First Grade Information Packet

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First Grade Information Packet

First Grade Information Packet Mrs. Hall’s Class 2017-2018

Your child is beginning first grade – what an exciting time! Although we will continue a number of routines begun in Kindergarten, your child’s day will be different from last year in many ways. This packet was created to provide you with some helpful information to prepare you and your child for the upcoming school year.

•Our class will hold Open House on Thursday, September 14 th. You will have the opportunity to visit the classroom, learn more about your child’s day and meet me, as well as the related arts teachers. I look forward to seeing you at this special event!

•Conferences are scheduled to take place on Monday, November 20 th and Tuesday, November 21 st. I will send you an email in October to sign up for a conference online.

•During the first few days of school, the first grade teachers will be meeting their students outside in the front of the school (or in the front foyer in the case of inclement weather). Please be sure to have your child meet me there so our whole class will be able to walk up to the classroom together. Once the children feel secure finding the classroom, they will walk up independently with the help of teachers stationed throughout the hallway area.

This is what my sign looks like! When you arrive at school, look for this apple! •If you will be picking your child up at the end of the school day at any time during the school year, please plan to meet him/her in the music room at approximately 3:10 P.M. The front desk receptionist can assist you in finding this location. A pick up note should be sent to school with your child each morning he/she will be picked up from school. If you intend to pick up daily, a “blanket” note can be sent which will cover daily pick up for the school year.

•Volunteers are an important part of our classroom during the school year! Volunteers will be utilized during literacy centers daily. An online sign up will be emailed to you. Volunteers will begin in late September, once the classroom routines and expectations have been established.

•Snack time will take place in the classroom each morning. Be sure to include a healthy snack and a drink for your child each day. It is important for your child to know which food is intended for snack rather than lunch. Include any forks or spoons, as needed. Sharing of food is not allowed.

•Lunch will be held every day from 12:30 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. The cost for a cold or hot lunch is $3.00 (which includes milk or juice). Checks can be written for hot/cold lunches ONLY (not milk or snack) and should be made out to H.W. Porter Lunch Program. An online payment option is available as well. Your child may purchase some items separately, such as milk for $0.50, bottled water for $1.00 or snack (chips/ice cream) for $0.75 using cash only. Please label ALL lunch and/or separate item money with your child’s name clearly written. The best place for hot lunch money is in your child’s folder, which is checked upon arrival each morning. Milk or snack money can either be held by the teacher or kept in your child’s lunch box. Food from the café is not available for purchase for our classroom snack time. •Recess is scheduled from 1:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. daily. Please be sure your child wears appropriate shoes (no flip-flops) and clothing for the weather conditions. Boots will be needed in the event of snow and snow pants are encouraged. Boots and snow pants may be left at school as long as you notify me. Please have your child practice putting outdoor clothing on (including zipping) and taking it off with as much independence as possible. In the case of inclement weather, recess is held indoors. The children will either utilize indoor play materials or watch an age appropriate movie.

•A labeled smock should be kept in the classroom all year for art class and special projects. Sneakers MUST be worn to school on PE days (Mondays and Fridays) for full participation in physical education activities.

•A labeled homework/notice folder should be sent back and forth daily. Please check your child’s folder each evening and encourage this routine to enhance your child’s organizational skills and sense of responsibility.

•Homework will be sent home in first grade. Typically homework will consist of one page of math to practice. The assignment should take approximately 10 minutes. Homework will be given to students on Monday – Thursday evenings. There will not be any homework given on the weekends. Homework will not be sent in advance for family vacations (see school handbook). However, it will be collected and sent home upon your child’s return to school.

•Reading is encouraged every night in first grade. Take turns reading aloud to your child and having your child read to you! Reading bags will begin going home in September with books for your child to practice.

•Our classroom behavior plan involves a chip system. Students will earn tokens on their desks for following directions and classroom rules, as well as completing work to the best of their ability. At the end of the week students who earned 4 tokens will be allowed a small prize or reward.

