2016-17 SARC Data Layout - School Accountability Report Card (CA Dept of Education)

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2016-17 SARC Data Layout - School Accountability Report Card (CA Dept of Education)

California Department of Education School Accountability Report Card Reported Using Data from the 2016–17 School Year DATA LAYOUT

II. About This School

TABLE NAME: District Contact Information (School Year 2017–18) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617asp FILE NAME: SCHLDIR District District Name DISTRICT Phone Number DPHONE Superintendent SUPFNAME, SUPLNAME E-mail Address DEMAIL Web Site DWEB

TABLE NAME: School Contact Information (School Year 2017–18) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: SCHLDIR School School Name SCHOOL Street ADDRESS City, State, Zip CITY, STATE, ZIP Phone Number ADMPHONE Principal ADMNAME E-mail Address ADMEMAIL Web Site SCHWEB County-District-School (CDS) Code CDSCODE

TABLE NAME: School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2017–18)

Narrative provided by the LEA Use this space to provide information about the school, its program, and its goals.

Page 1 of 14 TABLE NAME: Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: ENRBYGRADE Grade Level Number of Students Kindergarten KDGN Grade 1 GR1 Grade 2 GR2 Grade 3 GR3 Grade 4 GR4 Grade 5 GR5 Grade 6 GR6 Grade 7 GR7 Grade 8 GR8 Ungraded Elementary UNGRELM Grade 9 GR9 Grade 10 GR10 Grade 11 GR11 Grade 12 GR12 Ungraded Secondary UNGRSEC Total Enrollment ENRTOTAL

TABLE NAME: Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: ENRBYSUBGRP Percent of Student Group Total Enrollment Black or African American PERAA American Indian or Alaska Native PERAI Asian PERAS Filipino PERFI Hispanic or Latino PERHI Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander PERPI White PERWH Two or More Races PERMULTI Socioeconomically Disadvantaged PERSD English Learners PEREL Students with Disabilities PERDI Foster Youth PERFY

Page 2 of 14 A. Conditions of Learning State Priority: Basic The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Basic (Priority 1):  Degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching;  Pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials; and  School facilities are maintained in good repair

TABLE NAME: Teacher Credentials School School School District Teachers 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2017–18 With Full Credential DPL DPL DPL DPL Without Full Credential DPL DPL DPL DPL Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence DPL DPL DPL DPL (with full credential)

TABLE NAME: Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions Indicator 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners DPL DPL DPL Total Teacher Misassignments DPL DPL DPL Vacant Teacher Positions DPL DPL DPL

Page 3 of 14 TABLE NAME: Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2017–18)

Year and month in which the data were collected: DPL .

Textbooks and Percent Students Instructional From Most Recent Subject Lacking Own Assigned Materials/year of Adoption? Copy Adoption Reading/Language Arts DPL DPL DPL

Mathematics DPL DPL DPL


History-Social Science DPL DPL DPL

Foreign Language DPL DPL DPL


Visual and Performing Arts DPL DPL DPL

Science Laboratory Equipment N/A N/A DPL (grades 9-12) Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

TABLE NAME: School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements

Narrative provided by the LEA

Using the most recently collected Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) data (or equivalent), provide the following: . Description of the safety, cleanliness, and adequacy of the school facility . Description of any planned or recently completed facility improvements . Description of any needed maintenance to ensure good repair

Page 4 of 14 TABLE NAME: School Facility Good Repair Status Using the most recently collected FIT data (or equivalent), provide the following:  Determination of repair status for systems listed  Description of any needed maintenance to ensure good repair  The year and month in which the data were collected  The overall rating

DPL Year and month of the most recent FIT report: ______

Repair Needed and System Inspected Action Taken or Planned Good Fair Poor Systems: Gas Leaks, DPL DPL DPL DPL Mechanical/HVAC, Sewer Interior: Interior Surfaces DPL DPL DPL DPL Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, DPL DPL DPL DPL Pest/ Vermin Infestation Electrical: Electrical DPL DPL DPL DPL Restrooms/Fountains: DPL DPL DPL DPL Restrooms, Sinks/ Fountains Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous DPL DPL DPL DPL Materials Structural: Structural Damage, DPL DPL DPL DPL Roofs External: Playground/School Grounds, Windows/ DPL DPL DPL DPL Doors/Gates/Fences

