VJF Short Descriptions 2010

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VJF Short Descriptions 2010

VJF Projects 2013

 Name of the organization: Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger e.V. (VJF)  Year of foundation: 1990  Location of the central office: Hans-Otto-Str. 7; 10407 Berlin  Aim and objectives: The VJF (Union of young volunteers) was founded in March 1990 and is an officially recognised non-profit association for organising youth works, with the aim to expand the idea of international voluntary movements. The Association organises international youth meetings with short term projects (workcamps) and long term projects (European Voluntary Service) and takes part in the responsibility considering the engagement in the Voluntary Ecological Year within a period of one year. More to that, the VJF covers a Project and Meeting place in the outskirts of Berlin. Every year we organise around 30-40 international workcamps and bilateral projects in Germany.  Type: NGO  International activities: workcamps, EVS, Weltwaerts  Responsible persons: for workcamps: Dorit Seewald (Outgoing) and Matthieu Emont (Incoming), general matters: Dr. Andrea Koecher, EVS, MTV/LTV, Weltwaerts: Roman Kuehn  Official website: www.vjf.de  Contact addresses: e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected],  Skype: vfj_dorit, vjf.incoming  Telephone / fax number: +49 30 42850603 / +49 30 42850604  General conditions for participation in your workcamps: - age limit: 18-26 years - common language used in the camps: English - extra fee: yes - for Language camps ______

1 VJF Short descriptions 2013

1.1 Forest camp 06/08 -20/08/13 ENVI 12 Vols

Work: Please be prepared to work only outside! The work will take place in a natural landmark in the forest with more than fifteen kinds of trees. Your help will be needed to do different construction and environmental works, e.g. demolishing an old wooden viewpoint on the walking way, repairing some parts of the way or preparing a place for a new wooden viewpoint. You will also take care of a walking way around the Eggesin-lake. Please be prepared for any work to help the rangers. Location: The natural park “Am Stettiner Haff”is situated in the north-east of Germany. The camp will take place in Ludwigshof, which is one of the smallest villages of Mecklenburg- West Pomerania, directly on the Polish border. Ludwigshof is surrounded by a beautiful landscape with a lot of forests. Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Accommodation: You will sleep in a little horse farm in two camping trailers and in a tent. There is one place for shower and toilets. Furthermore you will have another biological toilet and solar showers. Your kitchen is a little wooden summerhouse. Special requirements: You have to be able to ride a bike; light and heavy outdoor work

1.2 Wooster Teerofen 30/08 -16/09/13 ENVI 11 vols

Work: Your work will include different activities in a natural park like building a shelter, huts of clay and a landscape garden or similar works. Your help is also needed for maintenance works, e. g. on orchid meadows. This project is a special task for nature lovers. Please be prepared to work for 5-6 hours a day. Volunteers should come prepared for light or heavy work and be motivated for anything to help the rangers of the Nature Reserve. Location: The project is situated in the „Nossentiner Schwinzer Heide" Nature Reserve, situated between the two towns of Goldberg and Guestrow in the Federal district of Mecklenburg, in the north east of Germany. This area is covered with forests and you can find a lot of beautiful lakes there. The next biggest village is Krakow am See. The place is isolated but because of the surrounding nature beautiful. So please be prepared for spending some weeks in the nature without shopping opportunities. Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Accommodation: You will live in tents on a camping site; 2 volunteers will share one tent. The tents will be equipped with camp beds and mattresses. So it is necessary to bring a sleeping bag and a bed sheet. The group will have 3 meeting rooms on the site and of course washrooms. Please be aware that there is no washing machine and internet connection in the accommodation! Special requirements: You have to be able to ride a bike; light and heavy outdoor work

1.3 Castle "Dreiluetzow" 12/08 -25/08/13 CONS / FEST 15 vols

Work: The main work during the camp will be the preparation of the light feast; which will be on the last Friday. Here we need your handicraft and also creative ideas to prepare a little program as a part of the feast. The project depends on the dynamics of the participants! If you play a musical instrument it would be great if you brought it with you! Location: The little village Dreiluetzow is situated in the federal state Mecklenburg- Vorpommern. Schloss Dreiluetzow is a 300 year old estate with a big park, which will be the workcamp location. Wittenburg, the nearest town is about 4 km away and the closest big town 2 VJF Short descriptions 2013 is Schwerin, about 25 km away. In the surrounding area you’ll find mostly forests and farms. Please be prepared to live in an isolated place!!! Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated in multi-bed rooms (4-9 beds in a room) in a little building next to the castle. Special requirements: It is absolutely necessary to stay until the last day. Early departures are not accepted!

