Regina Eastview Rotary Club

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Regina Eastview Rotary Club

Regina Eastview Rotary Club Board of Director's Meeting Tuesday October 13th ,2009 5:30PM - Cable Regina Boardroom

Attending : Bradley, Dell, VanKoll, Schwan, Tycholis, Tejada, Hillsden, Barber, Pankewich, Peter Neufeldt.

Regrets : Dickson

1) Call to Order : President Pat called the meeting to order at 5:30PM, welcomed Peter and thanked everyone for attending.

2) Approval of The Agenda MOTION (Hillsden/Dell) that the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried

3) Minutes of The Previous Meeting MOTION (Hillsden/Schwan) that the minutes of the previous meeting be Approved as circulated. Carried

4) Business Arising From the Minutes

4.1) Vice-President - nothing as yet

4.2) District Governor Application - no one to nominate from Eastview

4.3) International Peace Garden - 911 Memorial Project. After much discussion and deliberation the following was decided: MOTION (Hillsden/Tycholis) that Eastview Rotary Club continue to be a Leader in District 5550 and make a donation of $1,000 to the International Peace Garden - 911 Memorial Project. Carried President Pat objected.

4.4) Projector: purchased and paid for. Its very easy to operate. Cindy getting wiring for speakers. We do need to train some Members in its operation.

5) New Business

5.1) New Members - none to report

5.2) Leave of Absence - Dave Edwards - wants leave of absence till Feb. 1/2010. MOTION (Barber/Schwan) that we grant a leave of absence to Dave Edwards till June 30`h,2010. Carried

5.3) Oskaya Rotary Club - Charter Night is Oct.28`h,2009. Pat to talk to Peter Peters about presenting Bell & Gavel to Oskaya. 5.4) Peter Neufeldt suggested we ensure we have an open nomination process at the Club meeting when the new Board of Directors is nominated. We need to ensure we attempt to get nominations from the floor

6) Reports of Executive Officers and Directors :

6.1) (Secretary) (Hillsden) No Report

6.2) (Treasurer) (VanKoll) Written Report see attached report we are in great financial shape. MOTION (Neufeldt/Barber) that we approve the expenditure of $1200 To purchase a shelter box. We had approved this at the July 2009 Board meeting. Carried

MOTION (VanKoll/Tejada) that this report be accepted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.3) (Club Service) (Tycholis) Written Report see attached report concern raised about Rotarians NOT bringing their wine when they are on the wine draw. Charge them, and have some wine on hand. It is too costly to continue to buy wine from the hotel. A-in-A - November 25th - 29th 2009 Christmas Party - Dec. 17th,2009 - cancel noon luncheon Street Culture kids to do face painting. MOTION (Tycholis/Pankewich) that Cindy contact the hotel to see if They would allow us to store some wine in the back to cover Those members who don't bring their wine. We will then Charge the Rotarian $15.00 to cover the cost of the wine. Carried MOTION (Tycholis/Tejada) that we cancel the December 17`h,2009 Noon luncheon in favor of the evening Christmas Party. Carried Waiting to compile a final report from the 50th Anniv. Committee Changed from a buffet to a served meal - a little more costly but Very nice. MOTION (Tycholis/Tejada) that this report be acceted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.4) (Community Service) (Pankewich) Written Report see attached eport MOTION (Pankewich/VanKoll) that we discontinue our involvement With "My Future is Here Scholarship". Carried Doreen & Jeff to discuss what charities we will give hams to. Pat read a letter from Charles Kemple - Rotary Carol Festival Co-chair, to President's Council. Wants assistance of other Rotary Clubs. Received a letter from the Pasadena Rotary Rose Bowl Parade Float Committee requesting funding for the float. Declined MOTION (Pankewich/VanKoll) that this report be accepted by the Board of Directors. Carried

6.5) (Vocational Service) (Tejada) No Report

6.6) (International Service) (Dickson) Written Report see attached report - presented by Pater Neufeldt. MOTION (Neufeldt/Schwan) that this report be accepted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.7) (Membership Development) (Schwan) Written Report see attached report Ted to send potential memnber's name to Richard MOTION (Schwan/Bradley) that this report be accepted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.8) (Vice-President) (Vacant) No Report

6.9) (President-Elect) (Bradley) Oral Report attending Committee Meetings involved with P.R. Committee - need to do some fine-tuning. When is P.E.T.S.? MOTIOP (Bradley/Hillsden) that this report be accepted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.10) (P. R. Committee) (VanKoll) Oral Report 4 ads in paper in the last few months. T.V. spots need some fine-tuning Committee needs to write the Script - don't expect the P.R Committee To write your script. Interclub P.R. Committee has no budget. Looking at putting an ad in the Rotary Carol Festival Program MOTION (VanKolUNeufeldt) that this report be accepted by the Board Of Directors. Carried

6.11) (Past President) (Barber) No Report

6.12) (President) (Dell) Oral Report need Sargent-at-Arms.

