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Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 1 of 8 Revised: 05/07

Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 1 of 8 Revised: 05/07 U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION LABORATORY METHODS


Guidelines for Elemental Qualitative Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence

SAFETY STATEMENT 1. SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This CBPL Method cannot fully address safety issues that may arise from its use. 1.1 This method describes the use of The analyst is responsible for assessing Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence potential safety issues associated with a (WDXRF), Energy Dispersive X-ray given method at its point of use. Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Scanning Electron Microscope/Energy Dispersive Before using this method, the analyst will Spectrometer (SEM/EDS) systems for consider all general laboratory safety elemental qualitative analysis of various precautions. In particular, the analyst will materials in different forms (solid, liquid, and identify and implement suitable health and powder). This is among the recommended safety measures and will comply with all methods that will prove useful in the analysis pertinent regulations. of commodities in Chapter 72 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United METHOD UNCERTAINTY States (HTSUS) to establish identity based on elemental composition. The uncertainty of measurement for this method is specific to each laboratory. 1.2 It is the responsibility of the user to ascertain that the spectrometer being used is capable of detecting the level of 0. INTRODUCTION concentration of the elements of interest. Refer to LSS-350 on “Method Detection Qualitative analysis is the detection or Limits.” identification of the constituent elements in the sample. X-ray emission spectrometry is 1.3 The user is expected to be familiar extremely well suited to qualitative analysis with the operation of the spectrometer, its due to the simplicity of the x-ray spectra; capabilities and limitations. Depending on requires minimal specimen preparation; it is the capabilities of the software being used convenient, rapid, nondestructive and (e.g., automatic peak identification, automatic applicable to major, minor, and trace setting of instrument operating conditions, constituents in any sample that can be etc.), some aspects of this method may not accommodated by the instrument. be applicable. Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 2 of 8 Revised: 05/07

2. REFERENCES 3.7 Satellite lines or nondiagram lines – lines arising in atoms having two or more 2.1 ASTM C 982. Standard Guide for inner-shell vacancies (doubly ionized atoms) Selecting Components for Energy-Dispersive (e.g., Si SKα3 at 7.077 Å). X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Systems.”

2.2 ASTM E 1508. “Standard Guide for 4. REAGENTS AND MATERIALS Quantitative Analysis by Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy.” 4.1 Purity of Reagents. Unless otherwise stated, use only reagents of 2.3 ASTM E 1622. “Standard Practice recognized analytical grade. Ascertain that for Correction of Spectral Line Overlap in chemicals used do not contain a significant Wavelength-Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry.” quantity of any of the elements of interest that will affect the conclusion. 2.4 CBPL 72-30/ASTM E 1621. “Standard Guide for X-ray Emission 4.2 Binders for Powder Samples. Spectrometric Analysis.” Sodium tetraborate, polyethylene glycol, fibrous cellulose, spectrographic graphite, 2.5 LSS-350. “Method Detection starch, boric acid, powdered sugar, Limits.” chromatographic paper pulp, commercially prepared binders, etc. 3. DEFINITIONS 4.3 Fusion Materials. Lithium tetraborate, sodium tetraborate, lithium 3.1 Absorption edge – the minimum carbonate, potassium pyrosulfate, etc. energy (maximum wavelength) that can excite a given family of lines for a given 4.4 Sample Support. Aluminum cups for element. supporting pressed samples, plastic sample cups, Mylar® film, microporous film, filter 3.2 Rayleigh scatter – peaks that arise paper, etc. from incident x-rays that are scattered by atoms in the sample without energy loss. 4.5 Additional Reagents and Materials for SEM/EDS System. Aluminum or carbon 3.3 Compton scatter – peaks that arise stub, carbon conducting fluid, double-face from incident x-rays that are scattered by carbon tape, copper or aluminum foil tape, atoms in the sample resulting in energy loss. etc. These peaks are thus evident at lower energies (longer wavelengths) than the 4.6 Control Sample. A sample Rayleigh peaks. containing known concentrations of the elements of interest and of the same matrix 3.4 Dead-time – time interval during and level of element concentrations as the which the x-ray detection system, after having sample being analyzed. responded to an incident photon, cannot respond properly to a successive incident 4.7 Blank Sample. A sample not photon. containing any of the elements of interest. This could be the binder, fusion material, 3.5 Silicon escape peaks – peaks that diluting liquid, or the sample support (e.g., appear exactly at an energy of 1.74 keV Mylar® film, filter paper, etc.). The blank below major element peaks. sample is generally prepared in the same 3.6 Sum peaks – peaks that appear manner as the sample being analyzed. exactly at twice the energy of major element peaks. Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 3 of 8 Revised: 05/07

