last meeting
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Think of topics for spring regional meeting - Secure presenters for spring regional meeting – two expressed interest - Secure location – one host site and room tentatively reserved
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: - No current recommended items for discussion at this time - Having issues with making sure everyone in the region is receiving her emails through the listserv
c) Southeast Amanda Haire Summary of activities: - I was not able to focus on much with my OASFAA duties this month
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Select additional speakers and topics for spring meeting - Send out Save the Dates for spring meeting 3 Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: N/A
d) Southwest Erika Robison Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
2. President-Elect Amanda Reisinger Summary of activities: - Will be going to Washington DC for Hill visit - Receiving recommendations for next year’s Exec Committee
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Registration open for NASFAA conference- will be attending - Email going to the membership regarding Nominations - Aaron Steffins, the MASFAA President, plans on coming to our Spring Conference
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a) Associate Member Relations Michele Barry/Mary Lynn Perri Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Reach out to Paula at ATAC to update website with vendor info and sponsorship - Attend Spring conference planning meeting; Associate Members 4 Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
b) Communications/Web Trueshonda Carmicle/Kim Nash-Yore Summary of activities: - Planning for next newsletter- early to mid-March release - Looking for information and/or articles to be included
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Finance Amanda Reisinger Summary of activities: - Next meeting will be in March
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d) New Member/Mentor Donna McCullough/Rachel Sewell Summary of activities: - E-mail reminder for 2015 membership dues - Encouraged staying current to receive listserv communication, FA News, OASFAA newsletter - Mentor/Mentee matchup - Membership payments processed 5 Activities planned but not yet completed: - e-Mentoring guide to be completed and sent - benefits of mentor/mentee relationships - ways to connect/be available to mentees - fun suggested calendar of activities, suggested timeline for remaining connected with mentee - calendar for twice monthly e-mail guidance as a “nudge” or hot topics, ways to connect with mentees - Targeted Marketing to past-presidents leadership for membership/participation/mentor program involvement (this will be complete before conference call) - Mentor/Mentee meet-up planning (or other activity) at Spring Conference - Process to send new members mentee invitation as they become new members - Mentor/Mentee matches and introductions - Mentor/Mentee “thank you” or small memento for Spring Conference meet-ups - Thank you cards to be sent to new member conference attendees : “glad you could join us” with reminders on website resources, ways to get involved, CGS, Spring conference dates”
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: - Mentor Program reintroduction underway, value-added new member conference and post-conference activities/marketing underway
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: N/A
e) Nominations Amanda Reisinger Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
6 Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
3. Past-President Randy Green
a) Association Governance and Planning Betsy Johnson/Cheryl Willard Summary of activities: - Nothing to report at this time
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: - Asking to move forward with changes - Ready to submit OASFAA Archive materials for 1314 - The boxes don’t need to continue to travel, they can go into archives
b) Regulatory-Federal John Brown/Linda Hayes Summary of activities: - Has been working with a MASFAA group for a Hill visit - The Federal and State Regulatory Committees have been working together
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Regulatory-State Kim Jenerette/Venus Puliafico Summary of activities: - The past year was indeed a year of “attempting” to plant seed. During a meeting 7 with the SOCHE Board (06.13.2014), I met with Senator Bill Beagle (5th district) and briefly discussed state funding. Provided Senator Beagle with data showing Ohio being the 47th state (in the country) of providing educational appropriations. As a result of this and an expressed desire to discuss additional funding, I met with the Senator on Friday, July 18. Lastly, discussed with the Dean of the School of Business (at Cedarville University) the possibility to have students involved. Their task, through a SR Thesis/Research project, would be to provide the data to present to various leaders throughout Ohio, including the State legislature. (repeat from 07.18.2014).
The committee is collecting information from the contiguous states (to Ohio) for review, analysis, and compilation. The idea is to eventually present this to our state legislators for review. The data has been submitted and is in the process of being organized. The only state that we are lacking sufficient information on is Michigan ….
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Working on a FA Awareness Month for OASFAA. The goal is to have this occur in the month of February. Have this proclamation signed off by the Governor and meet staff, as well as State Legislators. I sent the draft resolution to Angela Johnson (on 12.27.2014) and am waiting to hear back in order to forward to the Governor’s Office (Update. I received a revised document from Angela this morning (01.05.2015). I have emailed Dave Ward to inquire as to whom he wants the letters sent. Angela was copied on the email).. A conference call was held this morning by the Federal and State Issues Committee and planning is underway with respect to State and Hill visits. Minutes from that meeting include the following action items – 8 - Kim will contact Matt Whatley, Chief of Staff OBR - John Brown – Email to Angela to discuss the message OASFFA should/ wants to support - Email to the membership for ideas that will inform the message - Linda Hayes – Reach out to Moralee regarding policy breakfast (?)
