To: Felton Thomas, PLA President, and Members of the PLA Board

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To: Felton Thomas, PLA President, and Members of the PLA Board

PLA Board of Directors Midwinter Meeting 2017 2017.48

To: Felton Thomas, PLA President, and members of the PLA Board

From: Cindy Gibbon, Liaison to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee

Subject: Report of the PLA Board of Directors from the Liaison to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee

Date: January 9, 2017

This report is an update on activities of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Subcommittee on Privacy since my report to you in September 2016.

Activities of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee The committee is working on the following draft documents, all of which have relevance for public libraries. Each of the working groups has public library representatives.  Resolution on Gun Violence Affecting Libraries, Library Workers, and Library Patrons  Equity, Diversity, Inclusion: An Interpretation ( I am part of this working group.)  Visual and Performing Arts in Libraries: An Interpretation  Politics in Libraries: An Interpretation

In addition, the committee is undertaking the following activities:  Reviewing and revising ALA Policy B.8.9 : Disinformation, Media Manipulation and the Destruction of Public Information  Encouraging ALA members to sign the Petition to defend the First Amendment during Trump’s presidency

Subcommittee on Privacy I worked with PLA staff to find two PLA members to appoint to the SubCommittee on Privacy. Erin Berman, Innovations Manager at San Jose Public Library, expressed an interest in serving and her name was submitted to the PLA President for appointment. I was also hoping to recruit NYPL’s new privacy officer, Bill Marden, to represent PLA on the Subcommittee on Privacy. Bill got there first, though and was appointed to the committee through the standard channels before we contacted him. He is certainly a voice for public libraries on the committee.

The Subcommittee on Privacy is working on the following documents:  Guidelines to Minimize the Negative Effects of Internet Content Filters on Intellectual Freedom  Q&A: Makerspaces, Media Labs and Other Forums for Content Creation in Libraries

Please let me know if you would like to provide feedback on a current draft of any of these documents

Office for Intellectual Freedom

OIF has revamped the process and created a new form for reporting hate crimes and challenges. YALSA has passed on concerns about the FBI’s Guidelines for Preventing Extremism in Schools. Also, they are working on a Student Privacy Position Paper.

Charge of the PLA Liaision to IFC

I have created a draft charge for the PLA Liaison for ALA IFC for your consideration. As I have been thinking about the work of the Liaison and the challenge of maintaining continuity in this work, it occurred to me that it would be possible to create a two-year cycle in this position where the appointee serves as an Alternate in the first year (a sort of apprenticeship year) and then serves as Liaison in the second year. The draft charge describes how this might work.

At the meeting in June, you expressed a desire for the PLA liaison to IFC to have a vote on IFC. My understanding from Pam Klipsch, IFC Chair, is that IFC is a committee of Council and that none of the division liaisons has a vote on the committee. Council would have to approve any change to that structure. As a practical matter, IFC operates in a very egalitarian way, with everyone who comes to the table having a say in the work of the committee, the drafting of statements and all of the discussions. The committee does very little business by actually voting, though a vote is taken to get agreement that a piece of the committee’s work is ready to go to Council for approval. The PLA board will have to decide whether it wants to pursue the idea of voting rights on the committee with all this in mind.

Public Library Needs in 2017

I would like to hear from the board what needs you have identified in your own libraries and communities related to the difficult election year we have just experienced and the expected policies of the new Administration. What can PLA do, perhaps in partnership with ALA IFC and OIF, to best support the needs of libraries at this time? Are there publications, webinars, toolkits or any other products that we could develop to help libraries manage the issues that have already arisen or are likely to arise? Please let me know if there are initiatives you would like me to pursue. PLA Board of Directors Midwinter Meeting 2017 2017.48

DRAFT Charge of the PLA Liaison to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Liaison Alternate

January 9, 2017

Appointment: Appointed annually by the PLA President. In the implementation year, the PLA President shall appoint one Liaison to serve a one-year term and an Alternate to serve a two-year term. The Alternate becomes the Liaison in the second year of their term.

Term: Serves a two-year term, serving the first year as Liaison Alternate and second year as Liaison to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee.

Duties of the Liaison:

Keep the PLA Board informed of the work of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, Subcommittee on Privacy, Office of Intellectual Freedom and related groups. Prepare written reports and recommendations. Attend and present at PLA board meetings as requested.

Attend meetings of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee and related groups at the Midwinter and June meetings and on committee conference calls on behalf of PLA. Represent public library interests in the work of the PLA Intellectual Freedom Committee.

Represent public libraries on working groups drafting statements, position papers, resolutions and other documents produced by ALA IFC and related groups. Ensure that public libraries are represented on all relevant working groups.

Make recommendations to the PLA board regarding the need for special PLA project teams or working groups on intellectual freedom and privacy issues of greatest concern to public libraries.

Work with the PLA board to recruit public library representatives for ALA IFC and OIF working groups, for blogging and other writing assignments and for special project teams working on intellectual freedom and privacy issues.

Assist the PLA president and board to identifying future appointees to fill the Liaison role.

Duties of the Liaison Alternate:

Attend meetings of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, Subcommittee on Privacy and related groups, both in-person at conferences and by conference call, to become familiar with the current issues being addressed.

Represent public libraries on working groups drafting statements, position papers, resolutions and other documents.

Assist the Liaison in all duties of the liaison position. Act as alternate in meetings when the Liaison cannot be present.

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