Our class will also participate in Choice Time. Choice time will occur more frequently at the beginning of the school year and decrease to once per week as the school year continues. During Choice Time students may choose activities such as: building blocks, Legos, painting, play dough, coloring, games, etc.

Any student who demonstrates difficulty following classroom or school rules will follow this hierarchy of redirection/consequences: First offense: receive a verbal reminder of our class rules Second offense: receive an additional verbal reminder Third offense: the student will take a “time out” from classroom activities in an area of the classroom away from his/her peers Fourth offense: the student will take a “time out” in another first grade classroom Fifth offense: an office referral will be submitted to administration

Any student reaching a third – fifth offense: some or all of Choice Time may be lost as a consequence (depending on the severity of the behavior). You will be notified by a note in your child’s folder if he/she loses any amount of Choice Time. The note should be signed and returned to school the following day.

•Birthdays are celebrated with a morning announcement and birthday song. The class will also make a birthday book for your child! We will NOT celebrate with cupcakes or birthday food as part of our school goal of promoting exercise and good nutrition. If you are interested in an alternative way of celebrating, please consider donating a book to the classroom in your child’s name or stopping in the café to share lunch with your child. These are just some ways to make your child’s day special. Summer birthdays will be recognized in June before the school year ends!

•Show & Tell takes place in our classroom on the last Friday of each month. This is the ONLY day of the month that your child should bring an item from home. Any item may be brought to school for this event but please refrain from sending breakables, expensive items or toy weapons. Your child will be asked to make a presentation to his/her peers telling:

(1) what the item is called (2) where the item is from or who gave it to him/her (3) why the item is important or special

•Your child may keep a labeled water bottle at his/her desk throughout the year. This bottle can be refilled during arrival, snack time, bathroom break, choice time or at home. I will encourage students to bring their water bottles home on Fridays for weekend cleaning.

•Please consider sending a change of clothes for your child in his/her backpack. The bag will be kept in your child’s cubby during the year. This clothing can be used in the case of an accident involving bodily fluids during the day. I will send it home to be updated as the seasons change.

•Brain breaks are opportunities for movement between lessons. A daily brain break is scheduled after morning meeting but will be utilized at other times of the day, if needed. I use a website called to give the class a fun way to get the wiggles out!

•You may contact me throughout the year by email ([email protected]) or telephone (860-228-9493 ext. #300). I recommend using email as the best option. I try to check it throughout the school day. I would also like to direct you to my website for further information:

•I am looking forward to an exciting and successful year working with your child in first grade. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions throughout the year. I value open communication between home and school!  Mrs. Hall

Mrs. Hall’s 2017 – 2018 Class Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:15 Arrival Arrival Arrival Arrival Arrival 8:30 Class Meeting Class Class Class Class Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting 8:45 Spelling/ Spelling/ Spelling/ Spelling/ Spelling/ Handwriting Handwriting Handwriting Handwriting Handwriting 9:05 Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Centers/Snac Centers/Snac Centers/Snac Centers/Snac Centers/Snac k k k k k 10:10 Computer Lab *SRBI *SRBI Spanish *SRBI 10:50 PE Music Art Library PE 11:30 Math Lesson Math Lesson Math Lesson Math Lesson Math Lesson 12:30 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 1:00 Bathroom/ Bathroom/ Bathroom/ Bathroom/ Bathroom/ Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud 1:30 RECESS RECESS RECESS RECESS RECESS 2:00 Writer’s Writer’s Writer’s Writer’s Writer’s Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop 2:30 Science/Socia Science/Soci Science/Soci Science/Soci CHOICE l Studies al Studies al Studies al Studies TIME 3:00 Pack Up Pack Up Pack Up Pack Up Pack Up 3:10 Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal

*SRBI period = SRBI (Scientific Research-Based Intervention) is a period set aside for students who need additional instruction in reading or math. This period will also be used for extension activities such as Scholastic News lessons, Second Step lessons to support social skills, additional sight word practice, or extra time for students to complete any remaining work from the morning.

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