C1 View of Ventnor Stn from the Downs

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C1 View of Ventnor Stn from the Downs

Logie Shannoch Drumrossie INSCH Aberdeenshire AB52 6LJ Telephone/Facsimile: 01464 820717, Mobile: 07867-645410 Visit: www.transporttreasury.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]


the Ken Coursey Collection

We are most grateful to Ken Coursey for making this collection available to The Transport Treasury

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk C1 View of Ventnor stn from the Downs C75 34091 unreb (RF) tn Bromley South C2 View of Ventnor stn & SB from above with tn departing C76 35028 unreb (RF) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Bromley South C3 W30 (LF close-up) Ventnor C77 31824 (RF) tn Sanderstead C4 35019 unreb (LF) tn ‘Bournemouth Belle’ Wimbledon C78 80015 (RF) tn Sanderstead C5 30863 (LF) tn Wimbledon C79 42066 (RF) tn Sanderstead C6 30448 (RF) tn Raynes Park C80 42081 (RF) tn Sanderstead C7 35006 unreb (LF) tn Raynes Park C81 80017 (RF) tn Sanderstead C8 30782 (LF) tn Raynes Park C82 32424 (RF) tn 5.40pm ex-London at Sanderstead C9 35023 reb (RF) tn Raynes Park C83 30766 (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C10 30719 (RF) tn Clapham Junction C84 30763 (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C11 41290 (RR) B/F tn Olympia service at Clapham Junction C85 34068 unreb (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C12 30338 (RF) tn Clapham Junction C86 31749 (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C13 30338 (RR) tn Clapham Junction C87 30768 (LF) tn St Marys Cray Jct (minor motion blur front of loco) C14 Ryde St Johns shed viewed fm tn with W4 & W24 visible C88 41302 (LF) tn Forest Hill C15 W27 (LF) tn Shanklin C89 31410 (RF above) tn Sydenham Hill C16 Guildford shed view with 31634 & 30086 visible C90 Schools class (LF) tn Sydenham Hill C17 32424 (LF above) tn RCTS spl East Croydon C91 34104 unreb (RF) tn 2.30pm Boat ex-Victoria at Peckham Rye C18 Wimbledon yard view with 30570 L/E C92 80019 (LF) tn South Croydon C19 S5022 4-SUB Wimbledon C93 20003 (RR) tn frt South Croydon C20 30541 (RF) tn Wimbledon C94 30051 (RF) tn Guildford C21 34074 unreb (RF) tn Shortlands C95 32390 (RF) tn Shoreham (Sussex) loco shrouded in steam C22 30763 (RF) tn ‘Kentish Belle’ Shortlands C96 31757 (RF) tn Tonbridge C23 34081 unreb (RF) tn Grove Park C97 31753 (LF) tn entg Bromley South C24 30928 (RF) tn Orpington C98 30795 (RR) tn lvg Bromley South C25 30923? (RF) tn ‘Man of Kent’ Orpington C99 30766 (RF) tn passing Bromley South C26 30928 (RR) tn lvg Orpington C100 30912 (LF) tn entg Bromley South C27 30745 (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C101 34068 unreb (RR) tn lvg Bromley South C28 31890 (almost FF) tn viewed from passing tn C102 34077 (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C29 30539 (RF) tn frt West Croydon C103 31454 (RR) tn St Marys Cray Jct C30 61659 & 70007 (RF) Liverpool Street C104 Schools class (RF) tn St Marys Cray Jct C31 32390 (RF) tn RCTS spl ?? 4/10/53 C105 34104 unreb (LF) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Petts Wood C32 32390 (LR) B/F tn RCTS spl Lewes 4/10/53 C106 20002 (RF) tn Boat at Clapham Junction C33 34071 unreb (RF) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Sydenham Hill C107 30854 (RF) tn nr Waterloo C34 31749 (RF) tn Catford C108 30906 (RF) tn dn Dunton Green C35 Trackside view of Penge East C109 42118 (FF) tn spl ex-Westerham at Dunton Green C36 31893 (RR above) tn frt passing Hither Green Station SB C110 31902 (LF) tn up Dunton Green C37 31858 (LF) L/E passing Hither Green Station SB C111 Britannia class (LF) tn up ‘Golden Arrow’ Dunton Green C38 35028? unreb (RF) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Sydenham C112 Dunton Green view with tn departing C39 34068 unreb (RF) tn dn Bickley C113 42066 (RF) tn Forest Hill C40 34076 unreb (LF above) tn up Bromley South C114 61569 (RF) L/E Liverpool Street C41 30768 (RF above) tn up Bromley South C115 4-SUB 4352 Horsham C42 30768 (RF) tn Bromley South C116 30856 (LF) tn spl ‘The Solent Limited’ passing Eastleigh C43 30857 (LF) tn dn Vauxhall C117 42118 (LF) tn RCTS spl C44 30765 (LF) tn up Bromley South C118 80065 (RR) tn RCTS Hammersmith & Chiswick spl 10/11/56 C45 30454 (RR) tn up Vauxhall C119 80065 (LF) L/E running round Hammersmith & Chiswick spl C46 30244 (LF) tn dn ECS Vauxhall C120 80065 (LR) B/F tn RCTS Hammersmith & Chiswick spl C47 30850 (LF) tn dn Vauxhall C121 Close-up fixing RCTS headboard to 80065 (Hammersmith & C48 30319 (LF) tn dn ECS Vauxhall Chiswick spl) C49 30921 (RF) tn Knockholt C122 31505 (RF) tn RCTS Invicta spl Sheerness (minor fogging foot of C50 WC unreb & E1 (RF) D/heading tn up ‘Night Ferry Sydenham Hill image) C51 Unidentified Schools (RF) tn Elmstead Woods C123 31671 (LF) tn RCTS Invicta spl Sheerness (minor fogging foot of C52 30804 (RF) tn Elmstead Woods image) C53 34085 unreb (RF) tn ‘The Man of Kent’ lvg Victoria C124 31737 (RR) tn RCTS Invicta spl Sheerness (minor fogging foot of C54 Victoria view with 30906 (LR) & 30903 (RF distant) image) C55 30903 (RF) L/E Victoria C125 31737 (RF) tn RCTS Invicta spl Strood (minor fogging foot of C56 30928 (RR) tn lvg Victoria image) C57 30928 (RF) tn & 34085 (RF) Victoria stn C126 31505 (LF) tn Kearnsey C58 34079 unreb (RF) tn Victoria C127 32401 & 32585 (LF) Ashford shed C59 34077 unreb (RF) tn lvg Victoria C128 30912 (RF) Ashford shed C60 30930 (RF) tn Victoria C129 31166 (LF) with Invicta headboard & 31712 (LF) Ashford shed C61 Victoria view with 30930 (RF) tn & 30903 (RF) T/F tn C130 31166 (LF) with Invicta headboard & 31737 (LF) Ashford shed C62 30930 (RF) tn Victoria C131 30912 (RF) Ashford shed C63 30924 (LF) tn entg Victoria C132 31166 & 31737 (LF) D/heading tn RCTS Invicta spl C64 30930 (RF) L/E Victoria C133 31166 & 31737 (LF) D/heading tn RCTS Invicta spl Paddock C65 73080 (LF) tn entg Victoria Wood C66 31933 (RR) tn Bickley C134 34092 (RF above) tn lvg Bromley South C67 31576 (RF) tn ‘The Palace Centenarian’ Lordship Lane C135 Distant view of 31521 SCTS ‘The South Londoner’ on single line C68 View of ‘The Palace Centenarian’ going away from camera C136 31521 (LF) tn SCTS ‘The South Londoner’ Lordship Lane C137 31521 (LF) tn SCTS ‘The South Londoner’ Morton Abbey C69 31749 (LF) L/E Bromley South C138 31896 (RF) tn entg Oxted in a blizzard C70 34017 unreb (RF) tn Swanley C139 30452 (RF) tn up Raynes Park C71 31890 (RF) tn Forest Hill C140 30861 (LF) tn dn Raynes Park C72 35028 unreb (RF) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Bromley South C141 35004 unreb (LF) tn dn Raynes Park C73 31895 (RF) tn Forest Hill C142 35017 reb (LF) tn dn Raynes Park C74 42032? (RF) tn Forest Hill C143 31064 (RF) tn ‘The Kentish Heights Special’

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 2 C144 30797 (RF) tn dn entg Sydenham Hill C217 D6526 (RF) tn dn Worting Junction C145 35013 reb (LF) tn dn entg Malden & passing 4-SUB 4509 C218 WD118 ‘Brussels’ L/E Longmoor Military Rly C146 30790 (RR) tn up Malden C219 WD69? (LF) tn brake-van spl Longmoor C147 35024 unreb (RF) tn Malden C220 WD195 (RR) & WD600 (LF) D/heading tn spl Longmoor C148 34018 unreb (RF) tn Malden C221 WD195 (LR) & WD600 (RF) L/Es Longmoor C149 30914 (RF) tn Sydenham Hill C222 WD600 ‘Gordon’ (RF) tn spl Longmoor C150 34074 unreb (RF) tn ‘The Man of Kent’ Hither Green C223 WD600 ‘Gordon’ (LF) tn spl Longmoor C151 31896 (RF) tn dn C224 Longmoor stn C152 U1 (LF) tn up Sydenham Hill C225 WD600 (LR distant) tn spl on main line C153 30858 (LF) tn dn Wimbledon C226 34063 unreb (LF) tn entg Axminster C154 35027 reb (RF) tn up Wimbledon C227 34052 reb (LF) tn passing Axminster with crew of 75022 looking C155 35021 unreb (LF) tn ‘Bournemouth Belle’ dn Wimbledon (soft on focus) C228 34009 reb (LF) tn entg Axminster C156 42080 (LF) tn up Honor Oak Park C229 75022 (LF) L/E Seaton Junction C157 35016 reb (LF) tn dn ‘Bournemouth Belle’ C230 34063 unreb (RF) tn Seaton Junction C158 31517 (LF) tn lvg Dunton Green C231 Seaton Junction view with 34063 (LR distant) departing C159 32486 (LF) shunting nr Clapham Junction C232 Seaton Junction view with 34063 & 75022 in distance C160 30929 (RF) tn C233 Seaton stn view with DMU at platform C161 View of rear of ‘The South Londoner’ showing push/pull unit 715 C234 View lkg to the tunnel at Ventnor with W14 arriving C162 Hastings view with 30932 (LR) & 30929 (RR) C235 W14 (RF) B/F tn Ventnor C163 31786 (LR) shunting ECS Hastings C236 6915 (LF) tn entg Oxford C164 30929 (LR) tn with pilot Hastings? C237 34040 reb (LR) tn Oxford C165 30938 (LR) T/F shunting ECS Hastings C238 Oxford view lkg to stn approaches C166 42068 (RF) tn dn frt Honor Oak Park C239 34044 reb (RF) tn Oxford C167 30929 (RR) & 31765 (LF) L/Es Hastings C240 7000 (RR) tn lvg Oxford C168 30938 (LF) L/E & 30932 (LR part loco) tn Hastings? C241 35021 reb (RF) tn entg Oxford C169 35001 unreb (RF) tn entg Sevenoaks (soft focus) C242 6111 (LF) L/E Oxford C170 30928 (LF) tn entg Sevenoaks (soft focus) C243 6871 (RF) tn nr Oxford C171 30939 (RF) tn Cannon Street C244 View from tn window of W20 in stn C172 30921 (RR) tn C245 34018 reb (RR) tn Oxford (in rain) C173 34103 unreb (RF) tn dn Bromley South (hair on neg at top of C246 7025 (LR) close-up showing nameplate 'Sudeley Castle', Oxford boiler) C247 34021 reb (RF) tn entg Oxford C174 30939 (LF) tn Cannon Street C248 34103 unreb (RF) tn entg Oxford C175 30938 (LF above) tn up lvg Hastings C249 34044 & 7025 (LF) alongside each other Oxford C176 30908 (RF) tn Sevenoaks C250 General view of Oxford shed with 34021 & 92207 identifiable C177 31543 (RF) tn entg Sevenoaks C251 7008 (RF) Oxford shed C178 80016 (RF) tn (front buffer clipped) C252 92220 (RF) Oxford shed C179 31064 (RR) Sevenoaks (rear of tender off camera) C253 323 'Bluebell' (LF) tn Horsted Keynes C180 80141 (RF) tn Tonbridge service at Redhill C254 High Halden stn viewed from tn K&ESR C181 D6561 tn & D6563 L/E Redhill C255 32670 (RR) B/F single-coach tn entg stn K&ESR C182 D6568 tn & D6581 L/E & 80141 (RR distant) tn Redhill C256 32670 (LR) on shed K&ESR C183 76061 (LF) tn passing crossing keeper’s house nr Brockham C257 32670 (LF almost FF close-up) running round? K&ESR C184 31410 (RF) tn nr Betchworth C258 32670 (RF) Tenterden Town? K&ESR C185 31411 (LF) Redhill shed C259 31064 (LF) tn stn K&ESR C186 80034 (LF) tn for Tonbridge nr Redhill C260 31064 (RR) T/F tn K&ESR C187 31799 (LF) with 2 other locos Redhill shed C261 32670 (LF) tn K&ESR at Robertsbridge C188 31627 (LB) tn for Guildford nr Redhill C262 Robertsbridge stn view with 30931 (LF) tn & 32670 (LF) tn C189 31831 (RF) tn LCGB ‘Maunsell Commemorative Rail Tour’ spl C263 Britannia class (almost FF) tn 'Golden Arrow' Sevenoaks C190 31809 (LF) tn for Guildford C264 D5393 (LF) tn lvg Stamford Town C191 32425 (RF) tn SLS spl to Hayling Island at Victoria C265 Peterborough? stn approaches with Class 55 departing C192 32425 (LF) tn SLS spl taking water at Horsham C266 41227 (RF) tn Stamford Town C193 32677 (RF) tn Havant C267 Seaton stn view from footbridge C194 33027 (RF) tn RCTS/LCGB spl Bookham C268 48391 (LF) tn frt & 41227 (RR) tn Stamford Town C195 DMU M50412 Watford Junction C269 41294 (LF) L/E on BR(S) C196 D211 (named) (LF) tn passing Watford Junction C270 Engineering works widening bridge (A24 road) at Deepdene stn C197 60063 (RF) tn entg Kings Cross C271 6812 (RF) tn entg Banbury C198 60044 (LF) tn Kings Cross C272 7929 (RF) tn entg Banbury C199 60063 (LF) L/E backing out of Kings Cross C273 6830 (RR) tn Banbury C200 60044 (LR) tn lvg Kings Cross C274 6979 (LR) tn frt Banbury C201 35005 reb (LF) tn ‘Bournemouth Belle’ Raynes Park C275 60895 (LF) Woodford Halse shed C202 34101 reb (RF) tn up Raynes Park C276 60880 & 92032 (RF close-ups) Woodford Halse shed C203 73115 (named) (RF) tn up Raynes Park C277 44839 (LF) tn entg Banbury C204 73087 (named) (LF) tn dn Raynes Park C278 Line-up of locomotives on Woodford Halse shed 73045, 60880 & C206 34093 reb (RF) tn dn Surbiton 92032 C207 82014 (RF) close-up of smokebox tn Olympia to Clapham Jct at C279 60895 (RF) Woodford Halse shed Olympia C280 92073 (LF) tn entg Banbury C208 82014 (RR) B/F tn milk Olympia C281 45695 (RF) tn entg Banbury C209 W21 (RF) tn entg Ryde Pier Head C282 70020 (LF) 'Home Counties Railway Society C210 35008 reb (RF above) tn up Surbiton cutting Eastleigh/Southampton spl at Clandon C211 73119 (named) (RF above) tn up Surbiton cutting C283 31799 (RF) tn entg Clandon C212 31411 (RF above) tn up west of Dorking C284 4-COR unit 3109 tn diverted via New Guildford line at Clandon C213 D6525 (LF) tn dn Worting Junction 1967 C285 7816 (LF) tn for Reading nr Dorking C214 73089 (RF) tn up Worting Junction C286 31411 (RF) tn for Redhill entg Guildford C215 34040 reb (RF) tn up Worting Junction C287 76031 (RF) tn for Redhill nr Dorking C216 34002 unreb (LF) tn dn Worting Junction C288 Cowes stn view

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 3 C289 W29 (LF) L/E Cowes stn C362 Exchanging token (32390 on RCTS spl C290 W?? (RF) tn entg ? C363 34071 unreb (RR) tn ‘Golden Arrow’ Sydenham Hill C291 30699 (RF) L/E Clapham Junction C364 30791 (RF) tn dn Sydenham Hill C292 30718 (RF) shunting tn frt Clapham Junction C365 42088 (RF above) tn Forest Hill C293 42103 (RF) tn Clapham Junction C366 42103 (RF) tn passing electric unit 4353 Forest Hill C294 LNER 8645 (LF) L/E Elsenham (loco not quite sharp) C367 31638 (RF) tn Petts Wood Jct? C295 31622 (RF) tn for Redhill nr Gomshall C368 6991 (RF) tn passing Roundham Crossing ground frame (some C296 Woodford Halse stn view from platform ends emulsion damage) C297 70014 (LF) tn 'Golden Arrow' Victoria C369 6868 (RF) tn dn nr Banbury (some emulsion damage) C298 42067 (LF) tn entg ? stn BR(S) C370 44856 (RF) tn nr Banbury (some emulsion damage) C299 80152 (LF) tn Bluebell line