5. SPECTRAL LINE ARTIFACTS AND 6.1.3 Scanning Electron Microscope/ INTERFERENCES Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (SEM/ EDS) equipped with the necessary electron source, 5.1 Rayleigh scatter from the tube or X-ray detector, and vacuum system. secondary target characteristic lines 6.2 Specimen Preparation Equipment. 5.2 Compton scatter from the tube or Cutting wheels, reciprocating saw, hack saw secondary target characteristics lines. or other cutting equipment, surface 5.3 Tube contamination lines such as grinder/sander, polishing wheels, hydraulic Cu from target substrate, W from tube press with suitable die press set, shatterbox, filament, Ni, Ca, Fe from Be windows vacuum mortar and pestle, etc. Refer to 2.1, 2.2, and seal. 12 for more information on specimen preparation. 5.4 L spectra (or M spectra) of higher atomic number elements overlapping K 6.3 Additional equipment for SEM/EDS spectra of lower atomic element. system: Carbon/Metal sputtering device, sample holder (mini vise), multi-stub holder, 5.5 Higher order lines diffracted by carbon tape, copper tape. analyzing crystal (wavelength dispersive system only). 6.4 Computer and Data Acquisition and Analysis Software. Modern x-ray 5.6 Nondiagram lines Kα3, Kα4 spectrometers are generally controlled by a satellites (wavelength dispersive system only) computer, which performs the data 5.7 Silicon escape and sum peaks acquisition and analysis. For qualitative (energy dispersive system only) purposes, the analysis software should have at a minimum, the capability of displaying the 5.8 Diffraction lines from specimen x-ray spectrum on the computer monitor and 5.9 Au lines from gold or other can display the K, L, and M lines for any sputtering metals (for SEM/EDS only) selected element. The displayed lines are usually called “MLK markers.” The relative NOTE: Artifacts emanating from the x-ray intensities of the lines are represented by the tube do not apply to SEM/EDS system. heights of the MLK markers. For energy dispersive system, the software should also display the escape peaks and for wavelength 6. APPARATUS dispersive system, it should display higher- order lines. The elements are usually 6.1 Spectrometer selected from a graphical representation of Any of the following spectrometers capable of the periodic table. detecting the elements of interest:

6.1.1 Wavelength Dispersive X-ray 7. TEST SPECIMEN PREPARATION Fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer equipped with the necessary X-ray tube, 7.1 Specimen Preparation for WDXRF analyzing crystal, detector, and vacuum and EDXRF Systems. system. 7.1.1 Solid samples are cut or broken 6.1.2 Energy Dispersive X-ray down to the appropriate size to fit the sample Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer holder and a relatively flat surface is equipped with the necessary X-ray tube, presented to the X-ray source. detector, secondary targets, and vacuum Nonhomogeneous solid samples are reduced system. to powder or dissolved into liquid. Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 4 of 8 Revised: 05/07

