Minutes of the Meeting of Cardiff University Council Held on Monday 11 March 2013 in The

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Minutes of the Meeting of Cardiff University Council Held on Monday 11 March 2013 in The


MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CARDIFF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 11 MARCH 2013 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, MAIN BUILDING AT 5.00PM. Present: Mr John Jeans (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, Mr Raj Aggarwal [to Minute 898], Ms Elizabeth Button, Mr Ricardo Calil, Professor Roy Evans, Professor Walter Gear, Mr Simon Gibson, Dr Grahame Guilford, Mrs Philippa Herbert, Mr Daniel Hodgson, Professor Karen Holford, Mr Harry Newman, Mrs Fiona Peel, Reverend Gareth Powell, Mr Robert Preece, Professor Patricia Price, Professor Hywel Thomas, Professor Elizabeth Treasure, Dr Gabe Treharne, Professor James Whitley and Mrs Glenys Williams. In Attendance: Professor George Boyne, Mr Mike Davies, Ms Jayne Dowden, Dr Sue Hybart, Mr Hugh Jones, Mrs Sharon Orton, Mr Rhys Thomas and Dr Chris Turner. Apologies for absence were received from: Ms Maria Battle, Mr Guy Clarke and Mrs Susan Gwyer-Roberts. 888 PRELIMINARIES 888.1 Pre-meeting Presentation NOTED that the meeting had been preceded by a presentation by Professors John Aggleton and Derek Jones entitled “The Case for CUBRIC (Cardiff University Brain Research and Imaging Centre): from Park Place to Maindy Road”. 888.2 Congratulations NOTED, with pleasure, the following honours/achievements: .1 Queen’s New Year Honours List 2013

 Professor Keith Harding, School of Medicine, awarded a CBE for services to medicine and healthcare;

 Professor Judith Hall, School of Medicine, awarded an OBE for services to academic anaesthesia and for charitable services in Africa

 Emeritus Professor John Williams, School of Medicine, awarded an OBE for services to patients with renal disease in Wales;

 Professor Ian Diamond ,Honorary Fellow, awarded a Knighthood;

 Eileen Younghusband, student at the Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning, awarded the British Empire Medal for services and commitment to lifelong learning .2 Royal College of Nursing Wales’ awards

 Nicola West, part-time PhD student, won the Clinical Nurse Specialist award 12/564

 Louise Poley, former Cardiff MSc student, won Nurse of the Year award; .3 Dr David Bembo, Research and Commercial Division, will take on the role of Chair of Council for the Association for University Research and industry Links [AURIL]; .4 School of Optometry and Vision Sciences’ Special Assessment Clinic [led by Andy Millington, Mike George and Dr Maggie Woodhouse] has been shortlisted for the National Autistic Society Award for Clinical Excellence; .5 Professor Hywel Thomas, Pro Vice-Chancellor, invited to become a member of the Academia Europaea [The Academy of Europe]; .6 Professor Susan Baker, Cardiff School of Social Sciences and researcher at the university’s Sustainable Places Research Institute, elected a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry; .7 PsyCardiff, a student-led society in the Cardiff School of Psychology, won the best University Society award at the National Placement and Internship Awards. 888.3 Deaths Council will wish to note, with sadness, the following: .1 Dr Tom Parry Jones, former Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in the Chemistry Department, UWIST, died 11 January 2013; .2 Dr Hans Puls, Life Member of Court, died 10 February 2013. A moment’s silence was observed as a mark of respect. 889 MINUTES The Minutes of Council held on 5 November 2012 (12/423) were agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record, subject to the deletion of the Resolution under Minute 885.