at East Grinstead C371 7924 (RF) tn nr Banbury (some emulsion damage) C300 31548 (RF) tn Tonbridge C372 60024 (LF) tn LCGB ‘The A4 Commemorative Rail Tour’ Esher C301 31193 (RF) tn in bay at Sevenoaks C373 73169 (LF) tn dn Esher C302 31193 (LF) propelling push/pull tn lvg Sevenoaks C374 31639 (RF) D/heading tn LCGB spl nr Dorking C303 31239 (RF) tn Tonbridge C375 6937 (RF) tn Oxford C304 34088 (LR) tn taking water & oiling at Salisbury C376 Oxford stn view with 7922 (RF) tn C305 Lyme Regis stn view with 3-car DMU C377 35027 reb (RF) tn C306 W56298 3-car DMU ex-Lyme Regis entg Axminster C378 73113 (named) (LF) tn Basingstoke C307 3-car DMU for Exeter Central in bay at Axminster C379 73116 (named) (LF) tn Basingstoke C308 34002 unreb (LF) tn entg Axminster C380 34079 unreb (LF) tn Basingstoke C309 Axminster SB & 34086 (FF) tn viewed from tn C381 48550 (LF) tn frt under the wires C310 34086 (RF) tn Axminster C382 73111 (RF) tn nr Esher C311 34023 unreb (LF) tn entg Axminster C383 34087 reb (LF) tn dn nr Esher C312 BB class unreb (RR) tn lvg Axminster C384 35022 reb (RF) tn ‘Exeter Flyer’ spl dn nr Esher C313 34060 reb (RF) tn entg Winchester City C385 31411 (RF) tn for Redhill nr Dorking C314 31803 (LF) tn parcels entg Winchester City C386 31857 (RF) tn for Redhill nr Dorking C315 45298 (RF) tn Woodford Halse? C387 41299 (RF) tn nr Horsham C316 80139 (RF) tn in bay Winchester City C388 31867 (RF) tn for Redhill nr Gomshall C317 View of Woodford Halse shed from passing tn C389 31611 (LF) tn for Guildford nr Dorking Town C318 41227 (RF) tn Seaton C390 31636 (RF above) tn for Guildford nr Dorking Town C319 44716 (RF) tn Peterborough? C391 34016 reb (LF) tn Cannon Street C320 44716 (RR) & DMU bound for Ely at Peterborough? C392 30752 (LR) tn approaching Winchester C321 42945 (RF) tn Peterborough C393 31743 (RF) approaching Catford with school in background C322 41228 (LF) tn Seaton? C394 32553 (LF) tn on Merton Abbey bch C323 9F on a goods in the distance crossing a viaduct C395 31273 (RF) Ashford C324 Type 4 on tn crossing a viaduct C396 80018 (RF) tn Clapham Junction C325 35003 reb (RF above) tn up in Surbiton cutting C397 80018 (RF) loco close-up C326 34051 (RF) Winston Churchill’s funeral tn C398 32425 (LF) L/E Fratton or Eastbourne C327 Cars belonging to lineside spectators of Winston Churchill’s C399 34027 reb (LF above) tn nr Havant funeral tn parked up including the photographer’s Anglia 396 XPG C400 30753 (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C328 41294 (LF above) tn frt shunting at Bookham C401 31806 (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C329 41294 (RF) tn frt lvg Bookham C402 30856 (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C330 73022 (LB) tn C403 30456 (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C331 D7024 (LF) tn for Reading at Redhill C404 35024 unreb (RF) tn dn Wimbledon C332 D6518 (RF) tn on up fast entg Three Bridges C405 30719 (LF) loco close-up C333 35023 reb (RF) tn on up fast at Basingstoke C406 32333 (LF) loco close-up C334 Close-up of crew watering BR std 2-6-4T at East Grinstead C407 35010 unreb (LF) Nine Elms shed C335 488 (LF) in shed on Bluebell line C408 34042 unreb (RF) Nine Elms shed C336 73086 (named) (LF) tn dn nr Durnsford Road C409 73111 (LB) Nine Elms shed C337 35007 reb (LF) tn dn nr Durnsford Road C410 SR mogul (RF) tn dn Beckenham Junction C338 35018 reb (RF) tn up passing Railway Staff Halt C411 Unrebuilt West Country (RF above) tn dn ‘Golden Arrow’ nr C339 LSWR 120 T9 & mogul (RF) D/heading tn LCGB Thames, Avon Beckenham Jct & Severn rail tour passing Addlestone C412 32331 (LF) tn ‘Riverside Special’ entg Wimbledon C340 Crewe stn view with 47338, electric loco, type 4 & D1xxx C413 32331 (LR) tn ‘Riverside Special’ Wimbledon C341 W24 (RF above) tn Cowes C414 34088 unreb (RF) tn lvg Bromley South C342 34054 unreb (RF) tn up Esher C415 30750 (LF) tn dn Wimbledon C343 D6541 (RF) tn up Esher C416 32424 (LF above) tn London Bridge (Southern on tender) C344 34004 reb (LF) dn Esher C417 34102 (RF) tn entg Basingstoke C345 73169 (LF) tn dn Esher C418 7021 (RF) tn entg Basingstoke C346 31816 (LF) tn for Redhill at Deepdene C419 49xx (RR) tn lvg Basingstoke C347 Redhill stn approaches & junction view C420 30912 (LF) tn Basingstoke C348 4-card DMU for Basingstoke lvg Aynho for Deddington C421 30523 (RF) tn Basingstoke C349 6967 (LF) passing Aynho for Deddington C422 30912 (LF) L/E Basingstoke C350 6849 (RF) tn nr Aynho Jct C423 35024 reb (LF) tn passing Basingstoke C351 6904 (RF) tn nr Aynho Jct C424 D846 (RF) tn Basingstoke C352 6971 (LF) tn passing Aynho for Deddington C425 