1.4 Zarnekla (Vegetarian Camp) 15/07 -02/08/13 ENVI 14 vols

Work: We want to build a glasshouse with you! Its size will be 40 m²; we will use mostly 2nd hand material. It's supposed to stand in east-west-direction, the south-side will consist of glass (old balcony doors etc.), in the middle there will be a massive, warmth-keeping wall with a foundation of concrete (taken from buildings that have been pulled down, and we’ll work with clay and old bricks). The north-side of the building (made of wood, the roof with old bricks too) will give room to a shed for gardening tools. Assuming that not all the participants can work together at one time at the glasshouse, so the group will be split into two smaller groups. Other possible tasks are: 1. to mow with the scythe between trees in a forest that we planted four years ago. Don't worry, we will teach you how to do it! 2. We do some forestry work in one of our older forests In case of bad weather there are other jobs that can be done inside, like preparing wooden parts of the glasshouse or building nest-boxes for birds, bats and owls, repairing tools, etc. You will learn more about the nature and nature protection. Look at http://www.parkhueter.de for some impressions. Location: Zarnekla is a very small village (about 60 inhabitants) in the federal district Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, near the Baltic Sea about 200 kilometres north of Berlin. The next little town is Loitz, about 10 km from Zarnekla, the next bigger town is Greifswald, a students' town, which is situated at a bay of the Baltic Sea, about 30 kilometres from the camp. Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Accommodation: You will sleep in one or two big rooms in the barn Remarks: This is a VEGETARIAN CAMP. The organisation at Zarnekla has a drug-free policy on their land, including tobacco and alcohol.

1.5 Bees need blossoms! 10/07-31/07/13 ENVI 12 vols

Work: The main purpose of this project is showing how to stop the extinction of species in rural areas, especially of the honey bee and other pollinating insects. The volunteers will continue with environmental works along a bee trail which was created last year. You will plant untrimmed hedges as wildlife refuges, planting and sowing flowers and blossom plants on traffic islands and on uncultivated land. Other tasks will be removing neophytes along the bee trail, building insect hotels and deadwood and clearance cairns. Your help is also needed for constructing different hiding, sitting, climbing and balancing places for children. Please be prepared for any environmental and construction work that will help the rangers. Location: The project is situated in the Nature Reserve “Sternberger Seenland”, between the cities of Guestrow, Wismar and Schwerin in the Federal district of Mecklenburg, in the north 3 VJF Short descriptions 2013 east of Germany. This area is covered with forests and you can find a lot of beautiful lakes there. This is a project for real nature lovers. Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Accommodation: You will live in a school. Everything is in the building: sleeping rooms, a kitchen and a big meeting room. Sleeping bags and roll mats are required. Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike!

2.1 KiEZ Hoelzerner See 06/08-21/08/13 RENO / ENVI 18 vols

Work: International volunteers are invited to improve the grounds and the building of the centre. Tasks are likely to include construction, gardening and renovation works. This year the reconstruction of the Sensory Garden of the recreation centre is planned. Your help will be also needed to build up and renovate playground equipment. Other environmental and construction works are possible. Location: The "KiEZ Hoelzerner See" is situated at the shore of the Lake “Hoelzener See” in Dubrow in the wildlife park of Dahme-Heideseen (south of Berlin), between Berlin and the Spreewald region. The next biggest town is Koenigs Wusterhausen. The "KiEZ" is a recreation centre for children and teenagers. More information and pictures you can find here: www.hoelzerner-see.de. Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in the centre in small bungalows. Up to 4 volunteers will be sharing a room. Bed linen and other facilities will be provided. Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike!

