Journal of the House s6

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Journal of the House s6

Journal of the House ______WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2001 At nine o'clock and thirty minutes in the forenoon the Speaker called the House to order. Devotional Exercises Devotional exercises were conducted by Speaker Walter Freed of Dorset. Joint Resolutions Placed on Calendar The Speaker placed before the House the following resolutions which were read and in the Speaker’s discretion, placed on the Calendar for action tomorrow under Rule 52. J.R.H. 114 Joint resolution honoring the 2000-2001 Vermont recipients and designated alternate recipients of the William Randolph Hearst Scholarships Offered by: Representatives Vincent of Waterbury, Amidon of Charlotte, Dostis of Waterbury, Lippert of Hinesburg, Little of Shelburne, Quaid of Williston, and Schiavone of Shelburne Whereas, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation has established a unique educational program that enables selected high school students from across the United States, who have served as student body officers, to represent their respective states in the United States Senate Youth Program, and Whereas, the United States Senate Youth Program affords an opportunity for these high school students to visit our nation’s capital and participate in an intensive introductory course on the workings of the legislative and executive branches of government, and Whereas, the United States Senate, by resolution number 324 of the eighty-seventh Congress, enthusiastically endorsed this privately-financed youth program as an excellent opportunity to encourage these students “to deepen their interest in and understanding of their country’s political processes”, and Whereas, each student honored to participate in this program is also awarded a $2,000.00 college scholarship, and 239 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE 240 Whereas, the Hearst Scholarship Committee, through the Vermont Principals’ Association, has selected two outstanding Vermont high school students, Sarah Anne Lewis of Harwood Union High School and Charles Douglas Ferreira of Champlain Valley Union High School as the 2000-2001 award winners in Vermont, and Whereas, all of these young people serve as outstanding role models for the students at their respective high schools, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives: That the General Assembly extends its congratulations to Sarah Anne Lewis and Charles Douglas Ferreira as recipients of the 2000-2001 William Randolph Hearst Scholarships, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to each of these students at their respective high schools. J.R.H. 115 Joint resolution in memory of Joan Bauer Offered by: Representatives Jordan of Middlesex, Alfano of Calais, Grad of Moretown, Kitzmiller of Montpelier and Brooks of Montpelier Whereas, Joan Bauer was an attorney who dedicated her legal career to defending and safeguarding the rights of Vermont women and children, particularly those who have suffered violence and abuse, and Whereas, for 23 years, the last 16 of which were spent as a Vermont Legal Aid attorney, she demonstrated that a committed and compassionate response to domestic violence could both assist individuals and transform the systems that serve them, and Whereas, she graduated from the University of Michigan and Northeastern University Law School, and worked as a legal services attorney in Kentucky before moving with her family to Vermont, and Whereas, through her mentoring and instructional activities, she served as an inspirational role model for other attorneys, and Whereas, she was recognized as a leader by her colleagues and served Vermont’s legal community as chair of the Women’s Section of the Vermont Bar Association and head of the Family Court Rules Committee, and Whereas, Joan Bauer received the 2000 Governor’s Commission on Women, “Making a Difference for Women Award,” and in 1999, the “Lifetime Achievement Award” of the Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Vermont 241 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2001 Abuse Protection Act , which Joan helped develop, and Whereas, Joan Bauer loved to spend time in the outdoors, and was an enthusiastic hiker, swimmer and skier, and Whereas, her recent death has left a large void not only for her husband Henry Hinton and two daughters, Rachel Hinton and Katy Bauer, but also among her many professional colleagues and members of the community, who so greatly admired and respected her work as a legal advocate for women and children and her commitment to community and public service, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives: That the General Assembly extends its sincere condolences to the family of Joan Bauer, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Henry Hinton in Middlesex. Committee Bill Introduced H. 500 Rep. Hudson of Lyndon, for the committee on Government Operations, introduced a bill, entitled An act relating to state financial support for the operating costs of intermunicipal police services units; Which was read the first time and, under the rule, placed on the Calendar for notice tomorrow. Bill Read Second Time; Third Reading Ordered H. 498 Rep. Milkey of Brattleboro spoke for the committee on Government Operations. House bill entitled An act relating to the preparation and publication of the Vermont Statutes Annotated; Having appeared on the Calendar one day for notice, was taken up, read the second time and third reading ordered. Bill Amended; Third Reading Ordered H. 149

JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE 242 Rep. Smith of New Haven, for the committee on Agriculture, to which had been referred House bill, entitled An act relating to cattle health assurance; Reported in favor of its passage when amended as follows: First: in Sec. 1, 6 V.S.A. § 1191, on page 2, line 4, by striking the word “increasing” and inserting in lieu thereof the word “improving” Second: by adding a Sec. 2 to read as follows: Sec. 2. APPROPRIATION The sum of $256,600.00 is appropriated from the general fund to the department of agriculture, food and markets in fiscal year 2002, to accomplish the purpose of this act. Rep. Waite of Pawlet for the committee on Appropriations, recommended the bill ought to pass when amended as recommended by the committee on Agriculture. The bill, having appeared on the Calendar one day for notice, was taken up, read the second time, report of the committees on Agriculture and Appropriations agreed to and third reading ordered. Bill Recommitted H. 270 House bill, entitled An act relating to cellular phone use in motor vehicles; Appearing on the Calendar for action, was taken up and pending reading of the committee report, Rep. George of Middlebury moved to recommit the bill to Transportation, which was agreed to. Bill Amended; Third Reading Ordered H. 497 Rep. Clark of St. Johnsbury, for the committee on Local Government, to which had been referred House bill, entitled An act relating to the alteration of the town line between the city of Rutland and the town of Rutland; Reported in favor of its passage when amended as follows: In Sec. 1, page 2, lines 2 through 3, by striking “board of aldermen” and inserting in lieu thereof “alderboard”. 243 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2001

The bill, having appeared on the Calendar one day for notice, was taken up, read the second time, report of the committee on Local Government agreed to and third reading ordered. Adjournment At ten o’clock and five minutes in the forenoon, on motion of Rep. LaBarge of Grand Isle, the House adjourned until tomorrow at nine o’clock and thirty minutes in the forenoon.

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