OUTCOMES-EVALUATION: A Folder That Contains Forms For Evaluation Of The Programs And Participants

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OUTCOMES-EVALUATION: A Folder That Contains Forms For Evaluation Of The Programs And Participants


KEY: - this symbol indicates that the item being described is a folder Individual documents are titled in bold under the folder that contains them (with a description of their purpose, use, and/or contents) Highlighted titles identify the core documents required for the Vermont Internship.

DOCUMENTS: Bibliography Project Summary-VNIP Contributors Resources for teaching INTRO-DIRECTIONS-COPYRIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS Model Outline-Internship VNIP LICENSE AGREEMENT

FOLDERS AND CONTENTS: EVALUATION DOCS: A folder that contains forms for evaluation of the programs and participants. Includes satisfaction survey for assessment of agency pre and post internship model adoption. Also document of results from original VNIP pilot. These tools are intended for use with the VNIP grant project, but may be considered for your use if indicated. 1 Evaluation Tools – listing and explanation of evaluation tools used by the VNIP Annual Summative Evaluation – form used to summit a summary of the program evaluation results and any planned/recommended changes. Consent-demographics: form used for project enrollment and tracking. To be completed at start of internship and sent/faxed to data collection office. Used for demographic data collection, tracking and follow-up for Interns and evaluations. Intern Evaluates Preceptor: basic preceptor evaluation form. Based on Benner’s Novice to Expert model. Intern Evaluates Program: contents as per title Internship tracking chart: Form that assists with tracking intern retention and reasons for leaving Preceptor demographic form: form used for tracking demographic information for preceptors. This was developed with a plan towards collecting a pool of potential faculty recruits. Database of information is kept in the Office for Nursing Workforce Preceptor Evaluation – COPA2– based on COPA model Preceptor evaluates program: content as per title Preceptor Expertise Evaluation: Evaluation form that can be used as a self or peer evaluation tool Survey – Effective Process – original survey tool established for assessing & comparing pre-internship process for transition to practice to post-internship outcomes. Survey – Outcomes 2001 - outcomes results from initial Internship pilots) Survey – Retention Weekly Evals - form that could be used for tracking development of capability Weekly Orientation evaluation – form developed and used by one site - to track for problems within orientation process Workplace Impact Survey – form that could be used to evaluate program impact

INTERNSHIP–ORIENTATION: contains documents and files that support delivery of internship program and/or a standardized orientation process. Includes competency validation resources. CLINICAL COACHING – Various forms for learning contracts and/or weekly educational planning. This forms is used for tracking weekly planning, evaluation, critical thinking development and discussion. Specialty Service plans – Charge nurse role Clinical Coaching - LTC – Long term care Clinical Coaching - OB plan – obstetrics Clinical Coaching - OR plan – Operating Room Clinical Coaching - PACU plan – Post Anesthesia Care Unit Goal - Cardiac - a goal based on diagnostic group Goal - Respiratory- a goal based on diagnostic group On call Role Socialization – the primary and first goal for each orientee Weekly Orientation plan - NICU (work in progress) Supporting Documents – Miscellaneous documents that support the process Clinical Coaching Form: a template for starting additional unit specific plans Clinical Coaching plan-Work Org.: a standardized weekly goal plan with pre-set activities and measurable outcomes for tracking skills/competency development for interns and other RN hires. This plan focuses on development of work organization skills. The specific goals should be used as appropriate for specific learning needs of the individual, rather than followed as a pre-set requirement. The activities and measurable outcomes in this plan are based on specific learning/competency goals, follow a simple to complex development pattern, and can be used by preceptors to plan clinical experiences and outcomes assessment Clinical Competence – MCH –checklist based on the clinical coaching plan Clinical Competence –OR–checklist based on the clinical coaching plan Clinical Competence- PACU –checklist based on the clinical coaching plan Competency - Cardiothoracic: First draft of orientation plan for cardio-thoracic Learning Contract 1: form that might be used for contracting learning. Contributed by Tricia Russell, New Zealand. Learning Contract 2: form that might be used for contracting learning. Contributed by Tricia Russell, New Zealand. Measurable Outcomes Orientation vs. validation Teaching-Learning Activities Weekly Orientation-NICU Weekly Conference Form: blank form used for planning and tracking weekly goals and activities. Includes instructions for goal/activity planning. Weekly Orientation Evaluation

COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT - tools and resources (Unit Spec - the unit specific checklists address the specialty care skills required for each area, without repeating the measurable criteria that is generic to all direct care settings. They are used in conjunction with the generalist RN &/or LPN form.) Checklist Directions: a single page of the directions for form use (with scoring key). Checklist – LPN orientation: competency checklist that is based on the COPA model and identifies measurable, specific criteria of the ‘generalist’ LPN. (Unit specific checklists are added to this core form to address all skills/subskills required for the position) Checklist - RN Intern-Orientee: competency checklist that is based on the COPA model and identifies measurable, specific criteria of the ‘generalist’ RN. (Unit specific checklists are added to this core form to address all skills/subskills required for the position) Checklist-RN NIC: a first draft version of the competency checklist that uses Nursing Interventions Classification for a reference in performance expectations. Checklist-LNA: a first draft of modifying the checklist to provide a form for the LNA position that also follows the COPA model and competency assessment expectations. Checklist-LNA-LTC: the LNA form modified to fit the long term care specialty Psych Internship – outline : first draft of content outline for psych internship teaching plan RN Checklist FAHC: form/format is modified to be an Excel document and the outcomes are written for a tertiary care center. Unit Spec Ambulatory Unit Spec BC – Birthing center Unit Spec CC - Critical Care Unit Spec ED - Emergency Department Unit Spec LTC - Long Term Care Unit Spec MS04 LPN - Medical Surgical and specific to LPN role Unit Spec MS06 - Medical Surgical updated in 2006 Unit Spec OB - Obstetrics Unit Spec OR - Operating Room Unit Spec PACU- Post Anesthesia Care Unit UnitSpecPeds: Age specific competency checklist (pediatric focus) Includes age specific charts, considerations and info. Unit Spec Psych 04 - Psychiatric nursing specialty Unit Spec Telemetry1.2005 - telemetry nursing specialty

DIDACTIC INSTRUCTION - Each folder includes a teaching plan, resource material recommendations, and/or a PP presentation specific to that topic area. Cultural Competency Cultural Competency Teaching Plan: Word document – teaching plan Cultural issues and Medicine: PowerPoint slide show as titled. IV Access/management - IV Course Outline: Word document – teaching plan 1. IV Therapy Standards: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 2. Infection Control and Safety: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 3. General Principles of Infusion: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 4. Venipucture Technique: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 5. Site and Catheter Care: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 6. Legal implications: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 7. Complications: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 8. Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: PowerPoint slide show as titled. 9. Complications Associated with Midlines and PICCs Managed Care- Managed Care Teaching Plan: Word document – teaching plan with web sites and other resource references. Pain Management Comfort Challenge: Case scenario for pain management Pain Assessment and Management: PowerPoint slide show as titled. Teaching Plan Pain Management: Word document – teaching plan Performance Improvement CQI Process : PowerPoint slide show as titled. Teaching PlanCQI process: Word document – teaching plan VNIP Teaching Plan for Performance Improvement: teaching plan Standards of Practice Professional Guidelines internship: PowerPoint slide show as titled. Teaching plan for legal: focuses on legal issues and liability Teaching Plan Standards of Practice: Word document – teaching plan

PRECEPTOR DEVELOPMENT CONTENT AREAS - WORKSHOP: contains a folder of resource materials for each topic area addressed within the workshops. Each folder includes at least one PP presentation along with group or individual activities and/or other resource materials Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory PowerPoint slide shows: Novice to Expert: Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities Benner – cybersurfing results Notes – lecture notes in a chart format Preceptor Expertise Eval: Evaluation or Self Assessment tool for preceptors Proficiency levels: descriptions from article by Kidd & Sturt, Developing and evaluating an emergency nursing orientation pathway JEM Vol. 21 (6) pp521 - 539 Communication skills PowerPoint slide show: Communication 2006 & 2007 versions Documents include: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities; Communication skills research; Sample messages; The people who are starting college Communication – Barriers or Bridges PowerPoint slide show: Communication-Barrier issues; Conflict Management; Generational issues04; Personality Styles SB Documents - Communication Barriers - notes in chart format; Conflict Questionnaire; Core competencies – COPA; Generational cohorts & Generational influence list; Generations summary, generations graph, Generations graph fill-in; Overheads; Personality styles chart; Personality- obj; Scenarios=personality styles Competency assessment PowerPoint slide show: Competency 2006 Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities; Competence; Core competencies-COPA and List of COPA critieria; Notes – Competency 2006; Overheads; Role of the Validator – sample of form documenting commitment to/process for validation; Suggestions from new nurses Critical Thinking skills PowerPoint slide show: Critical Thinking04 & Critical thinking 2006 Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities; Critical Thinking skills – outline of CT for leadership; CT; CT activities; Expert CT; Overheads – Critical thinking Delegation and Liability PowerPoint slide shows: DelegationAR2005, DelegationSB2006, Professional Guidelines internship (legal implications) Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities; Delegation and an outline for the 2005 presentation Experiences in a preceptor program PowerPoint slide show: Experiences in Precepting Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities Activity – experiences; case scenarios; Do’s and Don’ts; Precepting challenges, SMC Experiences list and 2nd page with possible solutions for each; Who I am – activity. Preceptor toolkit PowerPoint slide show: Preceptor Toolkit Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities Internship requirements chart; Nurse too long; Toolkit for preceptors’ Weekly conference form Role and responsibilities of the preceptor PowerPoint slide show: Roles and Responsibilities04; Roles and Respons2006 Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities - Attitudes toward helping others; Notes R&R – presenter notes; Overhead – Roles; Precepting activity; Preceptor Demographics; Preceptor Roles 2006; Preceptor Roles – Wheels; Preceptor Job Description; Preceptor Program; R&R ; Role of Preceptors – Overhead Teaching/learning styles PowerPoint slide show: Teaching-learning 2005 & 2006 Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities; Adult learning principles; Example-Tchg plan; Notes-Teaching/Learning outline; Orientation plan – WS worksheet (table format); Overheads – Lrng Styles; Pearls of Teaching/Learning; Tchg-Lrng Styles Teambuilding PowerPoint slide show: Team Building 04 Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, and/or group activities

DOCS FOR CONTACT HOUR APPPLICATION: contains documents related to a contact hour application for self learning module and 2-day workshop – teaching plans, Bio sketches, evaluation forms, certificate, etc. 2 Day PWS: planning & application documents for the two day Preceptor workshop Certificate of attendance: a certificate template that can be used to document and track contact hour award CH application PWS 2006 – the completed application form as required in VT PWS Agenda 2006: Agenda for the two days with the content developing from simple to complex and based on a “behavioral outcomes” focus PWS Teaching Plan: Teaching plan for content areas as listed within agenda PWS eval form 2day: the evaluation form that summarizes content for a two day offering PWS flyer 2007: the flyer used for promotion of the workshops with dates, etc. Pre-Assignment: planning and application documents for the self learning module: Certificate of Attendance: a certificate template that can be used to document and track contact hour award PreAssign_application: application form for VT contact hour credit for pre-assignment PWS self study2004: the independent learning module that has been used as an introduction for the 2 day workshop through early 2004 PWS self study2006: the recently revised draft of the independent learning module used as an introduction for the 2 day workshop – the majority of resources used for this are web based Teaching Plan self study 2004: the original teaching plan constructed for delivery of content and contact hour documentation form. Teaching Plan self study 2006: the teaching plan constructed for workshop pre-assignment

OTHER LEARNING MODULES MANAGER-EDUCATOR Workshop Folder: documents and PP shows that are used with manager/educator target audiences. Documents in this folder include agendas, PowerPoint shows, overhead templates, and a summary of intern & preceptor programs (Intern-Preceptor models) Documents: Resource material, assessment tools, teaching plans, group activities, etc. Agenda-Educator – for both 2-day (recommended) and 1 day sessions Blooms plus – action verbs Educator’s session Educator Pre-assignment2006 Educator Pre-assign-TchgPln Icebreakers Intern-Preceptor models PowerPoint slide shows: Evidence based Instruction 2004 Overview – Fall 2001 Preceptor Development VNIP 2006 NEW ZEALAND RESOUCES - Documents and resources as contributed from Tricia Russell, 11 Lanason St, Greemeadows, East Napier, Hawkes Bay 20001, New Zealand Administration Guidelines; Description of Programme1; Lit Research 2002; Module 1 – self learning; Module 2 – workshop SELF-LEARNING MODULES oChange and Transition oPrecComp-Listening oTaking Care of our Young oPrecComp-QuestionsIssues oPrecComp-Coaching oPreceptor Competencies oPrecComp-Feedback oTC2 – Preceptor Evaluation

Topic Areas Change Theory – Learning EQ Resources Reflective Learning Documents: o Icebreakers o Preceptor Celebration – Flyer; Agenda; TchgPlan o Workshop outline

RESOURCE MATERIALS CREDENTIALING PROCESS: documents that support credentialing process/program Application-credentialing: application form for preceptor credentialing Preceptor Expertise Eval: evaluation form for preceptor skills - Preceptee evaluation, self-evaluation, and direct observation in the clinical setting by manager/educator Documents: Content listing for learning modules: a chart listing topic, content outline, and related activities Interactive teaching strategies and plan: lists and chart that lays the groundwork for very interactive workshop delivery. It focuses on the activities, group work, and/or assessment tools that mesh with the various content areas Preceptor roles – 2006 - Details and diagrams of role and responsibilities Preceptor Roles – Wheel – Details and diagrams of role and responsibilities Project outline – VNIP – gives further details of VNIP project components and requirements PWS content & outcomes –performance outcome expectations and the general content outline

PROTOCOLS PLUS 1 Competency & performance assessment policy: a policy template that addresses competency validation from interview through performance appraisal. Includes annual, unit-specific, and documentation competencies. Job Description (JD – Preceptor VNIP): Example of a preceptor job description as defined by VNIP evaluation/development tools Preceptor Policys 1 & 2 – sample policys from Spear Memorial Hospital & HIS that addresses the roles, responsibilities, timeline Job Description - COPA - : a job description based on the COPA/Internship model, includes the detailed critical elements from the competency form Job Description RN template: a template for an RN job description based on the COPA model and Internship checklist. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: documents specific to the Internship, RN orientation, competency assessment, and/or performance appraisal. These are a sample of how the COPA model has been incorporated from Job description through performance appraisal at one VT agency. These tools are intended as a demonstration and example only. Nursing Orientation Schedule: sample orientation plan for new hires. Contributed by Kelley Tully, Springfield Hospital, Springfield, VT RN – CCU 03, ED2, MCH, OR, & PACU: examples showing unit specific criteria transposed into agency specific template for performance appraisal. SPECIALITIES, Misc. COMMUNITY-BASED CARE – if you work within Home Care or Public Health specialties, you will find these documents interesting. Printing them is quite resource intensive and is not recommended unless you have a specific need. VNIP Home Care Specific – Documents and resources modified to serve Home Health needs Public Health Specific - Documents and resources modified to serve Public Health needs

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