10. Online Entry a Guide
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NB – This document is designed to provide state specific instructions on submitting your award entry. It should be read in conjunction with the AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards 2016 Entry Guide.
10. ONLINE ENTRY – A GUIDE Chapter Timeline
ACT Dates Event Monday 7 March 2016 Entries open for Awards Monday 18 April 2016 Entries close for Awards June 2016 Awards Night
Entries can only be submitted online. All relevant documents will be available on aila.org.au once the Awards Entries are open in your local Chapter. If you require clarification or further information on your Entry, contact Grace Bodman at [email protected] or 02 6248 9970. Entry into the awards is a 2 step process. Begin by completing the online Entry Form and then email Grace Bodman at [email protected] your dropbox link to the required submission documents. All documents must be submitted via dropbox by 5pm Monday 18 April 2016. NOTE: You will need your online entry number to complete all the supporting information and documentation.
Step 1: Complete the online Form
10.1 Select an Award The first page will prompt you to ‘select a program being entered into’. You will choose the Chapter in which the project is located. The page will also prompt you to choose a Category. You will choose a Category that is most applicable to your entry (see section 6.2 of this Guide).
10.2 Payment The second page will list the ‘item’ that you are ‘ordering’. This will confirm the awards program and cost, and list the charge. The shipping details should list your entrant contact address. Shipping method should be selected as AUSPOST. You can then select one of two payment options: 1 credit card 2 pay later (via EFT or cheque). If this is selected, payment will need to be received prior to the deadline in order for your entry to progress to the jury.
10.3 Entrant Details The next stage will present you with the contact information that AILA has for you (as our member). You will have the ability to edit these details by clicking the pencil icon in the top right hand corner of any text box.
10.4 Project Details The next stage will ask you to fill in details about the project you are entering. This includes:
• Practice name/s (include practices in collaboration/association that need to be attributed)
• Project name
• Client
• Project team, or any others to be attributed - Note: the whole project team cannot be included on certificates, include key collaborators/practices
• Project address (will be kept confidential on any private or residential projects) PLEASE NOTE – This is the information that will appear on your winning entry certificates and charges may apply for certificate reprints.
Step 2: Submitting Documents
10.5 Submitting Documentation and Images The following documents must be submitted to [email protected] via Dropbox by 5pm Monday 18 April 2016
Project Description Form Images
Supporting Documents (if applicable)
Please note: CDs and USBs are not an option. All Award submissions documentation must be provided via Dropbox. No hard copies will be accepted unless you have made a prior arrangement with your Chapter Manager due to the unique nature of your submission. Please send above entry information via DropBox to [email protected] . DropBox link to include the following folder set up as detailed below:
Main folder for each entry titled with the Entry Number & Project Name (e.g. 45ABC). Please note that the Awards online entry system will generate entry numbers for you to use here.
1. Project Description Form (Refer to Appendix A) Please save your completed Project Description Form as a Word document (not PDF) in this folder 2. Images: Refer to Appendix B below for detailed requirements for image labels and attributions. 3. Supporting documentation: Refer to Appendix C below for requirements
In addition an A1 Project Board is to be submitted to be exhibited at the Awards Exhibition Evening to be held prior to the Awards night
A1 Project Board Guidelines:
The purpose of this board is to be displayed at an exhibition evening, prior to the awards night for other members, or members of the public to view as a representation of your award submission It must be portrait orientation Must include: Category, Entrant, Project name & client information displayed in a white box at the BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER of the Project Board Any number of images and supporting content can be included to best portray your submission
A1 Project Boards are to be posted (appropriately wrapped for storage and safe transportation) to Carly Wood before 5pm on Monday 18 April 2016.
The Postal address for the Project Board is: Attn: Grace Bodman GPO Box 1646 CANBERRA ACT 2601 If you have any problems creating the Dropbox link or any other queries relating to your submission please contact [email protected] The entrant is also responsible for completing the declaration on behalf of the client/owner (Appendix D); however this is not required to be submitted to AILA.
The AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards – ACT Awards Project Description Form Please complete the following information and supply via Dropbox link to [email protected] along with images and other submission material after entering your details via the online entry system. All materials are due by Monday 18 April 2016 if you have any problems creating the Dropbox link or any other queries relating to your submission please contact [email protected]
Entry number (this will be provided by the online entry system)
Statement of Achievement (maximum of 500 words) This is the main opportunity to outline to the Jury how your entry meets the Core Qualities (the criteria on which the entry is judged). It shouldn’t be a statement solely describing the project. In brief, the Core Qualities for judging the awards are
1. Thinking 2. Leadership 3. Results Credits and Attributions (please list each person and company on a separate line). These will be included on any Award Certificate.
Image captions (please label each image as saved and acknowledge the photographer for each)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Supporting documentation (please label each additional item supplied and provide a number below to correspond) APPENDIX B IMAGES
To ensure your project is adequately documented, images should provide as much relevant information about your project as possible. Digital images will be used during the judging process and for promotional purposes by AILA. A. High resolution ‘hero’ images Four (4) high resolution images must be submitted as part of your entry. These images may be used for promotional purposes both nationally and internationally by AILA, and will also be used to inform Jurors about your project. High resolution images should meet the following criteria:
File type to be JPEG or EPS,
Image quality to be the maximum quality setting,
Image size to be minimum A4; minimum 3,500 pixels wide and a maximum 5,000 pixels wide,
Size of file to be a maximum of 5MB each,
RGB preferred (rather than CMYK),
Landscape orientation preferred,
Full bleed preferred,
Minimum of 300dpi.
B. Low resolution images
Up to ten (10) low resolution images may be submitted with your entry. Whilst these images may be used for promotional purposes both nationally and internationally by AILA, their primary intention is to inform Jurors about your project. Low resolution images should meet the following criteria:
File type to be JPEG,
Image size; maximum width 800 pixels,
Size of file to be a maximum of 200Kb each,
RGB (not CMYK), Resolution; 72dpi.
C. Image content and quantities
AILA suggests the following content and quantities for images submitted for typical projects; 2-3 images related to site context and setting 2-3 images relating to different elevations 2-3 images of any relevant design details
D. Image names
The first image must be labeled in the following way …45-01-ABC, where 45 is the award entry number (received online during submission of entry) 01 is the image number ABC is the project name
Images must be ordered as follows The FIRST image (numbered ‘01’) will be preferred over others, as the one that the landscape architect has nominated to represent the project, and may be used for website, publications and the like. This image needs to be in landscape orientation and high resolution. The second, third and fourth images are to be the high resolution images and numbered 02, 03 and 04 (see below). The other images must be named in the same way (numbered 05 -14) and may be used for publicity and promotional material where the first image is deemed not appropriate. However, image number 01 will always be the preferred image used to represent the project in relevant AILA publicity and promotional material
In the images folder, please also include a word doc with a schedule of any photographers that need to be attributed to specific images if images are used for media purposes. APPENDIX C SUPPORTING INFORMATION
The documents must be labeled in the following way …45-XY-ABC-, where
45 is the award entry number (received online during submission of entry) XY is the document name ABC is the project name (E.g. Entry#SitePlanMary’sGarden) APPENDIX D DECLARATION FORM
The AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards Declaration by/on behalf of Client/Owner The Entrant is responsible for ensuring this is completed. This form should be retained by the Entrant as it may be required at a future date. AILA does not require this form to be saved in your dropbox
I support the submission of this project in the AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards. I also agree to be the nominated person who may be contacted by the Jury if the project is short listed and more information is required.
Project Name:
Signature: Date: