Thanksgiving Mix-Up

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Thanksgiving Mix-Up

Thanksgiving Keyboarding Unit

Compiled and Created by: Jorjann Peters and Teresa Rex Thanksgiving Mix-up

 Open WORD  Create a HEADER with your name and period  Follow the instructions for each section

1. Type the following paragraph, but leave out all the “food” words. There are 16 food words in the paragraph.

The first mincemeat American Thanksgiving Turkey Day was celebrated during the second cranberry winter the Plymouth tomato colonists spent in the New Beet World. The first dreadful apple pie winter in Massachusetts had killed beans nearly half of the ham members of the muffin colony. But new venison hope grew up in the summer of 1621. The corn harvest brought sweet potato rejoicing. Governor William Bradford decreed that chocolate cake December 13, 1621, be set aside as a cornbread day of feasting and prayer, lettuce to show the gratitude of the pumpkin colonists that they were still squash alive.

2. Type the following paragraph adding the, and, of, to, and for in the spaces indicated. There are 25 words to add to the paragraph.

The women ______colony spent many days preparing ______Feast. Foods were boiled ____ baked ____roasted. ____ children were kept busy turning roasts on spits, or rods, in front ____ open fires. More than eight friendly Indians came ______feast. Indians brought wild turkeys ____ venison as their share. ____ tables were set outdoors, ____ all ____ people sat around them like one large family. Prayers, sermons, ____ songs ____ praise were important in ____ celebration. These days were spent in feasting ____ prayer. Then ____ Indians returned ______forest ______colonists returned ____ their tasks. 3. Type the following paragraph correcting the transposed words (words that should be switched). There are 6 switches to be made.

The custom of Day Thanksgiving spread from Plymouth to other England New colonies. During the War Revolutionary, eight special days of thanks were observed for victories and for being from saved dangers. On November 26, 1789, President Washington George issued a general proclamation for a day thanks of.

4. Type the following paragraph inserting the missing letters.

For ma_y years th_r_ was no re_ula_ nat_ion_al Th_n_s_iving D_y in the Un_ted Stat_s. So_e s_ates had a yea_ly Thanksg_v_ng holiday, and ot_ers had not. In 1863, Pres_dent Abra_ _ _ Linc_ln is_ued a procla_ation set_ing aside the last Th_rsday of Novem_er in that year as a d_y of t_anks_iving and p_ais_ to our beneficient F_ther. Each ye_r af_er_ards, for 75 years, t_e Pr_si_ent of the Un_ted States formal_y pro_laimed that Thanksgiv_ _ _ Da_ sho_ld be celebra_ed on the la_t Thur_day of No_ember. In 1941, Con_ ress finally ru_ed the fou_th Thu_sday of November to be observed as Thanks_iving Day and wo_ld be a le_al holi_ay.

 Add a PAGE BORDER to your document.

Written by Tom Walkley Thanksgiving Scramble

Unscramble each of the following food items one might eat at Thanksgiving. Then, type each word 5 times. Add clipart pictures to your document.















Thanksgiving Thankful List

Gratitude is a virtue we all can use more of. Thanksgiving is a good time to express our thanks. In this assignment, you will compose a list of items you are thankful for.

Using a fancy font, size 16 points, and key a numbered list of 20 items you are thankful for. Start each sentence with “I am thankful for”


1. I am thankful for …… 2. I am thankful for ….. 3...... 20. Thanksgiving Poem

 Type this poem. CENTER EACH LINE and SINGLE SPACE your poem.

THANKSGIVING DAY is here When the nights with frost are nippy And the leaves are rusty red, And the gobbler’s getting sassy “Cause he’s being overfed; When the kitchen is so cozy And the air is filled with spice, And there are pumpkins found and gold And there looking might nice; When the cider’s being bottled, And you’re chock full of good cheer, When you no by all their tokens That Thanksgiving day is near. When fresh pies cool in the window, Filled with pumpkin, apple, mince, and you see bright jars of jelly, Make of plum and grape and quince; When the turkey’s in the oven, Stuffed and starting to get tan, And the vegetables are ready And just waiting for the pan When the relatives start coming And there smiling with good cheer, You can bet you bottom dollar That Thanksgiving Day is here. Thanksgiving Letter

Type this letter in Block Business Style (ALL parts of the letter are against the left margin). Make sure you proofread and correct all errors.

Today’s Date 3 blank lines

Mr. Turkey Gobble 45 Pumpkin Pie Lane Fruit Cake, UT 84321

Dear Mr. Gobble:

Thanksgiving is a great time for each of us to take time to reflect on the many things that we have and enjoy. It is also a time to be with family and friends to enjoy a festive meal.

Some of the favorite foods for Thanksgiving would include stuffing, turkey, chicken, plum pudding, mincemeat, ice cream, apples, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, milk, coffee, cookies, fruit cake, and pumpkin pie. On Thanksgiving, we stuff ourselves almost to the point of disturbing our stomachs for sickness. To remedy this problem, there are commercial medications to relieve such illness.

Hopefully, you will take the time to thank your loved ones for the kind things they do for you. It is an excellent opportunity to pay respect and love to them. Mr. Gobble, I hope you will not let this chance pass you by.

Thank you for taking time with me today. I hope your holidays are relaxing and wonderful. I look forward to meeting with you in the future.

Very truly yours, 3 blank lines

Tom L. Stuffing Chairperson Thanksgiving Jokes

Type the following in Microsoft WORD. Use a different font color for the jokes from their punch lines.

What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy!

What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey? Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving!!

What is the Turkey's favorite black tie celebration? The Butter Ball

How does a Turkey drink her wine? In a gobble-let

Did you hear about the X-rated turkey? It's served with very little dressing.

What do you get when you cross a turkey, the beach, and Broomhilda? A turkey sand-witch

What kind of music did Pilgrims listen to? Plymouth Rock!

Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside!

Why do turkeys eat so little? Because they are always stuffed!

What did the turkey do in the Thanksgiving Day Parade? He played his drumsticks!

If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims

What key has legs and can't open doors? A Turkey

What happened when the turkey got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him

Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken's day off

What do you call a mean gobbler? A jerky turkey

Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play.

If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their AGE

Why can't you take a turkey to church? Because they use such FOWL language

Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? Yes - a building can't jump at all

What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus? Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving

© 1999–2008 JibJab Media Inc. 'Twas the Night of Thanksgiving

 Type the following poem.  Center each line of the poem.

'Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't sleep... I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep. The leftovers beckoned...the dark meat and white, but I fought the temptation with all of my might. Tossing and turning with anticipation, the thought of a snack became infatuation. So, I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door and gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore. I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, stuffing with gravy, green beans and tomatoes. I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground. I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky with a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees... Happy eating to all -- pass the cranberries, please.

 Add a PICTURE to your poem Turkey Tribune

For this assignment you will write an editorial to the Turkey Tribune. Tom T. Turkey has been sentenced to be slaughtered and eaten for Thanksgiving. Your letter can be for or against the slaughter.

At the top of a blank page, press ENTER 4 times. This will give you a quadruple space at the top.

Type today’s date

After the date, press ENTER 4 times.

Type the following address:

Turkey Tribune 5 Gobbling Avenue Gobbleville, ND 06521

After typing the above address, press ENTER twice

Type the salutation: Dear Turkey Tribune

Press ENTER twice

Type your letter. It must be 10 lines long.

After your letter press ENTER twice and type your closing: Sincerely, Your Truly, With Respect, Honorably, etc. You choose the closing you like most.

After the closing, press ENTER 4 times

Type your name Thanksgiving Menu

We all know what the traditional foods are for Thanksgiving, but this year YOU are selecting the menu.

 Use CENTER ALIGNMENT on the whole page.  Add pictures to your menu.



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