Sullivan Middle School

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Sullivan Middle School


MRS. PECARINA CHORAL DIRECTOR 1825 EDEN TERRACE ROCK HILL, SC 29730 (803) 981-1450 [email protected]

Ms. Wood Junior Faculty Member Fall 2016 Program Expectations: All members of the Sullivan Choral Music Program are expected to reflect only their best qualities in everyday contact with people in and out of school. We want to be known as an organization that is sincere in its interest in music and in serving the community. The following suggestions are designed to aid the student in successfully achieving this goal.  In Class – Always be ready to perform and do anything necessary to assist in creating an effective rehearsal environment. Mark parts in pencil and list all instructions in the music regardless of whether they pertain to you or your section at that moment.  In Concert – Always be appropriately attired (dressed), on time for warm-up, and demonstrate a high degree of professionalism. Dress for performances will vary with the situation. If uniforms are issued, students will be required to return them in the same or better condition than received.  When substitutes, chaperones, guest artists, guest directors, etc. are present, they are acting on behalf of the director and should be treated as such. They should receive the same, if not more, respect and cooperation normally given to the director.  Field trips may be a necessary part of our performance activities. Be sure that you do your part by returning signed permission slips immediately. All academic work missed should be made up as soon as possible. This responsibility is assumed when the student joins the music department.  Remember wherever you are: You are a representative of the school and anything you do (good OR bad) reflects back on Sullivan Middle School. In addition, all school rules apply in any chorus related activity.  Daily attendance is extremely important, not only as it affects a member’s grade, but also in the effect on the entire organization’s performances. It is futile to work for good choral singing and balance at all times.  Rehearsals on stage require cooperation on everyone’s part. Equipment may need to be moved and groups set up and adjusted. Students can do their part by remaining attentive at all times and following directions promptly.  Tutoring from the director is available by appointment only.  Private practice is a necessary ingredient in establishing a successful organization. All students are encouraged to practice at home whenever possible. This should be considered homework!  Performances are the culmination of many hours of work and serve to complete the learning process. It is important that all students meet their performance obligations except in cases of extreme emergency and severe illness. Performance schedules are provided at the beginning of the year in order to aid students and parents to plan accordingly. Check the announcement board for all important dates and times.  This organization requires lots of dedication from everyone involved. We cannot be successful if all parties do not give 110% at all times.


Consequences will follow the Sullivan Middle School guidelines for warnings. Excessive consequences, write-ups, disciplinary actions, and suspensions can and will result in exclusion from field trips and off- campus events and activities.


Each student will be provided music; however, every student must bring a pencil and a folder to class in order to make notes as needed. NO PENS! Students will also need to purchase a blue SMS chorus polo for performances. An order form is provided. Grading:

Each student’s grade will be determined by his/her involvement in the total choral program. Poor participation and low quiz and test scores will lower the grade significantly. Grades are as follows: Participation: 20% Developmental Workbook: 10% Projects: 15% Quizzes: 10% Tests: 20% Performances: 25%

 Class participation will be checked everyday. If you are prepared for class, on time for class, and show EFFORT you will receive full credit.  Each student will be expected to complete developmental workbook assignments, which will be checked on as needed.  Projects will entail a research-based project conducted individually or as a group.  Quizzes and tests may be written or aural. Singing tests will cover sight-reading and music studied in class. Students must pass the singing tests in order to participate in various performances.  Attendance at all performances is a crucial part of the curriculum and consequently a large part of the choral grade. 10-point grading scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F


Performances are the culmination of daily rehearsals and give students the opportunity to share what they’ve learned. Because students learn from observing other students and ensembles, all choral members will attend their concert in its entirety to earn full concert credit. Failure to attend a performance will result in the lowering of their grade unless the director excuses the absence. Examples of excused absences include, but are not limited to, severe illness and family emergencies. In the event a student misses the concert, the student will be given an opportunity to earn credit for the missed concert. The student must sing the concert music, or portions there in, for a panel of judges. Please mark your calendars carefully at the beginning of the year to avoid any conflicts with performances. Additional dates may be added, and in that event, you will be informed of any changes as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

After-School Rehearsals and Events:

It is procedure of Rock Hill School District 3 to keep all extra rehearsals or events to a minimum. However, some extra rehearsals are a necessity when approaching a performance date. Students and parents will be provided a list of rehearsals and performance dates at the beginning of the year in order to make arrangements for attendance and transportation. The director will be available on certain days after school to assist anyone needing extra help on a certain piece or topic in chorus class. **All after-school rehearsals and concerts are important and are considered mandatory in terms of attendance and participation. Chorus is a graded class for each student, and these events are planned throughout the year and advance notice will be given!

Honor Choir and All-State:

Students have the opportunity to audition for additional music opportunities throughout the school year. Honor Choir is an auditioned event consisting of students from all Rock Hill Middle Schools, as well as York Middle. The event is held on a Friday in February and consists of a one-day workshop with an evening concert. All-State auditions are recorded and sent by the end of March. The state selects students by May. Students will receive music at the start of the following school year and the All-State weekend is held from Friday morning thru Saturday, with a culminating concert Saturday evening.

Rehearsals and Concerts:

The choral program produces 2 evening concerts a school year, one in December and one in May. A rehearsal is held one day prior to the concert. These rehearsals will begin directly after-school at 3:50- 5:00. Students must be on time as the rehearsal time is valuable and limited. This is the ONLY opportunity to rehearse with the accompanist and instrumentalists for the concert, as well as rehearse combined choirs. Rehearsals will be held in the Auditorium so students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the acoustics. Rides must be arranged promptly for 5:00 PM.

All concerts begin at 6:00 PM. The performance will also be held in the Auditorium. Students will be allowed to remain after-school. Concerts generally last an hour, as we know it has been a long day for all; however, all students must remain for the entire concert, even if their portion is completed. We try to emphasis the importance of concert etiquette to our students, as well as fundamental music and singing techniques.

Students must have appropriate concert attire for the evening concert. Concert attire is a blue Chorus polo, black (or navy) pants (can be dress code material), and black shoes. Choir uniforms demonstrate that the members of the group are a team. They also show the seriousness about performances and professionalism. Additionally, they help the audience concentrate on the music rather than individuals in the group. Also, remember that students may be standing for a long while in dress shoes. Comfort is a factor.


There are two fundraisers held a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The money raised from these fundraisers help offset costs for trips. Student involvement in fundraisers is crucial as it allows for students to participate in trips and events that the school cannot solely fund. We plan trip in hopes that all students have the opportunity to attend. As soon as trip arrangements have been made, informational meetings will be scheduled. The 8th Grade chorus takes a major trip in the spring, competing in regional competitions. The 6th and 7th Grade choirs compete at the Carowinds Festival of Music, also held in the spring.

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