Redhill shed view with 32349 & 31797 C353 49xx (LF) tn nr Aynho C426 View from passing tn of Redhill shed C354 48415 (RF) tn frt passing Aynho for Deddington C427 31628 (RR) tn C355 Distant view of 8F on long tn frt under the wires C428 31635 (RF above) tn nr Gomshall C356 32390 (RR) B/F tn RCTS ‘Sussex Tour’ at Lewes C429 31907 (LF above) tn C357 32390 (RR) taking water at Three Bridges C430 6324 (RF) tn C358 32390 (LF) tn RCTS ‘Sussex Tour’ at Three Bridges C431 30924 (RF) tn nr Dorking C359 32390 (LF) tn RCTS ‘Sussex Tour’ at Sheffield Park C432 30796 (LR) & 30840 (RF) Redhill shed C360 32390 (RF) tn RCTS ‘Sussex Tour’ at Three Bridges C433 6385 (LF) tn nr Dorking C361 32390 (RR) B/F tn RCTS ‘Sussex Tour’ at Lewes C434 6302 (LF) tn nr Dorking

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 4 C435 30916 (LF) tn Dorking Town C508 34027 unreb (RF) tn Shortlands C436 31800 (LF) tn nr Dorking C509 32124 (RF) L/E Hither Green C437 6385 (RF) tn nr Dorking C510 31530 (LF) tn Westerham bch C438 Dorking Town stn view with 31807 (LF) tn C511 Push/pull motor car 482 in Westerham bch platform Dunton Green C439 31868 (RF) tn frt nr Betchworth C512 31530 (LF) tn Westerham bch C440 30575 (RF) at a coaling stage (Southern on tender) C513 31716 (RF) tn spl Kennington South Main SB C441 31924 (LF) on shed C514 Paddock Wood view showing SB and approaching tn C442 Brighton Belle electric unit 3055 diverted via Redhill C515 31922 (RF) tn frt Clapham C443 35014 unreb (LF) L/E to Waterloo C516 34016 reb (LF) tn pullman for Royal Visitor at Clapham C444 30120 (RF) tn RCTS spl entg Bookham C517 Britannia class (RF) tn up ‘Golden Arrow’ passing Sevenoaks C445 34016 (LF) tn & 34022 (LF) tn Cannon Street C518 Faversham stn view with 30798 (RF) tn & 31788 (RF) tn C446 4098 (RR above) tn & Kingswear stn view C519 31788 (RF) tn lvg Faversham C447 31799 (RF) tn nr Betchworth C520 30909 (RR) tn lvg Faversham C448 SR 47 (LB) on turntable C521 31757 (RR) tn lvg Faversham C449 32422 (LF) tn Forest Hill C522 31876 (LF above) tn entg Faversham C450 32424 (LF) tn LCGB ‘Southern Counties Limited’ C523 30806 (LF above) tn entg Faversham C451 32347 (RF) tn frt Redhill C524 30769 (RR) tn lvg Faversham C452 32468 (RF) tn ‘Steyning Branch Centenary 1961’ C525 73084 (LF) tn entg Faversham with 31768, 31852 & other locos in C453 31065 (RF) D/heading LCGB ‘The South Eastern Ltd’ lvg siding Goudhurst in pouring rain C526 30915 (LF) tn entg Faversham C454 31786 & 31749 (RF) tn LCGB ‘The South Eastern Ltd’ at C527 34004 (RF) tn entg Faversham Wateringbury in pouring rain C528 30802 (RR) tn lvg Faversham C455 31244 (LF) tn Maidstone West C529 31494 (RF) tn entg Faversham C456 31753 (RF) L/E Tonbridge? C530 31757 (RF) tn entg Faversham C457 30923 (RF) tn Tonbridge C531 Auto unit 661 & diesel unit 1017 Dunton Green? C458 5906 (RF) tn Basingstoke C532 30926 or 30936 (LF almost FF) tn spl passing Swanley C459 30523 (RF) tn Basingstoke C533 30456 (RF) tn up Surbiton C460 7917 (LF) tn & 2240 (RF) tn Newbury C534 30484 (LF) tn dn Surbiton C461 32640 (RF) L/E running round at Havant C535 30903 (LF) tn dn Surbiton C462 32640 (RF) tn entg Havant C536 30456 (LF) tn up passing Surbiton C463 30516 (LF) tn MT stock nr Waterloo (soft focus) C537 35004 reb (LF) tn dn passing Surbiton C464 35006 unreb (LF) tn nr Waterloo C538 30456 (RF above) tn up lvg Surbiton C465 480 (RF) L/E Bluebell railway C539 31716 (LF) tn auto set Tonbridge C466 31786 (LF) tn taking water Guildford C540 31636 (RF) tn entg Tonbridge C467 34105 unreb (LF) tn Basingstoke C541 30923 (RF) tn up Tonbridge C468 30906 (LF) tn Tunbridge Wells Central C542 30935 (RF) tn Tonbridge C469 31786 (LF) tn Guildford C543 34067 unreb (RF) tn dn boat passing Tonbridge C470 31530 (LF) tn Westerham bch C544 34050 reb (LF almost FF) tn dn entg Tonbridge C471 31543 (RF) tn Westerham bch C545 2240 (LF) tn with Hastings unit 1123 Tonbridge C472 31500 (RF) tn Westerham C546 70014 (LF) tn dn ‘Golden Arrow’ Victoria C473 31500 (LF) tn Westerham C547 30901 (LF) tn Cannon Street C474 31193 (RF) tn Sevenoaks C548 31193 (LF above) tn Sevenoaks C475 4-SUB 4143 nr Lordship Lane C549 Eastbourne stn view with 32348 tn in background C476 30766 (RF) tn lvg Bromley South C550 30934 (LF) tn Tunbridge Wells Central C477 30577 (RF) tn RCTS spl Waterloo C551 31773 (LF) tn entg stn C478 30577 (RF) tn RCTS spl nr Brookwood C552 30934 (LF) tn stn C479 30027 (RR) tn Bisley C553 30937 (LF) tn passing Tonbridge C480 30027 (LR) B/F tn Bisley C554 42067 (RF) tn passing Sydenham C481 2-NOL unit 1820 Eastbourne stn C555 30926 (LF) L/E in the snow C482 31815 (LF) & 30693 (RR) L/Es nr