Chapter 19 the New Industrial Order &

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Chapter 19 the New Industrial Order &

AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan

DUE:  M 1/27 In  No School –Brrr Class: DUE:  T 1/28 In  No School: BRRRRR-er Class: DUE:  W 1/29 In  Focus Question: DBQ-How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875 to 1900? Analyze the factors Class: that contributed to the level of success achieved. DUE:  Davidson, chapter 19, “Industrial systems” through “Railroads ...” , complete relevant timeline items. R 1/30 In  Class: DUE:  Davidson, chapter 19, “The Growth of Business” up to “The Workers’ World” and complete the relevant timeline items. F 1/31 In  Class:

DUE:  Davidson, pp 550-565, “The Workers’ World” up through Chapter review, complete relevant timeline items. M 2/3 In  Class: DUE:  Focus Question DBQ due in outline form!! T 2/4 In  Ch 19 Quiz Class:  Preview Chapter 20 – Gangs of New York clip DUE:  W 2/5 In  Class: DUE:  R 2/6 In  Class: DUE:  F 2/7 In Class:

2013-2014 Unit 5 Assignment Plan not up to date beyond this point

Davidson, et al, Nation of Nations Bailey / Kennedy, American Spirit AMSCO Chapter 19 - The New Industrial Order 25 Industry Comes of Age,1865-1900- A, B, C E 17 – The Rise of Industrial America 28 The Revolt of the Debtor, 1889—1900, B 1865-1900

Chapter 20 - The Rise of an Urban Order Ch 26 America Moves to the City, 1865-1900 - 18- The Growth of Cities and A, B, C, D, E American Culture 1865-1900 Ch 31 Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt – B Chapter 21 - The Political System Under Ch 27 The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution, 1865—1890; D 19 – National Politics in the Gilded Strain 28 The Revolt of the Debtor, 1889—1900 Age 1877-1900 A, C, D, E, F Ch 29 The Path of Empire, 1890-1899 DBQ A, B, C, D Ch 30 A America on the World Stage, 1899-1909; A 20 – Foreign Policy, 1865-1914 AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan Chapter 22 -The Progressive Era Ch 31 Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt, 1901-1912 - A, D, E 21 – The Progressive Era 1901- Ch 32 Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad 1918 A, B Chapter 23 - The United States & The Old Ch 30 A America on the World Stage, 1899-1909 22 World War I, 1914-1918 World Order B, C, D Ch 32 Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad DBQ C, D Ch 33 The War to End War A, B, C, D, E

DUE: M 1/7 In Review Timelines Class: DUE:

T 1/8 In Class: Davidson, Urban Age through Running and Reforming the City, complete DUE: relevant timeline items. W 1/9 In Class: DUE: Davidson, City Life - City Culture – End, complete relevant timeline items. R 1/10 In Class: DUE: Chapter 20 Quiz F 1/11 In Class: Preview Chapter 21 Be aware that Chapter 21 Timeline is a big one, so plan ahead

Davidson, Ch 21 Politics of Paralysis up to The New Realignment, COMPLETE DUE: THE RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS M 1/14 In Class: Davidson, Ch 21, The New Realignment, COMPLETE THE RELEVANT TIMELINE DUE: ITEMS T 1/15 In Continue presentation on Gilded Age Class: Discuss Readings and assignment for tomorrow “The Farmer’s Revolt” DUE: Divergent Paths to Equality for African Americans W 1/16 In Discuss assignments Class: Preview the American Imperial Movement DUE: R 1/17 In Class: Davidson, pp 611-631 Visions of Empire, The Imperial Moment, COMPLETE THE DUE: RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS F 1/18 In End of Semester 1 Class:

DUE: M In Class: T 1/22 DUE: AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan In Preview U.S. Imperialism Class: Davidson, pp 611-631 Visions of Empire, The Imperial Moment, COMPLETE THE DUE: RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS W 1/23 In Document analysis and discussion in class Class: Review timeline DUE: R 1/24 In Chapter 21 Quiz Class: Preview Progressives Davidson, Ch 21: Roots of Progressive Reform, Search for the Good Society, DUE: Controlling the Masses. Complete relevant timeline items F 1/25 In Preview Chapter 22 Class: AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan

Davidson, pp 632-645 , Roots of Progressive Reform, Search for the Good DUE: Society, Controlling the Masses. Complete relevant timeline items M 1/28 In Discussion, your questions Class: DUE:

T 1/29 In Class: Davidson, pp 646-659 – Politics of Municipal and State Reform, Progressivism DUE: Goes to Washington, Wilson and Politics of Morality. Complete Chapter 22 W 1/30 Timeline In Discussion, your questions Class: DUE: R 1/31 In Ch 22 Quiz Class: DUE: Prepping Unit DBQ for take-home writing F 2/1 In Unit review on Monday, Unit MC exam on Tuesday Class: Unit exam includes chapters 19-22, “Rise of Industry” through “The Progressive Era”, 60 Questions

