Order of Worship s1

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Order of Worship s1

ORDER OF WORSHIP Bill Ridgley, Tom Taylor and Terry Ridgley SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST COMMUNION BULLETIN Large print Hymnals, Bibles, bulletins, and hearing assistance aids are available in THE WORD FOR THE CHILD IN EACH OF US the Narthex. Nursery Care provided. *****Ushers will seat worshippers. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES The Acolyte OFFERTORY Hand Me Down My Silver Trumpet arr. by Rae Moses Carter Rogers and John Rogers PRELUDE *DOXOLOGY UMH#95 LITANY OF WELCOME (See Insert) ***** PRAYER FOR THE PEOPLE/THE LORD’S PRAYER UMH#895 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS/ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign the registration pad. Visitors, please fill out the visitor cards) READINGS FROM SCRIPTURE *CALL TO WORSHIP 2 Corinthians 9:6 – 15, page 183 N.T. L: God has been our help in ages past, P: Our hope for years to come. Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. L: God has been our safe home, People: Thanks be to God! P: Our shelter in the face of every storm. L: So we come with praise, *HYMN OF PREPARATION UMH#383 P: And we bring our prayer: This is a Day of New Beginnings (v. 1 – 3) ALL: God, be our guide forevermore. SERMON Reverend Esther M. Holimon * OPENING HYMN Surely the Presence of the Lord UMH#328 THE GREAT THANKSGIVING UMH#15 ***** PRAYER OF PRAISE AND ADORATION THE LORD’S PRAYER UMH#895 O God, Giver of every gift, now and in times past, we remember your BREAKING THE BREAD mighty acts that have given us strength and endurance through hardship and loss. We remember your steadfast love that has brought joy and new GIVING THE BREAD AND CUP life. Be with us all in these days of change. We rejoice in the opportunities that lie ahead of us. Open now our hearts to hear anew DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING your call upon our lives. Plant your dreams and visions deep within our souls. Then speak afresh your promise to stay with us, that we may be *CLOSING HYMN UMH#383 bold to make real the dreams and bring life to the visions. For we pray in This is a Day of New Beginnings (v. 4) whom we have known grace and new life. Amen. THE ACOLYTE CARRIES THE FLAME INTO THE WORLD ***** ANTHEM Anchored to the Rock by Stan POSTLUDE Pethel (*Please stand with your heart.) (UMH: United Methodist Hymnal) Church address: 12801 Darnestown Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Participating in this morning’s services: Acolyte – Emma Rogers and Zoe Zuppas Lay Reader – Marshae Murrell FAIRHAVEN Ushers – Terry Ridgley and Charles Thompson, Jr. Coffee Hour – Hosted by the SPRC. Flowers – Lovingly given to Reverend Holimon from the UNITED METHODIST Fairhaven Congregation. CHURCH

OUR CHRISTIAN OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, July 7 10:30am Worship Service 10:45am One Room Sunday School 11:30am Coffee Hour 6:00pm Youth Group Tue, July 9 12:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

OFFICE HOURS Pastor: Rev. Esther M. Holimon Please call before you come to see her. After office hours please leave a message on voice mail. In case of emergency call 410-580-6894. Church Secretary: Liz Carrick, Tuesday thru Thursday, 9:00-12:00. The church office will be closed in case of inclement weather. Office phone number: 301-330-5433 Church email: [email protected] Church twitter account: @fairhavenumc Church web site: fairhavenumc.net Reverend Esther M. Holimon, Pastor Hui-Ju Chen, Music Director July 7, 2013

Litany of Welcome Litany of Welcome

Lay Leaders Lay Leaders

Dear Friends, the Bishop has appointed a new pastor, Rev. Dear Friends, the Bishop has appointed a new pastor, Rev. Esther M. Holimon, to live among us now with all the Esther M. Holimon, to live among us now with all the privileges and responsibilities of pastoral ministry. This stole privileges and responsibilities of pastoral ministry. This stole represents our covenant to serve Christ together as pastor represents our covenant to serve Christ together as pastor and people. We place this stole on your shoulders as a and people. We place this stole on your shoulders as a symbol of our ministry. This is the beginning of our new symbol of our ministry. This is the beginning of our new relationship with you, and you with us, in Christ Jesus. relationship with you, and you with us, in Christ Jesus.

New Pastor New Pastor

I accept this stole and will wear it as a symbol of our I accept this stole and will wear it as a symbol of our covenant to serve Christ together. Sometimes the burdens covenant to serve Christ together. Sometimes the burdens will be heavy, but we are bound together in Christ. He has will be heavy, but we are bound together in Christ. He has promised that his yoke is easy and his burden light. I ask promised that his yoke is easy and his burden light. I ask for for your prayers, and I promise my faithfulness. your prayers, and I promise my faithfulness.

People People

We will share the yoke of Christ with you. In Christ’s We will share the yoke of Christ with you. In Christ’s name we welcome you, and today we renew our name we welcome you, and today we renew our pledge pledge to support this congregation with our prayers, to support this congregation with our prayers, our our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Thanks be to God! Thanks be to God!

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