2.2 Wulkow 12/07-02/08/13 RENO / FEST 15 vols

Work: The non-profit Oekospeicher Association is turning a former storehouse (called Eco- Speicher) into a social and cultural village centre. The reconstruction is done in an ecological manner (renewable energy supply, clay and wood constructions and utilisation of rainwater) with the help of volunteers. You will do different renovation and construction works like work up some chairs, build some interactive wood games, working in the herb garden, working with wood and clay, working in the kindergarten and so on. Please be prepared for different works with various materials. The highlight of this project will be the traditional Folk Festival at the end of the camp. Your help will be needed to prepare and run it (you don’t have to be experienced with all this kind of work - you’ll be assisted by skilled people). Location: Wulkow, a small village with 230 inhabitants, is situated in the east of Germany, about 3 km from the German-Polish border, 80 km from Berlin. The nearest town is Frankfurt (Oder). Wulkow is surrounded by a rural area with willows, woodland and small lakes for swimming. People in Wulkow are interested in ecological topics and intercultural exchange and they are looking forward to welcoming you to the 17th International Workcamp in Wulkow. Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You’ll be accommodated in the Eco-Speicher. There is a loft with several sleeping and living rooms, 2 bathrooms, a communal kitchen and a room with table tennis and table soccer. Camp beds are provided. Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike!

4 VJF Short descriptions 2013

2.3 Sachsenhausen 1 01/07-21/07/13 STUDY / RENO 15 vols 2.4 Sachsenhausen 2 08/07-28/07/13 STUDY / RENO 15 vols 2.5 Sachsenhausen 3 19/08-08/09/13 STUDY / RENO 15 vols

A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required. Sachsenhausen was one of the earliest concentration camps in Germany, built in 1936. German people who were in opposition to Nazi policy, later also homosexuals, so-called asocials, criminals, and during the war especially people from occupied countries were imprisoned, forced to work and many of them were murdered. Between 1945-1950 a part of this area was used as a so-called Special Camp of the Soviet Secret Service. Now it is a place for studies and to commemorate the victims: the memorial site “Gedenkstaette and Museum Sachsenhausen” (“Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen”). Work part: Although the main task will be studies of history, manual work like gardening, maintenance work and cleaning-up of specific areas of the memorial are planned. Study part: Besides the manual work the study component will be an important part of our project. Volunteers will learn a lot about the time of National Socialism, the Holocaust and also something about the period after World War II especially the Soviet camp Sachsenhausen until 1950. Guided tours in and around the memorial site Sachsenhausen and excursions to different memorials and places of earlier German history are planned. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in the exhibitions and in the library of the memorial site. Furthermore there will be several discussions with employees who perform guided tours and are involved in historical research. The international volunteers with their different backgrounds will inform the group about the memories and commemoration in their countries. Location: Sachsenhausen is a part of Oranienburg, ca. 33 km to the north of Berlin. Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will be accommodated in a youth hostel, 2 km away from the memorial centre. Special requirements: For this project it is necessary to have good or very good English skills!!! German skills are beneficial. Please prepare at home a short presentation about your country, including the history of your home country and the view on German history. A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required. Volunteers should be able to ride a bike, because various shorter and longer bicycle-tours are planned.

2.6 Burg/Spreewald 16/08-30/08/13 AGRI / ENVI 10 vols

Work: You will work about 6 hours a day in the herb garden of the biosphere reserve information centre. Some gardening work is planned i.e. working and harvesting in the herb garden. Please be prepared for only working outside. Location: Burg/Spreewald The project will take place in a famous area of Germany called „Spreewald“. Here you will get in touch with a very beautiful part of Brandenburg’s (federal district of Germany) landscape. Small channels, a unique eco system and small villages are characteristic of this area. Burg is a small village with about 3500 German and Sorbish inhabitants. Sorbs are a national minority of Germany with special traditions. Terminal: Berlin 5 VJF Short descriptions 2013

Accommodation: You will live in a big bungalow at the shore of the lake “Byhleguhrer See”, about 7 km from Burg / Spreewald. You will go to work every day by bike! Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike!

