Holy Spirit Church
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Sat 1 Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fest Holy Spirit Church Sat/Sun 1/2 Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday Centralia, Missouri Blessed are the poor in spirit, Wed 5 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM Thurs 6 St. Ann’s Fellowship Tea 7:00 PM February 1, 2014 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 Diocesan Assessments Fiscal Year: Sun 9 Parish Family Service Project 2:30- Presentation of the Lord July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 PARISH FAMILY EVENT-- "Please join us for a 5:00 MPB Blessed are they who are what they are and do what Monthly Cathedracticum $316.00 family service project on Sunday, February 9th Adult Formation Class 6:00 PM MPB they do for the sake of the kingdom! The Gospel from 2:30-5pm in the MPB. We will be making Tues 11 Parish Council Meeting 7:00 PM today assures good stewards that their suffering and Calendar of Reservations for MPB Valentine's crafts (various crafts for different ages) Wed 12 St. Anne Crafts 12:00 PM their service on behalf of the kingdom will be January 24-Feb 2 K of C Shrimp Fest and delivering them to the nursing homes in Wed 12 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM rewarded. February 9 Service Activity 2:30-5:00 Centralia. We will end with a pizza dinner and a Wed 19 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM We would like to welcome all visitors and new Adult Formation Class 6:00 pm few games for the kids. Bring a dozen goodies to Thurs 20 Knights of Columbus Social time members to our Parish today. Registration papers February 16 Parishioner Rental share for dessert. Please plan to attend!" 7:00, Meeting 7:30 are on the bulletin board. February 22 Jr Hi Lock-in This weekend: Parishioners Jeremy and Maria Hen February 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 pm Sat. 22 Jr Hi Lock-in Reading son will speak briefly at the end of Mass on Natural March 8 Parishioner Rental 5:00-11:00 pm Sun 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 PM MPB Mon 3 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Family Planning. St. Anne Fellowship 1st Thursday 7:00 Mon 24 Rosary 7:00 PM Tues 4 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30-19:3; Ps 86:1-6; St. Anne Crafts 2nd Wed. afternoons Wed 26 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM Mk 5:21-43 Profess, Proclaim and Celebrate our Faith: By CCD Wed evenings Thurs 27 4th Degree Knights Wed 5 2 Sm 24:2,9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 now you should have received Father Offutt’s letter Thurs 6 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Cor 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 asking for your prayerful consideration of increased Knights of Columbus third Thursday evenings March 2014 Fri 7 Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50-51; Mk 6:14-29 support to the Offertory. Generosity is a hallmark Adult Formation Class on some Sundays nights. Sat/Sun 1/2 Food/$1.00 Sunday Sat 8 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Wed. 5 Ash Wednesday Masses 7:00 AM of our Christian faith and is returned a hundredfold Mark your calendar Parish Mission Sun 9 Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 & 7:00 PM to those who give not only of their surplus, but of March 23-26 Mass Intentions their substance. Christian generosity means giving NO CCD/Fellowship Mon 3 7:30 am-Diana Rennick more than we should because we have faith in Liturgical Roles –8/9 Fri. 7 6:30 Stations of the Cross with meal Tues 4 7:30 am-Bernard Bichsel Jesus. Please join with fellow parishioners who Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sun 9 Formation Class 6:00 PM Wed 5 7:30 am-Pete (Celie) Buckman have already responded and pray that our Profess, Greeters: Linda & Laura Bormann Tues 11 Parish Council 7:00 PM Thurs 6 7:30 am-Nixie Burditt Proclaim, and Celebrate Our Faith campaign will Lectors: Phonda Romine, Glenda Calhoun Wed 12 St. Anne Crafts 1:30 PM Fri 7 7:30 am-Scripture Service Servers: Madeline, Gwendolyn, and Jozelynn Bostick engage the entire Holy Spirit Parish faith Communion Kay Overfelt Wed 12 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM Sat. 8 5:00 pm-People community. Ministers: Volunteer Thurs 13 Annual Meeting of St. Anne, all ladies Sun. 9 8:00 am-Marie Swiney Gifts: Mark Stinson Family of the church are invited 7:00 MPB St Anne Fellowship Tea: Thursday, February 6, at 10:00 am-Terry Voss Sunday 8:00 a.m. Fri. 14 6:30 Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM in the MPB, will be the Annual Fellowshi Greeters: Allie Fuemmeler Wed. 19 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM p Tea for St. Anne. Plan to come and see the beautif Lectors: Chickie Neff, Bob Benoit Thurs. 