7.1.2 Powder samples are pressed into prescribe details relative to the briquettes, fused into beads with suitable flux, preparation of the apparatus. For a analyzed as a loose powder by placing it in a description and specific detail concerning suitable container, or mixed with petroleum a particular spectrometer, refer to the jelly to form a paste and applied to a filter manufacturer’s manual. paper. 8.2 General Guidelines for WDXRF 7.1.3 Liquid samples are generally placed Operating Conditions in plastic cups with the bottom covered with 8.2.1 Adjust the voltage of the x-ray Mylar® film (presented to X-ray) and the top is tube to excite the desired analyte lines. covered with microporous film to allow gas to The following equation may be used as a escape when the pressure builds up inside guide: the container. Liquid samples can also be mixed and dried with an inert material such E = 12.4/abs as silica, lithium tetraborate and treated in the Where: same way as powder. E = minimum voltage, keV, required for exciting the line of interest, and NOTE: The procedure noted is for abs = Wavelength, Å, of the absorption edge spectrometers with inverted geometry. Use of the element of interest. the appropriate sample holder when using 8.2.2 If a K line is measured, the K spectrometers that do not have inverted absorption edge is used. If an L line is geometry. measured, the L absorption edge of the Refer to 2.1 and 12 for more information on highest energy is used, generally the L(III) specimen preparation. edge. Ideally, the operating voltage should approximate or exceed 3 times the minimum 7.2 Specimen Preparation for SEM/EDS voltage, E. Specimens for SEM/EDS analysis are 8.2.3 Generally, it is preferable to select generally mounted on aluminum or the optimum voltage, then set the current to carbon stub using carbon or silver the maximum permitted by the tube power conducting fluid or double-sided rating. It is prudent to set the current at about conducting tape (C tape). 5 mA less than this value since a few Nonconductive specimens should be milliamperes may not significantly increase coated with conductive material the intensity, but may substantially increase preferably carbon or silver to prevent the tube life. charging. Lowering the accelerating voltage may reduce or eliminate the 8.2.4 Analyzing crystals are of flat or effect of charging in some samples. curved type with optimized capability for the diffraction of the wavelengths of interest. Refer to 2.2 and 12.5 for more This may include synthetic multi-layers for information on SEM/EDS specimen low atomic number elements. Follow the preparation. instrument instruction manual on the suitable analyzing crystal to be used for the elements 8. PREPARATION OF of interest. APPARATUS 8.3 General Guidelines for EDXRF Operating Conditions 8.1 Prepare and operate the spectrometer in accordance with the 8.3.1 For direct excitation, the operating manufacturer’s instructions. It is not voltage of the tube should exceed the within the scope of this method to absorption edge of the element of interest. In practice, this often may be more than twice Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 5 of 8 Revised: 05/07 the absorption edge of the highest energy artifacts and interferences as listed in Section line to be excited. However, the voltage may 5 should also be located and marked off as need to be reduced due to high dead time, or they are encountered. when a better peak-to-background ratio is 9.2 Only peaks, which are statistically desired. significant, should be considered for 8.3.2 For secondary excitation, the tube identification. The minimum size of the peak voltage is set to a minimum of about 1.5 in question should be three times the times the absorption edge of the secondary standard deviation of the background at the target. However to increase flux output, it is peak position. The “thickness” of the sometimes necessary to use higher voltage background trace due to statistical for excitation. fluctuations is a measure of the standard deviation of the background. The peak 8.3.3 In order to excite a given element should then be at least three times this line most efficiently, a secondary target with a thickness. (See Reference 12.5) Kα line energy just above the absorption edge of the line of interest is chosen. See 9.3 Adjust the vertical expansion of the Annex 1 for typical excitation conditions. spectrum display so that all peaks are displayed at full scale. Begin at the high- 8.3.4 Ideally, the tube current is adjusted energy (short-wavelength) end of the to produce a deadtime of 60 percent or less spectrum and work downward in energy since and never greater than 70%. the members of the K, L, and M families are 8.4 General Guidelines for SEM/EDS more widely separated at high energies and Operating Conditions likely to be resolved. 8.4.1 The voltage is generally set at 15 9.4 Start the identification of high keV to excite x-ray lines in the 1 to 10 keV intensity peaks by selecting an element range and 30 keV in the 10 to 20 keV range. whose K lines are in the region of the peak of 8.4.2 In order to get the maximum count interest. The identification is confirmed when rate (about 20% deadtime), the sample is the Kα and Kβ peaks and their relative generally tilted to about 45 degrees for intensities closely matched those of the MLK horizontal detector only, and adjust the markers of the selected element. If no K working distance (about 14-17 mm) and use and K pair matches the unknown peaks, try larger condenser lens setting. the L series. Several of the L lines should match the peaks to confirm identification. Refer to 2.2 and 12.5 for more information on SEM/EDS operating conditions. 9.5 When an element is identified, all lines of all families (K, L or L, M) of that element should be marked off before 9. PEAK IDENTIFICATION proceeding. GUIDELINES 9.6 For energy dispersive system, escape peaks and sum peaks associated 9.1 In carrying out accurate qualitative with the major peaks of the element should analysis, a “bookkeeping” method is followed. be located and marked off. When an element is identified, all x-ray lines in the possible families must be marked off, 9.7 For wavelength dispersive system, particularly low relative intensity members. In all possible higher-order peaks associated this way, one can avoid later misidentification with each first-order peaks identified must of those low intensity family members as also be located and marked off. belonging to some other element at a minor or trace concentration. Other spectral line Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 6 of 8 Revised: 05/07