7) Unfinished Business : None

8) Next Meeting : CHANGED TO: Monday, November 9~h at 5:30PM at 7 Oaks/Best Westernl 9) Adjournment 7:20PM by Allen Club Services Report - October 8, 2009

Attendees - Clarence Krause, Bryce Baron, Barry Strohan, Dirk Hoogeveen, guest - Gail Bradley Regrets -Jeff Barber, Lyle Gollnick, Vern Hoyt, Bob Lyons, Ron Okumura, George Pettigrew, Madhao Thakre

Reviewed Speaker List items for October: October 8th -Celebration of the birth of Kyan Lunggren -son of Kelly and Janine "This is my Life" - Lee Harding October 15th - Tim ~~ Maloney - National Director - "Mercy Ships" October 22"d - Membership Committee - 5 - 10 minute presentation "This is my Life" -Takayoshi Ono

October 29th - PDG Elly Contreras (District 5370) - Montreal 2010 RI Convention Promotion Committee

Discussed Duty Roster -committee recommends we approach Lyle Gollnick to contact members by phone Monday prior to meeting

Committee recommended to get Board approval to implement a $25.00 wine cost fee to such member who is on the duty roster and either forgets their wine or does not show up. Cindy to take to Board Meeting on October 13 th

Christmas Party - December 17th - cancel luncheon meeting - book Delta for 6:00 p.m. - supper served at 6:30 p.m. - Cindy to book Delta Suggested to approach George Pettigrew -gifts for children and lead in a sing song of 4 traditional Christmas carols - Have copies of Leader Post Christmas carols in storage room Bryce Baron - will accept RSVP - children's names and ages for gifts Wrapping Bee - George to invite committee members when gift purchases are completed Entertainment - seeking suggestions - Cindy to approach Zarin for last year's contact info

November - Election month - Cindy to contact Jeff Barber - does he want a meeting date November 19th ?- Rotary Foundation International Services - Approach Hans Gaastra to announce Paul Harris Charity drive November 22nd -Cancel meeting - solicit our members to attend Adventures in Agriculture Saturday banquet - Cindy to suggest and solicit approval from Board on October 13th Future Speaker Suggestions: Good Rotary Experience (on deck should we have a speaker cancellation) - Cindy to contact 3 members to prepare speeches Allan Smith -trip to Iceland Lee Harding -Trip to Eygypt Bob Lawrence - Friendship Rotary Exchange trip - (Ghost experience)

Next meeting - November 5th at 11:00 a.m. prior to Weekly Rotary Luncheon meeting Submitted Cindy Tycholis Director of Club Services


1. Mental Health Project a. ChlopaniRecreation Room-Have paid for 6 Navy Blue Chairs. Also looking for presentation centre, Audio Visual Cabinet and 6 wooden stacking chairs, folding door, paint & supplies b. Canteen-Work is underway and deposit of $3944 paid to Hybrid Construction for the canteen reconstruction. Total contract - $19721.10.

2. Adventures in Agriculture looking for host families and drivers.

4. Chili for Children-received Thank-you letter and receipt.

3. Valentine's Gala-Sponsorship requests have been sent out to some large corporations, Barry would like help with the Silent Auction, Ticket prices will be $30 to $40. The committee is looking at entertainment options-Play (Milestone Players, Ft. QuAppelle players, U of R, music(True Jive Pluckers, SK Express)

4. Piett Estate Bequest-Gary & Nelson have met with various organizations supporting the Boys Outdoor Hockey League. Will make recommendations at our next meeting

5. My Future is Here Scholarship-purchased 2 tickets for $150 for Celebration Dinner (part of the contract) in addition to the $500 scholarship program. Our committee recommends that we discontinue this program as we feel our fundraising would be better spent elsewhere and the climate of the province has changed. Financial statements attached. 6. Hams-discussed that hams might also be donated to appropriate community service projects, ie Chili for Children, CMH

7. Balfour Tutorial - cheque for $2400 sent. Will be invited to speak to the club in spring.

8. Rotary Carol Festival - Looking for volunteers to assist. Dave Edwards looking after this project

Respectfully submitted,

Doreen Pankewich Director /Community Services


The International Services Committee met on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 with 8 members in attendance. Chairman Peter Neufeldt called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.