20 Knights of Columbus-Social 7:00; Remember those that have asked ully decorated tables, taste the delicious treats and e Servers: Bailey Stover, Mary Benoit Meeting 7:30 njoy an interesting program by Meredith Stidham. Communion Marilyn Loethen for our prayers: Donna Redmond, Charla Ministers: Margo Benoit Fri 21 6:30 Stations of the Cross with a meal She will present a Quilt Trunk Show. Will be intere Fashing, Catherine Ripperger, Maxine Stinocher, Gifts: Mary Frances George, Eleanor Lorentzen and shopping at the garage sale sting to you even if you do not quilt. Most Bob Diemeke, Linda Hightshoe, Shirley Ann Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sat 22 Parish Garage Sale 8:00-12:00 importantly, come and enjoy the Fellowship. Meet s Greeters: Betty Gooding & Kassie Oliver Wilmoth, Ralph Ostmann, Carol Gene Rhodes, Sat/Sun 22/23 Three-in-One Collection ome parishioners you do not know. Invite a friend t Lectors: Shelli & William Bergh Ruth Bader, Frances Hummel, Michelle Hollum, Servers: Caroline & Anna Million, Callie Campbell Sun 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 MPB o come with you. If anyone would like to decorate Richard Freschi, Judy & Marshal Stringer Lee Communion Harvey Million, Jr., Wed 26 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 a table please call Linda Kempker at 682-2942. Thi Gabelsberger, and those out of work. Also Ministers: Stacey Million Mon 31 Rosary remember those serving in the military: Ray s is always a very fun night. Gifts: Michelle Romine and Family Finlay, Zack Pulkrabek, and Jacob Schlemmer. February 2014 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 B U D G E T Weekly Goal $2,211.00 Jan 19 $1910.00 Weekly Tithe to Date:$73,199.74 Jan 26 $2784.00 IV. The Effects of the Sacrament of Thank you to Justina Auck for delivering NFP: Natural Family Planning has ZERO side CCD Time Change Reminder: In January and Matrimony Buddy Pack this month, Barb Matteson for effects and is over 99% effective. Try NFP...it February, CCD will start at 6:30 and end at 7:30. 1638 “From a valid marriage arises a bond picking up the packs, the 7&8 CCD class with works! Free introductory sessions available Feb. 9 This is a trial to see how people will like the in Columbia and Jefferson City. To RSVP or for different time and is the result of parent requests. between the spouses which by its very nature is leaders Jessica Swiney and Demi Sprigg for more information contact Christian & Kate Basi at perpetual and exclusive; furthermore, in a helping to organize the Buddy Packs, and Jason Christian marriage the spouses are strengthened (573) 449-8342 or [email protected]. The full Register Now for the Feb 15-16 Marriage Kehl and Greg Martin for subbing for Justina. and, as it were, consecrated for the duties and the 2014 class schedule, articles and more available on Encounter Weekend! What better way to celebrate dignity of their state by a special sacrament. Also, Rustin Crocker and Dustin Fashing for our chapter’s website, ccljeffcity.wordpress.com. St. Valentine’s Day! Closeness, comfort, fun, trust, The marriage bond clearing our sidewalks this winter. a friend, and a helper – these are some of the 1639 The consent by which the spouses mutually Scholarship Information: William H. Simon blessings of marriage. Marriage Encounter provides give and receive one another is sealed by God Liturgy of the Word for Children: Just a Scholarship applications are available in the office the opportunity and the atmosphere for you to focus himself. From their covenant arises “an reminder that Liturgy of the Word for Children or in the book rack in the back of church. This is on and renew these blessings in YOUR marriage. institution, confirmed by the divine law,…even in during 10am Mass is for any child age 3 1/2 and through the Diocese. Deadline March 31. Don’t let the busyness of life steal them away. the eyes of society.” The covenant between the older. No sign-ups