City of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
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OPERATIONS COMMITTEE City of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Meeting Minutes of May 19, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Laine Meyer in Room 113 at the Municipal Building.
Other Board/Commission/Committee Members present: Alderpersons Howard Abel, Ron Andrews, Mark Born, Mick McConaghy, Aaron Onsrud and Rob Radig.
Also present for all or part of the meeting: Mayor Tom Kennedy, City Attorney Maryann Schacht, Assistant City Attorney Dave Schacht, Director of Utilities Don Quarford, Director of Facilities Dave Stoiser, Parks Supervisor John Neumann, Engineering Coordinator Ritchie Piltz, Rich Zieman of Community Theatre, Mike Laue of MSA Professionals, Alderpersons John Litscher and Clancy Knaup, Stan Rechek, Craig Warmbold (WBEV/WXRO) and Dan Baulch (Daily Citizen).
After entertainment for same from the Chair, motion by Radig, seconded by Onsrud and unanimously carried approving the minutes of the May 12, 2008 Operations Committee meeting as presented.
REVIEW OF BILLS – There were no questions.
Meyer introduced David Stoiser, Director of Facilities, and asked him to give a review of his first week. Stoiser stated he is very excited to be here and has felt very welcomed. He has visited some of the ongoing projects at N. Center Street, Green Valley Road, etc. Stoiser has already been involved in the scheduling of tasks at DPW and commented on the level of support of Hess, Duckett and Bilitz. He is learning the names, capabilities and strengths of the staff at DPW. He is working at getting a handle on the workload. Stoiser has also met with Quarford on the Kraft expansion plans.
BEAVER DAM AREA COMMUNITY THEATER (BDACT) – Discussion and consideration of the BD Area Community Theater proposed development of the former YMCA property relative to Park designation requirements.
Maryann Schacht explained what the Statues state in regards to the Park designation requirements. 43(b) states the property that is under 501(c)(3) has to be within or surrounded by a Municipal Park. She provided the definition of “within” and “surrounds”. The property in question does not conform to the Statute so we cannot do a Resolution at this time. M. Schacht worked with Piltz to see if there was any way they could make it “surround”. The property has to be completely surrounded by a Park. An alternative could be to create a Park on that piece of property, making that whole area a Park. M. Schacht isn’t going to draft a Resolution until she knows that BDACT is going to build on that property and that they are going to be able to raise the necessary funds, because if we make a Park we cannot reverse our decision to take the Park away. Zieman stated that there was no way that BDACT could move forward with the project until they are assured that they would be able to be property tax exempt. Zieman asked
OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MAY 19, 2008 MEETING 1 of 4 if they successfully purchase the building if the City would guarantee that the property would be made a Park. Meyer stated that the next step would be for the Operations Committee to have discussion as to whether or not they would support the idea of making the existing YMCA property and the parking lot on the side into a City Park. Born asked if we have to own the property to make the area a Park and if so, who would do the snow plowing, etc. M. Schacht explained that, yes, the City would have to own the property and the BDACT would own the building. Born also questioned the statement that we can’t undo it once we make it a Park. He asked if the BDACT didn’t succeed in their fund raising and had to sell the property, wouldn’t the land revert back to the owner, and therefore, no longer be a Park? Zieman stated they have 90 days to purchase the building, but that they will probably be sitting for 1 ½ years before doing any construction. This will give time for the fund raising. Born questioned what the risks would be for the City. M. Schacht reiterated that there are conditions that we would have to state to protect the City. Onsrud stated he sees benefits to supporting the Arts, but the timing is an issue. M. Schacht will draft a conditional letter at the direction of this Committee. Lengthy discussion continued. Mayor Kennedy asked what the definition of a Park is and if we will meet the criteria. Dave Schacht stated the requirements are not defined, but a Park is usually publicly owned and for recreational purposes. The Attorney’s Office will research if there is a Statutory definition for a Park. Born felt the details will need to be worked out with creative research by the Attorney’s office. Meyer felt they should instruct the City Attorney to research this in more depth to ensure there would be no issue with the City Park definition and to form the correct wording to protect the City, etc. Onsrud feels the benefits to the City will be tremendous. As was the general concensus, Meyer asked that M. Schacht look into working out the details further and bringing this issue back to the Committee to revisit.
TEMPORARY STOP SIGNS ON DECLARK STREET – Discussion and consideration to place “Temporary” stop signs on DeClark Street at its intersection with Carroll Street until construction on N. Center Street is completed.
Piltz informed the Committee that this concern was brought in by a concerned citizen, due to N. Center Street being closed. Born commented that he has observed a much heavier traffic flow at this intersection, but doesn’t feel that even with the increased flow it is as bad an intersection as some of the other intersections in town, such as Burnett and Spring. Discussion. Radig and McConaghy agreed with Born. Meyer stated that he felt once you put up the temporary stop signs, it is almost worse when you take them down, as people are now used to them. He is not in favor of the temporary stop signs. Abel also agreed. With all Committee members agreeing that the temporary signs are not necessary at DeClark and Carroll the issue was dropped.
PARK AVENUE AND ROOSEVELT DRIVE CROSSWALK - Discussion and consideration of marked crosswalk cost options.