TABLE NAME: Overall Facility Rate

DPL Year and month of the most recent FIT report: ______

Exemplary Good Fair Poor Overall Rating DPL DPL DPL DPL

B. Pupil Outcomes State Priority: Pupil Achievement The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Achievement (Priority 4):  Statewide assessments (i.e., California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress [CAASPP] System, which includes the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for students in the general education population and the California Alternate Assessments [CAAs] for English language arts/literacy [ELA] and mathematics given in grades three through eight and grade eleven. Only eligible students may participate in the administration of the CAAs. CAAs items are aligned with alternate achievement standards, which are linked with the Common Core State Standards [CCSS] for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities); and  The percentage of students who have successfully completed courses that satisfy the requirements for entrance to the University of California and the California State University, or career technical education sequences or programs of study.

Page 5 of 14 TABLE NAME: CAASPP Test Results in ELA and Mathematics for All Students Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: CAALL Percentage of Students Meeting or Exceeding the State Standards Subject School District State 2015–16 2016–17 2015–16 2016–17 2015–16 2016–17 English Language Arts/ SELA_Y1 SELA_Y2 DELA_Y1 DELA_Y2 STELA_Y1 STELA_Y2 Literacy (grades 3-8 and 11) Mathematics STMATH- SMATH_Y1 SMATH_Y2 DMATH-Y1 DMATH_Y2 STMATH_Y2 (grades 3-8 and 11) Y1

TABLE NAME: CAASPP Test Results in ELA by Student Group Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: CAELA

Total Number Percent Percent Student Group Enrollment Tested Tested Met or Exceeded All Students ETES ENTS EPTS EMES Male ETEM ENTM EPTM EMEM Female ETEF ENTF EPTF EMEF Black or African American ETEAA ENTAA EPTAA EMEAA American Indian or Alaska Native ETEAI ENTAI EPTAI EMEAI Asian ETEAS ENTAS EPTAS EMEAS Filipino ETEFI ENTFI EPTFI EMEFI Hispanic or Latino ETEHI ENTHI EPTHI EMEHI Native Hawaiian or Pacific ETEPI ENTPI EPTPI EMEPI Islander White ETEWH ENTWH EPTWH EMEWH Two or More Races ETEMR ENTMR EPTMR EMEMR Socioeconomically ETESD ENTSD EPTSD EMESD Disadvantaged English Learners ETELEP ENTLEP EPTLEP EMELEP Students with Disabilities ETEDI ENTDI EPTDI EMEDI Students Receiving Migrant ETEMIG ENTMIG EPTMIG EMEMIG Education Services Foster Youth ETEFY ENTFY EPTFY EMEFY

Page 6 of 14 TABLE NAME: CAASPP Test Results in Mathematics by Student Group Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: CAMATH

Total Number Percent Percent Student Group Enrollment Tested Tested Met or Exceeded All Students MTES MNTS MPTS MMES Male MTEM MNTM MPTM MMEM Female MTEF MNTF MPTF MMEF Black or African American MTEAA MNTAA MPTAA MMEAA American Indian or Alaska Native MTEAI MNTAI MPTAI MMEAI Asian MTEAS MNTAS MPTAS MMEAS Filipino MTEFI MNTFI MPTFI MMEFI Hispanic or Latino MTEHI MNTHI MPTHI MMEHI Native Hawaiian or Pacific MTEPI MNTPI MPTPI MMEPI Islander White MTEWH MNTWH MPTWH MMEWH Two or More Races MTEMR MNTMR MPTMR MMEMR Socioeconomically MTESD MNTSD MPTSD MMESD Disadvantaged English Learners MTELEP MNTLEP MPTLEP MMELEP Students with Disabilities MTEDI MNTDI MPTDI MMEDI Students Receiving Migrant MTEMIG MNTMIG MPTMIG MMEMIG Education Services Foster Youth MTEFY MNTFY MPTFY EMEFY