2.7 Ravensbrueck 08/07 -21/07/13 STUDY / RENO 15 vols

A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required. Work: In this year the project in Ravensbrück will continue to connect practical work and study with youth meetings. During the first week a Hip Hop workshop will be run. Last year we gave it a try for the 1 st time and because of the great success it is planned to continue. You will work with a professional teacher of dance and perform your dances during the “Water festival” in Fürstenberg in the time 12.-14.08. It is planned that the group will work on the area of the women's concentration camp. There are many different tasks to be done: cleaning the area of wild growing vegetation, environmental work and investigation work. Study part: For one or two days (depending on volunteers’ interest) there are many possibilities to read about the history of the women’s concentration camp and about the background of fascism. Volunteers can use materials from the library and the archives in different languages. A main topic for the study part will be the special camp, where the participants work. Location: Fuerstenberg/Havel Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: Youth hostel Special requirements: For this Workcamp it is necessary to have very good English skills! A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required.

2.8 Liepnitzseeinsel 1 01/07 -12/07/13 ENVI / CONS 10 vols 2.9 Liepnitzseeinsel 2 22/07- 02/08/13 ENVI / CONS 10 vols 2.10 Liepnitzseeinsel 3 12/08 -23/08/13 ENVI / CONS 10 vols 2.11 Liepnitzseeinsel 4 02/09 -13/09/13 ENVI / CONS 10 vols

Work: The main works will be done in the wood. The volunteers will do various environmental works as well as renovation and construction works on the island. The aim of the project is to improve the infrastructure of the island. Possible tasks are removing bushes, collecting rubbish, repairing works and so on. Volunteers should be prepared to be flexible and take part in any work that will support the rangers. Location: On the island without electricity The island Liepnitzinsel is situated in a picturesque lake, the Liepnitzsee, in the north of Berlin. It is surrounded by a beautiful landscape with many forests and lakes. Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: Your accommodation will be very basic. You will sleep in three large tents on camp beds. The infrastructure on the island is very basic without electricity. There is no heating in the tents and on the island you have to use compost toilets. The accommodation is quite isolated so volunteers should come with ideas about how to entertain themselves in the evenings! The foresters of the project have built a nice and comfortable block house where the group will meet and eat. Special remarks: The island is very isolated and you have to be a real nature lover to participate in this project. You have to use the ferry every day and it stops running about 8 6 VJF Short descriptions 2013 p.m. Please be prepared to not be able to visit Berlin very often! On the island live many permanent campers during the summer. Please respect them. Special requirements: You have to be able to swim!

2.12 KiEZ Frauensee 21/08-07/09/13 RENO/ENVI 10 vols

Work: International volunteers are invited to help improve the grounds of the centre. Tasks are likely to include painting, gardening, general maintenance and cleaning. There may also be the opportunity of different creative tasks. Volunteers should be prepared to be flexible and take part in any work that will support the KiEZ Frauensee. Volunteers will carry out practical environmental tasks to improve access to the centre for the guests. Volunteers will help to renovate the open air theatre and will help to improve the shore of the lake “Frauensee”. Location: The KiEZ Frauensee is situated not far from Berlin, in a fascinating landscape in the middle of a wildlife park in Dahme-Heideseen, directly at the lake Frauensee. With its peaceful position and numerous hiking areas, it offers holiday guests the opportunity of an active getaway. The next biggest town is Koenigs Wusterhausen. Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in dormitory accommodation in separate male/female rooms with bunk-beds. All that you will need is there: showers, bed linen, a washing machine etc. Special remarks: Even though Berlin is close, be prepared to spend your evenings in a quiet area without cinema or pubs!!!

2.13 Beeskow - Trilateral 19/08 -01/09/13 CONS 12 vols

Work: The "Kinder- und Jugendhof" is a farm for children and teenagers. Groups and families can go there during the holidays, for school trips etc. There is a wide variety of sporting and creative activities and many other activities such as baking bread, rallies, campfires, etc. On the farm there are animals like a pony, sheep, donkeys, bees etc. The general aim of this project is to finish the pet farm. Different works are to be done to achieve this general goal. Your help is also needed to repair paddocks and the exercise ground for dogs. It is very important to bring wet weather clothing as volunteers will work only outside. Different works in the garden may be possible. Location: Beeskow (near Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin) Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in rooms with 4-6 people. Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike! Special remarks: This is a trilateral project for volunteers from SJ France, SFERA Russia and VJF only. This project is co-financed by OFAJ.

