Activating Learning Strategy: Cognitive Teaching Strategies s1

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Activating Learning Strategy: Cognitive Teaching Strategies s1

Teacher:Andrea Carter Date: Oct. 24-28, 2016 Subject: ELA 12 Block:

Alabama COS: standards - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. [RL.11-12.1] - Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text. [RL.11-12.2]


K Word Graphic Poem, W Splas Anticipation Guide x Lecture L h Organizer/VLT Rhymes, etc.

Possi Su ble Acronyms/ rve Sente x Think-Pair-Share x Reading Pictograph y nce Word

Fir st Conc Other: W ept Vocabulary Overview Model Diagram ord Map ______

W or Fraye d r Daily Language Practice Mind Map/Visual Ma Mode Hands-on p l (DLP)______Guide

Engagement Strategies: x - Collaborative Group Work - Writing to Learn - Literacy Groups Other:______

- Questioning Techniques - Scaffolding Text x -Classroom Talk

Technology Integration: Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video Camera

Clickers ACCESS Computer Program:______Other:______PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Essential Question How do How do stereotypes and How do stereotypes and How do stereotypes and How do stereotypes and stereotyp archetypes inform archetypes inform our archetypes inform archetypes inform our es and our understanding of understanding of our understanding understanding of humanity? archetype humanity? humanity? of humanity? How are Chaucer's Canterbury pilgrims relevant s inform How are Chaucer's How are Chaucer's Canterbury How are Chaucer's to society today? our Canterbury pilgrims pilgrims relevant to Canterbury understan relevant to society society today? pilgrims relevant ding of today? to society today? humanity ? How are Chaucer's Canterbu ry pilgrims relevant to society today? Objective Students will be Students will be able to: Students will be able to: Students will be able to: Students will be able to: able to: discuss the individual discuss the individual discuss the individual discuss the individual discuss the personalities of the pilgrims personalities of the pilgrims and personalities of the personalities of the individual and comment on those comment on those personality pilgrims and comment on pilgrims and comment on personalities of personality features that could features that could be called those personality features those personality features the pilgrims and be called “universal character “universal character traits.” 2 that could be called that could be called comment on those traits.” 2 identify those identify those characteristics of “universal character “universal character traits.” personality characteristics of the pilgrims the pilgrims that represent some traits.” 2 identify those 2 identify those features that could that represent some of the of the virtues and vices found in characteristics of the characteristics of the be called virtues and vices found in Chaucer’s society. 3. explain the pilgrims that represent pilgrims that represent “universal Chaucer’s society. 3. explain role that social class plays in some of the virtues and some of the virtues and character traits.” 2 the role that social class plays The Canterbury Tales. 4. point vices found in Chaucer’s vices found in Chaucer’s identify those in The Canterbury Tales. 4. out examples of Chaucer’s society. 3. explain the role society. 3. explain the role characteristics of point out examples of humor and, from these that social class plays in that social class plays in the pilgrims that Chaucer’s humor and, from examples, draw a generalization The Canterbury Tales. 4. The Canterbury Tales. 4. represent some of these examples, draw a as to how Chaucer created his point out examples of point out examples of the virtues and generalization as to how humor. 5. define satire and Chaucer’s humor and, Chaucer’s humor and, vices found in Chaucer created his humor. 5. discuss the kind of satire seen in from these examples, draw from these examples, draw Chaucer’s society. define satire and discuss the The Canterbury Tales. 6. define a generalization as to how a generalization as to how 3. explain the role kind of satire seen in The the term allusion and provide Chaucer created his Chaucer created his humor. that social class Canterbury Tales. 6. define examples from the text. humor. 5. define satire and 5. define satire and discuss plays in The the term allusion and provide discuss the kind of satire the kind of satire seen in Canterbury Tales. examples from the text. seen in The Canterbury The Canterbury Tales. 6. 4. point out Tales. 6. define the term define the term allusion examples of allusion and provide and provide examples from Chaucer’s humor examples from the text. the text. and, from these examples, draw a generalization as to how Chaucer created his humor. 5. define satire and discuss the kind of satire seen in The Canterbury Tales. 6. define the term allusion and provide examples from the text. Preview Writing prompt: Writing prompt: The best Writing prompt: When it’s all Writing prompt: When it’s Writing prompt: Would (Before) Write about three lesson my grandparent (or said and done, will you have all said and done, will you you rather lose all of your values that are parent or any relative) ever said more than you’ve done? have said more than old memories, or never be important to your taught me was... you’ve done? able to make new ones? family. Seven minute language h/o Seven minute language h/o 14 Seven minute language h/o Seven language 13 activity activity Seven minute language 16 activity activity: Language h/o 14 activity h/o 12 Discuss research Kahoots review Vocabulary test Present character sketch Novel discussion chapters Instruction paper: Continue Canterbury Tales Research paper discussion: note 8-14 (During) note/information lesson (ppt. pilgrims) taking cards Continue Canterbury Tales In-text citations lesson (ppt. pilgrims) (After) Continue Canterbury Tales lesson (ppt. Exit ticket pilgrims) Exit ticket Exit ticket Discuss project

Exit ticket

Exit ticket

Extension/ Questions and Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Refining Answers Homework Assessment (formal or informal): x class work notebook homework X quizzes X tests computer activities x collaborative work project based


Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards X Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:______EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Bell Ringer Students will Students will complete a Students will complete a daily Students will complete a Students will complete a complete daily writing writing prompt: When daily writing daily writing MINUTES_20__ a daily prompt: The best it’s all said and done, prompt: Would prompt: Would writing lesson my will you have said you rather be a you rather lose all Resources: prompt: grandparent (or more than you’ve worried genius or of your old Write parent or any done? a joyful memories, or about relative) ever taught Students will participate in a simpleton? never be able to three me was... seven minute language Students will participate in make new ones? values Students will participate in a lesson h/o 14 a seven minute Students will participate that are seven minute language lesson in a seven minute important language lesson h/o h/o 15 language lesson h/o 16 to your 13 family. Students will participate in a seven language lesson h/o 12

Teacher Presentation: Teacher will: Teacher will: Teacher will: Teacher will: I DO  Explain  Explain writing  Explain writing  Explain writing Teacher will: writing prompt prompt prompt  Explain writing MINUTES __15_ prompt  Administer seven  Administer seven min  Administer prompt  Adminis min reading reading seven min  Administer Resources: ter  Vocabulary review  give and monitor reading seven min seven (Kahoots) vocabulary test  Grade students reading min  Novel discussion  Present ppt on  discuss new words as they present lesson character sketch Canterbury Tales Present ppt on  Explain  pilgrims Canterbury Tales next  pilgrims project  Present  ppt on source/i nformati on cards  Present ppt on Canterb ury Tales pilgrims

Participate in class Discuss research paper topics Vocabulary test Present projects Participate in novel Guided Practice: discussion Participate in Kahoots Participate in class discussion discussion WE DO



Independent Practice: Students will: Students will: Students will: Students will: Students will: YOU DO  complete  complete writing  complete writing  complete writing  complete writing writing prompt prompt prompt prompt MINUTES _25__ prompt  complete seven min  complete seven min  complete seven  complete seven  complete reading reading min reading min reading Tier II Intervention: seven  Take notes and  present projects min Tier III Intervention: participate in class  Complete vocabulary  participate in reading discussion (research test class discussion Resources:  take paper and novel)  Take notes and notes and  Play kahoots participate in class participat discussion e in class discussio n

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