The Royal Burgh of Lochmaben & District Community Council

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The Royal Burgh of Lochmaben & District Community Council


Present Pam Linton (PL) Chair Tony Hancock (TH) Vice Chair Dug Pettigrew (DP) Treasurer Ian Vidler (IV) Member Jim Davidson (JD) Member Charles McKerrel (CMck) Member Bob Murray (BM) Co-Opted Member Stephen Thompson (ST) D&G Councillor Josh Busley (JB) Deputy Head Boy, Lockerbie Academy John Morrison (JM) Lochmaben Resident

Apologies Anne Wyllie, Member, May McKerrel, Member Edna Allbrooke, Member Peter Diggle, D&G Councilor

Minutes of the Previous Meeting 5th October 2016 Accepted by TH seconded by PL

Matters arising

Coffee Morning PL reported that the Coffee Morning raised £947.00 and thanked CC members for their support in running the event.

Library Lift PL relayed details of a letter from Dr John Wilson which had been forwarded to David Mundell MP , thanking him for his response to his previous letter concerning the broken lift in the Town Hall, but pointing out that the lift was still not working and requesting his further assistance in the matter.

Brydekirk CC TH passed onto CC members details of an email from the outgoing Chairman of Brydekirk CC , advising that they have disbanded due to local disagreements. Skate Park TH reported on the request by local resident Robbie Hyslop for a 'skate park' to be provided in Lochmaben . Moffat CC have been contacted as Moffat has a small skate park from which information may be available re costs etc, no response. Robbie Hyslop contact re possible venues, suggested options - Grummel Park, Mossvale and 'The Paddy', need to find out who owns these sites, Council ? ST suggested that we contact Nicola Simpson at D&G who may be able to help.

Repair to HIgh Street TH advised JM that a request for repairing the road outside No 30 has been made using the D&GC CCES complaints system, an acknowledgement has been received and the matter will be investigated. TH passed details of the reference number to ST.

Statue Cleaning No further information , still waiting for a quote from the Stonemason.

Town Hall - Stained Glass windows TH reported that no response from Louise Matheson re costings

Road Issues - Parking TH reported that D&GC have installed single yellow lines outside the Kings Arms , which will prevent parking form 8am - 6pm Monday to Saturday, this should help prevent damage to the flower bed walls at the King Bruce statue and ease congestion of traffic passing through the Town Hall 'GAP'. Double yellow lines have been installed outside the Surgery in preparation for the installation of the 'wig wag' children's crossing system.

Old Cemetery Sign Details of the sign sizes have been left at the Kings Arms for the attention of John Maxwell. Also an alternative suggestion of placing the sign on the lighting/lamp post are being investigated.

A709 - Solway Dairy Farm - new entrance Application made 22nd Feb 2016, validated 26 Feb, application published in the press 11 March, granted 30th March. The only resident that was consulted was Gowlea, who are adjacent on the A709. There is also an application for an Agricultural building to be installed - no objections Reason for the trees being chopped down is visual, it would appear there will be a fence, one metre high along the road. The other opening close by will be closed once the new opening has been completed.

Facebook Hits The CC minutes are published on the Lochmaben Initiative website , in October the CC minutes received 93 'hits'

Police Report

There was no Police Report.

Treasurers Report

Christmas Lights fund £2260.65p

Community Council Fund £10,878.37p

D&G Council Issues  ST advised that the £2000 wind farm funding received annually from ANCBC can if needed be rolled up for projects that require extra funding, similar to the scheme that is already operated by MINSCA, any such requests would have to be approved by the board of ANCBC.  TH enquired if ST had any knowledge of how the Minnygap wind farm funding operated. ST advised that Minnygap involved the areas of Johnstonebridge, Beattock, Kirkpatrick-Juxta and Templand and the operating company was RES. Currently there is a area around the turbines have been installed where residents are given vouchers towards the cost of their electricity costs. There is also £50,000 per year for funding which is shared by the above communities , using a bidding process, the system currently being operated by the Johnstonebridge Trust using a panel. As Lochmaben is in close proximity TH to investigate if it qualifies for bidding for funding.  ST to chase up the road repairs outside No 30 High Street.  ST Advised that tree lopping would be taking place in Lochmaben High Street in the next couple of weeks.  ST Reported on the issue of cars parking on the spur road on Bruce Street being offered for sale. This has been investigated by Licensing, Road Safety and Trading Standards with the result that there is very little that can be done if the car is taxed and insured, nothing illegal is taking place. It is believed to be an individual that is operating in this way and not a registered company who is using this method to trade.  ST has contacted the Traffic Commissioner regarding local issues with McCalls Coaches requesting an answer to previous emails , received an email acknowledging receipt of his email!  ST - repairs to the lift in the Town Hall , advised that the spare part has now been received , awaiting confirmation from the contractor as to when it will be fitted.  ST - Town Hall - stained glass window spotlighting , advised by Louise Matheson that a price would be forwarded by 10th November  ST - St Margaret's play park , Play park Inspector contacted, repairs are in the pipeline.  ST - Broadband in Lochmaben, a frustrating situation as BT information is unreliable . Awaiting outcome of a meeting of the South of Scotland Alliance (with contacts to the deputy First Minister) and hoping for a better interface with the public.  ST reported on attending the AGM of the Lochmaben Action Group - a veritable feast! plus a positive outlook for the future. JD is the new Chairman, and the group has a new secretary and treasurer.