Piltz provided the Committee with cost options as follows: A minimum of $3,000 for Alliant to run electrical service to that intersection. Estimate of $8,000 to $10,000 for the City or a Contractor to run conduit for pedestrian warning lights. Approx. cost of installing each warning light would be $3,000. or Approx. cost of installing overhead warning light would be $10,000 each. or Approx. cost for DPW to install signs would be $250, and less than that to paint the crosswalk. or Approx. cost for solar powered signs would be $3,000 each.
OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MAY 19, 2008 MEETING 2 of 4 Meyer stated that the potential costs are high because electricity is not already available. He has talked to Piltz about contacting the State again to revisit the idea of putting traffic control lights in at that corner. He feels that a new traffic count may warrant installing the lights now that the Hospital and Walgreen’s are both running at full operation. The cost of stop lights are approx. $80,000 to $100,000. If the State allowed us to put them in, there should be some cost sharing. Onsrud felt we should at least do something. He felt the cost would be minimal if we did the crosswalk stripes and the signage. McConaghy felt a lot of people would not pay attention to the signage. Born agreed and felt it might even make it worse, giving a false sense of safety to those trying to cross at the crosswalk. Meyer questioned Piltz on the traffic count process. Piltz said it could be a 24-hour count or a 7-day count. Meyer felt the center lane sign would be a better option than signs on the curb, but wonders how long the signs would last before they were hit. Motion by Born, seconded by McConaghy and carried, with one no vote, that the issue be tabled so we can explore more options with the State regarding signalization on the Park Avenue/Roosevelt Dr. corner.
RADTKE CONTRACTORS, INC. – Approval of Contractor’s Payment Request No. 2 for contract work related to the STH33/Industrial Drive Business Park Expansion-Mass Grading.
Laue recommended payment of Payment Request No. 2 in the amount of $98,430.45. Motion by Born, seconded by Radig and unanimously carried to approve payment of Payment Request No. 2 to Radtke Contractors.
SUMMER SEASONAL POSITIONS – Consider request to advertise for two (2) summer seasonal employees in the Public Works Department.
Stoiser explained that one of the reasons for the request to hire seasonal positions is due to the recent retirement of Ray Schmidt. One of the seasonals could be placed in the Yard Site to compensate for the loss of Schmidt. The other seasonal could be scheduled to do street painting, along with one permanent employee. Stoiser passed out a spread sheet showing the savings we could realize in hiring a seasonal to help with this job, rather than having to contract out more of the street painting work, due to lack of enough manpower. Schmidt’s salary was budgeted for the entire year, so the dollars to pay the wages for the seasonals would be available from his unexpended salary dollars. Motion by Onsrud, seconded by Andrews and unanimously carried to approve the request to hire two 2008 summer seasonal employees, for a maximum of 590 hours each, in the Public Works Department.
SUMMER SEASONAL POSITION – Consider request to advertise for (1) summer seasonal employee for the Water and Wastewater Utilities.
Quarford explained that he has used Huber people in the past, but it is not always a definite that there will be someone available through Huber. Quarford does not intend to advertise to fill the seasonal position, if he finds he needs the seasonal employee he would go through the procedure set up by the Personnel Department and pull someone out of John Neumann’s pool of available applicants. It would be one position for a maximum of 590 hours. The person would do work for both the Water and Wastewater Utilities. Motion by Radig, seconded by Onsrud and unanimously carried to approve Quarford’s request to be allowed to hire a 2008 summer seasonal for the Water/Wastewater Utilities.
OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MAY 19, 2008 MEETING 3 of 4 2008 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM – Consider advertising for Notice Inviting Bids.
Piltz already has a list of sidewalks that have been brought to their attention. He will start marking sidewalks in area 11 tomorrow. Motion by Radig, seconded by McConaghy and unanimously carried to approve the advertising for Notice Inviting Bids for the Sidewalk Non- Compliance Contractor work.
2008 CITY-ORDERED SIDEWALK PROGRAM – Discussion related to continuing program in 2008.
Piltz wants to know if the Committee wants to continue the program that was started last year for ordering in new sidewalk. Piltz provided the Committee members with a map that shows those areas considered. Meyer felt we should continue the program, doing a portion of the list every year. He asked the Committee members to take a look at the list before the next Committee meeting. Radig questioned if this required a Public Hearing last year. Yes, it did. Born asked what criteria was used to determine what segments would be placed on the list. Meyer explained that areas near parks and schools have the highest priority. Also, traffic flow of pedestrians and bicyclists, safety issues and if there is existing curb and gutter are all considered. Meyer asked Committee members to make a note of any additional segments that should be looked at and asked that this item be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
Meyer commented that a thank you had been received for the response to a 911 call that a resident had received.
Quarford stated there will be a meeting of both the Operations and Administrative Committees, along with Kraft Foods, introducing plans for Kraft’s proposed pre-treatment facility as well as presenting a proposed facility expansion at the treatment facility. It was the consensus of the Committee to have the meeting on an off-Council night and to keep the Committee Agenda for other business light for that meeting. Quarford will coordinate a date with Kraft, preferably in June, and inform both Committees of the selected date.
Motion by Radig, seconded by McConaghy and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dave Stoiser Director of Facilities Recording Secretary