New Era Junior School

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New Era Junior School

NEW ERA JUNIOR SCHOOL HOLIDAY HOME-WORK SESSION 2013 – 2014 Dear Parent, Summer Vacation is a welcome break… It’s time to enjoy and relax but it is also the time when the child needs to spend a lot of time indoors. For keeping the children busy and at the same time helping them to improve their concentration, build their confidence and promote independent learning, we have planned activities which will keep the children positively engaged. Please help, guide and motivate your child to do his / her work himself/herself. We hope the home work and the activities will be interesting for the kids. We wish you a wonderful time ahead ! Good Habits and Good Manners are life long assets and manners must be practiced until they become a habit.

Four magic words that are the basics of good manners are – Please , Thank you , Excuse me and Sorry. Make these four words a habit and see the difference.


At home :

 Encourage him / her to be polite.  Help your child to be fair with his / her friends, brothers and sisters.  Help him / her to become responsible.

At the dining table :

 Give your child small helpings and refills and help him / her finish the food in his / her plate.  Encourage him / her to take small bites , eat slowly without spilling with his / her mouth closed.  Make your child help you clear the table and clean up.

1 Good Habits :

 Teach your child to brush his / her teeth twice a day.  Do trim his / her nails often.  Teach him / her not to waste water and electricity.  Help your child to keep the surroundings and environment clean. It is a bad habit to throw things out of the window, car or a balcony.  Help your child to make friends who have good habits, who respect their elders and use good language.

Please ensure that the child :

 Draws and colours pictures often.

 Helps in small household jobs like watering plants, laying the dining table, making the bed, arranging books etc.

 Is allowed to socialize with family, friends and relatives.

 Watches T.V only for limited hours and limited channels ( e.g : Children’s Programme on Discovery & Animal Planet )

 Sits for his / her studies regularly and completes the Holiday Homework.

 Plays some outdoor games , goes for morning / evening walk and exercises.

 Participates actively in doing the craft activities given during the summer vacations.

 Suggested Series for Reading : Noddy, Bubbles, Lady Bird, Magic Pot, Panchantantra stories, Champak, Books by NBT ( National Book Trust ), CBT ( Children Book Trust )

We share the world with everybody who lives on this planet. Every small act of ours has an effect on this world. We must learn to take care of our world and make it a better place.

2 Headmistress

New Era Junior School , J Block Class II - Holiday Homework Theme : Story Time

Stories : Pinnocchio

Little Red Riding Hood


Please note : Compile your Holiday Homework in a file and decorate it. Use coloured A4 sheets for the same unless specified otherwise.

I. Read any one story of your choice and make a :

a) reading castle for Cinderella

b) basket for Little Red Riding Hood.

c) cap for Pinnocchio and write the following points in a creative manner.

a) Title of the story

b) Characters of the story

c) Where does the story take place.

d) Moral of the story.

I. Make a picture dictionary of the words from the story. e.g : Cinderella – castle ,

drummer, fairy godmother etc.

Creative Skills :

1. Prepare a book cover for the story you have read.

3 2. Make a puppet of any character in the story and narrate the story in that character’s words. or

Prepare a photo frame using waste material and paste a picture of you and your family in it.

Fun Time :

1. Encourage your child needs to identify and cut English words ( from a newspaper, magazine ) which are simple and easy to understand. After collecting a variety of words, try to use a few of these words to make a complete sentence. e.g: If you have collected words like : good , make , fish , river, India , blue , in , a , is. You can make a sentence using them : A blue fish is in the river. Make atleast 3 such sentences and paste them on a A4 sheet.

2. Sun Tea : Prepare some tasty tea by cooking it with sunshine. Try out this fun sun activity.

What you’ll need :

a) Plastic jar with top.

b) Water

c) Tea bags

d) Sugar according to taste

Method : Fill a clear jar with water. Add 3 tea bags of your favourite tea. Cover the jar and set it outside in the sunshine on a warm sunny day. Let it brew for 4 hours. Remove the tea bags and refrigerate until cool. Then treat yourself and your friends to a cool sun brewed drink.

3. Jigsaw puzzle : Take a picture and paste it on a cardboard. Cut it into 7 to 8 pieces. Reassemble. Observation Skills : 1. Pay a visit to Bal Bhawan and observe the art and craft rooms and aquarium.

4 2. Pay a visit to a plant nursery near your house and find out which flowers bloom in the summer season and how are they taken care of ?

Mathematical Skills : 1. Prepare a card for your father on Father’s day. Use geometrical shapes and arrange them in a creative manner to make a colourful card for him. or Create any 3 patterns of your choice on a ribbon.( shapes , numbers )

2. Write a sequence of any 10 numbers between 200-500 on a cut out of a snake or train.

3. Encourage your child to identify and read the numbers, number names around him. These can be easily read by children. The numbers on menu cards, soft drinks, snacks, confectionary label, magazines, posters, newspapers are also interesting to read. Collect such numbers and make a collage on an A3 sheet.

Moral Values :

1. Make cut outs of any shape related to the environment and write a slogan related to the shape. Decorate it with waste material and small piece of ribbon.

5 Save me Say no to Eat plastic bags healthyy

Hindi :

कहहाननियहाय - वविक्रम-बबैतहाल अकबर-बबीरबल १) प्रसतसत कहहाननियहाय मम सस ककोई भबी एक कहहानिबी पढ़स इनि कहहाननियय मम सस सभबी महातहाओ कस तबीनि शबब ढढ ढ़कर ललखम I (A4 sheet )

२) ककनहनन १० निहाम विहालस शबबय कस चचित लगहाए अथविहा उनिकस निहाम ललखम I ( A4 sheet ) Reading Time : Read any two of the given books. 1. Jack and the Beanstalk. 2. Thumbellina. 3. Rapunzel. 4. Hansel and Gretel. 5. The wizard of Oz. 6. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 7. Panchantra Tales

T.V Programmes : 1. Disney Channel : a) Man versus wild. b) Nature most amazing events. 2. Animal Planet 3. Cartoon a) Disney channel – Tom & Jerry 6 b) Handy Manny 4. Discovery Kids 5. Pogo a) MAD b) Chota Bheem c) Dora the explorer 6. Little Indian Idol 7. Dance India Dance ( Junior ) Writing Skill : 1. Do 15 pages of transcriptions of both English and Hindi in a 3 in one note book. 2. Do all the given worksheets creatively and file them neatly in a file.

7 8 9 10 11 Fill in the missing numbers in the grid and then do the following exercise.

12 13 14

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