required. We cover the same Make your marriage better! Hurry, sign up.The readings and Gospel as what is being heard in The Diocesan Mass for World Day of the Sick registration form is available at www.jeffcityme.org. spouses is integrated into God’s covenant with will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2014 at 2:00 man: “Authentic married love is caught up into church, only on a child's level. Please encourage Contact Roger and Brenda Kempker at 573-642- your children to attend. If they've went before, p.m. This celebration will be held at Our Lady of 3647 or [email protected]. divine love.” Lourdes Church, 903 Bernadette Drive, Columbia, Catechism of the Catholic Church encourage them to try it out again! This is a fantastic way for your children to get more Missouri. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Coming To Mexico: Passion and Purpose with involved in the Mass and get more out of Mass. If Sick will be administered to those of the faithful of Matthew Kelly on February 14, 2014 7-10:34 PM you have any questions or would like to volunteer any age whose health is seriously impaired by at Presser Performing Arts in Mexico. Sponsored Announcement to help teach, contact Nancy Robinson at 682-5991. sickness or old age and are properly disposed for by St. Brendan Church and Dynamic Catholic. the Sacrament. The public is invited and all are Tickets $39.00 and will include all retreat materials. encouraged to attend and to pray for the sick on this Food Collection and $1.00 Sunday first full Relay for Life Once again Holy Spirit will have a Call 573-581-4720 to purchase ticket. There are special day. This Mass will fulfill the Sunday weekend of the month. team for the Relay for Life held on Friday, May CDs in the back of church that you can borrow to 16th. Shelly Becker and Rita Jennings will be co- obligation. Knights of Columbus meets the third hear some of Matthew Kelly’s message. captains for the team. We are excited to get a good Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM team from Holy Spirit. Please contact the office if Make your reservations for NOVA Friday, St. Anne’s Craft Group will meet the second Rides to the doctors or other places: Dorothy you are interested, Rita Jennings 687-2001, February 7, 2014 Join Bishop Gaydos and emcee Wednesday at 1:30. Wright is available to take people to the doctor or [email protected], or Shelly Becker 682-2527 Reverend Stephen Jones, at this year’s Night Of St. Anne’s Fellowship Group: will meet the other needed places. Call her at 682-3154 [email protected]. You can register Vocation Awareness auction and dinner – first Thurs. of the month at 7:00 pm Honoring Family: the Heart of the Church at the online at www.relayforlife.org/centraliamo Address for new website: Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City at 5:30 p.m. holyspiritcentralmo.org Congratulations to Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit on Friday, February 7, 2014 for great was awarded a Citation of Commendation by Adult small groups-- small groups will soon be sta Still in the building process. The bulletin will be on rting their spring study of Fr. Robert Barrons' DVD entertainment, laughter, food and fellowship. the Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri “in the old website for now. Catholism. This is a great study and would be a per NOVA’s two-fold purpose is to: 1) Raise awareness recognition of the meritorious service for of our need to promote Vocations and fect "Lenten" study. If you are already involved wit Two new good Catholic Websites to check out community betterment by beautifying and Provide support to the Discover the Priesthood h a group your leader will be contacting you soon a http://www.news.va/en landscaping your immediate area for the bout start date. If you are interested in joining a sma ad campaign; Conception Seminary College; www.ewtnnews.com enjoyment of the citizens of Centralia.” We ll group we have both day and evening groups avail continuing education opportunities for priests appreciate their recognition of our church and able. Please call Ann Goosey at 881-3091 for more and religious. Make your reservations on-line we again thank everyone for making the information. www.diojeffcity.org or by calling 573-635-9127. renovation possible. St. Anne Craft group is collecting Best Choice Literature in the back of church is for you to