Guildford C556 30861 (LF) tn up spl ‘South Western Limited’ nr Salisbury C483 34014 reb (LF) tn nr Leatherhead C557 35022 reb (RF) tn up nr Salisbury C484 33008 (LF) tn MT stock coming off Reading line nr Guildford C558 30925 (LF) tn RCTS spl entg stn C485 80081 (RF) tn C559 41287 (RF) tn lvg Bramley & Wonersh (nice view of SB) C486 80137 (LF) tn C560 41287 (RF) tn lvg Bramley & Wonersh on the level crossing C487 42102 (RF) tn Eastbourne C561 34089 reb (LF above) tn Ramblers' spl lvg Bookham C488 32350 (RF) on shed C562 34100 reb (LF) L/E ? stn C489 35030 unreb (LF) tn up boat Bromley South (nameplates covered) C563 34102 (LR) lvg Surbiton C490 D811 (RF) tn entg Bath Spa C564 32424 (LF) tn 'LCGB Southern Counties Limited' ? stn C491 34010 reb (RF) tn entg Guildford C565 30930 (RF) tn Guildford C492 7327 (RF) tn nr Dorking C566 31800 (RF) tn entg Guildford & 30047 (LR) tn entg C493 7308 (RF) tn entg stn C567 Auto unit 663 at Guildford with 'Nelson' electric approaching C494 30770 (LF) tn spl C568 Auto unit 663 propelled by 30047 entg Guildford C495 30309 (RF) tn spl ‘South Western Limited’ C569 32446 (LF above) tn shunting at Bookham C496 34022 (RF) tn up Surbiton (young David Coursey looking on) C570 6313 (RF) tn passing under 'The Welcome Bridge' nr Dorking (the C497 30798 (RR) tn nr Waterloo ornate bridge was named thus being at the end of the long drag up from C498 73054 (RF) tn entg stn Dorking and now rebuilt) C499 3843 (RF) tn frt entg West Drayton C571 76062 (RF above) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C500 D7006 (LF) tn nr Basingstoke (soft focus) C572 76058 (LF) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C501 80152 (RF) tn entg Oxted C573 31866 (FF above) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C502 31786 (LF) tn spl LCGB ‘The South Eastern Limited’ C574 31867 (LF) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C503 31065 (RF) tn spl LCGB ‘The South Eastern Limited’ entg stn C575 43xx (LF) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C504 32468 (RR) B/F tn spl ‘Steyning Branch Centenary 1961’ C576 5332 (RF) tn approaching 'The Welcome Bridge', Dorking C505 Christ’s Hospital SB with 41327 tn C577 31862 (RF) tn nr Gomshall C506 41301 (RR) tn Christ’s Hospital C578 31635 (RF) tn nr Gomshall C507 35020 reb (LF) tn C579 43xx (RF) tn nr Gomshall

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 5 C580 76056 (RF) tn approaching Deepdene stn C651 H2 (almost FF) tn Farnborough Airshow spl passing Clapham Jct C581 IOW 32 (RF) Ryde shed (in BR Lettering) C652 90107 (RF) on shed with 30768 C582 IOW 32 (LF) Ryde C653 33005 (LF) tn C583 IOW 3 (LF) tn RCTS spl lvg Cowes (in BRL) C654 30493 (LF) shuning at Feltham C584 IOW 2 & IOW 33 (RF) Ryde shed (in BRL) C655 34090 unreb (RR) tn lvg Bromley C585 Tablet exchange at Wippingham stn (viewed fm tn) C656 31706 (RF) L/E nr Shortlands C586 IOW 32 (LF below) L/E (in BRL) C657 SR 336 T9 (RF) C587 IOW 32 (LR) tn ? stn (in BRL) C658 6809 (RF) tn ? stn C588 IOW 32 (RR) B/F tn RCTS spl opposite Ventnor West SB C659 31162 (RF) tn Horsted Keynes C589 IOW 3 & IOW 32 (RF) Ventnor? C660 31802 (RF) tn Petts Wood Jct (BRL) C590 32026 (LF) Ashford (rear of bunker off camera) Southern on tank C661 30796 (RF) tn Petts Wood Jct C591 30938 (LF) Ashford C662 SR Mogul 3xxx6 (LF) tn up Petts Wood Jct C592 31401 (RF close-up of smokebox) & part of 31819 (RF) Ashford C663 31619 (RF) tn dn Petts Wood Jct C593 31069 (RF) Ashford (BRL) C664 30585 (RF) & 30587 (LR) D/heading tn spl nr Wimbledon C594 31778 (LF) ex-works Ashford C665 30803 (LF) tn nr Orpington C595 30803 (LF) Ashford (BRL) C666 70001 (RF) tn Liverpool Street C596 32480 (LF) Ashford C667 LNER 4458 (LF) tn ? stn C597 31505 (LF) Ashford (Southern lettering) C668 67731 (RF) tn RCTS spl Liverpool Street C598 32544 (LF) ex-shops Ashford C669 31903 (LF) tn ? stn C599 80014 (LF) ex-shops Brighton Works C670 1010 (LF) tn ‘Cheltenham Spa Express’ entg West Drayton C600 32422 (LF) ex-shops Brighton Works C671 30827 (LF) tn & 30826 (RR) tn Templecombe C601 32422 (LF more broadside) ex-shops Brighton Works C672 34102 (LR) taking water at Guildford C602 42093 (LF) ex-shops Brighton Works C673 31807 (LF) tn Guildford C603 30266 (LB) ex-shops Brighton Works C674 30917 (RR) tn lvg Guildford C604 31507 (LF) Brighton Works C675 SR Mogul 2-6-0 (RF) lvg Wimbledon C605 32488 (LF) Brighton Works C676 30488 (RF) tn lvg Wimbledon C606 32368 (LR) & 32364 (RF) Three Bridges shed C677 3216 (LF) Templecombe? C607 Waterloo SB interior view C678 53809 & 75025 (LF) Templecombe? C608 30300 (RF) Guildford? shed C679 3210 (LF) L/E Evercreech C609 30851 (LF) tn passing Wimbledon C680 40537 (LF) Templecombe? C610 30865 (RF) tn passing Wimbledon C681 53809 (RF) Templecombe? C611 31810 (LF) tn ECS passing Tulse Hill C682 75071 (RF) tn Bath Green Park C612 GWR 4995 (RF) L/E Paddington C683 44560 (LF) L/E Templecombe C613 GWR 5004 (RF) T/F tn ECS Paddington C684 Radstock North stn lkg west thru’ crossing gates c1963 C614 GWR 5956 (LF) tn lvg Paddington (not quite sharp) C685 Templecombe shed view C615 SR 805 (LR) Grove Park (not sharp at edges of negative) C686 73054 (LF) tn Blandford Forum C616 Lower-quadrant signal gantry at Grove Park C687 D807 (LF) tn ‘The Bristolian’ Bath C617 34082 unreb (LR above) tn about to cross Hungerford bridge C688 Distant view of train on Redhill – Guildford line viewed from (minor motion blur to loco) North Down (3 views available) C618 SR 1490 (LF) Tonbridge C689 35010 reb (LF) entg New Malden C619 30858 (RR) tn up approaching Clapham Junction (Southern C690 Ashburton stn interior lettering) C691 Ashburton stn C620 View of Tonbridge approaches with 80032 tn in distance C692 Schools class (LF) tn Petts Wood Jct C621 Sevenoaks stn view with 31773 (RR above) tn C693 5011 & Britannia (RF) D/heading tn C622 30768 (RF) tn up frt Bromley South C694 RH&DR No. 10 (RF) C623 31102 (RF) tn ECS approaching Charing Cross C695 Ryde? Stn with W27 & W15 C624 E8619 (LF) tn RCTS spl North Woolwich (BRL) C696 W3 (RR) B/F tn spl C625 E8619 (RF) L/E running round RCTS spl North Woolwich C697 Ventnor stn viewed from the hill C626 E8619 (RF) L/E Liverpool Street C698 32662 (RF) tn LCGB ‘The South Eastern Limited’ Hayling Island C627 E8619 (RR) B/F tn RCTS Spl (BRL) bch? C628 General view of Forest Hill with new SB & 4SUB approaching C699 44558 (RR) on turntable Templecombe? C629 32506 & 30724 (LF) Guildford C700 412xx (RF distant) B/F tn between Horsham & Guildford C630 31856 (RF above) tn frt nr Penge? C701 30911 (RF) tn nr Dorking C631 32670 (RF) tn LCGB The South Eastern Limited waits at level- C702 31625 (RF) tn nr Dorking crossing gates C703 5385 (LF) tn nr Dorking C632 32670 (LF) tn LCGB The South Eastern Limited passes over level- C704 30914 (LF) tn nr Dorking crossing with enthusiasts watching C705 31827 (LF) tn nr Dorking C633 SECR 737 (RF) inside Clapham museum C706 7324 (LF) tn nr Betchworth C634 Met 23 (RF) inside Clapham museum C707 31623 (RF) tn nr Reigate C635 LBSCR 82 'Boxhill' (RF) inside Clapham museum C708 31616 (LF) tn nr Dorking C636 LSWR 533 (RF) inside Clapham museum C709 6387 (LF) tn nr Dorking C637 30132 (RF above) tn for Horsham at Run Common C710 3-car DMU for Buntingford at ? stn C638 IOW 3 (RF) L/E ? stn (BRL) C711 Railcar at Maldon (East) C639 IOW 25 (almost LB) B/F tn about to lve Ryde Pier (BRL) C712 DMU at Sudbury C640 IOW 27 (RF) tn lvg Cowes C713 Sudbury stn with DMU at platform, C641 IOW 33 (LF) taking water at Ventnor C714 DMU for Sudbury at Heysham? C642 Ventnor view lkg to tunnel with IOW 33 & SB C715 Mablethorpe stn C643 Ventnor view with IOW 33 (LF distant) tn lvg C716 61098 (LF) tn ? stn (not overall sharp) C644 IOW 18 (RF) tn Ryde Pier (Southern lettering) C717 61091 (LR) tn Verney Jct stn C645 IOW 31 (RF) tn ? C718 Verney Jct stn & SB with railcar departing C646 IOW 21 (RF) & IOW 3 (LR) tn Ryde? (BRL) C719 31759? & 34076 (LF) D/heading tn ‘London-Paris Night Ferry’ at C647 IOW 34 (RR) tn Ryde (BRL) Sydenham Hill C648 IOW 32 (RR) B/F tn RCTS spl (BRL) C720 34103 unreb (RF) tn lvg Bromley South C649 IOW 32 (LF) L/E running round Yarmouth? (BRL) C721 32425 (LF) tn RCTS spl entg East Croydon C650 LNER 7162 (RF) tn entg Thaxted C722 1421 (RF) tn Marlow

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 6 C723 Tablet exchange with driver of DMU at Sudbury C791 Swiss Airlines DC-6 at Basle C724 SNCF 241-A-59 (LF) tn Basle C792 Thames sailing barge C725 31876 (LF) tn Bromley (BRL) C793 Young’s Brewery horse-drawn delivery wagon at Wimbledon Hill C726 30281 (RR) tn Bromley South (BRL) C794 Paddle steamer ‘Waverley’ lvg Portsmouth Harbour C727 31876 (RR above) tn Bromley South (BRL) C795 Portsmouth Harbour view C728 30254 (RF) shunting ecs at Clapham Jct C796 Disply at London Fire Brigade HQ showing fire tender/firemen in C729 6302 (RF) tn Eastleigh action (6 different views available) C730 70004 (RF) tn up ‘Golden Arrow’ Bromley South C797 View from canal boat on Regents Canal C731 60917 V2 (RR) tn approaching Waterloo C798 View of canal boat ‘Jason’ with Mrs Coursey alongside C732 60917 V2 (RF) L/E backing out of Waterloo C799 Street view showing National Gallery etc C733 60896 V2 (LR distant) tn ‘Bournemouth Belle’ lvg Waterloo C800 South Bank at