The Committee reviewed the advertisement for applications for a long-term outbound exchange student that was published in the Leader-Post on Wednesday September 22, 2009 and in the Sunday Sun on September 27, 2009. A copy of the ad is attached.

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2009. The District 5550 Youth Exchange Program officials have extended the deadline for Regina Eastview to propose a candidate until October 31, 2009. Efforts to partner with other Regina Rotary Clubs were not fruitful. A potential candidate has been brought to the attention of Kelly Ljunggren. Kelly will follow up and will interview the potential candidate(s) together with Shreedhar Jachak and Ann Grahame.



Peter Neufeldt reported that the agreement with the Rotary Club of Retalhuleu to provide them with $5,000 to complete Phase II of Eastview's commitment has been signed and returned although the banking portion has not yet been finalized but this should be resolved soon. The Host Rotary Club has requested that the additional funds be applied to constructing a kitchen. This request will be assessed once we have a progress report from the Canadian Ripple Effect Committee Coordinators (Gord and Deb La Maistre) who are currently in Guatemala. They have visited the Xolhuitz school and will have advice for our Committee. Peter Peters reported additional advice from our former Project Coordinator who cautioned against making any precipitous decision since the school break is the months of November and December. This will allow us ample time to make an informed decision on allocation of the $5,000. CORCHO SCHOOL PHASE 1 With respect to our new Corcho School Project Phase 1, we are still awaiting approval by CRCID of our matching funding request.

RIPPLE EFFECT FUNDRAISER Wayne Hellquist (CEO of the Regina Food Bank) attended our meeting as a guest to discuss a possible collaboration in organizing our major fundraising event in April 2010. Such a collaboration has been approved by both the Committee and the Board subject to negotiation of a satisfactory agreement . The Committee with Wayne canvassed a number of ideas for a unique and successful event. What we have discussed is a 50/50 sharing of net proceeds.


Shelterbox Ambassador Ann Grahame provided an abbreviated report on the recent effort of ShelterBox in meeting the needs of victims in six different disaster areas. Tom Henderson, the ShelterBox founder is touring across Canada and on October 20th will be in Saskatoon at the Travelodge, 106 Circle Drive at 6 p.m.


Shreedhar reported that the date for receipt of applications for Friendship Exchange to the Philippines was extended. It appears a limited number of applications were received.

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 5:00 P.M. 201,

2261 Scarth Street (Peak Performance)

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Dickson International Service Director October 8, 2009

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES September 9, 2009 7AM Smitty's Restaurant, Golden Mile Plaza

Present: Doug Mortin, Gail Bradley, Joyce Butler, Richard Schwan (Chair) Regrets: Gord Wicijowski, Louis Browne, George Poll

1. The agenda  The agenda was accepted as circulated.

2. Minutes of the last meeting:  The minutes of the August 12, 2009 meeting were approved as circulated. 3. Business arising from the minutes:  Update on recruitment-Gord W. is pursuing this initiative and while absent from this meeting, Gord continues to contact some of the members with attendance below 50% to see how the Committee can assist them.  It was agreed that the committee would identify any new members with low attendance to determine if they have experienced the New Member Orientation.  We confirmed arrangements and attendees for the New Member Orientation for Lee Harding scheduled for September 9`n  Following the review and revisions to the Membership Committee Report for the District Governor, attached is the final draft of the 2009/2010 Report for the District Governor.

2009-2010 Report for District Governor

4. Other Business  We will continue to work with Club Service to determine an appropriate opportunity for Lee Harding to speak about himself at an upcoming general meeting. Out of respect for Lee, this should be scheduled, not impromptu.  During the general meeting of October 8, the membership committee will present an article authored by Peter Peters, titled "What Does it Mean to Involve?"  We will ask Peter Peters to introduce the article  We will make copies for the membership and produce a short Powerpoint to highlight the 7 points  We will identify 7 members to read each point

5. Membership Minutes  We would like to schedule a "membership minute" the 4`n week in September.

6. Adjournment  The meeting was adjourned.

7. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held October 14, 2009 at 7AM, Smitty's Golden Mile Plaza.

Richard Sxhwan

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