labels. take as you desire. Holy Spirit Catholic Church Books to Borrow: Father has a good selection of books that he likes to load out if you are looking for Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French 404 South Rollins good fiction reading material. These are located in word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help Centralia, MO 65240 the rectory/office. couples heal & renew their marriages that offers Communion for Shut-ins: If you know of tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage Rev. J. James Offutt someone that is not able to attend Mass and would relationship. It has helped thousands of couples like to have communion brought to their home or if with marital problems & crises, even couples who you would be willing to take communion to the are separated and divorced. The next program nursing home and shut-ins. please call the church begins with the weekend of February 7-9, 2014. office to make the arrangements, 682-2815. For further information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com. Multipurpose Building Rental Schedule Natural Family Planning is taught in a three- To schedule an event please call month series by certified Couple to Couple League Betty Gooding at 573-355-1864 or 682-2827 teaching couples. CCL's method, the Sympto- Thermal Method, is safe and highly effective in Good Catholic websites: both avoiding or achieving a pregnancy. NFP is www.newadvent.org includes Catholic environmentally safe (green), has no side effects Encyclopedia, bible, library and much, much more (organic), and is morally acceptable. It guards the www.marymediatrix.com Franciscan site sanctity of life from the moment of conception. www.netministries.org for Biblical word Contact Jeremy & Maria Henson at (573) 696-0778 pronunciation click on resource link then bible or [email protected] for information, for basics link and hear the pronunciation! current class schedule or to possibly schedule a www.spiritdaily.com Catholic current events, class. The 2014 class schedule and other history and more.... information is always available at www.diojeffcity.org information on your diocese ccljeffcity.wordpress.com. and more... www.catholicnews. http://www.news.va/en Marriage Encounter Weekend- Closeness, www.ewtnnews.com/ comfort, fun, trust, a friend, and a helper – these are some of the blessings of marriage. Marriage Encounter provides the opportunity and the 2014 Engaged Encounter Couples can sign up atmosphere for you to focus on and renew these directly on the Jefferson City Diocese website blessings in YOUR marriage. Don’t let the Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am when they put down a $25 deposit. The total busyness of life steal them away. Every couple Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm cost for each couple is $100 for the weekend. deserves to make a weekend! For Information: March 7-9th, May 2-4th,August 8-10th, November www.jeffcityme.org. Contact Roger and Brenda Baptism: Classes are required. Please call the Rectory. 1-3rd. The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Kempker at 573-642-3647 or [email protected]. Marriage: Four to six months notice is required. Moberly. Rectory: 573-682-2815 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:00-12:00 Mon-Thurs. Multipurpose Building 573-682-2163 Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday by noon. Web Page: Updated weekly by Laura Bormann. Email: [email protected]. http://members.socket.net/~holyspirit/ Mary Peeper can be contacted at home, 682-3377 in case of emergencies. St. Anne Sodality including a Fellowship group and servile labor." (CCC #2042) In the Diocese of Jefferson a Craft Group They have Basket Bingo each year as City, there are six holy days of obligation. (the Friday evening through Sunday noon, January 31 – a fundraiser Ascension of the Lord is a Holy Day but celebrated on a February 2, 2014 Art and Spirituality Retreat. The arts Knights of Columbus has the annual Shrimp Fest as Sunday) All parishioners are expected to observe these have provided windows on the soul, leading believers to a fund raiser days with the same fidelity as Sunday. When Jan.1, Aug deeper faith and spirituality. Join Karen Ceckowski and 15, or Nov 1 fall on either a Saturday or Monday there is Br. Michael Marcotte in exploring ways of using Strong Family Group no obligation to attend