TABLE NAME: CAASPP Test Results in Science for All Students Grades Five, Eight, and Ten URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: SCIALL Percentage of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced Subject School District State 2014–15 2015–16 2014–15 2015–16 2014–15 2015–16 Science (grades 5, 8, SSCI_Y1 SSCI_Y2 DSCI_Y1 DSCI_Y2 STSCI_Y1 STSCI_Y2 and 10)

Page 7 of 14 TABLE NAME: Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2016–17)

Narrative provided by the LEA

Use this space to provide information about Career Technical Education (CTE) programs including:

. Programs and classes offered that are specifically focused on career preparation and/or preparation for work . How these programs and classes are integrated with academic courses and how they support academic achievement . How the school address the needs of all students in career preparation and/or preparation for work, including needs unique to defined special populations of students . The measurable outcomes of these programs and classes, and how they are evaluated for effectiveness in attaining those outcomes . State the primary representative of the district’s CTE advisory committee and the industries represented on the committee

TABLE NAME: Career Technical Education Participation (School Year 2016–17) Measure CTE Program Participation Number of Pupils Participating in CTE DPL Percent of Pupils Completing a CTE Program and Earning a High School DPL Diploma Percent of CTE Courses Sequenced or Articulated Between the School and DPL Institutions of Postsecondary Education

TABLE NAME: Courses for University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) Admission URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: UCCS UC/CSU Course Measure Percent 2016–17 Pupils Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission ENROLL 2015–16 Graduates Who Completed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission GRAD

State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Other Pupil Outcomes (Priority 8):  Pupil outcomes in the subject areas of physical education

Page 8 of 14 TABLE NAME: California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: CPFT Percent of Students Percent of Students Percent of Students Grade Level Meeting Four of Six Meeting Five of Six Meeting Six of Six Fitness Standards Fitness Standards Fitness Standards 5 FOSS5 FISS5 SISS5 7 FOSS7 FISS7 SISS7 9 FOSS9 FISS9 SISS9

C. Engagement State Priority: Parental Involvement The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Parental Involvement (Priority 3):  Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each schoolsite

TABLE NAME: Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2017–18)

Narrative provided by the LEA Use this space to provide information on how parents can become involved in school activities, including contact information pertaining to organized opportunities for parent involvement.

State Priority: Pupil Engagement The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Engagement (Priority 5):  High school dropout rates; and  High school graduation rates

TABLE NAME: Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)

Indicator: Dropout Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: DROPOUT

Indicator: Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: COHORT School District State Indicator 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 Dropout Rate SDR_Y1 SDR_Y2 SDR_Y3 DDR_Y1 DDR_Y2 DDR_Y3 STDR_Y1 STDR_Y2 STDR_Y3 Graduation Rate SGR_Y1 SGR_Y2 SGR_Y3 DGR_Y1 DGR_Y2 DGR_Y3 STGR_Y1 STGR_Y2 STGR_Y3

Page 9 of 14 TABLE NAME: Completion of High School Graduation Requirements – Graduating Class of 2016 (One-Year Rate) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: GRADCLASS Group School District State All Students ALLS ALLD ALLST Black or African American AAS AAD AAST American Indian or Alaska Native AIS AID AIST Asian ASS ASD ASST Filipino FIS FID FIST Hispanic or Latino HIS HID HIST Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander PIS PID PIST White WHS WHD WHST Two or More Races MRS MRD MRST Socioeconomically Disadvantaged SDS SDD SDST English Learners ELS ELD ELST Students with Disabilities DIS DID DIST Foster Youth FYS FYD FYST

State Priority: School Climate The SARC provides the following information relevant to the State priority: School Climate (Priority 6):  Pupil suspension rates;  Pupil expulsion rates; and  Other local measures on the sense of safety