9.8 When all of the high-intensity peaks On some systems, the software performs the in the spectrum have been identified, and all analysis by comparing the sample to a library family members, higher-order peaks of reference spectra and the best-matching associated with first order peaks (wavelength spectra are displayed or printed. A chi- dispersive system only) and spectral artifacts square value (0 being a perfect fit) for each of (refer to Section 5) have been located, the matching spectrum is usually given. proceed to the identification of the low intensity peaks. 11. PROCEDURE 9.9 As a final step, consider what peaks may be hidden by line overlaps. Relative 11.1 Prepare the specimen as described intensities of peaks may reveal hidden peaks. in Section 7. For example, suppose that a strong peak is believed to be Cu Kα but the Cu Kβ peak is 11.2 Prepare the apparatus as described very weak, when it should be ~1/5 as intense in Section 8. as Cu Kα. Perhaps another line is 11.3 Acquire the sample spectrum superimposed on the Cu Kα peak. Peaks following the procedure in the manufacturer’s that do not appear to be Gaussian (bell- manual for the spectrometer being used. shape) can also be an indication of overlappped peaks. 11.4 Identify the peaks by following the guidelines described in Section 9. NOTE: Wavelength-dispersive spectrometry is sufficiently complicated that a number of 11.5 When reporting positive identification special considerations arise: at trace levels, ascertain that the peaks are not due to contamination by running a blank a) For some elements, the parent K sample. (n=1) may lie outside the range of the low- wavelength crystal (usually LiF) whereas 11.6 When reporting negative higher-order reflection of that K peak may identification for a given element, ascertain still be found. that the spectrometer being used is capable of detecting the level of concentration of the b) Satellite lines will also be observed as elements of interest. A control sample must low-intensity peaks on the high-energy be run if the detection limit of the instrument shoulder of a high-intensity peak. is not known. Refer to LSS-350 on Method Detection Limits. 10. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 11.7 Perform a comparative analysis as described in Section 10 if necessary. When mere presence or absence of certain elements cannot establish the elemental composition of a material, a comparative 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY analysis of the whole spectrum can be performed. This spectrometric analysis is 12.1 Bertin, E.P. Introduction to X-ray also called “fingerprint” or “signature” Spectrometric Analysis. Plenum Press. New analysis. This is performed by superimposing York 1975. a reference spectrum on the sample 12.2 Bertin, E.P. Principles and Practice spectrum and the analyst makes a visual of X-ray Spectrometric Analysis (Second comparison of the peaks and relative Edition). Plenum Press. New York 1975. intensities, and makes a decision on whether the comparison is a match or not. 12.3 Buhrke, V.E., R. Jenkins, and D.K. Smith (Eds.), A Practical Guide for the Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 7 of 8 Revised: 05/07

Preparation of Specimens for X-ray Fluorescence and X-ray Diffraction Analysis.” Wiley-VCH. New York. 1998. 12.4 Goldstein, J., D., Newbury, P. Echlin, D. Joy, C. Fiori, and E. Lifshin. Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis. Plenum Press. New York. 1992. 12.5 Jenkins, R., R.W. Gould and D. Gedcke. Quantitative X-ray Spectrometry. Marcel Dekker. New York. 1981. Issued: 09/01 CBPL 72-32R2 Page 8 of 8 Revised: 05/07


Typical Excitation Conditions for EDXRF System with Secondary Targets

Analytical Secondary Tube Voltage Elements Lines Target (keV) Na - S Kα Direct Excitation 4 Cl - Sc Kα Ti 20 Ti - Cr Kα Fe 20 Mn - Zn Kα Ge 20 Ga - Ru Kα Ag 35 Rh - Nd Kα Gd 60 >Nd Lα Ag 35

NOTES: 1. The recommended secondary targets are those that will most efficiently excite the listed elements. If the elements of interest are of high concentrations, however, secondary targets of higher atomic number can be used (e.g., Ge can be used instead of Fe to excite Cr). 2. The conditions noted may vary depending on the spectrometer being used. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended excitation conditions.


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