Mass. painting, sculpture, music, and calligraphy to encourage Small group study groups (CCC) #2041 The first precept is: "You shall attend your own faith and religious disciplines. Conferences, Study groups lead by Father Offutt Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest times for discussion and quiet prayer, and social Children’s Liturgy during 10:00 Mass from servile labor." (CCC #2042) In the Diocese of opportunities will be included in the weekend. You’ll Adult Classes on Initiation into the Catholic Faith Jefferson City, there are six holy days of obligation. All also have the opportunity to pray the Liturgy of the Monthly Rosary parishioners are expected to observe these days with the Hours with the monks and celebrate the Eucharist with Summer Parish Picnic same fidelity as Sunday. When Jan.1, Aug 15, or Nov 1 the whole Conception community. (Suggested donation Monthly Food Collection fall on either a Saturday or Monday there is no for lodging, meals, conferences and reception: $160 for Monthly $1.00 Sunday to help those in need obligation to attend Mass. single accommodations, $130 per person for double Yearly Church Fundraiser Dinner and rest from servile labor." (CCC #2042) In the Diocese accommodations.) of Jefferson City, there are six holy days of obligation. Lenten Stations of the Cross followed by a dinner For more information, please call the Abbey Guest All parishioners are expected to observe these days with Center at 660-944-2809 Advent and Lenten Reconciliation Services the same fidelity as Sunday. When Jan.1, Aug 15, or or email us at [email protected]. Bereavement Dinners provided for members Nov 1 fall on either a Saturday or Monday there is no Participation in the Buddy Pack obligation to attend Mass. Esther’s Pantry Member of Centralia Ministerial Alliance We received a thank you for our continued support Communion to Shut-ins Books: The Centralia Public Library has a very of Ester Pantry with our food donations. They serve Multipurpose Building available for rent nice selection of books for the Catholic Christian. 10-15 families a month who would otherwise have Cleanup/Work Days for Church grounds In years past Holy Spirit Church, the Knights of a difficult time feeding their families. Cash Easter Egg Hunt Columbus and local parishioners have made donations go for vouchers for milk and perishable Reception for 1st Communion and graduates donations to help make this possible. If you are goods. Confirmation Classes looking for something to read, here is a list of new Suggested items for donation are listed below: Communion to Shut-ins arrivals at the Centralia Public Library. Adopt a Family at Christmas Summoned From the Margin; Lamin Sanneh coffee juice cereals Parish Garage Sale The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything; snacks(popcorn, raisins, peanuts) flour Our Knights of Columbus participates in the James Martin canned fruit cake mixes frostings Anchor Fest, holds a Pumpkin Fest in the fall. Story of a Soul; Therese of Lisieux chili/chili beans sugar crackers The Cloud of Unknowing; Unknown Author jelly toilet paper pancake mix Holy Days of Obligation for 2013: Introduction to the Devout Life; St. Francis de syrup spaghetti spaghetti sauce Jan. 1 Mary Mother of God Aug. 15 The Assumption of Mary Sales paper towels hamburger helper oil Nov. 1 All Saints The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism; tuna in water peanut butter tuna hel Dec. 8 The Immaculate Conception Bernard McGinn Dec. 25 Christmas Fire Within; Thomas Dubay Please contact the office if you want to borrow Pray, Hope, & Don't Worry: True Stories of Padre tables for garage sales or family functions or if you There are five precepts of the Church that are binding on Pio; Diane Allen have dropped your land line phone. all her members. They are "meant to guarantee to the The Pursuit of God; A. W. Tozer faithful the very necessary minimum in the spirit of The Fathers Know Best; Jimmy Aiken What does Holy Spirit Do? prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and Dark Night of the Soul; St. John of the Cross neighbor." Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) Youth Education pre-K through high school Interior Castle; St. Theresa of Avila #2041 The first precept is: "You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy daysThank of obligation you and to rest the from Audrain County Pork Producers!