Bethel Park Soccer Booster

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Bethel Park Soccer Booster


Members in Attendance – Wade Baker, Shelley Reed, Kim Barr, Lisa Nath, Chris Nath, Nancy Vaught, Sarah Runco, Jamie Roth, Beth Patrizio, Jennifer Nestler, Cindy Armstrong, Cindy Rack, and Audrey Lucchitti.

Call to Order – Wade Baker 7:00 pm

Tentative Soccer Booster Schedule  November 9th Booster Meeting 7 pm @ Panera Bread South Park Shops  November 12th Girls’ Banquet @ Crowne Plaza  November 18th Boys’ Banquet @ Crowne Plaza

Approval of September 2014 minutes – Motion by Shelley Reed to correct the date of the boys’ banquet from 11/20 to 11/18, second by Wade Baker. September meeting minutes approved by motion from Cindy Rack, second by Nancy Vaught.

Financial Report – Lisa Nath reported a balance of $11,647. There are many bills coming to be paid out such as banquets, gifts, pizza bill for concession stand. The concession stand balance is a moving target but we hope to be on track to have the required remainder of $5,000 at the conclusion of this season.

Coach Gentile Report – No Report.

Coach Galietta Report – No Report.

Committee reports Concession Stand – Cindy Rack reported that last Saturday’s (10/11) JV football game was cancelled and there is potential to have another cancellation this Saturday (10/18) due to injuries on the Varsity football team and the need to pull JV players up to cover positions and also the SATs are this Saturday (10/18). This will obviously hurt our budget numbers but we are hopeful to gain some playoff games. The playoff schedule is set to come out this Wednesday (10/15). Cindy Armstrong is taking the concession stand for this Friday (10/17) night Varsity football game because Cindy Rack cannot be there. There will not be a lot of expense associated with this Friday’s game as very minimal items need to be purchased so majority of this date will be profit. Cindy Rack expressed her appreciation to Cindy Armstrong for taking over the concession stand for the 2015 season (applause). She feels that with the addition of the freezer, new stove, wheeled coolers and such it should be an easy transition and that she was leaving Cindy Armstrong with a strong start. Chris Nath expressed her appreciation, shared by those in attendance, for Cindy Rack’s and Beth Patrizio’s great work the last two years running and scheduling the concession stand (applause). Beth Patrizio is sending an email asking parents to check their calendars for the upcoming playoff schedule due to the need to gain additional volunteers to man the games and times.

Youth Nights – Many thanks were expressed to Michele Friday and Bruce Thompson for their hard work. It was noted that neither game was heavily attended overall. That was surprising due to the both the fact that they were vs. Mt Lebanon and the efforts of Michele and Bruce. It was suggested that emails did not reach the appropriate groups despite the efforts by Bruce and Shelley Reed to have the Rec organization distribute. It should be noted that some in attendance did receive emails sent by the Rec program so it can be confirmed that the emails were sent. Some further discussion should be had on how to improve or proceed in 2015.

Senior Nights – Both boys’ and girls’ reported having a very nice event. Many thanks expressed to the committees for their hard work, and two successful events.

Breast Cancer/Lymphoma Awareness – The boys’ game was held 9/25 and they raised $100 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The monies were sent by Shelley Reed online to LLS via the Light the Night walk. The girls’ game was held 10/8 and they raised $200 for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Chris Nath mailed a check directly to the foundation. Both teams sold wristbands and had a 50/50 at their game. The girls’ also sold pink cupcakes. Chris Nath sold $87 worth of wristbands at the “pink out” Varsity football game. Highmark games – Both the boys’ and girls’ games were well attended. The boosters sold 93 tickets for the boy’s games and 95 tickets for the girls’ games. It was suggested that this was substantial enough to get invited to play there again next year. Wade Baker was going to speak with Amy Scheuneman about how we might avoid the loss of two (2) home games next season. The last two (2) years we have given up home games and this has a direct impact on our budget for the year.

Away Game Meals – Both the boys’ and girls’ reported being on track with their budgets for the season. Sarah Runco (boys’) informed that she is retiring next year but would be available to help/advise the new committee chair. She suggested that this is no longer a one (1) family job and questioned whether we needed to provide meals at close, afternoon games like USC as an example. Shelley Reed suggested a lighter meal like a pepperoni roll might be more appropriate for games such as these. Many expressed that the players very much enjoy and appreciate the meals and that we should continue providing them. Jamie Roth (girls’) suggested that she and three (3) other parents worked this committee this season and that it worked wonderfully. Sarah also suggested that it would be easier to feed both the V/JV teams at the same time at the end of the Varsity game.

Pasta Parties – Nancy Vaught (boys’) suggested that the pasta parties get “old” for the players and it was her experience that they are in and out quickly suggesting that they have other things like homework and such to attend to. She suggested that maybe scaling back on the number of pasta parties would free up some parent volunteers for away game meals. Beth Patrizio (girls’) expressed that the players stayed for several hours at her house this season. It was also noted that the girls’ invite the JV team while the boys’ traditionally have just the Varsity team in attendance. Shelley Reed suggested that there is no written rule about how many pasta parties either side has. Nor is it written that the V/JV teams have to be together or separate. The number of parties and the groups(s) in attendance are simply a team decision year to year. Cindy Armstrong suggested that the JV team invite promotes team building, while it was noted that serving 40 as opposed to 20 is an additional expense for the host family. Jamie Roth pointed out that each senior family only typically hosts one (1) party while their player enjoys several years of parties. This came as a surprise to the boys’ parents in attendance as they were unaware that the senior families hosted. It was noted that the committee could use some additional guidance and advice next season.

Banquet- The boys’ invites went out this week for Nov 18th and the girls’ will be sent out soon for Nov 12th. It was discussed at the meeting that one of our banquet committee chairs was approached by a parent who did not wish to pay because they did not plan to eat. The group decided that all parents must pay for the banquet due to the fact that the fee in small part is a fundraiser for banquet photos, frames, etc. and this a precedent we cannot set moving forward.

New Business Playoffs – There is a budget for away game meals. Each committee will provide meals to Varsity players only as this is how the budget is structured but does have the freedom to stay within overall budget per game to supply ball boys/girls a meal if they are able.

Website update – Steve Kloc is still managing the website for Shelley Reed. Shelley is actively looking for someone to take over this committee and work with Steve next season. The website is VERY user friendly but with her limited computer knowledge and duties as co-president it is impossible for her to manage.

Nominating Committee – Wade Baker and Shelley Reed reported that we are looking for a few good men and women to fill some board seats for the 2015 season: Boy’s Co-President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. Shelley Reed and Kim Barr plan to remain in their current seats for one (1) more season. There will be an email going out this week for recruiting purposes. Should you like to nominate someone or yourself please let Wade know at [email protected]

2015 Committees – Shelley Reed expressed some difficulty this season (2014) filling the committee chair list despite efforts made well before the season. It is her intention to start recruiting now by asking parents if they would consider keeping their committee or if they have any suggestions for a replacement in the event they are retiring. There will be an email sent this week to this week for recruiting purposes.

2015 Budget Meeting – TBA

Closing – Motion to adjourn by Shelley Reed, second by Audrey Lucchitti.

Next booster meeting November 9th @ 7 pm – Panera Bread South Park Shops

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