890 MATTERS ARISING Received and noted paper 12/518, ‘Matters Arising: Council 11 March 2013. 890.1 Report from the Vice-Chancellor: enforcement notices [Minute 868.9] NOTED that matters raised in an enforcement notice from Health and Safety Executive and in letters from the South Wales Fire and Rescue Services following regular inspections, had been communicated to Schools and Professional Services and compliance was being monitored by OSHEU [Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Unit]. 12/564

890.2. Annual Accounts and Audit Committee papers NOTED that the following documents had been submitted to HEFCW in January 2013:

 Financial Statement 2011/12 and Annual Assurance Return  Audit Committee Annual Report 2011/12  Joint Internal Audit Annual Report 2011/12  External Audit Management Report 2011/12 890.3 Pensions auto-enrolment [Minute 876.8] NOTED that, under delegated authority, Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 12 February 2013, approved matters relating to the provision of pensions to employees of the University. 890.4 Appointments under the terms of Statute XVIII [Minute 884.4] NOTED that the following appeals had been heard by the appointed person and that neither case had been upheld: .1 an appeal against a Gross Misconduct dismissal case in Student Services and Governance; .2 an appeal against the decision to make a post redundant in the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences. FURTHER NOTED 890.5 Chemistry Review [Minute 877] NOTED that a report by the Independent Reviewer had raised a number of management issues which were being addressed through the Head of College. 891 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR Received and noted paper 12/522, ‘Items from the Chair’. NOTED

891.1 that amendments to the Charter and Statutes allowing the University to have an express power to award joint or dual degrees had been approved by the Privy Council and would be immediately effective; 891.2 that the meeting of lay members on 28 January 2013 on the subject of student recruitment had been informative and useful to attendees and that the next meeting on 2 May would focus on the international agenda; 891.3 that the on-line survey supporting the Review of Council Effectiveness had been launched and all Council members were encouraged to complete the questionnaire as completely as possible; 891.4 that should a member have a confidential matter to raise, they were free to contact Fiona Peel directly; 12/564

891.5 that feedback from face-to-face meetings between Council members and the Chair of Council would also inform the Review. 892 REPORT FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Received and considered paper 12/431, ‘Vice-Chancellor’s Report’. NOTED 892.1 that the reports from the Vice-Chancellor presented a good opportunity for a dialogue between Council and the management of the University; 892.2 Heads of Schools appointments NOTED .1 the following changes to Heads of School in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences:

 Professor Paul Milbourne became the new Head of the School of Planning and Geography on 28 January 2013, the term of office lasting until 31 July 2017;

 Professor Claire Gorrara will be Acting Head of the School of European Languages, Translation and Politics until 31 July 2013;

 Dr Catherine Chabert and Dr Zbig Sobiesierski will share Acting Head responsibilities in the School of Lifelong Learning until 31 July 2013;

 Professor Niall Sharples will be Acting Head of the School of History, Archaeology and Religion until 31 July 2013; .2 that where the appointments were as Acting Heads, these allowed for consolidation of structures within Colleges before substantive appointments were made; 892.3 that College Deans for Internal and for Education and Students had been appointed and that it would be helpful for Council to receive an organisational chart when all appointments had been finalised; 892.4 that the Vice-Chancellor had recently led the Higher Education team in two UK government-led overseas visits to India and to the Middle East; 892.5 that the India trip had provided the opportunity for a beneficial meeting with the Prime Minister where the issue of EU and internal UK research funding was discussed; 892.6 that the India visit had also provided a good opportunity for helpful in messages to be exchanged on immigration to the UK; 892.7 that the possibility of a significant development with a major university in Beijing was being explored; 12/564

892.8 that the GW4 alliance would see each institution investing M£0.25 annually for 2 years to be used as priming money to support and develop grant applications; 892.9 that the first rounds of meetings in the new planning, budgeting and performance review process had taken place with the PVCs Heads of College and the Chief Operating Officer and that a budget proposal would be submitted to Council in July for approval; 892.10 that the opening ceremony invitations for the Hadyn Ellis Building would be sent to Council members in due course; 892.11 that the University had agreed to fund the K£300 refurbishment of the 4th floor of the Students’ Union and was in discussion over the refurbishment of the central student services on the 3rd floor. 893 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS UNION NOTED 893.1 that in the recent elections Cari Davies, the current AU President, had been elected, by a substantial margin, as the next president of the Students’ Union, and that she would be the first female President in10 years; 893.2 that a new Chief Executive had also been appointed; 893.3 that gair rhydd had published its 1,000 issue this week; 893.4 that a paper on funding for the Students’ Union Building would be discussed at a University Executive Board meeting; 893.5 that Council was informed of the outcome of an investigation by BUCS into alleged collusion to ‘fix’ the outcome of a match between Swansea and Cardiff Universities rugby teams; 893.6 that the Union had recently conducted an extensive survey of students on their experience of the University covering all areas and the results were being collated and would be distributed to Council members when available; 893.7 that the Annual Report would be circulated for the May Council meeting, which was to be hosted by the Students’ Union. 894 THE WAY FORWARD Received and considered paper 12/497R, ‘Cardiff University: The Way Forward 2012-2017’. NOTED 894.1 that this latest (10th) version of The Way Forward incorporated comments made by Planning Resources Committee and University Executive Board and had been endorsed by the Senate at its meeting on 20 February 2013; 12/564

