THE WEEK IN ST. ANDREW’S Today, 23 rd April 2017 Sunday Morning Minibus Rota Sunday 23rd April: Robert McGarrell 11.00am Morning Worship – MR DEREK HALL – TEAR FUND th 6.30pm PRAYER & PRAISE SERVICE Sunday 30 April: Alan Kilpatrick ADDITIONAL USE OF PREMISES Monday Cactus Club - 2nd Saturday every month. 6.30pm Rainbows Thursday 4th May – Summer Walks begin…see leaflet 7.00pm Knit & Natter Thursday 11th May – Minor Hall, 6 – 10pm, PCI Impact Teams First Aid 7.00pm Brownies Tuesday 30th May, 7.00pm – Church, Wedding rehearsal. August 5th – 13th – All Premises: Summer Outreach Team Tuesday Friday 18th August – Church, Wedding 10.30am Ladies Badminton 2.30pm Tuesday Together – Re-opens this week DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – 2017 7.30pm COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 3rd May, 6.30pm – Kirk Session Prayer Time 7.30pm Men’s Bowling Fellowship - CLOSED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 7.30pm – Kirk Session Meeting Wednesday Saturday 13th May – Kids’ Big Day Out 10.30am ‘Coffee & Craic’ – Wellington Church B’mena 7.30pm BOOK CLUB, in the manse Sunday 14th May, 11.00am – Mr Peter Burke 7.00pm – With Cregagh Cong in Cregagh Church Thursday Thursday18th May – 7.30pm, ‘Come Dine with Us’ 10.30am Ladies Bible Study Sunday 21st May, 11.00am – Mr Peter Burke 8.00pm Badminton Club Sunday 4th June, 6.30pm – PRAISE & PRAYER SERVICE Friday Sunday 11th June, 11.00am – Ruth McKee, LatinLink 10.30am Toddler Group Sunday 13th August, 7.00pm – Gary & Mary Reid, Kenya 7.45pm Guides St ANDREWS SUMMER WALKS Sunday, 30 th April 2017 11.00am Morning Worship – David That season is here again. Hopefully we can call it summer! With it 6.30pm comes a new season of Summer Walks. This year’s programme is now available in the vestibule. Do take one and give some thought to THE BOOK CLUB join us on at least some of these Thursday evenings. The BOOK CLUB will next meet on Wednesday night coming, 26th April, at 7.30pm, in the manse. The Book is entitled ‘Thirty Thousand Days, The Presbyterian Women Journey Home.’ It is written by Catherine L Morgan and published by The Annual Meeting will take place in the Assembly Hall, Christian Focus Publications. This book draws your mind irresistibly to Fisherwick Place, Belfast, on Thursday 4th May at 2.00pm. The Christ and invites you to revel, with a childlike excitement, in the salvation Evening Celebration will take place on the same day at 7.30pm. The He has secured for us. It is a call for God's people to live purposefully on guest speaker will be Nicola Clark, youth worker in Orangefield this side of eternity as they long for their eternal home. If you haven’t read it, come anyway for the discussion. Presbyterian Church. Her theme at both events will be ‘Grow and Bear Fruit.’ at the back of the church. There is no charge. Please take one…and BIBLE STUDIES/DISCUSSION GROUPS pray for St Andrews. To complete our season of Sunday night Bible Studies/Discussion St ANDREW’S groups, we will have a short series under the title of ‘Stand Firm.’ These are based on chapter 8 of the latest Book Club read…‘30,000 PRESBYTERIAN Days, the Journey Home to God,’ and as its title suggests, is an CHURCH encouragement for believers to ‘stand firm’ in their faith…realising that they have ‘back up.’ A copy of this is available TODAY at the SUNDAY BULLETIN back of the church as are details of the first study. rd The dates for these studies are 30th April, 7th, 21st & 28th May. The 23 April 2017 title of the first study is ‘Give us eyes to see.’ SCRIPTURE UNION, E3 East Belfast Prayer News for April is available in the vestibule. ALSO, E3 Winter/Spring 2017 term news sheet. MISSIONARY ACTION TEAM ‘JUNGLE JUICE’ – Emma & Fredi’s most recent news and prayer letter is available in the vestibule. Please take one. PLEASE NOTE: the Spring 2017 edition of ‘Latinfile’, the magazine of Latinlink, is also available in the vestibule. MODERATOR’S APPEAL FOR EAST AFRICA The Moderator’s appeal for East Africa is on-going. The Presbyterian Church has already released £60,000 through Christian Aid, TEAR Fund and the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan’s Relief & Development Fund. Should you still wish to contribute please put your contribution in an envelope and write Moderator’s Appeal and your FWO number on it thus enabling Gift Aid to be claimed. Thank you in anticipation. Minister: David Maxwell: Telephone: 9079 3402 Five Things to PRAY for your Church Earlier this year the Council for Congregational Life and Witness commended this book to be given Tea/coffee is served after the Service. If you are a visitor please do join us. out to congregations. The purpose? To encourage We would be very pleased to meet you. us all to pray for the life and witness of each other, and of our congregations. We would like you to This Church is fitted with an induction loop system. have a copy to use as you pray. You will find them In the event of going into hospital, it would be appreciated if David could be informed as soon as possible.

Reg. Charity No. NIC104324

Belfast City Council Park Heritage Walks Today, Sunday 23rd April 2017 at 2.30pm Cregagh Glen This walk is being led by Robert Scott. Some of us are bringing a picnic lunch for after church and intending to join the walk at 2.30pm. Please feel free to come along and join us …even if you haven’t brought lunch!