44th Annual General Meeting of Calgary Co-operative Memorial Society Ltd. Telephone 403-248-2044 Toll Free 1-800-566-9959 www.calgarymemorial.com Saturday, January 30, 2010 -- 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Kerby Centre 1133 7 Ave SW– Calgary, Alberta

1. Call to order: - the 44th Annual General meeting at 1:02 p.m.by Chairperson Diane Walker. Diane welcomed members and visitors and thanked them for their support with such a good attendance. Each attendee was given minutes from the 2009 AGM, Financial statement for the year ending October 31, 2009 and a CCMS pen.

2. Quorum: - 240 members were declared as quorum by chairperson by Diane Walker.

3. Agenda: - Motion to accept agenda by Jerry Jonnason, 2nd Alan Jessop.

4. Minutes from 2009 AGM: - Motion by Phil Buckingham to adopt the minutes from the 2008 AGM, 2nd Marion Saylor. Carried. There were no questions arising from the AGM minutes.

5. Treasurers report: - by Alan Jessop who told the membership that the discretionary fund will now maintain a balance of $20,000.00 and the balance of account being divided by the formula of 40% going to special projects and 60% for donations.

6. Questions arisising from the report: - a question regarding advertising costs that are up 3 times last year’s expenditure – the printing of new brochures due to price increases & changes that resulted from the negotiations with our Service Provider’s. Good comment from one of our members about our financial genius! Motion by Alan Jessop to accept the Treasurers report for the year ending October 31, 2009, 2nd Pat Brownly. Carried.

7. Appointment of auditor (reviewer): - Motion by Pat Jessop to appoint Graham Hussey as reviewer for the 2010 Financial records, 2nd Nellie Pintus. Carried.

8. Chair report : - Diane thanked several people, starting with our Advisors, Verna Pollock, Reg Clarke & Laurie Mills. - she reported that the Board held 8 meetings, finishing the year with a Board dinner on January 23rd. - the Advertising/Presentations committee had many presentations and is presently trying to get into radio/TV advertising (which is not going all that well but radio CHRB High River which interviewed Nellie yesterday) - Adina who is our Membership Manager, now has 2 part-time assistants to help at the office when times are particularly busy. Diane reminded the members to give Adina any change of addresses. - We are participating members of the ACCA (Alberta Community Co-operative Association) and network as well with other Co-operatives. - We participated in trades shows at the City Hall and the Kerby Center and attended one in Lethbridge as well. - Scholarship and Bursaries are awarded annually to the Gerontology nursing students at Mount Royal University.

1 - Diane thanked the members for their attendance today.

9. Introduction of Service Providers: Elvyra Krausas - Regrets were received from Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and Taber. - Introduction of Ernie Hagel (criteria by CCMS for providers is they must be locally owned). Comments by Ernie: (a) about a question from a member who asked about cost if you are not a member, Ernie replied that costs are 40 – 50 % higher. (b) all brochures costs don’t include cemetery costs. (c) Procedure for change of contract several things that can be done – if prepaid its best to wait & be done through estate –it is best to make sure next of kin knows about changes. (d) Guidance forms can be changed and if you need to do this, contact CCMS office for a new guidance form. (e) question about green burials - define green-many definitions of what green burials are. Ernie said that Archie Lang who is our guest speaker today will cover this topic. (f) Is it a law in Alberta for a body to be embalmed? No - unless the body is being transported and it is possible for a body to be viewed before embalming.

Introduction of Advisors, Board of Directors and Membership Manager: Diane Walker - Advisors: Laurie Mills. - Board members: Alan Jessop, Elvyra Krausas, Ian Sandilands, Jerry Jonnason, Monique Rigole, Sylvia Kasper, Nellie Pintus, Terry Geib, Pat Parker, George Melnyk and Margaret deVries. - Membership Manager: Adina Lyon - First Calgary Credit Union – Rod Zeigler

Recognition of Retiring Directors: Diane Walker - Margaret deVries, George Melnyk & Ian Sandilands

Board of director’s nominations report – Monique - 3 Board members seeking re-election are: - Alan Jessop - Sylvia Kasper - Diane Walker - 3 new members seeking election: - Pat Sather – absent - Gail Loadman – absent - Roy Goodall who was present and presented us with a short bio of his qualifications - Nominations from the floor: none - Current slate elected by acclamation

10. Grants to charitable organizations: Pat Parker - Pat spoke about the decision of the Board in May of 2009, to make annual donations to charitable organizations in Alberta that meet criteria set out by the Board, a different theme to be decided on each year. This year, the Board chose “seniors” as a theme and the organizations that were chosen were Poppy Fund, CUPS and Meals on Wheels. George Bittman from the Poppy Fund and Dick Brown from Meals on Wheels received the donation for their respective organizations.

11. Guest Speaker – Archie Lang – Central Parks (and Cemeteries) Manager for the City of Calgary, and current President of Western Canada Cemetery Association, introduced by Diane Walker. Archie’s topic:“Green Burials”. - Question & answer period with some very interesting dialogue.

12. AGM 2011 - January 29, 2011

13. Adjournment: motion to adjourn at 3:05 p.m. Ian Sandilands, 2nd Alan Jessop.

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