Mayor Ballard City Bob Abercrombie Council Members Public Works Director 2381 E. 1000 S. Mark Reidhead Ben Mower Ballard, Utah 84066 Tom Nordstrom Secretary/Recorder Lloyd Meacham Kaelyn Meyers Phone: (435) 722-3393 John Plant Secretary Fax: (435) 722-5726 Anissa McDonald e-mail: [email protected]

City Council Visitors July 21, 2015 7:00 p.m. Charlie Ford Kelly Smith MINUTES Jesse Duncan Item Scott Duncan 1) Brett Prevedel CALL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER Lonny Reed  Welcome and Roll Call – Mayor Bob Abercrombie Katie Henderson welcomed all in attendance and called roll. Those in Mike Hawley attendance were Council Members Lloyd Meacham, Tom Nordstrom, John Plant, Mark Reidhead and Secretaries Kaelyn Meyers and Anissa McDonald.  Prayer – Bob Abercrombie  Pledge of Allegiance – Was said by all in attendance.  Conflicts of Interests -- All Council Members who have a conflict with any item on the agenda please state concern.

2) GASCO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT – Jessica Berg Scott Duncan and Jesse Duncan were in attendance and stated that regarding the road into the well site off of Hwy 40, UDOT is requiring them to pave 7 inches deep and minimum of 300 feet back off the highway. Motion made by Council Member Tom Nordstrom to accept the Conditional Use Permit for Badlands Energy, 2nd by Council Member Lloyd Meacham. All in favor. YEA NAY Council Members Bob Abercrombie Lloyd Meacham Tom Nordstrom John Plant Mark Reidhead

3) CHARTER SCHOOL SITE PLAN – Athenian Charter School Lonny Reed who is the engineer on the project stated that changes have been made to pave parking lot. Mayor Bob Abercrombie said that the Planning Commission would like to see a sidewalk from the roadway through the parking lot to the school. Lonny Reed agreed to the sidewalk. Council Members asked about lighting in the parking lot. Charlie Ford said that the school hours will be from 9 am to 3 pm and any evening activities will be held at a separate location, so they have no plans for lighting. Charlie said that the buildings will have flood lights on them.

4) CHARTER SCHOOL SUBDIVISION UPDATE – Athenian Charter School Lonny Reed said that the subdivision is complete and they just need a few more signatures before it can be recorded. July 21, 2015 1 5) SIDE WALK LANDSCAPING PROJECT – Eric Majors Mike Hawley said that the lighting supplier has notified Jones & DeMille that the street lights should be here in September. Katie Henderson with Jones & DeMille said that she has contacted 3 different landscapers for bids on the sidewalk project. They are Allred’s, First Green and LawnWorks. The suggested trees for the landscaping were Maple or Honey Locust. Council Members decided on the Honey Locust. Council Members all agreed to award the bid to Allred’s. Council Member Mark Reidhead showed the council a piece of a local rock that when you put a light behind it, the letters engraved into the rock shines through. He stated that he would like to put up a welcome to Ballard Sign at the roadway on the Northwest corner by the high school tennis courts. Council Members agreed on the rock sign. Motion was made by Council Member Mark Reidhead to accept the bid from Allred’s and to order the rock sign, 2nd by Council Member Tom Nordstrom. All in favor. YEA NAY Council Members Bob Abercrombie Lloyd Meacham Tom Nordstrom John Plant Mark Reidhead

6) PARKS & RECREATION UPDATE – Brett Prevedel Brett Prevedel stated that the sprinkling system was down at Serenity Park for the last few weeks, but the problem has been fixed. Brett Prevedel updated the council on the staff changes at Uintah Parks and Recreation. Neil has quit, leaving Tyson in charge. Because of this change the parks weren’t monitored like they should have. Brett Prevedel addressed the issue of placing canopy’s over the playground equipment and said that Uintah Parks & Recreation has no plans to do so at this time. City Council Members suggested to Brett Prevedel the possibility of planting some trees at the City Park. Brett said he will look into getting that done.

