Report from Clerk July Mtg s1

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Report from Clerk July Mtg s1

CR/NOV/2016 CLAWSON, HOSE & HARBY PARISH COUNCIL REPORT BY THE CLERK TO THE PARISH COUNCIL FOR THE MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 2016 IN HOSE BAPTIST CHURCH HALL The Ordinary Meeting will start at 7pm but will be postponed for 15 minutes should any member of the public or Borough Councillor wish to discuss any matter with, or give a report to, the Parish Council. Correspondence relating to the items below will be available to Cllrs at the meeting



3 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY & EXTRAORDINARY MEETINGS dated 17th October 2016 (copy attached) & 15th November 2016 respectively

4 PLANNING MATTERS 4a Planning Decisions - Permission granted i Mr J Smith 16/00584/FUL (land adj field 2448 Hickling Lane, LC) Retrospective application for change of use from brownfield site to car park with landscaping and fencing ii Mr & Mrs Edwards 16/00603/FUL (Castle View Farm, Hickling Lane, Long Clawson) Replacement building and change of use from farm to base for outdoor catering business Permission refused:

4b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions i MBC 28.10.16: Appeal ref 16/00012/REF Informal hearing 8.12.16 Parkside 10am 15/00673/OUT (Millway Foods Ltd, Colston Lane, Harby) Residential development of up to 53 dwellings Amendments to previous comments required by 23.11.16 (copy Harby Cllrs 31.10.16) MBC 14.11.16: (copy Harby Cllrs)

4c Planning Applications i L Fitzpatrick 16/00709/OUT (old Cricket field, Back Lane, Long Clawson) Erection of up to 22 dwellings with associated access, drainage infrastructure and amenity space Three copy letters of objection received ii First Provincial Properties Ltd 16/00664/OUT (Millway Foods Ltd, Colston Lane, Harby) Residential development of up to 31 dwellings & 10,000sq ft of workshop (Class B1) employment space, following demolition of existing buildings & structures iii Redmile Developments Ltd 16/00699/FUL (LC Dairy, 7 Langar Lane,Harby) Provision of hard standing for two parking spaces and associated highways works, to side of existing building iv Mrs L Verrall 16/00738/TCA (Corner House 2 Church Close, Hose) Remove 8 trees Agreed no objection by Hose Cllrs & Chairman before the meeting to comply with MBC deadline (by 14.11.16) v Mr & Mrs Henry Coy 16/00741/FUL (Kimberley, Stathern Lane, Harby) Change of use of existing storage/office building to residential annexe vi Ms L Turner 16/00743/FULHH (2 King’s Road, Long Clawson) Two storey extension (based on approved application 09/00925/FUL)

I vii Stroud & Son 16/00763/GDOOTH (Hose Grange, Harby Lane, Hose) Installation of 15m lattice tower supporting 6 no antennas and 2 x 600mm diameter dishes, with 3 x equipment cabinets and 1 x small scale electrical cabinet at ground level, all contained within a new fenced compound viii Mr & Mrs Armstrong 16/00714/FULHH (1 Glebe Close, Long Clawson) Rear extension, installation of high level glazing to side & new roof light ix Mr J Pick 16/00718/GDOCOU (Slyborough Hill Farm, 8 Melton Road, LC) Conversion of barn to dwelling x Mr T Hazleton 16/00810/OUT (land rear 1-3 Hickling Lane, Long Clawson) Erection of up to 31 dwellings with associated access, open space and parking – resubmission of 15/00833/OUT

4d Planning Correspondence i MBC: Melton Local Plan  24.10.16: Invitation to MLP Submission document launch event 8.11.16 6.30pm (response by 4.11.16) (copy Cllrs & NPAC 24.10.16)  28.10.16: Invitation to MLP Reference Group meeting on 24.11.16 MBC (response by 9.11.16) (copy Cllrs & NPAC 31.10.16)  8.11.16: MLP: o Pre-submission draft – representations between 8.11.16 – 19.12.16; o Consultation events including Harby Village Hall 23.11.16 5-7pm

5 MATTERS TO REPORT 5a The following items required no further action and are discharged: 16/14fi Repairs to Orbit roundabout, Hose working so no further action 16/53fi Repairs to perimeter fence around Pingle Dyke by owner done so no further action 16/83 Cllrs present 16/84 Apologies for absence 16/95 Removal of public telephone box, The Green, Hose

5 b Necessary actions have been taken on the following items (Cllrs confirm where necessary) 16/69fii Quote from Richard Scarborough to repair Horse Rocker at Hose no longer required 16/85 Notification of declaration of interests 16/86 Minutes of meetings on 19th & 26th September 2016 16/87 Planning matters 16/88 Matters to report 16/89 Accounts for payment 16/90 Correspondence 16/94 Dates of PC meetings 2017

5c Responses awaited to actions on the following items: 14/93div MBC Hard copy of Landscape capacity and sensitivity study 15/94 Details from LC & Hose Cllrs to complete nomination forms for Community Right to Bid 16/53fii DVLA: details of registered keeper of vehicle FX58 XRP & BV55 VNN on Leys car park 16/53fii Replacement laptop & printer ordered from BT Business Direct 16/71biii MBC re emptying of dog/waste bin on Canal towpath Harby

