MINUTES of a MEETING of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party (SPFWP) Held on Monday

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MINUTES of a MEETING of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party (SPFWP) Held on Monday


MINUTES of a MEETING of the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party (SPFWP) held on Monday 19th May 2008 at 7.10pm at Silkstone Pavilion.

PRESENT: D Walker – Chairman & SUCC L Boswell (SUJFC u 14’s), S Chambers (SUCC Juniors), Mrs C Shepherd (NCT) , A Horsfield (SUFC), S Jackson (SUJFCu 12’s), Cllr R Leech (Silkstone Parish Council),T Morgan (SUJFC u 12’s), J Pickering (Silkstone B Band), J B Ward (SUJFC U’10’s),G Wells (SUJFC U15’s) .

IN ATTENDANCE: K Canadine - Clerk


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Ron Stier (Silkstone Parish Council), A. Downes for under 9’s football and Dean Price for under 12’s football.




RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the April 08 SPFWP meeting as a true and accurate record although the minutes omitted the pavilion booking for the under 10,11 and 12’s presentation which was agreed at the April meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes.


RESOLVED that Andy Horsfield will scan and e-mail the STRI report to all user groups of the Recreation Ground.

RESOLVED to note that Blakedown have indicated that they will carry out the work to the recreation ground at the end of May (date to be confirmed).


RESOLVED to note that the bank statement to the end of April 08 shows a balance of £697.38 and that the rates and water bills are still set up as direct debits on this account. The Clerk will chase BMBC and Yorkshire Water who have previously been contacted with a request to transfer bills to the Parish Council.

RESOLVED to note that the under 11’s football have not yet paid for the football nets (£23 payable to Senior Football).


RESOLVED to note Colin Waring’s hours for April 08 comprised of 5.5 hours snagging and 14 hours Pavilion maintenance.

RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council will be changing the insurance company for the pavilion from 1st June 08.

RESOLVED to note the teething problems with the new alarm system and to remind users to contact Colin Waring and not Cllr R Stier if the alarm is accidentally activated.

SPFWP Minutes 19 May 08 2

The Chairman read through the comments book.

RESOLVED that Darron Walker will provide each user group with a new padlock and key for the main recreation ground gate.


RESOLVED to note that tables and chairs should be stored at the back of the store cupboard to enable NCT to store equipment at front of cupboard. Also NCT requested that the carpet mats are left out ready for their use on Wednesday mornings.

RESOLVED to remind all user groups that one person should be responsible for locking up the pavilion after use and ensuring that the lights are off, doors locked and heating left as it was on their arrival. DO NOT LEAVE KEY CUPBOARD UNLOCKED –THIS IS A HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUE AS CHEMICALS ARE STORED IN THIS CUPBOARD.

RESOLVED to note that Rockin the Rec flyers will be going out to all homes with the 2 villages festival information. 5 bands have been booked. The event takes place at the Recreation Ground on 21 June 08 between 5pm and 12 midnight. FURTHER RESOLVED that an electricity meter reading will be taken before and after the event and the Parish Council reimbursed for this cost.

RESOLVED that user group contact details will be reviewed at the next meeting.

RESOLVED to note that all football games have now finished and the nets will come down on Wed 21st May 08.


See note under minute number 08-11 regarding STRI and Blakedown.

RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council have decided against proceeding with a deed of dedication with fields in trust for the Recreation Ground as the existing deed includes a covenant which protects the land from development.


RESOLVED that Andy Horsfield will further investigate crash barriers for the football field and submit a report to the Parish Clerk for presentation to the Parish Council with a request for them to contribute towards the cost of the barrier.

FURTHER RESOLVED that Andy Horsfield will obtain 3 quotes and forward to Graham Wells to enable him to complete the grant application forms to the football foundation.

RESOLVED to note that the Parish Council have decided against a CCTV installation at the Pavilion following advice from South Yorkshire Police.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parish Council be asked to consider one camera installation at the back of the Co-op. The Clerk will raise this with the Parish Council after she has spoken to the Co-op manager and obtained a cost for just one camera.

SPFWP Minutes 19 May 08 3


RESOLVED to note that the payphone is not working. The Clerk will report to BT.

RESOLVED that a date will be agreed at the next working party meeting for user groups to meet to clear out the garage. User groups are asked to remove items that are not required from the garage asap.

RESOLVED that Darron Walker and Steve Chambers will have a look at the immersion heater to see if there is a fuse which can be removed to avoid the immersion being accidentally switched on.

RESOLVED that Darron Walker will liaise with the Co-op manager regarding the damaged recreation ground sign.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the groundsman on behalf of the working party to advise that the tractor has been left in an unacceptable condition and must be cleaned after use i.e. hose down to remove grass.

8.18 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 30th June 08 at 8.00pm at the Silkstone Pavilion.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.32pm.

Chairman’s Signature Date

SPFWP Minutes 19 May 08

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