M o 1/3 Chapter 19 Begins Here n Davidson, pp 536-550, “Industrial systems” through “Railroads ...” , complete relevant timeline items. T u ¼ Focus Question: DBQ-How successful was organized labor in improving the position of e workers in the period from 1875 to 1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of success achieved. Bailey, 25.C.1-3. In a paragraph, answer: What was the ‘new philosophy of materialism’ W as indicated by the documents? Include in your answer what the critics said it was. e 1/5 d Read AMSCO, chapter 17. Answer Essay Question #2 in a single paragraph on page 352 of AMSCO. T h 1/6 u Bailey, 25.E.1-3. In 2-3 paragraphs, answer: [Labor] Unionists believed that power had swung out of balance … and that workers were at the mercy of the industrialized world. Defend or refute this statement. Form your own thesis based on your reading of chapter 19 and the documents in Bailey 25.E and list the evidence from the documents which help to support your thesis. F r 1/7 Bailey, 28.B.1-3. “The Pullman Strike”. What is the evidence in these documents of the i reasons for labor unrest? Paraphrase from the documents and be prepared to show us where it is in the document. Note Bailey’s closing comment in italics on page 162. Be ready to discuss how Mr. Pullman is like other “industrial statesmen” of his time.

Ch 19 Quiz AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan M Chapter 19 Timeline 0 1/10 Chapter 19 Title Page N Chapter 19 Focus Question

T Chapter 20 Begins Here U 1/11 **Be aware that this chapter’s timeline is considerably long E Davidson, Urban Age through Running and Reforming the City, complete relevant timeline items. W E 1/12 Davidson, City Life - City Culture – End, complete relevant timeline items. D 1. Read “The Chinese Must Go” and answer the questions that go with it. T 2. “Immigration to the United States” – complete the chart, answer the questions from the H 1/13 data that goes with them. U Ch 20 Quiz

Chapter 20 Title Page Chapter 20 Timeline F In class: R 1/14 Preview chapter 21 “The Political System Under Strain” I Focus Question give out: “Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865-1900. In your answer, be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes.”

Ch 20 Focus Question Due M Chapter 21 Begins Here O 1/17 Be aware that Chapter 21 Timeline is a big one, so plan ahead N Davidson, pp 594-607, Politics of Paralysis up to The New Realignment, COMPLETE THE RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS T U 1/18 E W E 1/19 Davidson, pp 607-611, The New Realignment, COMPLETE THE RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS D T H 1/20 U F Divergent Paths to Equality for African Americans R 1/21 Read the handout “Growing Pains – America in the 1890s” and answer the study guide I questions that come with it.

1 M / O No school, get ready for Tuesday’s blitz … 2  N 5 1 T / Davidson, pp 611-631 Visions of Empire, The Imperial Moment, COMPLETE THE u  2 e RELEVANT TIMELINE ITEMS 6 AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan  Read the handout “Part I: The Spanish-American War” and answer the study guide 1 W questions that come with it. / e 2  Read “Fall 1898: America At the Crossroads” Answer: Describe in your own terms d 7 the Imperialists and the Anti-imperialists. Ch 21 Quiz Ch 21 Title Page Ch 21 Timeline – get ready, it has a lot of items … Read your option, as given, and prepare the “Presenting Your Option” sheet. We will use T 1 this as a basis for our deliberation on this resolution: Resolved – It is in the interests of the h 2 United States to hold, occupy, and govern as U.S. territories the territories won from Spain u 8 in the recent war.

Read the handout “Epilogue: Imperialism’s Bitter Fruit” and complete the study guide that goes with it. 1 Ch 21 Focus Question: How did farmer’s react? F / Chapter 22 Begins Here r 2 Preview chapter 22 “The Progressive Era” i 9 Chapter 22 focus question given out

M 1/3 Davidson, pp 632-645 , Roots of Progressive Reform, Search for the Good Society, o 1 Controlling the Masses. Complete relevant timeline items n

T Davidson, pp 646-659 – Politics of Municipal and State Reform, Progressivism Goes to U 2/1 Washington, Wilson and Politics of Morality. Complete Chapter 22 Timeline E Ch 22 Timeline Check

Read Bailey, 32.A.1-2. Answer the questions on the sheet “Election of 1812” W Read Bailey, 31.D.1-5 and answer the questions on the sheet “Roosevelt and the Natural E 2/2 World.” D Ch 22 Quiz We’ll continue to use 12 as our maximum score. T H 2/3 Chapter 22 Title Page U F Chapter 22 Focus Question Due R 2/4 I

Unit 5 Review Bring your timelines Bring your title pages Consider: 1. Who were the MVPs? What issues made them so critical? M 2. What were THE significant political issues? o 2/7 3. What were THE significant economic events? n 4. What were THE significant works of literature and how did they reflect events occurring in their time? 5. What are the causes / results of the two wars in this unit? 6. What political parties were made / broken and why? What ‘classes’ of people played significant roles?

T 2/8 ue MC Exam on Unit 5 AP US History Unit 5 Assignment Plan W E 2/9 Begin Unit 6 Here … D

T 2/ H 11 U

F 2/ RI 12

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