TC Roberson High School 2012-2013 Career Clusters *December 7, 2012*
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TC Roberson High School 2012-2013 Career Clusters *December 7, 2012*
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & __6810 Agriscience Applications __7921 Drafting I Communications __6851 Environmental/Natural Resources __7962 Drafting II- Architectural* __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __6841 Horticulture I __7963 Drafting III-Architectural __6417 Microsoft Word, PP & Publisher __6882 Horticulture II-Landscape Const* __7151 Interior Design I __7035 Apparel I __7045 Foods I __7152 Interior Design II* __7036 Apparel II-Enterprise* __7046 Foods II- Enterprise* __8721 Principles of Business/Finance __6621 Marketing __8726 Personal Finance __8726 Personal Finance __8716 Entrepreneurship I __8599 AB Tech/Constructional Sup __8598 AB Tech/Internet & Web Fund Enhancement __8598 AB Tech/Carpentry I (2 credits) __8598 AB Tech/Web Markup/ Script __6145 Career Management __8599 AB Tech/Carpentry II (2 credits) __8598 AB Tech/Intro to Internet Media __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __8599 AB Tech/Resident Plan/Estimate __8598 AB Tech/Web Dev Tools __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8598 AB Tech/Energy Use Analysis __8598 AB Tech/Web Design __6621 Marketing __8599 AB Tech/Building Codes __8716 Entrepreneurship I Enhancement __8721 Principles of Business & Finance Enhancement __6145 Career Management __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __6145 Career Management __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8597 CTE Internship __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __7055 Interior Design I __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __7055 Principles of Bus & Finance Business, Management & Administration __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8726 Personal Finance __6417 Microsoft Word, PP & Publisher __6621 Marketing __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8716 Entrepreneurship I* __7035 Apparel I __8597 CTE Internship __8717 Entrepreneurship II __8716 Entrepreneurship I __8721 Principles of Business & Finance __8595 CTE Advanced Studies Health Science __6311 Accounting I __8597 CTE Internship __7200 Biomedical Technology __8598 AB Tech/Intro to Comp (1H) __7240 Health Science I __8598 AB Tech/Intro Program (1 H) Finance __7242 Health Science II* __8599 AB Tech/Web Markup/Scripting __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __7243 Nursing Fundamentals (2) __8599 AB Tech/Database Concepts __8716 Entrepreneurship I __8595 Sports Medicine (Pilot) __8599 AB Tech/Security Concepts __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance __8598 AB Tech/Prin of Accounting (1H) __6311 Accounting I Enhancement __8598 AB Tech/Intro to Business (1 H) __6312 Accounting II* __6145 Career Management __8599 AB Tech/REAL Small Business __8726 Personal Finance __6417 Microsoft Word, PP & Publisher __8599 AB Tech/Intro to Entrepren __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access Enhancement __6621 Marketing Enhancement __6145 Career Management __7045 Foods I __6145 Career Management __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __7065 Parenting & Child Development __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __ 6621 Marketing __8716 Entrepreneurship I __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance __6621 Marketing __8597 CTE Internship __8726 Personal Finance __8726 Personal Finance __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8595 CTE Advanced Studies Human Services __8597 CTE Internship __8597 CTE Internship __8726 Personal Finance __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance Information Technology Hospitality & Tourism __7065 Parenting & Child Development __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __7045 Foods I __7111 Early Childhood Ed I (2) __6415 e-Commerce I Honors* __6670 Sports & Entertain Marketing I __7112 Early Childhood Ed II* (2) __6416 e-Commerce II __6671 Sports & Entertain Marketing II* __8598 AB Tech/Crim/Inv/CrimLaw (2) __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access* __6621 Marketing __8599 AB Tech/Ethics/CommRel (2) __7991 Computer Engineering Tech I __8716 Entrepreneurship I __8598 AB Tech/Intro to ECE __7992 Computer Engineering Tech II* __8717 Entrepreneurship II __8599 AB Tech/Child Development I __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance __8599 AB Tech/Child Guidance __2508 AP Computer Science Enhancement __8599 AB Tech/Creative Activities __6145 Career Management __8598 AB Tech/Criminology/Invest (2) Enhancement __6417 Microsoft Word, PP & Publisher __9599 AB Tech//Interrogation/Ethics(2) __6415 Career Management __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __6417 Microsoft Word, PP& Publisher __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design Enhancement __8716 Entrepreneurship I __8721 Principles of Business & Finance __6145 Career Management __8726 Personal Finance __8726 Personal Finance __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8597 CTE Internship __8597 CTE Internship __7045 Foods I __8716 Entrepreneurship I Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Marketing __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __6621 Marketing __6621 Marketing __8597 CTE Internship __7511 Automotive Service __8716 Entrepreneurship I* __7512 Automotive Brakes __8717 Entrepreneurship II Manufacturing __7513 Auto Computer SysDiagnostics* __8721 Principles of Business & Finance __7641 Metals/Mechatronics __7514 Automotive Electrical Manufacturing Technology I __7515 Advanced Auto Electrical* Enhancement __7642 Metals Manufact Tech II* (2) __8716 Entrepreneurship I __6145 Career Management __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance __8595 AB Tech/Intro to Auto Tech __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __8598 AB Tech/Machin Tech I (2) __8599 AB Tech/Engine Repair/Lab __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8599 AB Tech/ Machin Tech II (2) __8599 AB Tech/Basic Auto Electric (2) __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __8598 AB Tech/Hydraulics/Pneumatic __8599 AB Tech/Suspension/Steering __8726 Personal Finance __8599 AB Tech/Enviro Health/Safety Systems with Lab __7035 Apparel I __8599 AB Tech/Intro to Electricity __8599 AB Tech/Brake Systems/Lab __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8599 AB Tech/Intro to Maintenance __8599 AB Tech/Adv Auto Electricity __8597 CTE Internship Proc/ Welding Proc __8599 AB Tech/Engine Performance I __8598 AB Tech/Intro Solid Modeling __8599 AB Tech/Adv Engine Perform __8599 AB Tech/Envir Health/Safety __8599 AB Tech/Intro to Alt Fuels __8599 AB Tech/Strengths of Materials __8597 AB Tech/Diesel Engines (2) __8599 AB Tech/Engineering Material __8599 AB Tech/Mech/Preventive Maint __8599 AB Tech/Diesel Electrical Sys(2) Enhancement __8599 AB Tech/Electronic Engines __6145 Career Management __8599 AB Tech/Mechanical Trans __6414 Multimedia & Webpage Design __6417 Microsoft Word, PP &Publisher Enhancement __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __6145 Career Management __6621 Marketing __6417 Microsoft Word, PP, & Publisher __8716 Entrepreneurship I __6419 Microsoft Excel & Access __8726 Personal Finance __8721 Principles of Bus & Finance __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8726 Personal Finance __8597 CTE Internship __8595 CTE Advanced Studies __8597 CTE Internship