894.2 that the aim to form a tightly-knit collaboration with two outstanding international universities would build on existing links and, if progress was good, further collaborations would be added; 894.3 that this aim did not preclude the development of other collaborations with other institutions; 894.4 that the University’s aim in relation to REF was to focus on quality, while at the same time recognising the need to establish an appropriate balance in relation to the volume of research returned; 894.5 that the University needed to be able to justify its approach to REF both internally and externally; 894.6 that the research agenda included an implicit international dimension but that it might be helpful to state this explicitly; 894.7 that the targets for finance marked an opportunity to make the University’s reserves work harder and so contribute to the overall target, while still maintaining liquidity; 894.8 that one way would be to develop a ladder of maturities of investments and the proposed Investment Committee would be considering this option and might bring in expert advisors to assist; 894.9 a suggestion to include a reference to scholarship somewhere appropriate in the text of the document; 894.10 that this was a living document that would be reviewed and amended as necessary. RESOLVED 894.11 to approve The Way Forward document as detailed in paper 12/497, subject to some minor amendments suggested above. 895 HE POLICY UPDATE Received and considered paper 12/520, ‘HE Policy Document for the Welsh Government’, together with a tabled cover sheet for the paper. NOTED 895.1 that, in future, all discussion papers would have a cover sheet and that, as far as reasonably possible, no late papers would be distributed for Council meetings; 895.2 that the paper was intended to be used as a potential means of informing and influencing the Welsh Government as it prepares its new HE policy statement and to provide clarity internally on the University’s priorities and so improve consistency in the messages given by staff to Government and other stakeholders; 895.3 that the paper also included statements on what the University can offer to Welsh Government in support of its agenda and policies; 895.4 that the paper was not intended for a more public audience than the University community; 12/564

895.5 that, while recognising the electoral appeal of financial support for students, the issue of the long-term sustainability of the fee subsidy and its impact on student behaviour was one than needed to be raised; 895.6 other difficult areas included the issue of the funding gap with England, particularly in respect of STEM subjects, and the sustainability of support for very high cost subjects (medicine and dentistry); 895.7 that considerable personal input and lobbying of ministers and officials would be needed to back-up the messages in the paper. RESOLVED 895.8 to endorse the principles outlined but that the wording should be reviewed to ensure the message was understood and that that the way in which it was to be taken forward should be carefully considered. 896 SCHOOL STRUCTURE CONSULTATIONS Received and considered paper 12/498, ‘Consultation on the Development of a New School’. NOTED 896.1 that a consultation on the potential benefits of creating a new School, replacing the existing Schools of Healthcare Studies and Nursing and Midwifery Studies had commenced and would run until 2 April 2013; 896.2 that a consultation on proposals to restructure the educational provision across the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education was being developed but had not yet been launched; 896.3 that the outcomes of the consultations, together with any recommendations, including any financial or other implications, would be submitted to Senate in June and Council in July. 897 FINANCIAL MATTERS 897.1 HEFCW Funding for Session 2013-14 Received and considered paper12/108, ‘HEFCW Budget Headlines and Fee Grant Controls for 2013/14, and Impact for Cardiff’. NOTED .1 that the paper outlined decisions taken by HEFCW Council in December 2012 relating to budget headlines for 2013/14 onward and to the undergraduate fee grant capping arrangements for 2013/13, and the University’s assessment of the impact for the institution; .2 that as tuition fee income increased, direct grant income from HEFCW would reduce; .3 that HEFCW strategy funding (Learning and Teaching, Innovation and engagement, Widening Access) would be reduced by 50% in 2013/14 and cease in 2014/15; 12/564