night (2 overlapping views available) C734 70024 (RR distant) tn approaching Waterloo C801 Tanker ‘Kyska’ on Thames C735 10201 (LF) tn passing Vauxhall C802 Thames view including barges, ships, St Pauls etc (2 views C736 30857 (LF) tn dn passing Clapham Junction available) C737 70004 (RF) tn up ‘Golden Arrow’ Bromley South C803 ‘Naboland’ cargo ship, London Docks C738 30763 (RF) tn up Bromley South C804 Cranes, barges & ‘Macrix’ of Hull at Greenwich C739 41307 (LF) tn dn Honor Oak Park C805 LT tram car 1970 & others at Lee C740 80019 (RF) tn of bird-cage stock Honor Oak Park C806 LT tram car 1877 changeover at Lee C741 34097 unreb (RF) tn dn boat Shortlands C807 LT tram car 2… at Lee C742 70023 (LF) tn dn nr Waterloo C808 LT tram car 2 at Lee C743 31400 (LF) tn dn nr Forest Hill (BRL) C809 LT tram 334 with chalked inscription ‘Don’t talk about me when C744 42082 (LF) tn dn nr Victoria I’m gone’ at Lee C745 42087 (RF) tn dn Forest Hill C810 LT tram car No.1 'Bluebird' on High Street, Croydon at junction C746 30792 (RF) tn lvg Victoria with Laud Street on a LRTL tour 7/4/51 C747 70004 (RF) tn up ‘Golden Arrow’ Bromley South C811 LT tram car 335 at Lee C748 31870 (LF) tn frt Honor Oak Park C812 LT tram car 959 lvg Forest Hill C749 30732 (RR) D/heading tn RCTS spl C813 LT tram car 1791 Forest Hill station C750 303xx & 30732 (LF) D/heading tn spl C814 LT tram car 395 at Catford C751 Crowds watching 32421 on RCTS spl C815 LT tram car 175 by ‘The Brockley Jack’ public house C752 32421 (RF) close-up of front of loco showing ‘RCTS Com: C816 LT tram car HR2 class on Dog Kennel Hill Southton’ h/board at Waterloo C817 Crew posing in front of LT tram car nr East Dulwich stn C753 32421 (FF) tn spl Waterloo C818 LT tram car 1885 descending Dog Kennel Hill C754 32570 (RF) & 32576 (LR) taking water C819 LT tram cars on Dog Kennel Hill including car 1876 C755 32576 (LF) tn spl taking water C820 LT tram cars 169 & 1941 entg & lvg Kingsway subway C756 32576 & 32570 (LF) tn spl Horsham C821 LT tram car 1968 Kingsway subway C757 32576 (LF) tn spl Horsham C822 LT tram car 1974 lvg Kingsway subway C758 LT single-decker bus RF444 MXX421 Malden Road, North C823 New Cross Gate depot view with LT car 1994 about to depart Cheam C824 LT tram car 1994 going on to main route New Cross Gate C759 LT single-decker bus RF538 Church Hill Road, Redhill C825 LT tram car 200 lvg New Cross Gate depot C760 LT trolleybus 1433 FXH433 nr Redhill C826 LT tram car 1936 (front view) arriving at New Cross Gate depot C761 Close-up of rear of LT trolleybus 1483 FXH483 with young David on ‘closing day’ with front covered in graffiti Coursey on bus entry platform C827 Front view of LT tram car 1951 on ‘closing day’ New Cross Gate C762 LT trolleybus 1483 FXH483 Toby Jug roundabout on A3 depot (the very last one) C763 LT trolleybus 1524 FXH524 Toby Jug roundabout on A3 C828 Renault veteran car JYH234 joins the trams’ closing day ceremony C764 LT trolleybus FW21 (RB) Tolworth/Surbiton area C829 Charlton Works & graveyard view with redundant trams lined up C765 Paddle steamer on Lake Thun C830 Redundant trams behind the wire at Charlton Works yard C766 Short S45A Solent 3 flying boat of Aquilla Airways G-AKNU Potofino or Sanfa Margherita, Italy C767 Short S45A Solent 3 flying boat of Aquilla Airways G-AKNU taking off for the UK from Potofino or Sanfa Margherita, Italy C768 Swiss electric locos 410 & 602 (RF) tn C769 Swiss electric loco 602 (LF) tn Chur C770 Austrian 0-8-0T 8917 (RF) C771 Austrian electric loco 1020.26 (RF) C772 BLS electric loco, Switzerland C773 Views of racing cars on Crystal Palace road racing circuit (5 views available) C774 View from train hauled by 68579 approaching Elsenham C775 68579 (LF) tn for Thaxted at Elsenham C776 42102 (RF) tn passing South Croydon C777 30861? (RF) ‘Holland American’ boat tn approaching Waterloo C778 42087 (RF) tn Forest Hill (not quite sharp) C779 31816 (LF) tn Brighton? C780 31816 (LR) tn Brighton? C781 E3169 (LR) tn C782 34103 unreb (RF) tn passing Bickley with 4-SUB 4328 in siding C783 31749 (RF) tn passing Bickley with 4-SUB 4328 in siding C784 Sutton stn approaches & SB from platform C785 Sutton signals & stn approaches C786 (D)2986 (RF) tn Southampton Docks C787 Southampton Docks view showing Harland & Wolfe bldg from rear of tn C788 Oberalppasshohe Calmot stn viewed from tn C789 John Fowler traction engine NO-1235 at Great Bookham C790 Passengers disembarking from Swissair DC-6B at Basle

The Transport Treasury, Logie Shannoch, INSCH, AB52 6LJ Tel: 01464-820717 visit www.transporttreasury.co.uk 7

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