Draft Institute Management Team Retreat

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Draft Institute Management Team Retreat

Institute Management Team Retreat Monday, October 11, 2010 Attending: Brian Anderson, Mike Demissie, Tom Emerson, Libby Johnston, Manohar Kulkarni, Don McKay, Gary Miller, Bill Shilts, Steve Wald, Angie Wisehart

Guest: George Czapar, Head – Center for Watershed Science, ISWS

1. MentorNet Bill was asked to be a reference for someone wanting to be a mentor through MentorNet. This is an e-mentoring program for women and underrepresented minorities in engineering and science. Bill distributed MentorNet brochures to the Directors for anyone who may be interested in participating as a mentor through this program.

2. Diversity of Staff and in the Sciences George Czapar was asked to attend the retreat to discuss his participation in diversity programs on campus. As a result of his previous work with Extension in Springfield, George is involved in an internship program that has partnered ACES with Extension to create a flow path for minorities to enroll in sciences. This program is specific to Hispanics, and there are a range of departments represented. Only 8 students will be chosen to come to the UIUC campus this summer, and they will be paid $15K. This is to help cover housing costs as well. The bulk of the students are enrolled at Northeastern Illinois in the sciences and are between their junior and senior years. The concept is to move the students into a graduate program. The first round of students will come to campus this summer, so the details are still being worked out right now. This is funded by an NSF grant, and they’re waiting to hear if a similar proposal is accepted through USDA. George feels INRS is well situated to offer a range of opportunities for students.

George believes there is a real effort on campus to recruit minorities. Bill added Richard Herman started the Illinois Promise program – a program supported by donations that supports students who would have a difficult time affording college.

Bill would like to attract students who normally wouldn’t go into natural sciences, not just minorities. He feels we could be hard pressed to find scientists for the Surveys in the future. There would be a bigger opportunity to recruit people if we offered some type of internship program. Bill added that it’s important to target people during their first couple of years in college, but even more important before they get to college

Steve reported he has had meetings with Jesse Thompson, Assistant Dean of ACES, who is in charge of the Research Apprentice Program (RAP). This program started by forming relationships with high schools and teachers, recruiting minority and underserved students to create diversity within ACES. The goal of the program is to retain students all the way through graduation. Steve thinks we should consider getting involved in RAP if possible. ACES might be interested if INRS could add a corporate partner to participate in the program, in addition to the four or five ACES already has. Steve wondered if Caterpillar or Kraft would be a possibility. Brian, Gary, and Mike felt Caterpillar might have real potential.

Tom added ISAS has had great luck with mentoring students on campus, but a faculty member has to be the sponsor. George added he thinks there are ways to get around that. Bill added if they are an intern they could be considered an employee, so faculty would not have to be involved. Bill feels some may feel that just having the experience is more valuable than receiving academic credit.

Mike added the College of Engineering has a minority student program that we might be able to get involved in. He also added that the Office of Minority Affairs should be contacted to find out what they’re doing.

Bill reiterated it’s important to recruit minority students, but INRS needs to attract students in general. It’s important to the future of the Surveys.

Gary suggested INRS attempt to partner with state agencies. Brian added UIS has aggressive programs with state agencies. He also added that he thinks NSF and NIH have money for these types of programs. He suggested contacting GSLIS to seek help writing grants. George added he thought that was a great idea. USDA is looking for ideas. George added it was a real team effort to get the grant from NSF for the Hispanic program. Minority Affairs received a big 3-4 year grant for recruiting in science.

Bill has a strong desire to do something about this, and Steve feels it can be done, but it’s going to have to be a concerted effort. INRS needs to have a realistic situation – we can’t bring in minorities just to showcase, but we need to show them a real experience. Brian and Mike added they could work with their staff to identify who would be interested in participating.

Bill wants to make an effort to target high school students, and Tom added he would be enthusiastic about that.

Bill wants to keep the dialogue going on this topic and asked Steve to actively work on this. He will be expected to report on his progress at the weekly management team meetings.

Steve indicated he would find a way to build on RAP, attempt to make connections with Caterpillar, contact Office of Minority Affairs, work on the state agency aspect, and reach out to grant writers. Manohar added he would like to help Steve in his efforts.

Brian added he would find $5K in his budget, and 1 or 2 staff who are interested if Steve could engage Minority Affairs and find a grant. He also added he thinks it might be a good idea to send a survey out to the research leaders within the Institute to find out what they would like to do.