.4 that the University would need to manage carefully the consequences of this reduction in funding, especially as the £9k tuition fee would not apply to all students for some years; .5 that changes in the funding mechanisms would mean that the Fee Plan process would become the main vehicle for policy direction by HEFCW; .6 that an additional clause would be added to the 2013/14 Fee Plan to enable HEFCW to apply penalties should the fee grant maximum, plus any allowed tolerance, be exceeded; .7 that modelling of the effect of the fee cap for Cardiff suggests that the University would remain within its maximum allowance and that recruitment to intake levels agreed for 2013/14 can proceed as normal without further controls being necessary. 897.2 Finance Report Received and considered paper 12/18B, ‘Cardiff University Financial Report 2012/13 – 5 Months to 31 December 2012’. NOTED .1 that the 6 month position to the end of January 2013 was similar to that outlined in paper 12/18B; .2 that the forecast surplus was M£2.1; .3 that a full re-forecast exercise will be undertaken in February; .4 that a reduction in cash balances was likely as the University spend on current capital projects increased; .5 that next Session financial reports would mirror the different approach and be budget-based. 898 CARDIFF BUSINESS SCHOOL: GRADUATE SCHOOL BUSINESS CASE Received and considered paper 12/107R, ‘Cardiff Business School Teaching and Learning Facility – revised business case’. NOTED 898.1 that at the December meeting of Council, authority had been delegated to Policy and Resources Committee to consider and approve the revised business case but the Chair of Council had decided that the matter needed to be considered again by Council; 898.2 that Council in November 2010 had approved the investment of M£10.6 into a new teaching and learning facility for the Business School but that, due to the reasons detailed in the paper, the predicted cost at the end of the design phase was now M£13.5; 898.3 that the use of the proposed building had changed from being a postgraduate-focused facility to one providing learning and teaching facilities for the School as a whole; 12/564

898.4 that the largest factor accounting for the increased cost was the increase in size of the building from 4,266m2 to 5,046m2 ; 898.5 that other factors were changes to IT requirements and insufficient contingency in the original budget, though the latter amount should reduce as the project progressed and the risk decreased; 898.6 that the table under paragraph 7.4 provided a detailed configuration of the facility and how it has changed from the original business case, together with an academic rationale for the individual provision; 898.7 that the original business case was almost 3 years old and required an uplift of 4.27%, calculated on the basis of the Public Sector subset of the Building Cost Information service Tender Price Indices (TPIs); 898.8 that the academic rationale for the proposal was very clear and that the School wished to take advantage of buoyant applications and enrolments, and its recent accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); 898.9 that the building had received planning permission and the prime contractor was ready to commence work on site once the additional investment had been approved; 898.10 that the potential to accelerate the building process should be explored to try to ensure that the facility opened on time for use in September 2014 and that dedicated project management arrangements were needed; 898.11 that it would be prudent to look at how the existing accommodation could be maximised; 898.12 that sponsorship avenues should be explored, not only for the building costs but for other aspects such as the fitting out requirements. RESOLVED 898.13 to approve the revised business case for the CARBS Graduate School and the commencement of the build phase; 898.14 to recommend that a review of the process for the specification and costing of capital projects be undertaken, utilising lay Council expertise where appropriate. 899 MAINDY PHASE 2 Received and considered paper 12/519, ’Maindy Road Phase 2’. NOTED 899.1 that the site had been earmarked by the University for the development of a research and innovation campus; 899.2 that the Hadyn Ellis building, which would house the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute, was the first phase and a further six phases were anticipated, in line with an outline masterplan agreed by Cardiff Council; 12/564

