Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s25

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Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s25

Domain: Measurement and Data Standard Code: 4.MD.7; 4.MD.6 Teacher Name: A. Pack and J. Lee

Adapted from: Smith, Margaret Schwan, Victoria Bill, and Elizabeth K. Hughes. “Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol: Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14 (October 2008): 132-138.

PART 1: SELECTING AND SETTING UP A MATHEMATICAL TASK (PREPARE) What are your mathe m a t ical g oals Students recognize angle measure as additive. When an angle is decomposed into non-overlapping for the lesson? (i.e., what do you want parts, the angle measure of the whole is the sum of the angle measures of the parts. Solve addition and students to know and understand about subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram in real world and mathematical problems, mathematics as a result of this lesson?) e.g., by using an equation with a symbol for the unknown angle measure.

Students measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified measure.  What are your expecta t ions for Students will be expected to participate in the task using appropriate voice levels and everyone will be students as they work on and accountable for the information gathered. complete this task?  What r esou r ces or tools will Students will use pencils, crayons, math notebook, protractor, fraction circle manipulatives. students have to use in their work that will give them entry into, and help them reason through, the task?  How will the students work— Students will work in pairs to explore the task. independently, in small groups, or in pairs—to explore this task?  How will students record and Students will record their work on the task sheet and will share them with the class on the document report their work? camera. Students will justify their process to the class.

How will you introduce students to the LAUNCH activity so as to provide access to all Tell students that we’ll be talking about pie. Show video at link students while maintaining the v=ea9pHEtc7Xk&feature=related starting at 2:45 and ending around 3:51. After video, discuss that cognitive demands of the task? this may not be the best way to share a pie. So we will be helping our friends measure their pieces of pie to make sure they have enough for everyone. Name ______Date ______

PPAARRTT 2:3: SSUPHAPRORINGTING AND S TDUISDCENTS’USSING EX THEPLO TASKRATIO (DISCUSS/DEBRIEF)N OF THE TASK (EXPLORE) AHsow stu wdillen ytsou w o r k c hi n esd te rp ae ten d theen tly class or in 1. What is going to be your first step in solving this problem? small d iscussion groups, so thatwhat yo u q au cc e sto mplish i ons w yillour Walk2. aroundTell me the how room you taking got this notes answer. on what each group is doing and what order you want to ymathematicalou ask to— goals? share3. in.Explain Choose the about process five you groups used. to share their findings.  helpWhich a g sorouplution get p statahsrte ddo or you ma wkaen t 4. What else could you try? ptoro hagrvesse shared on the d tuask?ring the Start5. withCan the you most find simple another solutions way to andsolve then this move problem? to the most complex answers.  fclassocus studiscussion?dents’ thinking In wh onat otherder will 6. Can you explain how you got your answer to someone else? ktheey msolutionsathemat beical p rideseeans tined the? Why? After7. everyoneCan you shares prove theiryour answers,answer? what were the common findings within the groups? How  tWashkat? specific questions will you ask were they different?  assso ethatss stu studdeennts’ts unwill—derstanding of k1ey. mamakthemate senseical of ithedeas, problem- Are there other ways to solve this problem that were not shared? Did anyone come up with solvmathematicaling strategies, iorde athes that you another way to solve the problem, after watching the other groups? reprwesaennt ttahemtions? to learn?  a2dv. aexpance nstud on,den dts’eb unatde,e arnstda nqduestingion How do you know that works? of thethe ma solutionsthemati calbei ngide shaas?red? 3. make connections among the different strategies that are presented? 4. look for patterns? How will5. y oubegin ens tuor efo trhatm g setnueralidentszations? remain e nga g ed in the task? Reinforce or encourage them that they are capable of solving the problem.  What assistance will you give or Break the problem apart and look at little pieces at a time. Debrief the task with the class talking about the mathematical concepts that were taught. Make What wwillhat y ouquest seei onsor hear will ythatou ask let sa you Focus their attention (prompt response) to one part of the problem. sure the objective for the lesson was reached. know thatstud ealnlt stu(ord grenotsup) in w theho classbecomes What patterns do you see that might help you solve the problem? understaquicnkdly the frust martahematted andical req iduestseas thatWhat tools or manipulatives could you use? When correcting task sheets, I will look for: you intemnordeed d irectfor themion and to glearn?uidance in Is there anything in your math journal that could help? 1. Correct mathematical symbols (degree sign) solving the task? 2. Correct computation (addition or subtraction of angle measures)  What will you do if a student (or 3. Drew and labeled angles of pieces correctly on extension group) finishes the task almost Students will draw a diagram of the pie using a protractor to divide pie into the given measures. immediately? How will you They will label each slice with the degree and person’s name. extend the task so as to provide additional challenge?

Pie Party Susie’s mom made a pie. She said Susie could invite some friends over to help her eat it. Susie had a slice of pie that measured 60º. Kenny’s slice was 45º. Joey’s slice was 90º. Once they ate their pieces of pie, did they have enough left over to give Billy and Brandy slices that measured 60º each?

If Mandy showed up later, will there be any pie left for her? If so, what size slice, in degrees, would she get? Extension

Using a protractor, draw the pie divided into the 6 pieces eaten by the friends. Label each piece with the degree measure and person’s name.

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