- We also discussed the possibility of using funds to pay for an individual to provide data/research regarding state aid and the economic impact of increasing state aid programs. There is no precedent for this type of initiative, thus, there is no basis of compensating anyone. The idea is to establish a report that would not only chart the national averages of state aid, merit vs. need, trying to determine students who stay in state, etc., but to also attempt to determine the economic impact on those students staying in state AFTER graduation.
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: - See above #2
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: - There is a need to assess data to present to the Ohio State Legislature. Discuss our possible resources to both research and compile data for presentation (see above).
4. VP-Conferences Andrea Morrow
a) Conference Planning Andrea Morrow Summary of activities: - Hotel bill sent to Adam for payment - Waiting on bill for programs from Ann Marie. Lakeland billing is every other month, should have sometime in January
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Review and finalize conference contract for Fall Conference 2015
9 - Spring Conference planning meeting tentatively scheduled for January 30th, 2015. Announcement will go out soon and a reminder will be sent out after the first of the year. - Mixed feel about Fall conference date for next year
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: N/A
b) Registration Lea Mederer Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Entertainment Greg Carlo/Scott Lehman Summary of activities: Nothing to report
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
d) Program Ann Marie Gruber Summary of activities:
10 Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
e) Site Bev Dalheim/Matt Dalheim Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee
f) Chennelle Leadership Kristy Gardner/Amy Welty Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee
g) Professional Development Val Kepner/Anne Watson Summary of activities: Nothing to report
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
11 5. VP-Training Jayme Jarrett Summary of activities: - Webinar dates now updated on OASFAA calendar and Google calendar
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a.i.a) College Goal Sunday Matt Moore/Carrie Short Summary of activities: - Held site coordinator webinars (2) - Closed mini grant applications and notified recipients - Shipped flyers/posters - Worked on and shipped brochures - Requesting more volunteers throughout the state - Carrie will send color posters/flyers to anyone who would like them to promote further - Working on FB promotions
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Help recruit volunteers - Work on survey content with USAFunds evaluator - Request t-shirt numbers/sizes from site coordinators - Provide CGS Site list to OCAN for College 101 mailings
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: N/A
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: N/A
a.i.b) NASFAA Training Jayme Jarrett Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed: 12 Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
a.i.c) Need Analysis Stacey Black/Ericka Walker-Smith Summary of activities: - Since the December Executive Committee Meeting, our subcommittee has completed the following: - Confirmed locations, rooms, and presenters for upcoming 2015 Regional Need Analysis Trainings - Northern Ohio – Friday, January 30, 2015 - Ashland University - Stacey and Nancy - Mid-Ohio – Friday, February 6, 2015 - Franklin University - Ericka and Greg - Southern Ohio – Friday, February 13, 2015 - Wright State - Mary
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Committee conference call tentatively scheduled for 1/21/15 - Assemble NASFAA Need Analysis Training materials for use at following upcoming events - 2015 Regional Training Sessions
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: - The committee is well on track to complete all 2014-15 goals and initiatives
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: - None at this time
a.i.d) Outreach Jeff Johnston/Cody McMillen/Christy West Summary of activities: - Our counselor workshops all went extremely well with great attendance and fantastic feedback. With 863 registered we believe we set a recent year 13 attendance record (while we do not take actual attendance, most sites reported over 90% attendance).
- Requests for FA night presentations continue to roll in for the 14-15 academic year. We have struggled to find presenters in some outlying areas, or on challenging days such as Friday Nights. We appreciate the coordination with and cooperation from the regional representatives. As we head into 2015, one of our goals will be to expand our volunteer list.
Activities planned but not yet completed: - We will do a wrap up meeting in the coming weeks to figure out what we learned, start to generate ideas for next year, and to begin to line up committee members
- We will have a Financial Aid 201 webinar in February that will be promoted on all ListServs (OCAN, OSCA, OACAC, as well as OASFAA for newer counselors). This will focus on how to pay for college after the free money is exhausted.
- Our email database has a ton of bad addresses in it (bounce backs from retired folks and/or duplicates). We will work with Paula at ATAC to see how this can be cleaned up.
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives: - We are winding down for 2014-2015 with the above activities to be completed no later than February
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee: - None at this time
a.i.e) Support Professional Michael Jones/Carolyn McCluskey Summary of activities: - Working on the announcement for Support Professional nominations 14 - Target for the message on the OASFAA Listserv is late January 2015 or early February 2015
Activities planned but not yet completed: - Right on track
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
f) Diversity James McDougal Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
VII. Liaisons
1.a.a) Board of Regents Tamika Braswell Summary of activities: - NEALP application period is now open - Not automatically renewable, so students will need to reapply who received last year
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
15 1.a.b) OCAN MorraLee Keller Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
c) Research Sam Selvage Summary of activities:
Activities planned but not yet completed:
Progress on committee’s 2014-15 goals/initiatives:
Recommended items for discussion by Executive Committee:
VIII. Adjournment— Amanda first, Jayme seconded. Meeting adjourned