7) BUILDING PERMIT UPDATES – Jim Lisonbee It was stated that Jake Parrish is welding in his shop and needs to pay for a business license, along with a building permit for the barn that is already constructed. Mayor Bob Abercrombie said to have attorney Clark Allred draft a letter to Mr. Parrish giving him 30 days to comply with getting a building permit. As for the business license he is in the wrong zone. Jake Rasmussen’s tenants has built 2 or 3 sheds or outbuildings on his property and was told they needed a building permit. They have not followed through with paying for the 3 building permits issued. Mayor Bob Abercrombie asked to have Attorney Clark Allred draft a letter to them giving 30 days to comply. Both letters will also state that if they do not comply within 30 days legal action against them may be taken.

8) ORDINANCE REVIEW –  Title 5, Business Licensing- Deferred  Title 13.18, Oil and Water – Council Members discussed having oil well sites be 1000 ft. from any existing and/or future structure. Decision was made to hold a

July 21, 2015 2 Public Hearing on the change to be scheduled at the next Planning and Zoning meeting on August 4, 2015.

9) PUBLIC INPUT – Kelly Smith was in attendance regarding the expansion of R&R Propane. Kelly stated that all storage tank(s) will meet the state requirement of having a minimum of 50 feet of clearance around them. Kelly said that currently he is working with UDOT regarding access for his trucks, off of Hwy 40. His plan is to purchase the property to the East and North of his current property. Kelly Smith stated that he would like to eventually build a new building to the front of the property and put his tanks to the back in Commercial 3 section. He would like to keep his business here in Ballard and would like to get approval to move forward. Council Members stated that since the property is currently zoned C2 &C3 and that with his tanks it would need to be rezoned to industrial. Kelly took all necessary information that he will need to do a General Plan and Zone change.

10) WATER BOARD UPDATE – Mark Reidhead Council Member Mark Reidhead said that during the Water Board meeting discussions were about trying to work with Johnson water for the Victory pipeline.

11) OFFICE / PROJECTS REPORT –  Council Member John Plant said that the sound system has been ordered. Council Member John Plant stated that the surface tablets that the council purchased are beginning to have the batteries fail. To purchase new batteries they are $85.00 and will cost $65.00 to install. In his opinion that is more than what they are worth. Council Member John Plant suggests that the City purchase new ones that in his opinion will last longer. He suggests a 32 g in either a Samsung Galaxy, Kindle or IPad.  Secretary Kaelyn Meyers said the shirts that the Council want will be ordered tomorrow.

12) REVIEW & CORRECT MINUTES –  July 7, 2015 – Council Motion was made by Council Member Tom Nordstrom to accept the minutes of July 7, 2015 as corrected, 2nd by Council Member Lloyd Meacham. All in favor. YEA NAY Council Members Bob Abercrombie Lloyd Meacham Tom Nordstrom John Plant Mark Reidhead

13) FOLLOW-UP ON PAST MINUTES –  Council Members discussed that with all of the past correspondence with Cardwell regarding paving 300 feet back off of Hwy 40, with no results, that they would like Attorney Clark Allred draft a letter giving Cardwell 30 days to comply. Council Members addressed the fact that Cardwell may need to now upgrade to UDOT’s requirements that requires a depth of 7 inches, and Cardwell will need to contact UDOT about that.

July 21, 2015 3  Council Members said that according to Attorney Clark Allred the City must contact the property owners before cutting down trees in the road right-of-way.

14) MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Bob Abercrombie read aloud a letter from Roosevelt Mayor Vaun Ryan regarding Union Street wastewater line. The letter stated Ballard City’s concerns about capacity, ensuring that Ballard will be held harmless from liability resulting from connecting to and using the line for the new Taco Bell.

15) COUNCIL REPORTS – Council Member Lloyd Meacham – Nothing to report on at this time. Council Member Tom Nordstrom – Nothing to report on at this time. Council Member John Plant – Nothing to report on at this time. Council Member Mark Reidhead – Nothing to report on at this time.

16) FINANCES: Checks, Statements, Reports and Budget Checks and finances were gone over and approved.

17) ADJOURN COUNCIL MEETING Motion was made by Council Member Lloyd Meacham to adjourn City Council meeting at 9:30 pm, 2nd by Council Member Tom Nordstrom. All in favor. YEA NAY Council Members Bob Abercrombie Lloyd Meacham Tom Nordstrom John Plant Mark Reidhead

Mayor Bob Abercrombie Date

______Secretary Kaelyn Meyers Date

July 21, 2015 4