A Narnia Nativity

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A Narnia Nativity

A Narnia Nativity

Act 1 Scene 1 Professor is dozing in his rocking chair, a Bible open on his knee. Nativity Scene on small table beside him. Children burst out through the wardrobe, look at each other and laugh in amazement Peter Look, we’re back in the Professor’s house! And we’re children again! Susan I don’t believe it – where are my royal robes? You all look so young … and I’d forgotten about these old clothes we used to wear! Edmund Do you know what’s happened? It’s like time has stood still here all those years we were growing up in Narnia. Lucy Hello Professor! I haven’t seen you for such a long time, but you look just the same as I remember you. Professor Hello my dears. You seem very excited – what have you been up to? All 4 children start talking at once in loud excited voices Professor Stop! Stop! I can’t listen to all of you at the same time… Come and sit down beside me. Susan and Lucy, why don’t you explain first, then the boys can have their turn… Susan Professor, we’ve got such a lot to tell you! We went through that wardrobe, and we ended up in this magical land called Narnia where there are talking animals and giants and fauns. And… guess what? This is the best bit – we were Kings and Queens, with our own castle by the sea, and we had to rule over all of Narnia, and get rid of an evil White Witch. Professor But you were here at breakfast time, Susan – I saw you eating your porridge! Susan I know, but we’ve been in Narnia for years and years, and we grew up into men and women! I don’t understand that bit… Lucy has kept trying to interrupt Lucy Susan, you missed out the most important bit of the story! Professor, while we were in Narnia, we met Aslan. Professor Aslan? Who is he? Lucy He’s a talking lion, and he rules over Narnia, and lots of other lands too. We loved him so much, and he looked after us and kept us safe from the White Witch. Professor A lion? Weren’t you scared of him? Lucy Yes, we were to begin with. But when we got to know him we found out he was so good and kind, and we could always trust him. Sometimes we were really scared of the things he asked us to do, like fighting battles, but he always helped us. I really loved him. Lucy goes quiet, thinking about Narnia. Professor picks up the Mary from the Nativity Scene and looks at her Professor Do you know what you’ve reminded me of, Lucy? Before you all came in, I was reading the Christmas story in my Bible, and I was thinking about how much Mary must have loved and trusted God, to do what He told her to do… Scene 2 Nativity Scene – Mary sitting beside the manger, looking at Jesus Joseph enters carrying a blanket Joseph I’ve got one – this should keep him warm. It’s really cold out there now, but the stars are so bright … especially one… (tucks blanket around Jesus) Mary Joseph, be careful, don’t wake him up. Joseph I can’t believe our baby is really here. It all feels like a dream… Mary I thought it was a dream when that angel came and told me I was going to have a special baby which would be God’s own son. And then God sent an angel to see you too, didn’t he? Joseph Yes, He has really looked after us. Mary And now, He has given us His son to look after… Joseph Why would He choose us? Mary I don’t know, but it’s all happened just as He promised it would. I just want to keep on trusting Him, and doing what He asks us, even though I’m scared. Joseph Sssh … he’s waking up. Act 2 Scene 1 Professor What about you Peter? What did you think of Aslan? Peter Meeting Aslan was the most exciting thing in my whole life, but it was the scariest too. When he looks at you and talks to you, you feel as if you would do anything for him Professor And what did he ask you to do? Peter He asked me to lead an army against the White Witch – I actually had my own sword and shield. I fought against the horrible creatures in the White Witch’s army – I even killed one of the wolves. Professor And were you a king in Narnia? Peter Not just any old king – Aslan made me High King over all the others because I’m the oldest. After the White Witch was defeated he left us in charge of Narnia and he went away. I can’t wait to see him again, I would do anything for Aslan. Professor That’s how people felt about Jesus when they met Him, Peter. Even when he was a tiny baby, people knew he was special, and they wanted to serve Him… Picks up shepherd from the Nativity The shepherds felt like that when they saw Jesus – they knew He was not just an ordinary baby… Scene 2 Angels come on to the stage, facing the shepherds Gabriel Hey! You shepherds! No, no, don’t run away, it’s OK… We’ve got good news for you from God. To help you remember, we’ve got some signs… Gabriel God’s own son, Jesus, has been born tonight. (Angel 1 holds up ‘It’s a Boy!’ placard) Gabriel He’s been born in Bethlehem. (Angel 2 holds up arrow/road sign pointing to Bethlehem) Gabriel You’ll find him in a stable. (Angel 3 holds up picture of a stable) Gabriel They’ve put him in a manger. (Angel 4 hold up picture of a manger) Gabriel Go on then, off you go. Shepherds come onto the stage and look at each other, amazed 1st shepherd Wow! Did you hear that? I can’t believe God sent all those angels just for us! 2nd shepherd Well, we’d better hurry. If it’s true, then we have to go and worship him. 1st shepherd But – hang on. We can’t go and find God’s son looking like this! We’re all dirty, and we’ve got nothing to give him… Maybe we should go home first. 2nd shepherd No, the angels just said ‘Go to Bethlehem’, so that must be what God wants us to do. Come on! Shepherds cross stage to the nativity scene 1st shepherd It’s all true! This baby is God’s own Son… Shepherds all kneel around manger. Act 3 Professor turns to Edmund Professor Edmund, you’re very quiet. Tell me about your adventure in Narnia. Edmund (slowly) Well… I wasn’t a hero like Peter. In fact I did something really bad. I believed the lies the White Witch told me and I betrayed everyone. She wanted to kill us all, and it would have been all my fault. Professor How did you get away from the White Witch? Edmund Aslan rescued me. But then the White Witch said she still had the right to kill me, because I had been a traitor (shivers) It still makes me so scared to think about it. Professor But the Witch didn’t kill you Edmund – how come? Edmund (hesitates) It was Aslan again – I don’t know what he did. He talked to her, and I think he must have given her something, so she would let me go. But it made him really, really sad… But the amazing thing is Aslan was never angry with me. He was really serious and stern about what I’d done, but he said he knew I was sorry, and he forgave me. I didn’t deserve any of the things the others got. Professor So you weren’t a king in Narnia? Edmund (smiling) Yes, I was! Even after everything I’d done, Aslan still made me a king. He trusted me to rule Narnia, and it’s made me really different. I never, ever want to do anything else to make him sad. And I can’t wait to see him again… Peter But do you think we ever will? Susan (gets up and goes back to the wardrobe) Of course! We can go back whenever we want, through the wardrobe! Come on, Professor, come with us! Professor No Susan, you won’t get back to Narnia that way. (Children look at each other, disappointed) Oh, don’t worry – one day you will go back, I’m sure. Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen in Narnia. But don’t try to find your own way there; it’ll happen when you’re not looking for it. Anyway, you must be hungry after all your adventures…. Who’d like a mince pie? Cast List Played by Professor Peter Susan Edmund Lucy Mary Joseph Gabriel 1st shepherd 2nd shepherd

Written by Jane and Ian Butcher, Copyright © 2005 Catford Community Church May be freely used in non-commercial contexts www.catfordonline.org.uk

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