Libby added this connects to succession planning, which is also in part embedded in the INRS strategic plan. She also added that urban children do not have a lot of exposure to the natural sciences. George indicated Extension has a program for urban students.

Don added the Geological Survey has been working with Ms. Kristin Camp, Science Curriculum Coordinator in the Champaign Unit 4 School District to work on a field trip that would help address science learning standards for 5th grade geoscience and reach 650 5th grade students annually. ACTION ITEM Steve will follow-up with Dr. Thompson regarding RAP. He will explore ways to connect with Caterpillar. He will make contact with the Office of Minority Affairs, and the College of Engineering.

3. Succession Planning In order to attract more scientists to administrative roles, Brian is going to offer an opportunity to those who may be interested in a chance to participate in an Executive Staff role for 2 years at a time. He will offer a stipend and open it just like a search for staff to compete. INHS does not have any divisions; only research leaders. They make up a Senior Management Team that meets with Brian on a regular basis. Gary feels Brian has a great mechanism in place to mentor people, expose them to administration, and address retention issues.

Bill asked the management team to think carefully about the Executive Director position. Bill’s philosophy has been to preserve as much as possible the way things have been operating in each division, and to only intrude in a minimal way, or not at all. He continues to maintain and expand connections externally and across campus and is still making INRS known to people. The next person to fill the Executive Director role must have an interest in all of the Surveys and the ‘Survey style’ of carrying out research. They must have an understanding of what the Surveys do. Bill has always felt that it would take 5 years for the Institute and University to work through the process, and he feels we’re about half way there. There are still issues that need to be resolved, such as the appropriate classification of our scientists.

Bill asked Gary to incorporate into the Bylaws a section providing input to OVCR on the hiring process for the Executive Director position. OVCR will conduct the search for the Executive Director position, but it is important INRS have the primary input. This should include nominating people to serve on the search committee. It was agreed that each Survey should be represented on the search committee, including adding an advisory board member to the committee. Gary will work with Deb and Sue on drafting language for the Bylaws. Manohar agreed to help.

Gary added that the management team should review the draft of the Strategic Plan put together by Libby. It mentions succession planning and classifications within the Institute. It’s a rough draft and needs work, but it is useful to review. Libby added the document could give the Institute better direction and structure.

ACTION ITEMS Gary and Manohar will work with Deb and Sue to draft language for the Institute Bylaws addressing recommendations to OVCR for future Executive Director searches.

Gary will distribute the Executive Director job description to the Directors.

Libby will provide a draft of the Strategic Plan to the Directors, and will have a draft ready for the Advisory Board members at the November meeting. 4. Classification of Scientists Bill wants to continue to move forward with the reclassification of APs. Don and the Directors have been working on a proposal that he will revise per our discussions and re- circulate. Bill would like to present the proposal to the Advisory Board at the November meeting. Gary indicated the Provost’s Office acknowledges that at least some of our scientists should not be APs.

ACTION ITEM Don will revise and distribute the AP document to the Directors for review. This document will be given to Bill for review so that it may be discussed at the Advisory Board meeting in November.

5. Diversifying Funding Bill reminded the management team that General Revenue Funds (GRF), which form our core appropriation, have decreased constantly in recent history and should not be something that the Institute should count on receiving at some point in the future. Brian added he thinks it’s good that our GRF budget is separate from that of the University, but that it would be good if INRS could receive dedicated funding for major initiatives, such as carbon sequestration or Asian carp, from the legislature. Gary agreed, adding we would have to work with staff from Governmental Relations for that. We would also need to identify funding sources. Bill asked Brian to write a description of our need for additional funding.

ACTION ITEM Brian will draft a description of our need for additional/dedicated funding to address major issues such as carbon sequestration and Asian carp.

6. Miscellaneous Brian indicated that hiring paperwork is still moving slowly. He would like to see if there is a way to get soft money positions approved more quickly. Gary will write a paragraph describing some of the delays so that he can pass it along to Vice Chancellor Iyer.

Libby continues to work on the Annual Report. She has write-ups from the Directors and will make some edits. She’ll then send them back for additional comments. She’s been receiving photos, charts and graphs for insertion. Awards, financial information, and data collections information still need to be put together.

It was agreed around the table that the Institute is in a good position. Bill added INRS has full support of the Advisory Board, and that the top Campus administrators support us.

ACTION ITEM Gary will draft a memo describing the delays of HR processing for Bill to share with Vice Chancellor Iyer.

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