7 VJF Short descriptions 2013

3.1 Berlin-Sprachcamp 1 11/03 -21/03/13 LANG 12 vols 3.3 Berlin-Sprachcamp 2 01/05-11/05/13 LANG 12 vols 3.6 Berlin-Sprachcamp 3 08/10 -18/10/13 LANG 12 vols

Studienteil: Die Gruppe wird von einer ausgebildeten muttersprachlichen Lehrerin 3 Stunden am Vormittag Deutschunterricht erhalten. Es werden Grammatik und Kommunikation vertieft, je nach Wunsch und Bedarf der Teilnehmer. In der Freizeit sind Exkursionen durch Berlin und in die naehere Umgebung geplant. Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Teilnehmer auch in der Freizeit Deutsch miteinander kommunizieren werden, um den Unterrichtsstoff zu vertiefen. Ort: Berlin Naechster Flughafen/Bahnhof: Berlin Unterbringung: Die Teilnehmer werden in beheizbaren Bungalows auf dem Gelaende der Projekt- und Begegnungsstaette schlafen. In den Bungalows gibt es ein separates Bad mit Dusche und WC. Es werden maximal 6 maennliche oder weibliche Teilnehmer in einem Bungalow wohnen. Bettwaesche bekommst du im Objekt, du brauchst keinen Schlafsack mitzubringen. Teilnahmegebuehr: 120 € (zu zahlen am Anreisetag) Hinweis: Dieser Kurs ist fuer absolute Beginner ungeeignet, es sollten schon Sprachkenntnisse vorhanden sein.

Language: German Studying part: The Group will have German lessons by a native speaker German teacher 3 hours in the morning. You will get the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in communication and grammar, depending on your needs and wishes. In the free time excursions to Berlin and its surrounding area are planned. You are asked to communicate only in German in your leisure time to deepen your new learned skills. Location: Berlin Terminal/Station: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in heated bungalows with up to 6 girls or boys on the ground of the place where you will have the language course. In the bungalows you will find your own bathroom with a shower and WC. You will get bed linen, there is no need to bring a sleeping bag with you. Fee: 120 € (to be paid on the arrival) Remarks: This course is meant for participants who have already some German skills.

3.2 Berlin Spring 25/03 - 05/04/13 MANU/RENO 12 vols

Work: During this camp we need to prepare our centre for the next workcamp season. The centre needs cleaning works like raking dead leaves, cleaning the yard or piling up the leaves. In case of bad weather, the dining hall also needs some renovation. Other small tasks during the camp may include maintaining or renovation works inside and outside. Location: Berlin Terminal/Station: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in heated bungalows with up to 6 girls or boys (on the maximum) on the ground of the place of the language course. The bungalow is equipped with your own bathroom including a shower and WC. You will get bed linen in the accommodation; there is no need to bring a sleeping bag with you.

8 VJF Short descriptions 2013

3.4 Maxim 10/06–29/06/13 FEST / RENO 15 vols

Work: During the first week you will help to prepare and run 2 festivals. The Youth Band Open Air festival “Fayatak” will be run on the 14th of June and the international drumming festival for children, youngsters and families “RAKATAK" will take place on the 16th of June. In the previous years 7000 visitors were present at the festivals. Your help will be needed to prepare, to run and afterwards to clean the site. Another task of this project will take place during the 2nd week in the youth club “Maxim”. Your help will be needed to renovate the big party room and do maintenance and environmental works outside on the ground of the Youth club. Please be prepared for hard physical work from time to time! Location/Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: During the festival time you will sleep on your foam mattress in your sleeping bag, so please don’t forget them! In the youth club there will be 2 rooms available. You will sleep on the floor on a mattress in your sleeping bag. Your quarters will be very modest, but of course there is a kitchen and bathrooms. However, the youth club is a nice place to work, live and party. Special requirements: You have to be able to ride a bike

3.5 Berlin Krimiweg (trilateral) 29/07-09/08/13 RENO 12 vols

Work: Your help is needed to make the “project and meeting centre” more attractive for all our visitors - children, teenagers, students, artists and different groups of adults. The volunteers are asked to paint, repair, renovate and clean the centre, as well as working in the garden. Please be prepared for different tasks. Location/Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in bungalows Special remarks: This is a trilateral Camp for volunteers from Concordia (France), Alternative-V (Ukraine) and VJF only. This project is co-financed by OFAJ.