TABLE NAME: Suspensions and Expulsions URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: SUSEXP School District State Rate 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 2014–15 2015–16 2016–17 SSUSP_ SSUSP SSUSP_ DSUSP_ DSUSP DSUSP_ STSUSP_ STSUSP STSUSP_ Suspensions Y1 _Y2 Y3 Y1 _Y2 Y3 Y1 _Y2 Y3 SEXPUL SEXPUL SEXPUL DEXPUL DEXPUL DEXPUL STEXPUL STEXPUL STEXPUL Expulsions _Y1 _Y2 _Y3 _Y1 _Y2 _Y3 _Y1 _Y2 _Y3

TABLE NAME: School Safety Plan (School Year 2017–18)

Narrative provided by the LEA

Use this space to provide information about the school’s comprehensive safety plan, including the dates on which the safety plan was last reviewed, updated, and discussed with faculty and a student representative; as well as a brief description of the key elements of the plan.

Page 10 of 14 D. Other SARC Information

The information in this section is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorities for LCFF.

TABLE NAME: Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2017–18)

Indicator: School URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: PISCHL

Indicator: District URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: PIDST

Indicator School District Program Improvement Status pi_status pi_status First Year of Program Improvement pi_imple pi_imple Year in Program Improvement pi_place pi_place Number of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A pi_num Percent of Schools Currently in Program Improvement N/A pi_per Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

TABLE NAME: Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: ACSELM Avg. 2014–15 Avg. 2015–16 Avg. 2016–17 Grad Clas Number of Clas Number of Clas Number of e s Classes s Classes s Classes Level Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Size 1-20 21-32 33+ Size 1-20 21-32 33+ AVG NCSK_ NCMK_Y NCLK_ AVG NCSK_Y NCMK_Y NCLK_ AVG NCSK_Y NCMK_Y NCLK_Y K K_Y Y1 1 Y1 K_Y 2 2 Y2 K_Y 3 3 3 1 2 3 AVG NCS1_ NCM1_Y NCL1_Y AVG NCS1_Y NCM1_Y NCL1_Y AVG NCS1_Y NCM1_Y NCL1_Y 1 1_Y1 Y1 1 1 1_Y2 2 2 2 1_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCS2_ NCM2_Y NCL2_Y AVG NCS2_Y NCM2_Y NCL2_Y AVG NCS2_Y NCM2_Y NCL2_Y 2 2_Y1 Y1 1 1 2_Y2 2 2 2 2_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCS3_ NCM3_Y NCL3_Y AVG NCS3_Y NCM3_Y NCL3_Y AVG NCS3_Y NCM3_Y NCL3_Y 3 3_Y1 Y1 1 1 3_Y2 2 2 2 3_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCS4_ NCM4_Y NCL4_Y AVG NCS4_Y NCM4_Y NCL4_Y AVG NCS4_Y NCM4_Y NCL4_Y 4 4_Y1 Y1 1 1 4_Y2 2 2 2 4_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCS5_ NCM5_Y NCL5_Y AVG NCS5_Y NCM5_Y NCL5_Y AVG NCS5_Y NCM5_Y NCL5_Y 5 5_Y1 Y1 1 1 5_Y2 2 2 2 5_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCS6_ NCM6_Y NCL6_Y AVG NCS6_Y NCM6_Y NCL6_Y AVG NCS6_Y NCM6_Y NCL6_Y 6 6_Y1 Y1 1 1 6_Y2 2 2 2 6_Y3 3 3 3 AVG NCSO NCMO_ NCLO_ AVG NCSO_Y NCMO_ NCLO_ AVG NCSO_Y NCMO_ NCLO_Y Other O_Y _Y1 Y1 Y1 O_Y 2 Y2 Y2 O_Y 3 Y3 3 1 2 3

Page 11 of 14 TABLE NAME: Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: ACSSEC