Castle Loch Trust report

 Historic Environmental Scotland - no results from the survey as yet. The board is due to visit Dumfries - Easterbrook Hall on 28th October, following which will be a visit to Lochmaben Castle , David Rose and Darren Flint to attend.  Scottish Land Fund, will be taking a video of Castle Loch, featuring the improvements that have taken place since the Community buy out - Volunteers to be featured.  The Castlemains extension to the footpath is underway, anticipate completing in mid November, possible opening event.  Visitors to the Loch 2016 , estimate is 14,000  The sponsored walk went well, may be moved to mid-week during the school holiday's to attracted children next year. Future events - Creative Writers Workshop, Annual Greyhound walk, Archaeological dig in 2017  ST raised the issue of providing a 'tourist' sign at the exit of the M74 at Lockerbie i.e. the 'brown' sign design used for tourism , the sign would indicate the way to 'The Garden of Remembrance' Lochmaben Castle and Castle Loch. TH agreed to approach David Rose , Chair of CLLCT for his opinion. Remembrance Day Parade

CC members to assemble at 11am at the Town Hall on Sunday 13th November parade down to the War Memorial for wreath laying and then a Church service.

TH advised that the required Public Procession form has been completed together with the Temporary Traffic Order form and commented this procedure is becoming more complicated every year , has made a note to begin the application as early as August for next year's Parade. ST advised he would see what could be done to improve the procedure.

Review of Public Involvement Scrutiny - Questionnaire

The CC has received a questionnaire from D&GC the purpose of which is to investigate the effectiveness of the Councils public involvement arrangements and the role of Elected Members in this and to make recommendations to ensure that is in maximised. The review will inform both the Council's developing Centre of Excellence for Community Participation and Engagement and a separate review of Enabling Community Empowerment , TH supplied CC members with a copy of the questionnaire which (mercifully) only consisted of four questions: 1 What involvement and engagement do you have with members/residents of your community? 2. How does the Council engage with you? 3. How could engagement between your Community Council and Dumfries and Galloway Council be improved? 4. How can the public be better involved in decision-making in your local community?

TH also supplied a list of suggested answers and asked CC members to read through these and advise any further suggestions.

Christmas Lights Switch on

Street lights have been installed Town Hall lights have been installed Tree ordered Santa's sleigh in hand Posters for advertising the event available - end of the week Local Police have been alerted and will coned off the area outside the Town Hall. TH to forward details of Remembrance Day Parade, Christmas Party and Christmas Lights switch on the Abbey at the Herald .

Switch on will be at 6pm - 4th December 2016 - Switch on by Mr and Mrs Santa

Senior Citizens Christmas Party Bar Licence, TH advised that application for a temporary licence has been made, a receipt has been received, awaiting confirmation Drink - DP and TH to arrange via T B Watson, Hal McGhie has agreed to supply the miniature whiskies. Crackers - TH to ask Tesco's Entertainment - The 'Virginian's " have been booked. Catering - all in hand with Jackie at the Bakery PL - advised that we cannot get into the Community Centre until 1pm on the 7th to set up, also help required on the Tuesday evening to prepare dishes, cutlery etc This means the next CC meeting will have to be moved to Monday he 1st December .

Residents Issues A local resident has forwarded complaints as follows:

Cars for sale on Bruce Street - this has been dealt with previously in the meeting. Rooster Nuisance - Community Safety Officer Bryce Kelly has contacted the owner of the Cockerel to advise him of the complaint following which the owner has made some attempt to remedy the situation. There is little else that can be done except taking a civil action through the courts under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1984 section 49. Biomass Pollution - this concerns pollution from a biomass boiler at McPherson Engineering - Planning and Environmental Health have been informed and are looking into this .

McCalls Coaches Ltd TH advised that an email had been forwarded to the Traffic Commissioners Office expressing disappointment that there had been not response to previous emails containing concerns by local residents regarding the activities of the McCalls Coaches operation. An email was then received following a telephone conversation between TH and Audrey Dick of the TC's office, advising that the concerns of local residents has been raised with McCalls Coaches and that the Traffic Commissioner had arranged a meeting later this month with McCalls Coaches to discuss matters in more detail ,following which a report would be forwarded to the CC,

Date of next CC meeting Monday 5th December 2016

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