3.7 Berlin Blankenfelde 29/07 - 09/08/13 RENO 5 vols

Work: You will work on a horse farm. Your help is needed to fix the paddocks or to do other renovation works. Volunteers should be prepared to be flexible and take part in any work that will support the farmer. Location/Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in a guest house in one big room. Remarks: Because of the accommodation we ask for 5 MALE volunteers.

3.8 Berlin pro-social 29/08 - 16/09/13 RENO 12 vols

Work: You will work in different projects, e.g. renovating a house for homeless people or helping on a farm to prepare an Autumn festival. Location/Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in a hostel.

9 VJF Short descriptions 2013

4.1 Altenhausen 20/07 – 10/08/13 RENO 15 vols

Work: Your help is needed in the surroundings and inside of the Altenhausen Castle. You will do manual and creative work to make the place more attractive. The tasks will be chosen according to your abilities and ideas. Several reconstruction works are planned in the park of the former castle. There are also renovation works inside of the castle planned like painting. Location: Altenhausen (near Magdeburg); Your accommodation and work place will be the castle of Altenhausen, a beautiful building in a very small village a bit away form any big city. So if you want to live and work in a quiet area you will be in the right place. The castle is situated in a small village with approximately 450 inhabitants and is surrounded by forests. Terminal: Berlin or Leipzig Accommodation: You will live in rooms for up to 8 persons Special remarks: The village is very isolated.

4.2 Rackith 15/08 – 01/09/13 AGRI/RENO 10 vols

Work: Your work will be divided this year. One of your tasks will be different renovation and construction works on the grounds of the farm, especially in the stables. Volunteers should be prepared to be flexible and take part in any work that will support the farm. In the 2nd week you will be working on the grounds of the Lucas-Cranach-House. Different renovation and painting works are planned. Besides of this you will get the opportunity to learn more about the time of Luther and Cranach. Location: Rackith (near Lutherstadt-Wittenberg); The village of Rackith is situated 8 kilometres from Lutherstadt Wittenberg, which is famous for the reformer Martin Luther and the famous painters and printmakers Cranach. Wittenberg became one of the most important German towns of political, cultural, historical, and artistic advances in the 16th century. The famous reformation places in the old town, and the buildings developed in different epochs, make up the architecture of the town. Many people travel to Wittenberg because of its past, and its connection to Martin Luther who worked there. The river Elbe is close by with its Biosphere reserve “Mittlere Elbe”. Nevertheless, the village of Rackith is quite isolated. The last bus from Wittenberg leaves around 5 p.m.! There is no possibility of reaching the village later. Terminal: Berlin or Halle/Leipzig Accommodation: You will live in shared rooms. Special remarks: This workcamp is not suitable for persons suffering from allergies (to dust, grain, pollen, hey etc.)! Special requirements: You have to be able to ride a bike.

4.3 KiEZ Guentersberge 22/07-10/08/13 CONS/RENO 15 vols

Work: Different projects for children and youngsters will run in July in KiEZ Guentersberge. The workcamp’s work will be the foundation for those projects. Please be prepared to help with the decoration, preparation of a sports meeting and the campfire or being in charge of different stations during the some camp’s games. Besides, the group will do different renovation works like painting, removing weeds in the activity centre and other tasks. Volunteers may also be involved in other tasks that will help to maintain the KiEZ Guentersberge. Location: Guentersberge (near Quedlinburg) 10 VJF Short descriptions 2013

Terminal: Berlin or Leipzig Accommodation: You will live in bungalows with 4 or 5 beds; the toilets and showers are about 200 m from your bungalows.