Avg. 2014–15 Avg. 2015–16 Avg. 2016–17 Subject Class Number of Classes Class Number of Classes Class Number of Classes Size 1-22 23-32 33+ Size 1-22 23-32 33+ Size 1-22 23-32 33+ AVGE NCSE NCMEN NCLEN AVGE NCS NCM NCLE AVGE NCSE NCMEN NCLEN English N_Y1 N_Y1 _Y1 _Y1 N_Y2 EN_Y EN_Y N_Y2 N_Y3 N_Y3 _Y3 _Y3 2 2 AVGM NCSM NCMMA NCLM AVGM NCS NCM NCLM AVGM NCSM NCMMA NCLMA Mathematics A_Y1 A_Y1 _Y1 A_Y1 A_Y2 MA_Y MA_Y A_Y2 A_Y3 A_Y3 _Y3 _Y3 2 2 AVGS NCSS NCMSC NCLSC AVGS NCS NCM NCLS AVGS NCSS NCMSC NCLSC Science C_Y1 C_Y1 _Y1 _Y1 C_Y2 SC_Y SC_Y C_Y2 C_Y3 C_Y3 _Y3 _Y3 2 2 AVGSS NCSSS NCMSS NCLSS AVGSS NCS NCM NCLS AVGS NCSSS NCMSS NCLSS Social _Y1 _Y1 _Y1 _Y1 _Y2 SS_Y SS_Y S_Y2 S_Y3 _Y3 _Y3 _Y3 Science 2 2

TABLE NAME: Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2016–17) Average Number of Number of FTE Title Students per Assigned to School Academic Counselor Academic Counselor DPL DPL Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career DPL N/A Development) Library Media Teacher (Librarian) DPL N/A Library Media Services Staff (Paraprofessional) DPL N/A Psychologist DPL N/A Social Worker DPL N/A Nurse DPL N/A Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist DPL N/A Resource Specialist (non-teaching) DPL N/A Other DPL N/A Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

Page 12 of 14 To be provided by LEA

TABLE NAME: Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015–16) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: EXPEND Total Expenditures Expenditures Average Level Expenditures Per Pupil Per Pupil Teacher Per Pupil (Restricted) (Unrestricted) Salary School Site DPL DPL DPL DPL District N/A N/A DPL LEASAL Percent Difference – School Site and District N/A N/A DPL DPL State N/A N/A STEXP STSAL Percent Difference – School Site and State N/A N/A DPL DPL Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

TABLE NAME: Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2016–17) Narrative provided by the LEA Provide specific information about the types of programs and services available at the school that support and assist students.

TABLE NAME: Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015–16) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: SALARY State Average District Category For Districts Amount In Same Category Beginning Teacher Salary BTEACHSAL AVEBTCHSAL Mid-Range Teacher Salary MTCHSAL AVGMTCHSAL Highest Teacher Salary HTCHSAL AVGHTCHSAL Average Principal Salary (Elementary) PRSAL AVGPRSAL Average Principal Salary (Middle) PRSALM AVGPRSALM Average Principal Salary (High) PRSALH AVGPRSALH Superintendent Salary SUPSAL AVGSUPSAL Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries PTCHSAL AVGPTCHSAL Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries PADMSAL AVGPADMSAL

Page 13 of 14 TABLE NAME: Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (School Year 2016–17) URL: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/accessdata1617.asp FILE NAME: APCRS Number of Percent of Students Subject AP Courses Offered In AP Courses Computer Science CSNAPC N/A English ENAPC N/A Fine and Performing Arts FPANAPC N/A Foreign Language FLNAPC N/A Mathematics MNAPC N/A Science SNAPC N/A Social Science SSNAPC N/A All courses ALLNAPC PSIAPC Note: Cells with N/A values do not require data.

TABLE NAME: Professional Development

Narrative provided by the LEA Use this space to share information on the annual number of days provided for professional development and continuous professional growth for the school years 2017–18, and 2016–17, and 2015–16. Questions that may be answered include:

. What are the primary/major areas of focus for staff development and specifically how were they selected? For example, was student achievement data used to determine the need for professional development in reading instruction? . What are the methods by which professional development is delivered (e.g., after school workshops, conference attendance, individual mentoring, etc.)? . How are teachers supported during implementation (e.g., through in-class coaching, teacher-principal meetings, student performance data reporting, etc.)?

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