Review: Chapters 5 & 6
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Review: Chapters 5 & 6 Unit #4: Sensation & Perception Everything that organisms know about the world is first encountered when stimuli in the environment activate sensory organs, initiating awareness of the external world. Perception involves the interpretation of the sensory inputs as a cognitive process. Discuss basic principles of sensory transduction, including absolute threshold, difference threshold, signal detection, and sensory adaptation. Describe sensory processes including the specific nature of energy transduction, relevant anatomical structures, and specialized pathways in the brain for each of the senses. Explain common sensory disorders. Describe general principles of organizing and integrating sensation to promote stable awareness of the external world. Discuss how experience and culture can influence perceptual processes. Explain the role of top-down processing in producing vulnerability to illusion. Discuss the role of attention in behavior. Challenge common beliefs in parapsychological phenomena. Identify the major historical figures in sensation and perception. Terms: be able to define these terms, they will be key for the matching section but some may pop up on multiple choice, true/false or fill in the blank questions.
Threshold (detection/discrimination/absolute):______
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) – Hit/Miss/False Alarm/Correct Rejection:______
Just Noticeable Difference (JND)/Difference Threshold:______
Ernst Weber/Weber’s Law:______
Subliminal Perception:______
Visual Sensation (Distal v. Proximal Stimuli):______
Parts of the Eye (Cornea-Iris-Pupil-Lens-Retina-Fovea-Rods-Cones-Optic Nerve):______
Parallel Processing :______
Tri-chromatic Theory (Young-Helmholtz):______
Opponent Process Theory:______
Nearsighted v. Farsighted:______
Color Blindness:______Hearing
Parts of the Ear (Outer-Middle-Inner):______
Parts of the Ear (Tympanic Membrane-Hammer[Malleus]/Anvil[Incus]/Stirrup[Stapes]-Cochlea-Vestibular Sacs):______
Georg von Bekesy:______
Place v. Frequency Theory:______
Deafness (Conductive v. Sensorineural):______
Cochlear Implant:______
American Sign Language (ASL):______
Gallaudet University:______
Other Senses
Skin (Cutaneous v. Tactile Receptors):______
Vestibular Sense:______
Sensory Adaptation:______
Habituation v. Dishabituation:______
Gate-control Theory:______Perception
Perception (Bottom-up v. Top-down):______Selective Attention/Cocktail Party Phenomenon:______Divided Attention/Multi-tasking:______Gestalt Psychologists:______Illusion (Muller-Lyer):______Monocular Cues:______Relative Size:______Texture Gradient:______Interposition:______Linear Perspective:______Vanishing Point:______Aerial Perspective:______Relative Clarity:______Binocular Cues:______Stereopsis:______Retinal Disparity:______Retinal Convergence:______Figure-ground Relationship:______Proximity:______Similarity:______Symmetry:______Continuity:______Closure:______Constancy:______Depth Perception:______Visual Cliff (Gibson & Walk):______Apparent Motion (phi phenomenon-stroboscopic effect-autokinetic effect):______Perceptual Constancy:______Sensory Deprivation:______Perceptual Adaptation:______Extrasensory Perception (ESP):______Parapsychology:______Premonition:______Telepathy:______Main Ideas: the following concepts will appear in the fill-in-the-blank or short answer sections of the test. These topics are broader and can be found in the “Binder” or textbook.
Sensation & Perception The Five Senses – anatomical structures, stimulation, theories & abnormalities Perceiving sensory information ESP-Premonitions-Telepathy
The Biology of Psychology Be able to identify, locate and describe the functions of the parts of the neuron. How is the CNS, PNS connected to one another? Be able to identify, locate and describe the basic parts and functions of the brain. What glands of the body produce which hormones; and how do those hormones affect behavior?
History & Approaches of Psychology Material concerning the goals of psychology, old & new school theories, and fields/approaches of psychology are “fair game.”
Research Methods All material covered regarding research ethics, methods of study, and analyzing descriptive & inferential statistics is “fair game.”