Trenton Public Schools 1

Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

STANDARD 1.1: AESTHETICS All students will use aesthetic knowledge in the creation of and in response to dance, music, theater and visual arts. Strand A. Knowledge

Goals By the end of Kindergarten, students will:  Understand that art works elicit an emotional response.  Be able to communicate their personal emotional response to a work of art.  Pick out art elements in an art work.  Be able to create art works according to their maturity and skill level.  Learn how to identify the basic aspects of the seven elements of design (color, line, shape, form, texture, value, and space.)  Be able to show how to use the basic aspects of the seven elements of design (color, line, shape, form, texture, value, and space.)

Enduring Understandings  Aesthetics fosters artistic appreciation, interpretation, imagination, significance and value.  The point of studying the arts is to foster meaning making, deeper emotional response and more inventive decision making.

Essential Questions  Why should I care about the arts?  What’s the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless artistic judgment?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.1.2A.1 Observe the four art forms of dance, music, theater, and  view different types of visual arts.  Prints visual art.  describe what they saw.  Posters  Art work on the internet  Art work on display throughout the school  Art work on display in other exhibits  PowerPoint presentations 1.1.2A.2 Explain that dance, music, theater and visual art can  describe what they saw.  Class Discussions generate personal feelings.  summarize what they saw.  Drawings in response to a  understand that they will have a response to the art. work of art  Writing in response to art  Questions 1.1.2A.3 Interpret basic elements of style in dance, music, theater,  describe how art elements were used in the work.  Color and visual art as the foundation for a creative project.  give examples of how the elements were used.  Line  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Strand B. Skills Enduring Understandings  Aesthetics fosters artistic appreciation, interpretation, imagination, significance and value.  The point of studying the arts is to foster meaning making, deeper emotional response and more inventive decision making. Essential Questions  Why should I care about the arts?  What’s the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless artistic judgment? Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.1.2B.1 Communicate observational and emotional responses to  discuss emotional response to famous works of art.  Class Discussions works of art from a variety of social and historical contexts.  describe how the work of art made them feel  Drawings in response to a  explain their emotional responses to the work of art. work of art  Writing in response to art  Questions 1.1.2B.2 Provide an initial response when exposed to an unknown  discuss their immediate reaction to a work of art  Questions artwork.  explain why they feel the way the do about the work  Drawings  Writing  Class Discussions 1.1.2B.3 Use imagination to create a story based on an arts  create in the style of the work.  Drawings experience in each of the art forms.  produce writing about the work of art.  Stories  Writing  Partner activities

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.2: CREATION AND PERFORMANCE All students will utilize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to each art form in the creation, performance, and presentation of dance, music, theater, and visual art. Strand D. Visual Art Enduring Understandings  The arts serve multiple functions: enlightenment, education, and entertainment.  Though the artist’s imagination and intuition drive the work, great art requires skills and discipline to turn notions into a quality product.  The artistic process can lead to unforeseen or unpredictable outcomes.

Essential Questions  How does creating and performing in the arts differ from viewing the arts?  To what extent does the viewer properly affect and influence the art and the artist and to what extent is the art for the artist?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.2.2D.1 Create works of art using the basic elements of color, line,  describe how the basic elements were used.  Color shape, form, texture, and space for a variety of subjects and basic  integrate elements of design onto art work.  Line media.  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

1.2.2D.2 Cite basic visual art vocabulary used to describe works of  differentiate between different types of art.  Landscapes art.  identify different types of art.  Still Life  apply art vocabulary.  Portraits  Abstract  Realistic  Painting  Drawing  Sketch  Sculpture  Abstract  Collage 1.2.2D.3 Present completed works of art in exhibition areas inside  prepare work for display.  Displays and outside the classroom.  justify the choices that are made in displaying work.  Mattes  Exhibits  Critiques

1.2.2D.4 Recognize how art is part of everyday life.  discuss how art helps them throughout their daily  Clothing/Fabric lives.  Pottery  give examples of how art is a part of their daily lives.  Portraits  Architecture  Objects of art

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.3: ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of dance, music, theater, and visual art. Strand D. Visual Art Enduring Understandings  Underlying structures in art can be found via analysis and inference.  Breaking accepted norms often gives rise to new forms of artistic expression. Essential Questions  How do underlying structures unconsciously guide the creation of art works?  Does art have boundaries? Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.3.2D.1 Identify the basic art elements of color, line, shape, form,  demonstrate what specific elements are used in a work  Color texture, and space. with minimal prompting.  Line  explain how elements are used in a work of art.  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space 1.3.2D.2 Discuss how art elements are used in specific works of art.  demonstrate where specific elements are used in a  Color work with minimal prompting.  Line  articulate the use of the elements in a specific work of  Shape art.  Form  Texture  Value  Space

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.4: CRITIQUE All students will develop, apply and reflect upon knowledge of the process of critique. Strand A. Knowledge Goals By the end of Kindergarten, students will:  Understand that critique is used to discuss art.  Participate in class discussions about works of art.  Participate in class discussions about their own art. Enduring Understandings  The critical process of observing, describing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating leads to informed judgments regarding the relative merits of artworks. Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  When is art criticism vital and when is it beside the point? Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.4.2D.1 Explain that critique is a positive tool.  understand that we need to talk about art.  Class Critique  discuss why critique is important.  Class Discussions

1.4.2D.2 Define the basic concepts of color, line, shape, form,  explain elements of design as they are used in an art  Color texture, space, and rhythm. work.  Line  summarize the elements of design.  Shape  locate where elements are used in an art work.  Form  Texture  Value

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

 Space Strand B. Skills

Enduring Understandings  The critical process of observing, describing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating leads to informed judgments regarding the relative merits of artworks. Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  When is art criticism vital and when is it beside the point? Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.4.2D.1 Orally communicate opinion regarding dance, music,  discuss how a piece of art elicits a personal response.  Class Critique theater, and visual art based on observation.  explain opinions about a piece of art.  Written Critique  participate in class discussions about art.  Dictated Critique

1.4.2D.2 Express how individuals can have different opinions toward  formulate opinions about a work of art.  Class Critique works of art.  participate in class discussions about art.  Letters to the artist  Art work inspired by a work of art

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

Standard 1.5: HISTORY/CULTURE All students will understand and analyze the role, development, and continuing influence of the arts in relation to world cultures, history, and society. Strand A. Knowledge Goals By the end of Kindergarten, students will :  Be familiar with art from a few cultures.  Be able to identify art from a few cultures. Enduring Understandings  Culture affects self-expression, whether we realize it or not.  Every artist has a style; every artistic period has a style. Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  Does art define culture or does culture define art?  What is old and what is new in any work of art?  How important is “new” in art? Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.5.2A.1 Recognize works of art from diverse cultures.  view works of art from different cultures.  Cultural Celebrations  demonstrate an understanding of works of art from  Color other cultures.  Line  Shape  Form  Texture  Value

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

 Space Strand B. Skills

Enduring Understandings  Culture affects self-expression, whether we realize it or not.  Every artist has a style; every artistic period has a style.

Essential Questions Strands A and B: Knowledge and Skills  Does art define culture or does culture define art?  What is old and what is new in any work of art?  How important is “new” in art?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) Objective: Students will be able to… Content 1.5.2B.1 Identify family and community as themes in art.  view works of art.  Color  create works of art that demonstrate family and  Line community.  Shape  Form  Texture  Value  Space  Cultural Celebrations

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Kindergarten Visual & Performing Arts~ Art 2009-2010

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