A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s89

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A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s89

from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.html by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)


Argyros, Alexander J. A Blessed Rage for Order: Deconstruction, Evolution, and Chaos. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991. Barnaby, Edward, ed. Chaos Theory and Literature. forthcoming 1999. Casas González, Justiniano. "Azar, orden y caos en las teorías físicas." In La Ciencia actual: Aproximación interdisciplinar (I encuentro). Teruel, 1986. Zaragoza: Secretariado de Publicaciones, U de Zaragoza, 1986. 101-16.* Christian, David. "Appendix 2. Chaos and Order." In Christian, Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History. Berkeley: U of California P, 2004. 2005. 505-12.* Cohen, Jack, and Ian Stewart. The Collapse of Chaos: Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World. New York: Viking, 1994. Cohn, Norman. Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith. (Cosmogony, Creation, Eschatology). New Haven: Yale UP, 1993. Collado Rodríguez, Francisco. El orden del caos: Literatura, política y posthumanidad en la narrativa de Thomas Pynchon. Valencia: U de Valencia, 2004. Cohen, Bernice. The Edge of Chaos: Crashes Booms and Bubbles. Chichester: Wiley, 1997. Davies, Paul, and John Gribbin. The Matter Myth: Beyond Chaos and Complexity. 1991. London: Penguin, 1992. Demastes, William W. "Portrait of an Artist as Proto-Chaotician: Tom Stoppard Working His Way to Arcadia." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 229-40.* Escohotado, Antonio. Caos y orden. (Premio Espasa Hoy de Ensayo 1999). García Landa, José Angel. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 August 2015.* http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2015/08/chaos-and-emergence- of-order-in.html 2015 _____. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 29 Aug. 2015.* http://www.ibercampus.eu/chaos-and-the-emergence-of-order-in- evolutionary-cosmology-two-classical-3358.htm 2015 _____. "1 + 1 = 2?" In García Landa, Vanity Fea August 2015.* http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2015/08/1-1-2.html 2015 _____. "1 + 1 = 2?" Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 31 Aug. 2015.* http://www.ibercampus.es/1--1--2-31071.htm 2015 Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Viking Penguin, 1987. _____. Chaos: The Making of a New Science. London: Cardinal, 1987. _____. Chaos: Making a New Science (Cover: Chaos: The Amazing Science of the Unpredictable). 1987. London: Vintage, 1998.* Lorenz, Edward N. La esencia del caos. Trans. F. Páez de la Cadena. Madrid: Debate, 1995. Lorenz. "Chaos und Ritus." Imago 17 (1931). Mandelbrot, Benoît. "Intermitencia relativa." In Mandelbrot, Los objetos fractales: Forma, azar y dimensión. Trans. Josep Llosa. Introd. David Jou. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1997. 183- 88.* Miller, J. Hillis. "Friedrich Schlegel: Catachreses for Chaos." In Miller, Others. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001. 5-42.* Peckham, Morse. Man's Rage for Chaos. Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1965. _____. Man's Rage for Chaos: Biology, Behavior, and the Arts. New York: Schocken, 1967. Porush, David. "Making Chaos: Two Views of a New Science." New England Review and Breadloaf Quarterly 12.4 (Summer 1990): 427-42. Prigonine, Ilya. ¿Tan solo una ilusión? Una exploración del caos al orden. Barcelona, Tusquets, 1982. Prigogine, Ilya, and Isabelle Stengers. Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature. New York and Toronto: Bantam Books, 1984. _____. Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature. London: HarperCollins-Flamingo, 1985. _____. Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature. 1984. London: London: HarperCollins-Flamingo, 1985. Audio

Krauth, Werner. "Le temps réversible et l'irreversibilité du temps." Audio lecture. Savoir ENS 5 Oct. 2012.* http://savoirs.ens.fr//expose.php?id=962 2015


Wilcock, Juan Rodolfo. Il Caos. 1960.


Punset, Eduard, et al. "Complejidad y Caos." (Redes 275). YouTube (Redes, Divulgación y Cultura) 30 Aug. 2015.* https://youtu.be/Ekt0b97jSVg 2015

See also Complexity.

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