899.3 that the Welsh Government’s provision in March 2012 of M£6 in capital funding for the development; part of the condition of grant was for continuity of work on site, so it was important to make a decision on Phase 2 before the final consideration of a broader capital investment plan; 899.4 that the pre-meeting presentation had demonstrated the important value of CUBRIC for the University’s reputation, an area where the University was recognised as a world-leader; 899.5 that the original intention for Phase 2 had been to provide accommodation for office-based research such as Sustainable Development and Digital Economy; 899.6 that, in bringing this case forward, the CUBRIC team had been asked to be ambitious and ‘future-proof’ their requirements for the next 15 years; 899.7 that an outline Strategic Capital Funding Plan was in development and should be available by July 2013, together with a business case for the CUBRIC project. RESOLVED 899.8 to endorse the University’s proposed changed use of the Maindy Road phase 2 site and that this should be discussed with the Welsh Government. 900 REDUNDANCY COMMITTEE: REPORT TO COUNCIL Received and noted paper 12/432B, ‘The Proposed Cessation or Reduction of School Activities’. NOTED 900.1 that recommendations arising from the Redundancy Committee meetings in December, January and February had been approved by the Chair of Council and that redundancy notices had been issued where so authorised and where appropriate; 900.2 the outcome of an appeal by a member of staff in the Cardiff School of Optometry and Vision Sciences against notice of redundancy;

900.3 that it was possible that the case may progress to employment tribunal. 901 VOLUNTARY SEVERANCE SCHEME Received and noted paper 12/496R, ‘Voluntary Severance Scheme 2013’ NOTED 901.1 that the Scheme had been approved by Policy and Resources Committee on 12 February and launched on 18 February, with a closing date of 30 April 2013; 901.2 that the Scheme was based on those run by other Russell Group HEIs; 901.3 that the trade unions were supportive of the Scheme; 12/564

901.4 that the Scheme was voluntary but business focused and would assist the University in delivering the Way Forward strategy by facilitating required reductions in staffing costs, appropriate control going forward and would also enable necessary organisational change by voluntary means. 902 GOVERNANCE MATTERS 902.1 Process for appointing the Chancellor Received and noted paper 12/493BR, ‘Appointment of Chancellor’. NOTED .1 that the term of office of Professor Sir Martin Evans as Chancellor would end on 31 July 2014; .2 that the role of Chancellor was largely honorific, presiding at the annual meeting of Court and having a ceremonial role at graduation and other ceremonies. RESOLVED .3 that the Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor be tasked with identifying a possible successor for Sir Martin and submitting a recommendation to Council in due course. 902.2 Appointment of a Pro-Chancellor Received and noted paper 12/494BR, ’Appointment of a Pro- Chancellor’. NOTED .1 that the term of office of Mr Huw Edwards as Pro-Chancellor was due to end on 31 July 2013, though he was eligible for re- appointment; .2 that Mr Edwards was willing and happy to be reappointed; .3 that Lady Lynn Jones Parry had tendered her resignation as Pro- Chancellor. RESOLVED .4 to recommend to Court that Mr Huw Edwards be reappointed as a Pro-Chancellor for a further four years from 1 August 2013 to 31July 2017; .5 to approve that the Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor be tasked with identifying a possible successor, if required, to Lady Jones Parry. 903 POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE AND FINANCE GROUP JOINT MEETING

Received and NOTED paper 12/517, being the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of Policy and Resources Committee and Finance Group held on 12 February 2013. 12/564

904 SENATE Received and NOTED paper 12/516, being the Minutes of the meeting of Senate held on 20 February 2013. 905 REPORT OF CHAIR’S ACTION Received and noted paper 12/514,’Report of Chair’s Action: Council 11 March 2013’. 905.1 Redundancy Committee NOTED that the following lay members of Council had served as indicated below: 8 January 2013 Gabe Treharne Glenys Williams 7 February 2013 Guy Clarke Susan Gwyer-Roberts 6 March 2013 Roy Evans Glenys Williams 905.2 Joint Selection Committees NOTED that the following lay members of Council had served as indicated below:

Date Lay Member Post 10 January 2013 Guy Clarke Chair/Reader in Law 08 February 2013 Fiona Peel Reader/Chair in Chemistry 26 February 2013 Glenys Williams Professor of Biosciences 01 March 2013 Philippa Herbert Assistant Director in INSRV 21 March 2013 Mrs Glenys SCL in Acute Services & Williams Special Care 21 March 2013 Fiona Peel Chair in CARBS

906 PAPERS FOR INFORMATION NOTED that Council received the following papers for information:

 Report of Sealing Transactions 12/515

 Research Grants and Contracts: 010812 - 310113 12/511


NOTED that the next meeting of Council would be at on Monday 20 May 2013 @ 5.00pm in the Students’ Union Building.

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