Formal Or Academic Presentation: Comparatively Speaking Panel Discussion

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Formal Or Academic Presentation: Comparatively Speaking Panel Discussion


Formal or Academic Presentation: “Comparatively Speaking” Panel Discussion

Scoring Criteria 1 2 3 4  It is obvious that the  Organization is  Responses are organized  Responses are clearly and CONTENT AND speaker does not know inconsistent, making it with a beginning, middle, logically organized, with an PREPARATION what he/she is talking difficult to follow the and end, as well as engaging introduction, a ( DO NOT GRADE AT about. There is no real presenter’s ideas appropriate transitions logically sequenced body EXHIBITION) thesis or point to the  Draws on facts or  Draws on facts and with effective transitions, responses. research in a limited way research to express an and a clear and convincing  There are few facts and/or it is unclear how understanding of the conclusion presented. Responses are they are related to the topic.  Facts and research are general with few specifics. topic. synthesized to demonstrate an understanding of the topic.  There is a lot of repetition,  Makes limited use of  Demonstrates a command  Demonstrates consistent PRESENTATION stammering and presentation skills, of presentation skills, command of presentation SKILLS meaningless filler. including body posture, including body posture, skills, including body (GRADE AT EXHIBITION)  Largely uses informal language, eye contact, language, eye contact, posture, language, eye diction and vocabulary. voice and timing. voice and timing. contact, voice and timing  Is stumped by questions  Uses language that is at  Uses appropriate that keep the audience and often responds with times unsuited to the language that is suited to engaged. monosyllables, topic and audience the topic and audience  Uses sophisticated and simplistically or  Responses to the  Responses relate to the varied language that is incoherently. questions are vague and questions and suited to the topic and demonstrate a minimal demonstrate a command audience command of the facts or of the facts and  Responses to questions are understanding of the understanding of the precise and persuasive, topic. topic. demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the facts and topic.  Presenter’s energy and  Presenter’s energy and/or  Presenter’s energy and  Presenter maintains a OVERALL language is unprofessional affect is unsuitable for the enthusiasm are presence and energy EFFECTIVE and the point of the audience and purpose of appropriate for the appropriate to the audience NESS responses is unclear. the responses. audience and support the and purpose of the (GRADE AT EXHIBITION) responses. responses.

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