No Mans Heath & District Parish Council Meeting For the attention of all Parish Councillors You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 12th September 2013, Cholmondeley Coronation Hall, Bickley. The meeting will proceed from 7:00 and include Public Participation, when members of the public can raise any matter of concern to them. AGENDA 1. Apologies. With explanation. 2. Declaration of interests Members to declare any interest under the following categories: Pecuniary interest, Outside Bodies interest and family, friend or close associate interest. 3. Councillor Vacancy To report resignation of Cllr. Bob Robertson and confirm future actions 4. Public Participation When members of the public can raise any matter of concern. 5. Minutes To accept the minutes for the parish council meeting held 11th July 2013 (previously circulated). 6. Website To receive update on new website and agree future actions. 7. Neighbourhood Plan To receive update and decide future actions. 8. Community Hall To consider possible options for the provision of a Community Hall at Hampton Heath. 9. NWAS Letter (Enc. A) To receive update and decide future actions. 10 Littler’s Croft To receive update and decide future actions. . 11 Monument & Meadow Court To receive update and decide future actions. . Open Space 12 Common Land, Edge To receive report and consider future actions. . 13 Community Right to Bid To receive update and agree future actions. . 14 Witney Lane Development To receive report from Liaison group meeting. . 15 Community Resilience To consider development of community resilience plan. . 16 Bickley Lane Weight Limit To receive update. . 17 Community Governance Review To receive update and consider future actions. . 18 CW&C Local Plan To consider response to Local Plan consultation. . 19 Planning (Enc. B) To accept the observations as recorded in the planning . register and to consider any applications received. 20 Donation Request (Enc. C) To consider donation request for Old St. Chad’s Graveyard. . 21 Accounts & Payments (Enc. D) To confirm accounts as circulated and receive report of . external audit and to consider any outstanding payments. Signed Ann Wright Date 06 09 13 Mrs. Ann Wright Clerk to the Council