4.4 Deetz 01/07 - 19/07/13 ENVI/RENO 12 vols

Work: You will work on the Europa-Jugend Bauernhof, a farm that caters for school classes who want to experience farm life. Volunteers will participate in varied environmental work around the farm. The work might include altering an old pig pen into an adventure site for youngsters or preparing small projects for children living in this region. You will work in the garden, undertaking tasks like weeding, harvesting and planting. Please be prepared to work in small groups. Volunteers should be prepared to be flexible and take part in any work that will support the farm. Location: Deetz (close to Zerbst/Anhalt) Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: You will live in a house, the former vicarage, with rooms for up to 8 persons, a kitchen and a big yard behind the house. Special remarks: This is a remote area. Special requirements: In this camp you have to be able to ride a bike!

5.1 Gut Gamig 08/07 - 26/07/13 AGRI 12 vols

Work: Volunteers are asked to do different gardening work and help in agricultural activities such as harvesting cherries (main work!) and cleaning and harvesting fruit and vegetables. Mostly you will work alongside the patients. You will work approximately 6 hours a day. If you are interested, we can have talks about the methods and aims of the medical treatments in the centre with the workers of the institution / doctor. Of course you will have the possibility to visit different workshops, where patients spend their working day. Location: Dohna (near Dresden) Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: You will sleep in rooms of the establishment. You will have two bedrooms and three beds in the community room. Modest sanitary and kitchen facilities are available.

6.1 Jena 18/08 - 30/08/13 ENVI 12 vols

Work: In the first week you will work with local foresters in the wood of Jena. You tasks will include various environmental works, e.g. maintaining foot paths, lookout points or shelters. Your help will be needed for different nature protection projects. Please be prepared for environmental works only outside to help the rangers. In the second week, the volunteers will help the environmental organisation “Fuchsturmgesellschaft” with conservation work of historic forest structures (coppice/coppice with standards) and maintenance work in the flora-fauna habitat. Your help will be needed in the Forest Adventure Circuit, huts need renovation or maintenance. Location: Jena Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in an isolated hostel on a hill in the Western part of Jena. Each room has 10 beds and your only neighbours will be the woodland animals.

11 VJF Short descriptions 2013

6.2 Weisbach 29/07-16/08/13 RENO/ARCH 8 vols

Work: The volunteers are asked to help on the excavation ground of the fortress with building work, painting walls or cleaning. You will do punctured excavations (1m x 1m) and filter the finds. Other tasks can be removing of bushes or documentation of your work. Location: Weisbach (near Weimar) Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: You will live in a community house in the village, with toilet and shower facilities provided. All bed linen is provided. Special remarks: Please be prepared to live in a very remote area!

6.3 USV Jena 12/08-25/08/13 RENO 9 vols

Work: You will support the University Sports Association (Universitaetssportverein=USV) to maintain its sports grounds. The main focus this year will be on the boat houses and their surroundings. Your help will be needed to renovate the houses and to improve the meadows around it. This could include planting, weeding, painting and generally tidying up the area. Location: Jena Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: In tents onsite, with toilet and shower facilities provided. Volunteers must bring sleeping bags, blankets and roll mats.

6.4 Buchenwald 11/08-24/08/13 STUDY / RENO 20 vols

A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required. Work: The volunteers will work in the memorial of the former concentration camp of Buchenwald. We will do several jobs in the area of the memorial like cleaning, gardening and restoration in cooperation with the curators of the memorial and participate in an archaeological dig to find any artefacts relating to the prisoners. Our work will also include tending to the original remains of the former concentration camp in Buchenwald. Study part: We will get to know more about the time of fascism, covering the areas of racism and neo-fascism. The responsible pedagogical assistant of the memorial will show us the camp, step-by-step, through different excursions. Moreover we will see documentary movies, and those who would like may work with materials of the library or the archive. Location: Weimar-Buchenwald Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin Accommodation: you will sleep in the Youth Centre building, situated on the area of the former concentration camp in rooms for 5 persons. Sanitary facilities including showers are available. Special requirements: For this Workcamp it is necessary to have very good English skills! A motivation letter—specific to this project- is required.


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