5d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged : A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk 09/31f Obtain CiLCA qualification as part of Quality Status requirements 14/32f ii Memorials checked – letters to be sent to owners & update cemetery plan 15/167dA Online ‘Get Mapping’ of PC property recording unique ref numbers/inspection dates 16/63 Allotment rental letters to tenants with reminder of prohibition on business use II 16/69fii Drafting combined maintenance schedule for Harby Nature Reserve 16/79 Assistance & quote from RCC re Good Neighbour Scheme professional leader 16/88f Find contractor to varnish wooden playground equipment annually

B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties 16/53d Cllr Tillyard: quote for a new wooden Leys PC sign 16/53fi Cllr Dunn: discuss ownership & maintenance of village memorial LC with Pastor E Moxham 16/69dB Cllr Dunn: contribution towards consent for & maintenance of bench from donor

C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks 16/73 Repairs to Leys car park postponed until September 2017

5e The following matters to be noted: - 15/187b vii LCC Tree work LC Churchyard work to be done 16.11.16. LC PCC informed 16/71b vii Leics & Rutland Resilience Partnership 12.9.16: Parish Emergency Planning Resilience Officer now coming to December PC meeting 16/88fii Roadside hedge around Leys car park: decision on whether it needs flail cutting

5f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : - i Reports from Cllrs:  16/93 Cllr Tillyard on replacement half pipe for Leys;  16/97 Meetings with Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee 7th & 15th November ii Report from Clerk:  Incident Register:  Playgrounds: Hole in hedge Pingle dyke, LC  Allotments: o Waiting list: Hose x 1 vacant, Harby 1 x Stathern Lane, LC 1 x Hickling Lane o Hose Summer Keep

6 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Invoices and bank statements will be available for inspection at the meeting. Cheque number 1971 destroyed as returned by DVLA (wrong form used) i HMRC (Bacs) £153.29 Tax & NI ii NEST (DD) £5.89 Clerk pension iii Mr B Mills (Bacs) £289.54 Handyman wages iv Mrs E Crowther (Bacs) £911.79 Clerk wages v Summerlands (Bacs) £980.24 Grounds maintenance vi Summerlands (Bacs) £400.00 Verge grass LCC (8th cut) vii Hose Village Hall (2009) £18.00 NP Housing TG 18.10.16 viii Hose Village Hall (2010) £24.00 NPAC mtg 26.10.16 ix Hose Village Hall (2011) £12.00 Informal PC/NPAC 7.11.16 x Playsafety Limited (2012) £474.00 Post installation inspection xi Mr R Fletcher (2013) £94.00 Grant Hose PCC Min 16/91 xii E.ON UK plc (2014) £482.14 Electricity bill Oct xiii AM Edwards Building Service Ltd (2015) £438.00 Power wash play surfacing xiv G C Smith (2016) £72.00 Fencing Harby playground xv Yourlocale Ltd (2017)£1980.00 Stakeholder & TG support xvi Yourlocale Ltd (2018)£1680.00 TG work & activity xvii Yourlocale Ltd (2019)£6000.00 TG, site app & policy prep xviii Hose Baptist Church (2020) £20.00 Rm donation mtg 15.11.16 xix TSB Bank plc (DD) £22.40 Bank charges

7 CORRESPONDENCE 7a Correspondence Tabled for Information (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i Bottesford CofE Primary School 28.10.16: Consultation on admission policy 2018/19 (closing date 9.12.16) (copy Cllrs 31.10.16) ii LCC 27.10.16: Fibre broadband in your area – survey results (copy Cllrs 31.10.16) III iii Clerks & Councils Direct November 2016 iv The Hose Piper Nov-Dec 2016 v MBC 2.11.16: Invitation to Cllrs & a guest to Mayor’s Carols by Candlelight Christmas service St Mary’s Church MM, Thursday 8.12.16 at 6.30pm – rsvp by 28.11.16 (copy Cllrs 2.11.16) vi SLCC November 2016 The Clerk magazine

7b Correspondence for Discussion (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i Came & Company:  Autumn 2016 ‘Council matters’ re volunteers (copy Cllrs 13.10.16);  27.10.16: Insurance policy amendment effective 30.9.16-31.7.17 ii LRALC 2016 Newsletter No 5 (copy Cllrs 18.10.16) iii Harby resident 27.10.16: Matters concerning Leys playing field (copy Harby Cllrs 31.10.16) iv LC resident 31.10.16: Request for street light between Claxton Rise & Barnards Place, LC (copy LC Cllrs 31.10.16) v 16/96 Harby resident 2.11.6: Letter to Chairman re proposals for new Harby VH vi Harby PCC 4.11.16: Request for grant towards upkeep expenses of St Mary’s, Harby vii Citizens Advice Leicestershire 21.10.16: Request for grant viii 16/90bii Advice from E.ON re street light o/s 15 Church Close, Hose ix LCC 11.11.16: National Highways & Transport Public Satisfaction survey: Parish consultation

7c Urgent correspondence received after the clerk’s report and requiring discussion

8 16/88c RESOLUTION TO INSTALL A SALT BOX ON CLAXTON RISE, LC UNDER SECTION 137  LCC 10.11.16 quote of £325 but deadline missed for 2016/17


10 16/92 BUDGET & PRECEPT 2017/18  Precept capping (LRALC Round Robin dated 21.10.16 copied to Cllrs 21.10.16)  Subscriptions 2017/18 (copy attached)  Year end projection to end March 2017 (copy attached)  Budget 2017-18 with proposed precept figures with increase nil/2% & 3% (copy attached)  Recommendations from informal meeting 9.11.16 (copy attached)



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